Renegade Immortal

Chapter 280 Master

After years of traveling, Wang Lin chose a small town. Although he didn't like the Divine Seal Throne, the magical spell of turning ice sculptures into puppets greatly increased his interest.

What Wang Lin made was a wood carving. If he could learn this spell, then using it on wood carvings would be an extra way to save his life!

In addition, there is another important reason that makes Wang Lin not want to leave this place. Mortals here have no vitality and vitality. This is an abnormal and strange state. In this state, Wang Lin believes that for him, It is of great benefit to experience the meaning of death in the artistic conception of life and death.

Wang Lin settled down in this border town near the northern part of the Snow Country. The town was not big and had a small population. The person who controlled this town was a monk in the late stage of alchemy.

This monk disappeared without a trace on the night after Wang Lin came to this town. However, no one knew about his disappearance except Wang Lin.

On the third day, Wang Lin transformed into this person and walked out of this ice and snow tower with only eleven floors.

All the memories of that late-stage pill-forming monk have been learned by Wang Lin by swallowing his soul. Wang Lin did not kill this person, but kept him within the confines of the tower in case he could be useful in the future.

Originally, with this person's cultivation level, he was not qualified to own the Ice and Snow Tower, but this person had a clan uncle who was quite prestigious among the snow monks, so he assigned this town to him, thus owning this eleven-story tower. Ice and snow tower.

Through this person's memory, Wang Lin knew that it turned out that the proud daughter of the Snow Country was named Hongdie. This girl had left with the monks of the Suzaku Kingdom a few years ago.

In addition to the seven great elders, there were also thirteen Snowland monks who were older than the great elders who left together. These thirteen people had only one purpose in going to the Suzaku Kingdom, which was to receive the initiation from the Suzaku Kingdom. Big gift!

Hongdie joins the request of Suzaku Kingdom. It is to make Snowland Country a fifth-level cultivation country. at the same time. Have a new national address. Now. The second requirement has been met. Only the first requirement remains.

This matter concerns all the monks in the Snow Region. Everyone knows something about it. The alchemy monk in this small town. Because of his uncle's clan. Understand more comprehensively.

The fourth-level cultivation country has been upgraded to five levels. There must be a monk in the infant transformation stage.

Initiation ceremony. It is an extremely domineering and heaven-defying spell. Everyone has only one chance. It has a huge failure rate. But once successful. The infantile transformation stage can be reached immediately. But there is a drawback. That's its longevity. Regardless of whether there was more or less before. All become one hundred years of life.


Cultivation in this life. It will stop at the early stage of infant transformation. It is absolutely impossible to break through.

There is no way to change this. The reincarnation of heaven. Only one hundred years. A hundred years later. Certain death.

In this way, this may be an opportunity for some people whose life span is approaching. Therefore, those top monks will willingly take the risk and try it. After all, their remaining life span is not much.

As long as one of these thirteen people succeeds, they can add hundreds of years to the fifth-level cultivation country in Snow Country. In these hundred years, one of the seven great elders who followed Hongdie away will definitely reach the stage of infant transformation. . In this way, the position of the fifth-level cultivation country can be made more stable.

This is what Suzaku Kingdom promised, and it is also the condition of exchange for Hongdie.

Therefore, for this snowy country that is about to become a level 5 country, the five surrounding level 4 cultivation neighboring countries have all acquiesced and are ready to become a tributary country at any time.

This is a rule handed down from the origin of the Cultivation Alliance, not formulated by the Suzaku Kingdom. Any monk is qualified to resist, but cannot change it. The price of resistance is to be erased.

Wang Lin walked out of the Ice and Snow Tower. There were two foundation-building monks standing outside the tower, one male and one female. When they saw Wang Lin, they immediately respectfully called Master.

Wang Lin nodded slightly and said nothing.

He knew that the person he transformed had three disciples, among which the pretty female disciple in front of him was the third, the most beloved by the person, and she sometimes served him.

This kind of thing is quite rare among masters and disciples in other cultivation countries, and even if it exists, it will not be publicized and it is an extremely secretive matter.

However, in this incredible Snow Country, this kind of thing is extremely common. According to the memory of this pill-forming monk, there are many monks like him who serve his disciples in the Snow Country.

This has become a thing that everyone knows, and no one will condemn it or not. Moreover, in this person's memory, he had maliciously lamented that if the master of Hongdie, the proud girl of heaven, were not a woman, I am afraid that this woman would also serve her master.

Regarding this kind of thing, Wang Lin smiled bitterly, but his impression of the Snow Country became even worse.

As for the man in front of him, although he looks quite old, he is the second eldest son. He usually respects his master, but secretly, he is jealous of his master and the third junior sister.

Wang Lin learned all these things from the memories of the alchemy monks.

The idea is to find an opportunity in the near future to assign this apprentice to be bored.

