Renegade Immortal

Chapter 290 No Name

Immortal Rebellion Chapter 290 No Name

The hunter claps the beast and cries. Suddenly it looked like a basalt beast. Immediately open your mouth and break the star ring. Growled. Its sound seems to be able to penetrate the clouds and crack rocks.

Although it seems silent. But inside the broken star ring. He was actually forced into a vacuum of several feet. Gravel inside the ring. They all gave way.

The old man jumped up. Stepped on the head of the crying beast. Suddenly. The crying beast took a deep breath. Immediately there were countless spiritual powers all around. All gathered towards its mouth. Devoured by it one after another.

Subsequently. The beast roared again. This time. A cylindrical sound wave visible to the naked eye. Rushed into the Broken Star Ring with a bang. In an instant. It forms a passage nearly a hundred feet long. All the rubble in the passage. All gone.

Wang Lin's eyes flashed. The attack of this beast. He was quite surprised. It's actually so powerful. But if there is a real fight. Wang Lin was not afraid. After all, this beast's attack is powerful. But look like this. It can only be a straight line attack. And in the midst of a battle of wits. flexible. How could Wang Lin let this crying beast attack?

At the moment when the cry beast roared out. The old man's body was like an arrow leaving the string. Speed ​​away. in a blink. Then he roared with anger. Enter within a hundred feet. Immediately afterwards. Only the rubble outside the surrounding air pillars was visible. Suddenly merged. Form a clone that is the same as the old man.

The old man was not panicked. One shot storage bag. Suddenly from the pocket. More than ten jade slips flew out. These jade slips just took off. He immediately spun around the old man. Those clones were about to step forward. But see those jade slips. Immediately. Then it violently shot out in all directions.

Every jade. They all flew towards every clone around them at extremely fast speeds. Then there were several bangs. These jade slips exploded one by one. While turning into silver glitter, it strangely formed clones that were exactly the same as the old man.

As a result, this broken star looks quite confusing.

The old man's clone was made of jade slips. Those gravel clones were fighting together. Take advantage of this opportunity. The old man's figure rushed forward. He immediately rushed far away and easily walked out of the broken star ring.

When he stepped out of the Broken Star Ring, those jade clones disappeared silently. As for the gravel clones, they also roared unwillingly. Disappeared.

The old man turned around. He glanced at Wang outside the Broken Star Ring. He snorted softly. Call with your right hand. Suddenly, the body of the crying beast suddenly shrank. Finally, it turned into a black light and flew into the Broken Star Ring.

It's just that the Broken Star Ring is so focused on this light that it has no effect. The black light crossed over and landed next to the old man. Became a crying beast again.

The old man jumped up. Step on the back of the crying beast. Stay far away.

Wang Lin's eyes flashed. He didn't stand up immediately. But wait quietly.

This wait. That's seven days. As for the beast. Not placed in storage bag. Instead, he was let go by Wang Lin. Went looking for food. Mosquitomon was originally born as a demon-cultivating sea monster. At this time, it is like a dragon returning to the sea. Quite carefree and at ease.

Seven days later. The figure of the beast within the Broken Star Ring. Appear slowly. The old man sat on it. By his side. There are seven slender golden threads like dragons. Moving around rapidly -

times when they want to break away. A light curtain will appear all around. Prevented from escaping. The old man glanced at Wang Lin in surprise from a distance. No words were spoken. But in the same way. Walk out of the Broken Star Ring. Now. He suddenly smiled wildly. Lift your right hand and grab it in front of you. Suddenly a thin golden thread was caught in his hand. He swung towards Wang Lin's position. He said: "Fellow Taoist, this live line is given to you."

The golden thread is like lightning. Under the old man's flick. He immediately rushed straight towards Wang Lin. A moment ago, he was far away from Wang Lin. But the next moment. Already in front of me.

Wang Lin looked as usual. The right hand is slightly spaced. The artistic conception of life and death suddenly brewed in the soul. The artistic conception of life. Pay attention to all changes. It's called vitality. In fact, it's just a change.

below this point. That flying golden thread. Meal immediately. Immediately afterwards. The speed suddenly slowed down. A few of them were surprisingly well-behaved. Wrap it around Wang Lin's fingers.

"That's disrespectful." Wang Lin's voice was hoarse. Said slowly.

