Renegade Immortal

Volume 13: Dim Lights Chapter 2071: Green Rainbow in the Rain

Reincarnation... "What exactly is reincarnation... I have already understood it before. This reincarnation is the sky, but in fact, this reincarnation has more meanings besides being the sky." Wang Lin walked on the sky curtain, thinking in his mind Zhou Ru, Situ Nan, and the madman constantly appeared in the scene.

"The madman's experience may not be reincarnation, but Zhou Ru's choice and Situ's choice are reincarnation..." They did not choose to leave, but chose to integrate here, because they had too many companions and too many concerns. , reluctant to give up.

Zhou Ru didn't want to let go of his parents and family ties in this life, and Situ didn't want to let go of the soldiers who had followed him all his life. As Situ said, every reincarnation is a lifetime, and there are many worries. How can we just end it?

This is the power of reincarnation... "It can make people trapped in it, unable to extricate themselves, or unwilling to extricate themselves." There was confusion in Wang Lin's eyes, and in that confusion, he seemed to have some more understanding.

"Reincarnation is the sky and a mirror. The self in this mirror is reincarnation."

The confusion in Wang Lin's eyes gradually dissipated, revealing his clarity. His understanding of reincarnation was gradually approaching perfection with Zhou Ru and Situ.

"I wonder what other people's choices will be like..." Wang Lin looked into the distance, sighed softly, and walked away.

In the land of the Immortal Clan, within the scope of Beizhou, there is a dense forest in a mountain. This place looks extremely dangerous, with an official road below meandering like a sliver of sky.

There, there is a cave that is completely uninhabited and only birds and beasts exist. However, since this cave appeared here many years ago, no wild beasts have dared to come here.

The cave is extremely luxurious. Under the reflection of countless night pearls, the cave is very bright, but this brightness is due to the quietness of the place, which gives off a cold feeling.

At this moment, in the main room of the cave, a monk was sitting cross-legged.

This monk looks young and looks like Zhu Ru, but he has a huge head. Compared with his big head, his body looks extremely thin and uncoordinated.

The big-headed monk had a gloomy expression and was breathing heavily, making the cave full of awe.

"Big head..." While the monk was meditating, a voice suddenly rose up and swirled in the cold cave.

The monk was shocked and opened his eyes suddenly. The moment he opened his eyes, he did not hesitate at all. He opened them and spit out a green light. The green light let out a sharp roar and went straight to the person who appeared in the cave. of a white figure.

Wang Lin looked strange,

The green light was a ferocious centipede. Before it came close, a fishy wind hit his face. Wang Lin raised his right hand and touched the centipede. The centipede suddenly froze and floated there motionless.

The big-headed monk looked shocked at this moment. He put this centipede in his soul to refine it. Even if his cultivation level was higher than him, he would still be entangled by this centipede, giving him enough time to escape or take action again.

But now, the person in front of him was frozen in mid-air so easily that he couldn't even tell what kind of magical power the other person had used.

"Ma Tao, you must kill them all!" The big-headed monk screamed in a shrill voice. There was a roar all over his body, and a large amount of mist spread. He was about to escape in a flash.

"Ma Tao?" Wang Lin was startled. His right hand was a little bit inside the mist. Suddenly, a crystal light penetrated the mist. When the big-headed monk was escaping, it suddenly imprinted on his eyebrows.

Datou's whole body was shaken, his eyes were confused, and various memories seemed to be constantly emerging in his mind. At the same time, Wang Lin grabbed the void with his right hand, and immediately the power of heaven and earth from the surrounding mountains roared in, condensing in Wang Lin's body. In his right hand, he transformed into a small sword.

This sword is condensed with the power of heaven and earth and transformed by Wang Lin's Xinjutsu. It can be called a treasure!

With a flick, the small sword went straight into the mist and pierced the wall nearby. He took a deep look at the big head in the mist that was awakening its memory. Wang Lin's eyes showed softness. He flicked his big sleeves and gathered the power of heaven and earth. After coming, Wang Lin turned into a large amount of elixir and dropped it into a gourd. After putting it aside, Wang Lin turned and left.

After a long time, the mist dispersed, and Datou walked out with a complicated and confused look. He sat there, staring at the empty cave in a daze. After a while, he raised his head and murmured softly.

"Gui..." "He saw the sword that frightened him, and the elixir gourd filled with the power of heaven and earth beside him, tears left in his eyes.

In the same Beizhou, in different continents, a line of dozens of rainbows whizzed away in the sky, and a crystal light flashed from a distance. In the confusion of many monks, the crystal light disappeared among them. .

No one noticed that when the crystal light dissipated, in the dazzling flash of light, it fell into the group of monks, between the eyebrows of a boy wearing a red robe.

The boy's whole body was shaken, and the dust-covered memories in his mind slowly came to life.

The group of monks were stunned for a while. After discussing with each other, they quickly moved forward again. The boy in red in the crowd showed confusion in his eyes. A few hours later, when the group of monks rested on a mountain peak and vomited. At that moment, the confusion in his eyes dissipated, replaced by complexity and confusion.

