Renegade Immortal

Volume 13: Dim Lights Chapter 2061: Parting

The color of the bright red soul blood suddenly changed as it appeared, transitioning towards purple. A moment later, when it descended over the statue of the Immortal Ancestor, it suddenly turned purple!

Purple blood, the soul blood of the ancient ancestors!

The breath of the soul within it became more and more intense, causing the entire sky to be dyed purple at this moment!

The entire ancient imperial city, including the new emperor's capital, is now watching the purple blood blend into the statue of the ancient ancestor. At the same time, a dazzling and intense purple light spreads, forming a purple halo. He quickly moved away with the head of the ancient ancestor statue downwards.

In the blink of an eye, the purple halo disappeared into the ancestral temple at the base of the statue, without a trace.

Wang Lin was cross-legged deep in the ancestral temple. The place where he was at this moment was filled with purple light. The purple light turned into countless light spots and condensed towards his body, and with the first drop of soul blood in his body, Rapid integration.

The ancient three-point divine queen is a gift from the ancient ancestors, and this soul blood is like this!

All the ancient tribesmen who saw the scene of purple blood descending on the statue of the ancient ancestor were shocked at this moment and could not believe what they saw with their own eyes. That was the soul blood, the soul blood of the ancient ancestor! !

,, three drops of soul blood can create an ancient bloodline, and he actually received a drop of soul blood from this gift from the ancient ancestor! "

,, Could it be that as long as you perfectly experience the three points of the ancient path, you can get soul blood! ! "

The uproar echoed around the world. Jidu looked at the statue of the ancient ancestor and took a deep breath. Even he did not expect that his adoptive father would actually obtain the soul blood of the ancient ancestor!

As the purple blood disappeared, the sky gradually showed signs of returning to its original state, and it seemed that everything was about to end. After all, the gift of the ancient ancestor had arrived, and these three losses and seven calamities would also be completely over at this moment.

But at the moment when this idea emerged in everyone's mind, there were more changes in the sky, and more uproar and exclamations suddenly appeared from every corner of the ancient imperial city.

,,not end yet! ! Look at the sky changing again, this gift from the ancient ancestors has not ended yet! ! "

,, purple, purple again! \

,",,This is impossible, could there be soul blood coming? "

The uproar was shocking, and in the disbelief of all the tribesmen, they saw that the purple spirit in the sky had dissipated, but in an instant, it bloomed with dazzling light again,

At the end of the sky, a purple vortex seemed to appear. The vortex was constantly rotating, like a black hole at its core.

The black hole was exactly where the purple light was the thickest. Slowly, a drop of purple blood slowly descended. The moment they saw the purple blood clearly, almost everyone was shocked like drops of heaven!

,, it’s soul blood again! ! "

,,Two drops, he got two drops of soul blood! ! "

The soul blood slowly fell and finally merged into the head of the statue of the ancient ancestor. With a flash of purple light, it sank rapidly and disappeared into the ancestral temple.

The uproar continued. Around Wang Lin deep in the ancestral temple, more and more purple light spots gathered towards his body and disappeared into his body one by one.

Finally, when all the purple light spots were integrated into his body, Wang Lin's body had three wandering soul blood, and his eyes suddenly opened.

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw that the statue of the ancient ancestor erupted with a strong purple light. The purple light swirled around Wang Lin Yuanshen, who had previously overlapped and covered the statue, shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye and slowly shrinking and sinking from the outside of the statue. He also disappeared into the ancestral temple without a trace.

The sky slowly returned to normal, without the slightest hint of purple anymore, and the statue of the ancient ancestor also calmed down, still looking at the sky and the earth with a look of disdain and arrogance.

As the previous abnormalities in the world gradually recovered, a large number of tribesmen in the Ancient Imperial City slowly calmed down from the shock. However, their hearts were still like a big wave dripping from the sky, but their expressions were forcibly suppressed.

The look towards the ancestral temple reveals different meanings of Jingzhong, including jealousy, envy, complexity, feelings...

In the ancestral temple, in front of Wang Lin, the glorious spirit that shrank and condensed from the statue of the ancient ancestor slowly overlapped with his body while floating. After merging, Wang Lin's dry body seemed to be injected with endless vitality. Recovery quickly.

Within a few breaths, his body returned to normal from a skeleton. It was still the same as when he came to this ancestral temple, but the power contained in it was hugely different!

Wang Lin closed his eyes and felt the changes in his soul within his body. His soul was so strong that when his consciousness spread, it could not only cover the entire ancient land, but even the huge basin formed by the vast sea water rising into the sky. In consciousness.

Such a powerful spiritual consciousness requires a nearly immortal soul to achieve it, and now, Wang Lin's soul has reached an incredible level after those three divisions and fusions.

He can feel the rules between heaven and earth, feel the movement of all things, and can even see the passage of time.

What is also powerful is not only his soul, but also his body. He was already extremely powerful, but now he is even more powerful. The feeling of heavy power flowing through his body makes Wang Lin feel like he can... The feeling of a fist shattering the sky.