"Have new ice embryos been sent?" Wang Lin said slowly with his hands behind his back and no emotion or anger in his tone. This ice embryo is what the monks in the snowy area call the ice sculptures.

The second disciple quickly said respectfully: "Master, we just sent two Snow Immortal Ice Embryos."

Wang Lin nodded lightly and said, "Take it out and let me see if you two can improve your skills." In the memory Wang Lin has mastered, there is a detailed description of the method of making ice sculpture puppets, but this method is Among them, it involves some unique skills of monks in the Snow Region. This kind of skill is called Bingqingjue. In Wang Lin's view, this decision was quite subtle.

When the monks in the snow region breathe out, they absorb not only the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but also the cold air of ice and snow, which they must absorb. It is this cold air of ice and snow that gradually changes the system, allowing the Yuanying monks to After leaving the body, he transformed into an ice and snow giant.

However, this technique obviously has a hierarchical system. The person Wang Lin transforms only learns the first four levels of formulas, which are secretly given by his clan uncle. Otherwise, even the first four levels of techniques will not be available. .

The second disciple quickly said yes. As soon as he patted the storage bag, two three-foot-tall ice sculptures suddenly appeared on the ground. The ice sculptures were engraved with a beast with the body of a human and a bird, and they looked quite ferocious.

Wang Lin’s travels over the past year, the way of nature, and what is carved in this ice sculpture is none other than one of the guardian beasts of the Snowland Country—Snow Fairy!

The second disciple's eyes were solemn, and he meditated cross-legged for a while. Then he made kung fu with his left hand and quickly changed it, finally forming a black snow ball. At the same time, he moved the fingertips of his right hand and clicked on the snow ball to draw out some black snow. Suddenly, his fingertips Press on the ice sculpture.

Suddenly, a stream of black energy quickly flowed into the ice sculpture from his fingertips, forming a trace like a meridians.

The second disciple saw sweat on his forehead. He took a deep breath, hooked up some black snow with his right hand again, and pressed it on the ice sculpture again. Suddenly, there were more meridians on the ice sculpture.

At this time, the snow ball on the second disciple's left hand disappeared silently. His face became paler and he quickly sat cross-legged in meditation.

Wang Lin's expression was as usual, but he felt something in his heart. According to the memory of the pill-forming monk, a Snow Immortal ice sculpture needs nine snow meridians in order to complete the first step of making it.

While he was thinking, the female disciple walked over lightly, with a hint of flattery in her eyes, and said softly: "Master, you haven't answered the disciple's questions for several days. There has been another change in the disciple's cultivation. I still invite the master tonight." Respect the guidance.”

Wang Lin was thinking about the role of the snow meridians in the ice sculpture's body when he heard the woman's words. He nodded slightly and said casually: "Tell me, what happened."

The female disciple was startled, looked around, and a blush suddenly rose on her face, and she said softly: "Master, are you talking here?"

Wang Lin nodded, but he immediately recalled that in the memory of the alchemy monk, once the female disciple spoke like this, she meant something more than the literal meaning, but a deeper meaning.

Thinking of this, he was about to speak, but he didn't expect that the blush on the female disciple's face became even brighter. She glanced at Wang Lin with a charming look, patted her body, and most of her clothes fell off.

Wang Lin frowned, flicked his sleeves, and the woman's clothes returned to normal. His face turned cold and he glanced at the woman.

The woman immediately felt a chill rising inside and outside her body, her face changed color, and she quickly knelt on the ground, becoming frightened. After a long time, she stood up carefully. She was panicking and didn't know how to provoke the master.

At this time, the second disciple finished adjusting his breath, opened his eyes and glanced at the woman. Without saying anything, he made a secret with his left hand again, condensed the black snow, and began to create the snow meridians.

It took the two disciples a few hours to complete the Jiuxue Meridian. Most of the time, this person was adjusting his inner breath.

It can be seen that making this ice sculpture is a big burden for him.

When all the nine snow meridians were finished, the second disciple took a deep breath, knelt under the ice sculpture, with a pious look on his face, murmured a prayer, then gritted his teeth, raised his right hand and quickly pressed on the nine snow meridians of the ice sculpture. A gathering place.

But after hearing a bang, the two disciples spurted blood from their mouths, flew more than ten feet away, and fell to the ground. As for the ice sculpture, the nine snow meridians inside it were like nine spiritual snakes, spinning rapidly inside it, and finally exploded with a bang. , two of the snow meridians collided together, and the entire ice sculpture suddenly exploded and turned into ice cubes.

The second disciple looked pale and whispered in shame: "Disciple failed again..."

Wang Lin ignored this person, but his eyes flashed. He pondered for a while, and combined with the memory of the alchemy monk in his mind, he gradually understood the key to making this ice sculpture.

At this moment, Wang Lin's heart moved. He raised his head and looked into the distance, only to see a sword light speeding towards him from a distance.

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