"I am..." The boy in red shirt..." The boy in red shirt looked at the sky, a smile slowly appeared on his face. He took a deep breath and looked at the land in front of him, his heart full of excitement.

In Dongzhou, there is a small sect in Nannizhou that Wang Lin once passed by. There are not many monks in this sect, only a few thousand people. The mountain gate where it is located is not very good either. The aura is not very strong.

Especially with the edicts issued by the Immortal Clan's Great Heavenly Lords and the Immortal Emperor, informing the entire Immortal Clan sect to prepare for the war with all their strength, the undercurrent is turning, making it impossible for such small sects to calm down, and must rely on some large sects. The door can continue to exist.

The war is about to begin, and it will be difficult for such a small sect to continue to pass on in the future Immortal Ancient War.

Shen Bao, as the leader of this sect, has a very good level of cultivation. Now he feels quite anxious. He doesn’t know where the future lies. He doesn’t know whether his sect can survive the war hundreds of years later. cannot exist.

He finally climbed to his current position and became the leader of a sect. He didn't want to give up, but there seemed to be only one path in front of him, and that was dependence.

However, the objects and choices of attachment will have different consequences, most of which are equally serious. Moreover, the elders in the sect held different opinions from him, and there seemed to be signs of a split regarding the choice of attachment.

The mobile phone saw that when Shen Bao was worried, on this day, a young man wearing white clothes and white hair came from the bottom of the mountain and walked up to the sect step by step. He was Wang Lin.

Wang Lin found Shen Bao and left after a few hours.

When he left, Shen Bao stood outside the hall, looking at the sky, with confusion in his eyes. After a long time, the confusion slowly disappeared and turned into determination.

During this period of time, Wang Lin saw almost all the old friends in the cave world. Some people he chose to understand the memories of their past lives, and some people Wang Lin gave them the right to choose.

But no matter what happens in the end, Wang Lin will leave some things to save their lives, and end the cave where they have the same origin. In other words, these people all belong to the sect called Qidao.

The Sun Moon Sect is the strongest sect in Tianfang Continent. There are hundreds of thousands of members in this sect. It is the first sect in Tianfang Continent and is one of the nine thirteen sects in Dongzhou.

Within the Sun Moon Sect, over the past millennium, many talented people have appeared, but none of them can compare to a woman named Qinghong. This woman's talent is hard to find in thousands of years!

She became a disciple of the Sun and Moon Sect hundreds of years ago. In just a few hundred and nearly a thousand years, she actually became the third step of great power, and reached the peak of Kong Nirvana. It seemed that she was only one step away from becoming a ethereal cultivator. .

This naturally has a lot to do with the full cultivation of the Sun Moon Sect, but it also shows how precious this woman named Qinghong is in the eyes of the Sun Moon Sect.

Especially the great elder of the Sun Moon Sect who has been in seclusion all year round and has the cultivation level of Jinzun. It is said that she already has the strength of Tianzun, but she has not entered the land of Tianzun's nirvana.

This person personally accepted this woman as his disciple. He would come out of seclusion every few years to mention something about this woman's cultivation. For a period of time, my mother even brought this girl into her seclusion place to practice together. .

This woman was called a saint in the Sun and Moon Sect. She was looked up to by countless people in the sect, and because of her stunning beauty, she became the object of admiration among the sect disciples.

However, this woman is too outstanding, astonishing, and her character is very indifferent. For hundreds of thousands of years, she has never chosen the behavior of a Taoist companion. But the more she is like this, the more she is regarded by the disciples of the Sun Moon Sect. They admire.

Especially the heirs of the elders and the apprentices who felt they were qualified, their pursuit of this woman never stopped.

On this day, the woman named Qinghong walked out of seclusion. There were dark clouds outside, and there was thunder, as if rain could fall at any time. The thunder made her unable to calm down, as if something was about to happen.

She stood outside her own cave, looking at the dark clouds between the sky and the earth, looking at the colorful mountains in the rain, with confusion in her eyes.

A beautiful butterfly flew from that distance, facing the strong wind, flying around in front of the woman, attracting the woman's attention.

She likes red and butterflies. Everyone in the sect only knows her first preference, but no one knows about her second preference.

Looking at the flying butterflies, the confusion in this beautiful woman's eyes deepened. Like other reincarnated people, there was often a hazy existence in her dreams.

She always felt that she did not belong to this world. This feeling made her indifference different.

The thunder rumbled, and the rain fell, sprinkling onto the earth, blending with the mountain wind, forming a rain curtain like a curtain.

She was wearing a red dress. From a distance, she looked like a red butterfly. The butterfly in front of her seemed to be drifting away in the wind with no one paying attention to her in the mountain wind and rain.

"Red Butterfly" A soft voice came from behind the woman.

The third update is over. Today I cannot update the fourth. I write these three chapters very slowly, and I feel more and more regretful. "Tomorrow, the minimum limit is three chapters. I will fight for it and write the fourth chapter."

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