,, I don’t know how I am in such a state compared to the Great Heavenly Lord of the Ancient Way..." Wang Lin murmured, stood up, and walked towards the outside of the ancestral temple.

This was the first time he walked out of the ancestral temple in a hundred years. As he walked step by step, the moment he stepped out of the ancestral temple, the sun fell dazzlingly, reflecting in his pupils. He saw the sky, saw The blue waves were thousands of miles away, but he didn't see Master Xuanluo.

Xuan Luo chose to leave when the second drop of soul blood came. He did not meet Wang Lin and silently turned around and left in the direction of Daogu.

He came here just to help Wang Lin protect him. Now that the protector was over, he didn't know what to say after meeting Wang Lin, so he could only leave.

Looking at the sky and the direction Xuan Luo left, Wang Lin was silent. There was no complexity in his eyes, but a softness.

,, before leaving, I have to pay a visit to Master..." Wang Lin whispered to himself.

,, the bridge to the sky, I wonder if I can walk on the fourth bridge now! But no matter what, the matter is over. There are still three hundred years before the ancient divine realm is opened. During these three hundred years, I don’t want to stay in Xiangang Continent. I want to go home...

Take Wan'er home. "Wang Lin retracted his gaze towards the sky, turned around and took a step towards the palace.

He had promised Jidu to witness the scene when he became the emperor!

In the palace, the sky and the earth did not fluctuate at all, but Wang Lin's figure strangely walked out of nothingness. Under the gazes of countless clan members in the palace, Wang Lin looked at Jidu with a slightly confused look on his face.

,, you will be an excellent emperor! "Wang Lin spoke slowly.

Ji Du looked at Wang Lin blankly. He could feel that his adoptive father wanted to leave.

,, Be a lineage of emperors, lead your people, and lead them to become stronger! "Wang Lin raised his right hand and grabbed the void in the hall on the ground. Immediately, the imperial crown enshrined on the imperial chair flew up automatically, rushed out of the hall and went straight to Wang Lin, and was caught in his hand.

With a wave of his hand, the imperial crown floated towards Jidu and slowly fell on his head, making Jidu, who was wearing imperial robes, become a real emperor at this moment!

With a smile, Wang Lin turned around, took a step towards the void in the distance, and disappeared into the ancient imperial city, disappeared from everyone's eyes, and disappeared from Jidu's eyes.

,, adoptive father! ! "Ji Du shouted loudly towards the place where Wang Lin left. A sadness of parting lingered in his heart. He would never forget that everything he got was because of Wang Lin.

Wang Lin, let’s go.

He left the Shigu lineage and looked in the direction of the immortal clan and the location of the Seven Dao Sects in the sky and the earth. After being silent for a few moments, he walked towards the Daogu Imperial City that he left two hundred years ago.

In that ancient imperial city, no one except Xuan Luo noticed his arrival. In the back hill of Daogu Palace, in the house where he lived for a long time, Wang Lin met Xuan Luo.

The two masters and disciples were silent for a long time in that house, and Xuan Luo showed a smile on his face.

,,came back. "

,, Disciple pays homage to Master. "

In that house, Wang Lin found the warmth that he had not seen for two hundred years. He forgot that he was now as strong as the ancient path. In their eyes, Xuan Luo was the master and he was his disciple.

Wang Lin lived in this peach orchard-like place on the back hill of the ancient palace for three years.

The past three years were like a spiritual process for Wang Lin, allowing him to gradually and completely control his rapidly increasing strength. He accompanied Xuan Luo because Xuan Luo gave up reincarnation. Three years later, under Xuan Luo's eyes, Wang Lin bowed to Xuan Luo and turned towards the sky.

Xuan Luo looked at this disciple. He knew that after Wang Lin left, it might be three hundred years before he met again.

Wang Lin's figure disappeared into the world. In a deep mountain near the basin that the vast sea has now turned into, Wang Lin reached the peak after merging his soul and cultivation. He chose to go again The Bridge to the Sky!

With his current level of cultivation, he can choose to break through the bottleneck at any time, enter the illusory world at any time, and experience the process of reaching the sky.

A few days later, an invisible ripple spread in all directions from the deep mountain, forming a pressure that even the Great Heavenly Lord could not step into. Wang Lin appeared in the land he was familiar with!

The sky was still hazy, and the earth was shrouded in mist. In the same haze, he couldn't see too far. In front of him, there were six arch bridges, each one larger than the last, especially the vague and unreal scene behind the last bridge. , when Wang Lin looked at it, he seemed to be immersed in it.

Behind him, there are three bridges.

Where he is now is exactly where he stepped outside the Fourth Bridge a hundred years ago.

For a long time, he withdrew his gaze to the illusory scene behind the Ninth Bridge in the distance, looked at the huge Fourth Bridge under his feet, raised his right foot, and dropped it in one step!

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