Renegade Immortal

Volume 13: Dim Lights Chapter 2073: Cave Realm

Volume 13: Dim Lights Chapter 2073: Cave Realm (Second Update)

When Wang Lin found all his old friends except Qingshui and Li Qianmei one by one, or solved the memories of his previous life, or chose to leave silently and forget, he no longer had any memories in this Xiangang Continent.

Before leaving Niuzhou that day, Wang Lin took a look at Zhou Yi and Qingshuang. He looked at it from a distance. When he saw the happy smile on Zhou Yi's face, Wang Lin also smiled. He was happy for Zhou Yi. .

Thousands of years of bitter love have now been fulfilled. When Wang Lin looked at this scene, he took out the wine flask and took a big sip. This wine flask was brought from Situ Nan, and now it has become Instead of Zhou Yi and Qing Shuang's wedding wine.

He also went to the ancestral city, where he saw Haizi. After looking at it from a distance, Wang Lin turned around and left.

Tianniu Continent, the place where he first appeared when he came to Xiangang Continent, now after so many years, Wang Lin is back. He walked on the familiar land, passed by the Great Soul Gate, passed by the Guiyi Sect, and walked all the way.

The familiar scenes reminded him of the past. In the center of Tianniu Continent, in the sky above the rolling mountains, Wang Lin looked down and was silent for a moment.

"Tianniu, the armor you transformed from your soul helped me survive several crises... I, Wang Lin, have always had grudges and grievances throughout my life. You were kind to me back then. Today, I will unlock the seal left by the immortal ancestor for you, and let you Get your freedom back!

However, your body has turned into the earth and cannot be taken back. I will unlock the seal of your soul and let your soul condense into the spirit and leave the Xiangang Continent. Are you willing? "Wang Lin looked at the ground and spoke slowly.

His words were not loud and did not spread in all directions, but after his words were spoken, the earth suddenly began to tremble. Amidst the roaring waves, it seemed that a burst of earth energy rushed out, making the mountain range blurred and faint. A huge shadow emerged.

That phantom was a long-horned beetle. Its body was extremely huge, and it looked like it could support the heaven and the earth. After it emerged, Wang Lin was extremely small in front of it, but this huge long-horned beetle's spirit showed respect. , knelt down to Wang Lin.

"Thank you... I am willing..." The buzzing voice echoed, revealing excitement and desire. It has been sealed for too long, and today, it is finally time to get out of trouble. This makes this long-standing beetle, for Wang Lin showed endless emotions.

"There's no need to thank me. You were kind to me back then, so I'll just repay you today." Wang Lin looked at the beetle, slowly raised his right hand, and pointed at it. Under this finger, he saw the beetle's body tremble violently. , showing a look of pain, and a large number of runes flashed outside his body. Those runes seemed to take root on his body, and countless thin lines grew from the runes.

In the body of this illusory beetle soul, the connectors join together to form a heart-shaped sphere.

It's beating continuously.

This object is the core of the longhorn seal.

Looking at the heart-like object composed of a large number of thin lines, Wang Lin pointed away with his right hand again, and with one finger, all the runes outside the body of the Longhorn Soul collapsed. After they collapsed, The heart was trembling continuously and suddenly shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A moment later, when it was only the size of a fingernail, it turned into a ray of light and flew out of the beetle soul, fell into Wang Lin's hand, and crushed it into pieces.

The beetle soul looked up to the sky and let out a roar. The roar formed a circle of ripples between the sky and the earth, echoing in all directions. Its soul moved and flew straight to the sky. At the end of the sky and the earth, it stopped and looked down at Wang Lin. After kneeling down and worshiping again, he flew away like a shooting star until he disappeared without a trace.

With the departure of the Tianniu Soul, the land of Tianniu Continent seemed to be different, but it was difficult to detect what was different. Wang Lin watched the Tianniu Soul disappear behind the sky and the earth, then turned around and walked towards the Seven Dao Sect.

Qidaozong, where the cave world is located.

It was difficult to see very far on this mountainous mountain shrouded in mist, and it was completely deserted. No one had been here for a long time, but on this day, there was a figure looking up at the foot of the mountain.

This was a middle-aged man. He was wearing blue clothes. He was looking at the mountain peaks and the mist. Faintly, he seemed to be able to see the ruins of the hall behind the mist.

"Seven Dao Sect..." The man looked complicated and murmured.

"Finally here..." The middle-aged man shook his head bitterly and walked up the damaged road. He walked very slowly, as if he wanted to memorize every plant and tree here, and slowly walked towards Within the mist, I walked away.

Until he penetrated the fog and followed the mountain road to the top of the mountain, he saw the mountain gate and main hall of Qidaozong. Looking at this, the man looked confused.

He looked at everything in front of him. After a long time, he sighed and walked through the damaged hall. Finally, behind the ruins of the Seven Daosong Sect, he found a huge stone door. This stone door was connected to the mountain and sealed, with a long It was covered with moss and smelled of decay.

