Renegade Immortal

Chapter 282 Return to Zhao Huashen

Looking at his master's retreating back, scenes from the past came to mind. He kowtowed heavily several times, clenched his fists, and turned around to leave.

"I, Chen Huan, swear here that I will destroy the Snow Country in this lifetime!"

Wang Lin returned to the Ice and Snow Tower with complicated emotions. Although he had obtained a valuable treasure, he did not feel much joy, but only felt melancholy.

At this moment, Wang Lin suddenly had another understanding of the artistic conception of life and death that he had felt, what is life... what is death...

This question echoed in Wang Lin's mind for a long time.

The late-stage god-transformation monk of the Ink and Water Sect, with the last scorching sun of his life, was like a moth rushing towards the light, and exploded on the statue of the Snow Immortal on the top of the Ice and Snow Temple, leaving an eternal trace for this Ice and Snow Temple. The bright red color that cannot be erased.

Along with this, several of the god-transformation monks who surrounded and suppressed him also died in the self-explosion.

All the glory has gone with the wind...

His death was a well-deserved death. His death awakened those monks from the original Four Sects Alliance who were hiding and did not dare to show their faces.

In the blink of an eye, another year has passed.

during this year. Wang Lin is always thinking. The artistic conception between life and death. gradually. He has this artistic conception. The deeper the understanding. His whole being. during this year. There seems to be a transformation going on.

Look at the mountains, they are mountains. Look, the water is water...

Just Wang Lin. But now. sometimes. This mountain. Not a mountain. This water. It's not water either. It seems that there is always a layer of fog covering my eyes. So that he can't see it. But you can feel the martial arts of the Holy King of Heaven and Earth, the creation of the Holy King, the Night Killing God, the Divine Seal Throne, and the Demon-Proud Ninth Layer, the Strongest Abandoned Young Master of the Great Zhou Royal Family, the Night-killing God Seal Throne. The king who moves the world will kill the god and seal the throne at night, asking for the demon and the most powerful abandoned young master in the ninth heaven. The great Zhou royal family has arrived. Can detect. But it can't be touched.

This kind of perception. It cannot be pushed by time. Rather, it requires an epiphany.

Spring passes and autumn comes. Another two years of ice and snow.

Wang Lin's research on ice sculpture puppets. Some progress has also been made. Inside this ice sculpture puppet. It is mainly maintained by the Snow Meridian. Seventy-seven forty-nine snow meridians rotate under it. It can reach a monk's attack equivalent to the middle stage of pill formation.

As for the Nascent Soul stage,

It requires ninety-nine and eighty-one snow meridians. However, the more snow meridians there are in this ice sculpture, the harder it is to control, and the greater the possibility of collision. As long as there is a collision, the entire ice sculpture will collapse.

Because of this, the difficulty will increase several times with each additional snow meridian. As a result, the difficulty of the eighty-one snow meridians can be described as astonishing.

This is also the reason why ice sculpture puppets produced in the Snow Country are extremely rare in the Nascent Soul stage.

In addition, the source of the puppet snow meridians comes from the ice and snow art. Wang Lin was quite surprised after studying this art.

The ice and snow art focuses on refining the heart. This art uses ice to change bones and snow to solidify the heart to create the soul of ice and snow, thus achieving a state where the heart is as clear as ice.

It can be said that it is mysterious and wonderful.

This is also the reason why monks in the Snow Land tend to follow their own whims and act according to their polarity. Among their techniques, the emphasis is on condensation of temperament. If they do not enter the dust, how can they achieve the goal of condensing all kinds of thoughts.

The more he studies this ice and snow art, the more Wang Lin can feel the force of the Holy King of Heaven and Earth, the creation of the Holy King, the Night Killing God, the Divine Seal Throne, seeking the demon-proud Ninth Level Heaven, the strongest abandoned young master, the Great Zhou royal family general, the Night-Slaying God, the Divine Seal Throne, the most demon-proud Ninth Level Heaven, The royal family of Zhou Dynasty forcibly abandoned the young master and used the martial arts to move the universe and kill the god and seal the throne at night. The most powerful abandoned young master in the ninth heaven is the king. The scary thing about this technique is that it cannot be called the right path, but an absolute deviation from the sword. Wang Lin even felt that although it was different from the technique practiced by the Demon Lord of Six Desires back then, it had the same purpose. Wonderful.

Wang Lin did not want to practice this technique, but imitated it slightly, changing the snow meridians into blood meridians, using blood to match the mood of life and death as a change, so as to achieve the purpose of control.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Lin has been staying in this small town for three years. Including the previous year's travels, he has spent a total of four years.

There is only one year left, which is the ten-year period. Wang Lin can feel that the era of becoming gods has arrived...

He didn't know whether the moment of transformation into a god would cause great chaos in the world, but the closer the deadline came, the more Wang Lin could feel that the monk's transformation into a god would make all nearby monks aware.

So, on this day, Wang Lin walked out of the Ice and Snow Tower and left.

Before he left, the Ice and Snow Temple had already issued an edict to summon all monks above the pill formation level to go to the temple to perform a preaching ceremony. This was because, out of the thirteen monks who went to the Suzaku Kingdom, one came back. This person was the only success. He has reached the stage of infantile transformation!

As for whether only one of the thirteen people succeeded, and whether the Suzaku Kingdom had some secret actions, that would not be known to outsiders.

