Renegade Immortal

Volume 13: Dim Lights Chapter 2083: Qualifications to Enter

The continuous roar of the sea wall storm roared out several times at this moment. The sound was earth-shattering, causing a large number of cracks to appear in the surrounding space. The strange sound like a ghost crying like a mournful queen came with a whistling sound. A sharp and impactful force, containing the power to shake the mind and collapse the body, rumbled in all directions with the sea wall storm as the center.

At the Ancient Clan, the three-line strong men who had just arrived were transformed into hundreds of rainbows. At this moment, they had just stood firm and were looking at the majestic sea wall storm with shock, clearly feeling the hidden meaning within it. With a force of heaven and earth that is enough to destroy them.

This power can make all living beings tremble and make all living beings fear, except Wang Lin and the six great gods of the ancient immortals. With their cultivation levels reaching their level, they have different degrees of resistance and resistance to this majestic power. ...ignore.

Wang Lin ignored the roaring sound. The sound fell into his ears and did not cause any shock to his mind. It seemed that no matter how violent the sound was, it had no qualifications to frighten him in front of him.

Having reached his current level of cultivation, not to mention the Xiangang Continent, even in the infinite world outside the Xiangang Continent, things that could frighten him are already extremely unimaginable.

But that was not the case for the six Great Heavenly Lords. Although they were not greatly affected by the violent noise, they understood that among the monks and clansmen of various races behind them, there were probably many who were faintly aware of them. Unbearable.

Song Tian did not hesitate. At almost the moment when the storm on the sea wall roared, he swayed and appeared directly next to the ancient tribesmen. With a flick of his sleeves, a huge sun suddenly appeared behind him. With his cultivation as the Great Heavenly Lord, he helped these three lineage tribesmen to resist the sea wall drama.

Xuan Luo and the Great Ancient Heavenly Lord also did the same thing. The three of them worked together to make these hundreds of panic-looking Third Lineage clansmen not injured or retreat under the sudden roar.

The same was true for the Immortal Clan. Jiudi and the others took action at the same time as Song Tian and others, using their respective cultivation bases to form a defense. The hundreds of monks who protected the Immortal Clan existed in the roar.

Only Wang Lin quietly sat cross-legged and looked calmly beside the storm on the sea wall.

He didn't help anyone, it didn't make sense.

Wang Lin already understood the result after twelve days. He looked at the people of the Immortal and Ancient Clans around him and closed his eyes.

"There are still twelve days until the opening of the ancient divine realm, but the roaring sound of the sea wall storm is just like the first two days before the opening of the ancient divine realm..."

"If this continues, I'm afraid they won't be able to stay here!"

"This time in the ancient divine realm,

Something strange, very different from the past! "

The six Immortal Ancient Heavenly Lords on both sides of the sea wall storm looked at each other, their expressions gloomy.

With the resistance of the six of them, time passed again. Every day that passed, the roaring sound of the storm here would become more intense again. When it was only nine days before the opening of the ancient divine realm, the roaring sound here had already spread throughout the vastness. Basin, even in the edge counties of the Immortal Duogu Clan close to this basin, you can faintly hear this roar like the roar of the sky.

At dusk on the ninth day when the distance started, the roar of the sea wall storm was beyond description. Even if the six great gods exerted their full strength, they seemed to be unable to resist.

The loud roar had shattered the sky, caused cracks to appear on the earth, and caused the hundreds of people guarded by these six great gods to bleed from their apertures.

"There are still nine days!! I can't hold on any longer. The current level is already like the last day when the Ancient God Realm was opened in the past. If we continue to hold on, we will die tomorrow, and even we will die before we enter the Ancient God Realm. I was injured before!"

"This time the ancient divine realm is opened, I'm afraid we can't let so many people step on us..." Wu Feng spoke quickly, Dao Yi stood aside and nodded in silence.

Jiudi gritted his teeth and without hesitation, he immediately sent out his divine thoughts.

"All monks below the Golden Lord should retreat and quickly teleport away from this vast basin!"

At the same time as his words came out, Song Tian and the other three people from the ancient tribe also made a decision. They saw that the hundreds of tribesmen who were protected by them, including those who had not successfully survived the three losses and seven calamities, rolled back one after another, moving at extremely fast speeds. The speed suddenly left the center of the roar.

After a while, the tribesmen and monks from both sides who remained on both sides of the storm on the sea wall each numbered less than a hundred. Due to the reduction in the number of people, the pressure on the six Immortal Ancient Celestials was immediately reduced by most.

All this was seen by Wang Lin. He remained silent and did not make any move. He just looked at the sea wall storm and the gap between the gates composed of nine sky-reaching pillars, which seemed to be larger.

Time passed again, and three more days passed in the blink of an eye. There were only six days until the opening day. At this moment, the roaring sound inside and outside the sea wall was several times stronger than three days ago. This was something that had never appeared in the ancient gods. The situation when the realm was opened made the six Immortal Ancient Celestials look anxious.