In front of this stone gate, the middle-aged man closed his eyes.

"The gate of the cave world..." When he opened his eyes again, he looked at the gate and said bitterly to himself.

"Behind this gate is the cave world... I was reincarnated from here." The man sighed softly. Since he recovered the memory of his previous life, he left the sect where he was, and followed that feeling to come to here.

Arriving at Qidaozong, we came to the gate of the cave mansion.

His body was trembling a little, and he slowly approached, and gently touched the door with his right hand. After a long time, his expression showed absolute determination, and he turned around and was about to leave.

But the moment he turned around, his steps suddenly stopped, and he saw a smiling Wang Lin behind him, dressed in white.

"Senior brother..." Wang Lin spoke softly.

"Wang Lin..." This middle-aged man is none other than Qing Shui! He recovered the memory of his previous life on his own, and the marks on his body were almost undetectable. If a few more years pass, they will completely dissipate.

Qing Shui looked at Wang Lin and laughed. His laughter became louder and louder. His heart was filled with surprise. He strode forward and hugged Wang Lin. Wang Lin also laughed.

They sat down together in front of the gate of the cave. Wang Lin took out the wine and drank it with Qingshui.

They forgot the passage of time. In this drunken state, they talked to each other about their experiences, laughing and crying. The two brothers from the cave world met again in Xiangang Continent.

When Wang Lin mentioned Red Butterfly, Qing Shui was stunned for a while and took a big sip of wine with a wry smile.

"If you forget the past, just forget it. Now that you have come to this Xiangang Continent, everyone's choice is different, but my choice is not to forget it!

Here, maybe there is a way for me to resurrect the cigarette, there must be! "Qing Shui murmured.

Wang Lin couldn't resurrect a person who had been dead for so long and didn't even have a soul. However, he didn't tell Qing Shui that if a person didn't even have hope, he might only be left with despair.

When the morning sun fell faintly through the mist, Qing Shui left. He neither chose to forget, nor would he return to the cave world. He came here just to take a look at the Seven Dao Sect and the cave. The sect that exists in the world.

Now that his wish was fulfilled and he saw Wang Lin again, he was filled with joy and no longer worried. Next, he would pursue his dream, even if it took him a lifetime, even if he was reincarnated again and again, he would still be persistent.

Wang Lin watched Qing Shui go away, watching his figure melt into the mist and disappear. He stood outside the gate of the cave with a complicated look on his face.

Of all the old friends, only Thirteen chose to follow Wang Lin and return to the cave world, because for Thirteen, being by his master's side was the greatest satisfaction in his life.

Everyone else has their own responsibilities, missions and ties. Since they have been reincarnated, most of them have chosen to forget and start over.

Wang Lin pushed open the door of the cave. When the door opened and a bright light flashed out, he walked in and disappeared without a trace along with the strong light.

The door is closed again.

The Seven Dao Sect is still shrouded in fog, abandoned, and a ruin that no one cares about.

Cave world.

The barrier between the inside and outside of the boundary is extremely strong. Over the past hundreds and nearly thousands of years, the power from outside has launched an impact, but it has been unable to open the barrier and break in.

Wang Lin's name has become a legend and an unreal existence in the entire cave world. Many people remember him, but at the same time, more people have forgotten him.

Even the monks in the world are like this. Only the statue on the Suzaku Star, which is regarded as a holy place, and Wang Lin's legends are occasionally mentioned.

Apart from here, there is another place where the story about Wang Lin continues, that is the New Immortal World!

This fairy world created by Wang Lin back then had many monks migrated from the four major star regions in the world. Most of these monks survived the war that year. Many of them had witnessed it with their own eyes. I have seen Wang Lin, and there are even a few people who have fought with Wang Lin against the outside world.

Mu Bingmei did not leave back then. She chose to stay in the cave world and the new fairy world, waiting for someone who would come back one day.

Taoist Master Lan Meng has not left either. As the most powerful man in the entire Immortal World, he sits here to protect the peace of the Immortal World. There are also some people, such as Nan Yunzi, who have not left either.

But at this moment, in this new fairy world, there is a feeling of depression, as if there is a dark cloud shrouding it, making many monks in the fairy world silent one by one.

Taoist Master Lanmeng was seriously injured.

Nan Yunzi's physical body collapsed, leaving only his soul.

The sky in the entire fairy world is filled with blood. In the blood, there are countless shadows flickering, sometimes revealing ferocious features, as if there are a large number of innocent souls hidden in the blood.

"Master gave you five days to choose. Now three days have passed. In the last two days, I hope you can come up with a wise answer and submit to my Red Soul Sect, otherwise...die!" In the blood, there was a young man, wearing a red robe, speaking leisurely to the many monks below.

"As for you, Mu Bingmei, you also have only two days to choose. Two days later, when the immortal world formation is broken, if you don't become my Taoist companion, I will kill the Suzaku Star and destroy it. What’s the name of the statue of the Forest Man!”

The second update is here! @.

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