Wang Lindi left without a sound. Even the pill-forming monk who had been locked in the tower for three years lost his memory of being trapped under Wang Lin's magical power and regained his identity.

At the border of Snow Country, Wang Lin turned around and took a serious look at the land. Decades of scenes flashed through his eyes one by one. Finally, he sighed and turned around to leave.

Wang Lin's goal is the Kingdom of Zhao, where he will prepare to transform into a god!

The reason why he returned to the Kingdom of Zhao to transform into gods was not only because of its remoteness, but also because Wang Lin felt a sense of home that he had not experienced for a long time from the respectable late-stage monk in transforming into gods...

Everyone has a family, does he...

if true

, Zhao country can be regarded as one, and far away on the other side of the Xiu Demon Sea, there is a woman waiting for him. Perhaps, there can also be regarded as home...

Therefore, he chose the State of Zhao to transform into a god there and end the cause and effect of his birth there.

Before returning to the Kingdom of Zhao, Wang Lin went to the town where Daniel was from the neighboring country. He saw from a distance that in the town, Daniel had opened an iron shop. Although his wife was not young, she already had a wife. pregnant.

Wang Lin looked at this scene with a smile. The new life was taking shape day by day...

When leaving, Wang Lin injected a spiritual power into the body of Daniel's wife. This spiritual power could keep the mother and daughter safe. The newly formed life was a girl.

Daniel never knew that Uncle Wang, whom he had always wanted to see again, had already come to see him. Until his death, the only regret in Daniel's heart was not that he did not see Maverick to die, but that he would never be able to see Uncle Wang who watched him grow up in this life. That strange man who ran a shop and often brought customers here for him and asked for a price of ten gold.

Those two wooden carvings were given to his daughter after his death and became a family heirloom of the Zeng family.

Wang Lin flew all the way to the Kingdom of Zhao. Forty years ago, he walked the same road. That time, he had just entered the Nascent Soul stage. Today, following the original path, he returned to the Kingdom of Zhao. This time, he was about to transform into a god. , select the preparation place.

This time, the artistic conception is completely different.

After passing ancient teleportation arrays one after another, on this day, Wang Lin was flying on an unfamiliar land. Suddenly, the sky slowly dimmed, dark clouds covered the sun, and traces of rain fell from the sky.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, almost forming a curtain of rain. Wang Lin looked up at the sky. He had not seen such heavy rain for a long time. He couldn't help but think of the time he was in the room with Zhang Hu when he was in the Hengyue Sect. , there was lightning and thunder outside, and a heavy downpour suddenly fell.

At this time, streaks of lightning flashed across the sky, and silver snakes danced wildly in the sky. It was really beautiful Taobao Women's Clothing Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket m.

Wang Lin slowly fell down. He did not use magic to disperse the rain. Instead, while falling, he waved his right hand on the surrounding trees, and suddenly the leaves gathered together to form a leaf umbrella.

Holding an umbrella, Wang Lin walked among the unfamiliar mountains and forests. After passing two ancient teleportation arrays, he could return to the Kingdom of Zhao. Forty thousand miles to the east, there was the location of one of the ancient teleportation arrays.

In the mountains and forests, the sound of raindrops has a very moving charm, especially not far ahead, there is an ancient temple. This temple has obviously been abandoned. The original red painted door has been dimmed, and there are some damages on it. at.

Even the copper nails and rings on it are covered with dark rust, with a hint of green on the edges.

Wang Lin had not seen many temples in his life. It could even be said that they were extremely rare.

Looking at the temple, Wang Lin walked in. This was an ancient temple. There was no Buddha in the temple, only half of a petal-like base.

While observing, Wang Lin glanced sideways at the temple door, and then stopped paying attention. Instead, after observing a circle, he stood by the temple door, looking out at the rainy night, feeling a vague artistic conception.

After a long time, bursts of shouting came from a distance, and a few big men in raincoats were seen walking towards the temple quickly, cursing.

"This damn weather, once it starts raining, it will never end!"

"There is a temple ahead. Let's go in and take shelter. The rain will subside after a while, and it won't be too late for us to continue on our way!"

Just as they were talking, several people saw Wang Lin in the temple from a distance. They couldn't help but pause, looked at each other, stopped talking, and walked towards the temple.

When walking past Wang Lin, one of them took a step sideways and slapped Wang Lin with his right hand seemingly gently. But the next moment, someone next to him shouted softly and pushed the person to neutralize the attack.

The man turned around and hummed, then stopped talking and walked into the temple.

The five people took off their coir raincoats in the temple, lit up a bonfire, took out some food, and chatted loudly while eating, but their eyes occasionally glanced at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin shook his head slightly. These five common people had broken the mood of this rainy night and wasted the atmosphere in vain. He sighed softly, raised his steps, and was about to leave. Suddenly, Wang Lin's expression changed, and his eyes fell on the distant mountains.

I saw a tall man in a thin shirt walking towards here step by step. The man's pace was not fast, but Wang Lin felt like he was shrinking to an inch. One moment, this man was far away, and the next moment, he was already there. He walked past Wang Lin and entered the temple.

The moment he passed by Wang Lin, the big man let out a light sigh, stopped after entering the temple, looked at Wang Lin carefully, showed his white teeth, and smiled gently: "I didn't expect that in this small temple, I can actually see people from the Taoist world, I am Mo Zhi, who is your Excellency?"——

Since everyone wants to become a god as soon as possible, let’s do it... soon...

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