Renegade Immortal

Volume 13 Dim Lights Chapter 2056 Perfect!

The relationship between master and disciple does not need to be declared verbally, like Wang Lin and Xuan Luo. Although they are no longer masters and disciples, in Wang Lin's heart, Xuan Luo will always be his master.

In Xuan Luo's heart, his only disciple is still the child he brought out of the cave world and came to the land of the ancient tribe.

In the ancestral temple, although Wang Lin's body was in severe pain, his heart was surrounded by warmth. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and immersed himself in the division of the soul.

With his master here, he doesn't have to think about anything.

Time passed, and three days passed in the blink of an eye. During these three days, Wang Lin sat cross-legged without moving, but the pain from the splitting of his soul became more and more clear and intense, as if a war had started in his body. The storm was as if it was going to drown him. Faintly, outside Wang Lin's cross-legged body, there was a radiant transformation. The brilliance was connected to Wang Lin's Tianling and floated above his head.

This brilliance has crack-like marks all over its body, and they are slowly increasing. In some places, it seems that the cracks are connected to each other, densely packed, and it looks very shocking.

This brilliance is the external transformation of Wang Lin's Yuan Shen.

In three days, for other Shigu clan members, some may have been unable to bear the pain and chose to fuse, but for Wang Lin, this was still just the beginning, and it was far from the end.

Three days later, and another three days, gradually, the Shigu people in the Shigu Imperial City also noticed something was wrong. From their perspective, the halo on the statue of the ancient ancestor lasted longer.

"It lasted for six days, a few days longer than before. It seems that among the people who survived the tribulation this time, there were those with great perseverance!"

"Six Great..., I just don't know who among these people who have endured the tribulation has persisted for so long. I couldn't bear it on the third day. This kind of pain cannot be endured by persistence."

"It is within my will to allow Song Zun to protect the Dharma."

However, although it attracted attention again, six days was not a long time, and the abnormalities here were gradually ignored.

Until the ninth day, the fifteenth day, the thirtieth day, and two months later, the halo outside the statue of the ancient ancestor still emitted ripples, filling most of the ancient imperial city.

At this time, more and more people from the Ancient Clan looked at the statue of the Ancient Ancestor from time to time with a shocked gaze. In their opinion, this group of people who had overcome the tribulation had persisted for too long. Some.

“I haven’t seen anyone leave the ancestral temple for two months.

Could it be...could it be..."

"Could it be that there is only one person who can overcome the tribulation this time? Who is this person and can let Song Zun be his protector?"

"For two months, he actually persisted for two months. It seems that he is choosing to split to a large extent."

Time passed unknowingly, and another six months passed. Counting Wang Lin's first distraction in the previous two months, a full eight months had passed! !

During these eight months, the first thing every day for almost all the clansmen in the Ancient Imperial City was to take a look to see if the aura of the ancient ancestor statue was still there.

More and more voices of discussion are filling every place in the Shigu Imperial City. This has almost become a topic, making the Shigu people go from shock to horror, and from shock to excitement. Now it is the peak of excitement.

Because, it is only four months away from the longest period of distraction in the ancient times of one year!

"Can he persist for a year? You must know that in my ancient lineage, the longest time for the first distraction is one year! If that person hadn't died from the second distraction, he might also be able to Become a great deity!"

"Eight months, this man is really crazy, he can actually endure this kind of pain."

"It is said that Song Zun persisted for eleven months!"

Amidst the discussion of the ancient tribesmen, deep in the ancestral temple, Wang Lin remained cross-legged, but the brilliance outside his body was now in pieces. The radiant legs had dispersed, and only half of his figure remained.

And this figure is also blurry, as if it is transparent, as if it can dissipate at any time. Although Wang Lin's eyes are closed, the pain he is suffering at this moment is extremely severe, the pain of his soul being shattered bit by bit. , making him feel like he was cut into pieces by a thousand knives, and he will always be awake and unable to fall into coma.

Eight months of suffering still didn't make him give up. Wang Lin kept enduring it. He wanted to wait until all his souls were shattered before he chose to fuse!

In his mind, the roar from the ancient ancestor was almost the only thing in his mind at the moment.

"If I let the sky collapse, the sky will collapse. If I let the earth break, the earth must break! If I let all living beings perish, no one will dare not to perish. If I make the sky devoid of immortals, who will dare to survive... …”

While he was enduring it with all his strength, the ninth month arrived, and in the blink of an eye, the tenth and eleventh months passed by in a blink of an eye.

Song Tian had been sitting cross-legged in front of the ancestral temple to protect Wang Lin for eleven months. He was not surprised that Wang Lin could persist until now. According to his analysis, Wang Lin should be able to persist for about a year.

