Renegade Immortal

Volume 13: Dim Lights Chapter 2058: That figure...


Outside the statue of the ancient ancestor, there are now only seven rice rings, slowly emitting a soft light. However, among the seven remaining rings, there is another one at this moment that is dimming rapidly, as if it can dissipate at any time.

"Wang Lin!"

He made a secret with his hands, and immediately a bright light like the halo of the sun suddenly appeared outside his body. He stepped forward and walked into the ancestral temple with a bang. However, after only taking a few steps, he was struck by the roar again. The rebound was so powerful that his body rolled back.

During Xuan Luo's continuous attempts, deep in the ancestral temple, Wang Lin's body was completely withered, like a skeleton. There was no light spot around him, and his will was so dim that it was almost imperceptible.

Countless attempts at fusion failed, and his will gradually seemed to be completely wiped out.

There was silence here, without any sound, but after a moment, there was an anxious echo, faintly floating here.

"Wang Lin!!"

"Jiang Lin!!"

"Chen Forest!!"

Wang Lin closed his eyes and remained motionless. However, after the sound appeared, a red light flashed in his body like sticky shoes. That red light was the soul blood in his body!

Flashing like a flash, the dark depths of the ancestral temple seemed to be flickering.

Time passed, and I don’t know how long it had passed. Four haloes outside the statue of the ancient ancestor dissipated again. Only three haloes existed, which reduced the light that shrouded the world a lot, making the dark night here. For the first time in more than a decade, something is different.

But this night, almost no one was meditating. All the ancient people were staring at the distant statue of the ancient ancestor, and even their breathing froze.

One of the three haloes outside the statue of the ancient ancestor struggled for a moment and went out like a candle blown by the wind.

"Another one was lost!"

"There are only two haloes left. This person has been practicing the ancient path of distraction for almost twenty years. Is it really impossible to succeed..."

"When these two haloes dissipated, he said, "Look,

Another one disappeared! ! ! "

The sound of uproar reverberated around the world and enveloped the entire ancient imperial city. Almost everyone took a breath and saw that a halo disappeared again on the statue of the ancient ancestor. Now, there is only one halo! !

And this halo is slowly dimming! !

"Wang Lin! Wake up!!" Xuan Luo punched the ancestral temple and let out a shocking roar. The roar swirled around the entire ancient imperial city, roaring like thunder and clouds, and finally rolled towards the ancestral temple. And go.

His body forcefully stepped into it again, but was still rebounded by the strong force, and he suddenly retreated several steps in a row. Xuan Luo had an anxious look on his face. He had experienced the ancient way of three-part gods. He knew that in distraction, as long as the aura remains, even if there is no life or consciousness, it is not actually death, but a kind of death. Sleep!

A kind of deep sleep of the soul. If this kind of sleep can be awakened, then as long as the aura remains, there is still a possibility of survival. This is why he chose to come here to protect Wang Lin!

But when all the auras of a body disappear, this kind of sleep is equal to real death!

"Wang Lin, I am Master Xuan Luo, wake up quickly!!" Xuan Luo roared, transmitting all the sounds into the inaccessible ancestral temple.

While his voice echoed around the Shigu lineage, the entire Shigu Imperial City erupted into an even more astonishing uproar. Almost all the tribesmen have been questioning for more than ten years, who is the person who survived the tribulation in the ancestral temple? who is it!

But at this moment, this question has an answer!

"Wang Lin? This name is a bit confusing."

"It's actually him!! Isn't this Wang Lin the same person who killed Daogu Emperor more than a hundred years ago! It's actually him!!"

"It is rumored that Wang Lin is already the Tenth Yang of the Immortal Gang Continent. Oh my God, I never thought that the person who would overcome the tribulation in this ancestral temple would be Wang Lin!!"

Amidst Xuan Luo's anxious roar and the uproar in the Ancient Imperial City, the only halo outside the statue of the ancient ancestor became increasingly faint, as if it could disappear at any time.

Deep in the ancestral temple, Wang Lin was sitting cross-legged and motionless, and the blood on his body shone more intensely.

"Who is calling me..." "Wang Lin seemed to be in a deep sleep, as if he was in a strange place where everything was blurry. He walked in a daze for an unknown amount of time until he faintly heard a voice calling from behind him.

"Where am I..." Wang Lin was still at a loss. The voice calling behind him was faintly visible, but when he wanted to hear it, it disappeared.

"Why am I here..." Wang Lin was confused and continued to walk forward. The sky here was dark and the earth was hazy. The entire world was lightly shrouded in mist, and he couldn't see very far away.

Here is a ruins.

The earth has no life at all, as if it has been abandoned for countless years. The faintly visible peaks and peaks no longer have green clothes, but are completely gray.