They have once again been unable to bear it. Unless the number of people is reduced again, otherwise, they will also be implicated.

"Wang Lin!" Xuan Luo looked at Wang Lin. This was the first time he spoke to Wang Lin while fighting against the roar of the sea wall. In fact, Song Tian and the Great Ancient Heavenly Lord had already pinned their hopes on Wang Lin, but they were also wondering why the ancient path had not come yet at this time.

But now is not the time to think about this matter. After hearing Xuan Luo's words, Song Tian and the Ancient Heavenly Lord immediately looked at Wang Lin.

"Master..." Wang Lin stood up and sighed secretly as he looked at Xuan Luo, who had deployed all his cultivation skills to resist the roaring sound.

"Master, it's useless. They will not be able to step into the ancient divine realm in the end. Even you...can't..." Wang Lin spoke softly, but still raised his right hand and faced the ancient clan's three people, Xuan Luo. The less than a hundred clan members who were guarding him waved away.

With this wave, Xuanluo and the other three suddenly felt no pressure at all, as if the roaring sound disappeared out of thin air, and the nearly a hundred tribesmen recovered from the pain one by one.

"Gu Dao must have noticed this, so he didn't show up and intervene forcefully."

The three Xuanluo people were silent when they heard the words. They also felt the strangeness of the opening of the ancient divine realm this time. There are still six days left. It is difficult for them to imagine that on the last day, the roaring sound here will be... To what extent, I'm afraid, even they will have to live...

The Ancient Clan had Wang Lin to help them, but the Immortal Clan monks on the other side of the sea wall had to have their arms amputated again under the painstaking protection of Jiudi and the others.

"Golden Monk...Tianzun Monk, all retreat and teleport away quickly!" Emperor Jiu's voice echoed. Most of the nearly a hundred monks were silent, looking at the sea wall complicatedly, with regret... After leaving, only eleven people were left in the end.

Not all Yue Tianzun will choose to come here. These eleven people are the ones who choose to come here among Yue Tianzun.

Only six days left.

These six days were like a torment for everyone except Wang Lin. Although there were many people from the Ancient Clan, Wang Lin's previous words made them remain silent and hesitant.

When three days have passed again, and there are only three days left before the opening day, the roar of the sea wall here is several times more than when it was opened before. In the immortal clan, except for the Great Heavenly Lord, there are only eleven leaps left. Tianzun, unwilling to accept it, left silently and chose to teleport out of this vast land.

The three of Jiudi sat cross-legged together. Without Yue Tianzun who needed protection, the three of them could resist the roaring sound of the sea wall with all their strength, allowing them to hold on longer.

Seeing the scene of the immortal monks on the other side of the sea wall, Xuan Luo and the others felt bitter in their hearts. They had a hunch that what Wang Lin said should be true.

If Wang Lin had not taken action before, I am afraid that he would be like over there now, with only the three of them remaining.

The last three days will also be the most difficult three days. Unknowingly, one day passed. The moment the day passed, the storm on the sea wall suddenly increased to a terrifying degree. A hundred times better!

With a hundred-fold increase, the world collapsed and became countless fragments, causing the sky and the earth to become nothingness. The faces of Najiudi and the three of them instantly turned pale. Without any hesitation, the three of them quickly connected their spiritual consciousness and joined forces to fight.

On the Ancient Clan's side, it was still business as usual. Xuan Luo and the others did not seem to feel the sudden increase in roar. Looking at everything they saw, it gave them a new understanding of Wang Lin's power.

On the second day before the start of this distance, the ancient trail came.

His arrival was silent, as if he existed here. He walked out of nothingness and sat cross-legged next to Wang Lin. He glanced at the sea wall storm and let out a long sigh.

"Xuan Luo, the three of you stay, the rest of you, please leave." He said, raising his right hand and waving to the nearly a hundred tribesmen, but saw that these people's bodies immediately became illusory and slowly disappeared.

Wang Lin glanced at the ancient road and said nothing. Instead, he continued to look at the sea wall storm and the gap in the stone door inside it, which was getting bigger. There was a hint of expectation in his eyes.

At this moment, outside the storm of the sea wall, only the eight of them existed, and the world was filled with nothingness. The world had collapsed, like an illusion. When this day passed again, when the last day before the start came, the storm here roared, rolling up the nothingness, forming a majestic whirlpool. Under the rapid rotation of the vortex, the three Jiudis from the Immortal Clan, all They spurted out blood, rolled their bodies backwards, and retreated thousands of feet. In their unwillingness, they knew that they had reached their limit.

Dao Yi was the first to grit his teeth and leave, followed by Wu Feng helplessly. Only Emperor Jiu, with a distorted expression and bulging veins on his face, wanted to persist despite his low growl.

But he only persisted for two more hours before disappearing here with a bitter look on his face. @.

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