"Actually, one year is just a matter of causing the soul to collapse and become fragments. Except for a crazy person who persisted for twenty-eight months tens of thousands of years ago, few people can survive after collapse and fragments. Fusion, but choose to let the fragments become fragments!" Song Tian did not look back at the ancestral temple, he counted the time and stayed still while crossing his legs.

When the twelfth month passed, when a whole year came, and when two months passed after that year, the entire Shigu clan was boiling. They looked at the halo on the statue of the ancient ancestor, and all of them Everyone is guessing who this person who has overcome the tribulation is, and how long this person can last!

"Fourteen months... As expected of a king!" In the palace, the old Ancient Emperor sighed.

On this day in the fourteenth month, in the ancestral temple, all that was left of the glory on Wang Lin's body was his head. The head was filled with cracks, and bursts of light emanated from it. Suddenly, there was a roar. collapse.

As Guangguang's head collapsed, to the naked eye, there was no trace of brilliance around Wang Lin. However, if his spiritual consciousness swept away, he could still vaguely see that there were a large number of tiny fragments floating around, and those fragments were still continuing. in fragmentation.

At this moment, Wang Lin's body was completely lifeless, like a corpse, and the blood in his body was no longer flowing. When it became cold, he lost all consciousness, just like a real death.

The only thing that exists for him is an idea, which is to continue to persevere until the last moment and merge with each other. If he succeeds, it will be like coming back from the dead, but if he fails, he will disappear.

"Will I fail? No! I will never fail!!" His thoughts also contained the roar of the war immortal from the ancient ancestor.

The invisible fragments outside his body were slowly being destroyed. Another four months had passed. Wang Lin had been distracted for the first time during the second calamity of three losses, which lasted for eighteen months.

This time, even Song Tian was moved. He changed his back to the ancestral temple and looked directly at it.

If he is like this, let alone the Shigu tribesmen in the Shigu Imperial City. After eighteen months of persistence, these Shigu tribesmen seem to have become accustomed to the halo and ripples that always exist on the statues of the ancient ancestors. , but deep down in their hearts, they could not get used to this, but were filled with disbelief.

The 19th and 20th months... until the 27th month!! For more than two years, Wang Lin is still insisting. The invisible fragments around his body in the ancestral temple are now there. Nearly 80% of it has been completely shattered and scattered like dust.

Only the few fragments are still dividing.

When the thirtieth month came, but these two and a half years had passed, Song Tian would have even thought that Wang Lin was dead if Song Tian had not been able to feel the presence of will in the ancestral temple.

"Crazy person!! His ability to cultivate like this is closely related to his madness. Doesn't he know that complete division can lead to death!!" Song Tian had already stood up from his lotus position. , standing outside the ancestral temple, his expression was changing.

As the thirtieth month approaches, in the Shigu Imperial Palace, the old Shigu Emperor has something strange happening in his heart. Although he often summoned Jidu to see him in the past, his actions are still as usual, but there is something hidden in his eyes. It flickered, but it seemed that only he knew it.

However, what the emperor didn't know was that he was aware of all these schemes, but he couldn't care about it at the moment, but was filled with anxiety. What he was anxious about was not his position as emperor, but the safety of his adoptive father. .

When the thirty-fifth month passed, even Xuan Luo, who was sitting cross-legged on the screen to protect Wang Lin, showed anxiety. He wanted to remind Wang Lin, but he was worried about an accident.

On the thirty-sixth month, while Yu Xuanluo was hesitating, suddenly, on this night, the nine halos outside the statue of the ancient ancestor suddenly burst out with extremely bright light. The light swept across layers and filled all directions. The entire Ancient Imperial City was almost silent. All the clansmen put aside everything at this moment and focused their eyes on the statue of the ancient ancestor.

Xuan Luo stood up and looked excitedly.

Song Tian took a deep breath, stepped back a thousand feet away, and looked intently.

In the palace, the Ancient Emperor was nervous and stood by the window of the attic of his main hall, staring in the direction of the ancestral temple.

Jidu personally came to the ancestral temple a thousand feet away and looked anxiously.

In the ancestral temple, Wang Lin's immobile body was radiant with light. Countless light spots appeared and condensed out of thin air, gradually turning into a complete brilliance. This brilliance was several times larger than the shadow of the past. The light inside It circulates, revealing an astonishing coercion.

At the moment when the brilliance condensed, the nine halos of the ancient ancestor statue outside suddenly merged into one, bursting out with a dazzling light that dazzled all the ancient people, making the night seem to have become day!

At this moment, the only halo of fusion suddenly separated and turned into eighteen halos, circulating around the statue of the ancient ancestor!

"The first time to tease the gods, it's done!!"

"Thirty-six months, three whole years!!"

"Complete smashing, perfect fusion"..." Song Tian looked at this scene and muttered to himself.!~!

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