"I..." Who is it..." The confusion in Wang Lin's eyes became deeper and deeper. He seemed to have lost a lot of memories. He couldn't remember who he was, why he was here, or what happened here again. Where.

"Wake up and "Wake up..." The faintly fairy-like voice echoed slightly again, and Wang Lin paused.

"I seem to have heard something." Wang Lin was confused and wanted to look back, but the moment he was about to look back, he suddenly saw a mountain in the fog in front of him!

The colorful snow falling on that mountain is very beautiful.

On that mountain, there was a vague figure. It could only be vaguely seen that it was a man holding a corpse in his hands. The long hair of the corpse was hanging down and blown by the wind. This scene revealed a sense of desolation. There was a sadness in it.

Wang Lin stared at the figure blankly. The figure gave him an extremely familiar feeling. This feeling made his body tremble.

An extremely sad roar came from the mouth of the figure on the mountain in the distance. He raised his head and roared towards the sky. The voice reverberated in all directions, rushing into Wang Lin's heart with a penetrating force, making him His body was shaking more and more violently.

In this hissing, I saw the dark sky shaking, as if there were countless ripples echoing, and there were even signs of fragmentation. It seemed that even the sky could not resist the roar of this person's cell phone and was about to collapse. .

"Heavenly Shackles..." The roaring figure came out with words, but the moment he said these two words, another familiar voice clearly appeared in Wang Lin's ears.

"Wang Lin, wake up!!" The echo of this voice seemed to come out of thin air. After it appeared, the mountain Wang Lin was looking at disappeared, and the figure holding the corpse and roaring towards the sky also disappeared.

Wang Lin's body trembled, and he subconsciously turned his head and looked behind him. The moment he looked behind him, his mind roared.

He remembered that he was Wang Lin. He was going through a tribulation in the temple of the ancient ancestor and was experiencing the second distraction and fusion. The moment he remembered all this, his eyes were no longer confused. It was replaced by Qingming!

At the same time, deep in the ancestral temple, ten feet away from Wang Lin who was sitting cross-legged and meditating, there was an old man with white hair, trembling and walking step by step. This old man was wearing clothes that clearly belonged to Xuan. Luo!

But there is a age gap between his appearance and the young Xuan Luo!

"Wang Lin, wake up!!" the old man roared, his voice hoarse.

Wang Lin slowly opened his eyes. The moment he saw the old man, the old man's face showed surprise, but he could no longer hold back the force of the rebound when he stepped into this place and was kicked out of the ancestral temple.

"Master..." Wang Lin murmured, looking at the direction Xuan Luo left and looking at his white hair. He knew that he would never forget this kindness in his life.

He raised his head sharply and clasped his hands together. Immediately, a large number of light spots appeared outside his body. These light spots suddenly condensed on the top of his head, quickly forming a glorious outline.

The moment Xuan Luo was ejected from the ancestral temple, he got the last halo on the statue of the ancient ancestor, which gradually disappeared. But at the moment it disappeared, suddenly, the halo regrouped from the dissipation, emitting a dazzling light. At the same time, the second, third, fourth..." Until the twelfth halo, it appeared again at the same time, and the light rose up!

Immediately afterwards, the thirteenth halo, the fourteenth, and the eighteenth halo all appeared! The entire Shigu Imperial City was instantly silenced by this sudden scene.

After a short period of silence, there was an uproar like the sky.

During this uproar, a nineteenth halo appeared on the statue of the ancient ancestor, and then there were the twentieth, twenty-first, and twenty-second halos until the twenty-seventh halo, completely surrounding it. , the light shone in all directions, and the ripples spread in all directions, not only covering the ancient imperial city, but also the area where the primitive mountain outside was located, was also enveloped in this light and ripples.

A smile appeared on Xuanluo's face. He did not stop outside the ancestral temple. Instead, he left here amid the flashing of twenty-seven haloes and appeared on the sky. He sat down cross-legged again. He knew that the protection of the law was not over yet. Lin still needs to experience that last distraction!

In the ancestral temple, above Wang Lin, there was a huge brilliance floating in the sky that almost occupied the entire place. The size of this brilliance was dozens of times that of the first time he was distracted!

He raised his head, and the brilliance also looked up, seeming to penetrate the ancestral temple, and he saw Xuan Luo's smile on the curtain.


His eyes were focused. After a long time, Wang Lin lowered his head and took a deep breath. This second distraction on the ancient road was extremely dangerous, but these dangers at this moment were incomparable to what he saw in his confusion.

In his mind, he couldn't help but reappear the figure holding the corpse, looking up to the sky and roaring.

Merry Christmas everyone. "To be continued."

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