Renegade Immortal

Volume 13: Dim Lights Chapter 2086: Reincarnation Is There

"I was hesitant about all this until I went to the Temple of the Ancient Ancestor for the second time and saw the figure holding the corpse on the mountain peak with colorful snowflakes. I felt something bad in my heart. , and a crazy idea came to mind!" Wang Lin did not look at Yunzi that day, but looked at the bridge behind him, and said slowly.

"I'm afraid that the scene is true, I'm afraid that resurrecting Wan'er will fail, I'm afraid that all this is really because I met Wan'er in a certain life, but I tried my best and failed to revive her, until I immersed myself in the dream, If you want to change reincarnation, your dream will come true!

But, is it really a previous life... I don't think so! I'm afraid that all this will become the truth, so I want to verify it and change it! "Wang Lin's eyes flashed, revealing a bright light.

"When I was in the Tianni Pearl, I heard a voice inside it. This voice kept telling me that there was something missing... there was something missing...

I still don't understand what is missing...

In the cave world, I once saw an illusion, and I saw the Immortal Emperor Bai Fan pointing to the sky and going crazy. Later I learned that he must have accidentally seen that the world he existed in was actually a cave, so he couldn't accept it and went crazy.

Just like Master Sanling, but he doesn't have the courage and perseverance of Sanling.

This scene inspired me, but also gave me a deeper fear.

There was also the eternal empty door that appeared when I took the third step in the cave world... and the voice behind the door. This voice, I later felt, was the same as the one that was missing in the inverse bead. The sound is very similar.

Until I started that crazy idea, until I saw Ji Qiong's head after his death in the cave world, with a spiritual thought left on the head. "As Wang Lin spoke, he raised his right hand and grabbed the void, and Na Jiqiong's skull immediately appeared in his hand.

On the skull, there were markings and runes that flickered, emitting a cold light and an aura of killing.

"I have the answer to everything!" Wang Lin looked at the skull in his hand, with confusion in his eyes.

"The missing one in the Tianni Pearl is you! You are not the so-called guardian, but the spirit of this delimiting compass!" Wang Lin raised his head fiercely, his eyes bright, and his gaze made Yunzi tremble slightly that day. stand up.

"Originally, I was very vague about the method of resurrecting Wan'er. I even didn't know how to resurrect her until you appeared on the Daogu Desert Mountain."

The words you said were remembered in my heart, and with my subsequent experiences, until I saw the roaring figure in the Temple of the Ancient Ancestor,

I finally thought of a way!

While I was implementing this idea and method, I was always hesitant as to whether my existence was "real" or a dream, and whether this Immortal Gang Continent "really" existed.

Until I saw this skull..." Wang Lin murmured.

"You... what method did you come up with..." Tian Yunzi's huge body was filled with black energy. He looked at Wang Lin who was so calm. Listening to his calm words, his heart was filled with fear.

He found that "everything he knew" was very different from what he knew now, which made him feel like a catastrophe was coming for the crazy ideas and methods he had mentioned.

Wang Lin looked at Tianyunzi and looked as usual.

"My method is very simple. I know the art of the flowing moon. You know...I let my killing clone, after the great success, "reverse the flowing moon, and use the power of my cultivation" to reverse the killing like the years. "Clone" sent back to the past!

Send him to countless thousands of years ago, imitate this life, unfold his dream path, and in those past years, deduce and carry out everything that happened in my life!

I gave him a sense of autonomy and gave this clone all the freedom!

After doing this, I suddenly found that everything was clear. The past life? The past life you mentioned was the killing clone that I personally sent. The Immortal Gang Continent you mentioned is illusory. Now, I can tell You, Xiangang Continent, are not a dream, not an illusion!

I, Wang Lin, am not reincarnated. I was born on the Suzaku Star. Until now, I am who I am!

The reason why you think so, and even some people think so, is precisely because my killing avatar has successfully changed something in the past years.

I don’t know what my murderous clone has done in the past years, and I don’t know where he is now, but when I saw Ji Qiong’s skull, I saw his killing on it. My spiritual consciousness saw the method he left for me to revive Li Muwan according to my request back then!

That spiritual consciousness clearly told me that the killing clone had reversed the world in the past years and borrowed a compass. This compass was the key to resurrecting Wan'er.

He placed the compass on the Immortal Gang Continent and entered it several times, but every time he stepped into it, it would quickly dissipate.

Until he came to this ancient divine realm again like reincarnation for the last time. Before dissipating, he completed the will I gave him and blasted open this disk. While leaving this disk incomplete, he also released this delimiting compass. The weapon spirit!

That’s you. "Wang Lin looked at Tianyunzi. After hearing all this, his body trembled violently, his eyes showed disbelief, and contained indescribable fear.

"Impossible, this is impossible!!"

"This is my method, release you, and use you as the origin of this world to determine the compass to resurrect my wife."

"Reincarnation is there. If you understand it thoroughly, it moves because of your will. If you can't understand it, just say it is the reincarnation of the previous life. It is a circle. It already exists. You can see it and you can Feel it.

Like Mo Zhi's words, like Hongdie's memory, like you recognizing Lu Mo in the ancient barren mountains.

The ancient ancestors and immortal ancestors could not understand reincarnation and thought that all this was illusory and false. They asked and died... This is reincarnation...

Once you have understood it thoroughly, it is just a circle. You can walk around at will, choose a point at will, and pinch it at will. Wang Lin shook his head and looked at Tianyunzi calmly.

"You are plotting against me, but you don't know that at the end of all this, I am plotting against looking back suddenly in the dim light."

"Impossible, this can't be like this!! I saw with my own eyes the scenes of your previous life, I saw with my own eyes that you borrowed the compass that I was in, and I saw with my own eyes that you took the compass and sank into the dreamland!!

I have even seen with my own eyes that you have reached this point in reincarnations and disappeared into the compass! ! ! "Tianyun Yu seems to be crazy. He has been calculating all his life, but he still made a mistake at this last moment.

After the compass was blown away and released, he thought it was an accident, but he didn't expect that all of this was the plan of Wang Lin in front of him.

"Impossible, I don't believe it!!" Tianyunzi roared, his huge body turned into a black mist that covered the sky, and headed straight towards Wang Lin ferociously, as if he wanted to devour him!

"What you see with your own eyes may not be true...because you can't see reincarnation, it's just there. If you understand it, you understand it. If you don't understand it, you will never understand it." Wang Lin shook his head.

This chapter is missing a thousand words, so I’ll leave it until tomorrow. @.

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