The old man's eyes flashed. His heart was completely determined. The other party is a monk who transforms into gods. You need to know this Aurora line of fire. It was born from the fermentation of heaven. Specializes in swallowing Yuanying. Unless a soul can be formed. if not. This thing cannot be mastered by ordinary monks.

The old man chuckled. He said, "Since fellow Taoist disciples don't want to form a team, I'll take my leave." He slapped his feet and cried out to the beast. Suddenly, countless red clouds gathered outside the beast's body again. Go on the clouds. Its extremely fast. in a blink. Then it was lost in the distance.

Wang Lin pondered for a while. Stand up. I looked at the gold thread on my finger. But that's it. Suddenly the beast flew back from a distance. Suddenly it stopped ten feet away from Wang Lin. Staring intently at the golden thread on his finger. There was a scared but greedy look in his eyes.

He seemed to want to step forward. But I don’t dare.

Wang Lin let out a light sigh. He glanced at the cute golden thread on his finger. Think for a moment. Looking at the mosquito beast. Said: "Is this useful to you?"

The mosquito beast's eyes showed a look of struggle. After a long time, the big head nodded slightly. But immediately. He looked scared again.

Wang Lin's heart moved. The artistic conception of death in Yuanshen suddenly unfolded. Condensed on the golden thread of the finger. Suddenly. A faint layer of strange light condensed on the golden thread. Under the influence of this light. The color of this golden thread suddenly dimmed. malaise.

The look in the beast's eyes. Immediately whistled softly. Wang Lin flicked his right hand. The golden thread flew out immediately. The beast quickly flew up. The golden wires collided together.

Suddenly. The golden thread flickered instantly. Immediately from the mosquito beast's head. Got in.

The beast grunted several times. The whole body fell to the ground with a thud. Twitching with struggle. But its gaze. But he showed a look of surprise.

Wang Lin was quite surprised. Keep staring. After about three sticks of incense. The beast's trembling stopped. There was actually a little golden light shining on his body. its body. Also at this moment. There is a snapping sound. Bigger.

The mosquito beast at this time. It is already nearly thirty feet in size. It can be said to be like a hill. It’s not an exaggeration at all.

Especially the huge mouth that was enlarging his body. More and more slender. It looks extremely chilling.

Actually this aurora thin line. It is a kind of material for refining weapons. Only monks who transform gods can freely control this thing and swallow it. Grow with Nascent Soul. As for monsters. Avoid what you see before.

But this mosquito beast. I have been following Wang Lin for a long time and my level has already reached a breakthrough after taking elixir regularly. From the lower level of spirit. However, he has reached the middle level, which is equivalent to the cultivation level of a late Nascent Soul Dzogchen.

Originally it was impossible to combine with the gold thread. But in Wang Lin's life and death mood. This golden thread is infinitely weakened. Change is lost. Vitality naturally decreases. Only then can one merge with the mosquito beast. This led to changes in its system.

Wang Lin stood up and patted the beast. The beast immediately understood and transformed into a body and got into the storage bag. Wang Lin moved. Towards the Broken Star Ring.

not long time. He walked out of the Broken Star Ring. This broken star ring. When Wang Lin was in the elixir formation stage. They can come and go as they please. Not to mention now.

Especially in the context of his life and death. His cultivation was at the moment he entered the Broken Star Ring. The mood of death is present. Systemic changes are reduced. Life is bleak. This way. Even if it's a phantom clone. It also decreased.

After walking out of Broken Star Ring. There was no stopping. Instead, he quickly galloped towards the entrance of the Ancient God's Palace.

hour. He came to the entrance. Just about to take a step forward. Suddenly, a mosquito came out of the storage bag. Wander around in mid-air for several times. Howling loudly in the distance. Sometimes he looked at Wang Lin. Showing pleading.

Wang Lin's heart moved. His consciousness swept away. Suddenly in the distance. Now in mid-air. There is a space crack only the size of a fist. A golden thread. It is emerging from the crack in space. Formations of scattered golden light.

See here. Wang Linli understands. He smiled and said, "Why. Haven't you had enough of one?"

The mosquito beast nodded quickly. He showed his pleasing look again. Huge mouthparts. He rubbed it against Wang Lin. If anyone else sees the scene in front of them. You will definitely be shocked by it. That huge mouthpart. Definitely looks bad. Very few people can allow their mouth parts to touch without changing their expressions.

Wang Lin smiled hoarsely. He glanced at the golden thread in the distance. Said: "Don't worry. After I seal the surrounding area first so that others can't enter, it won't be too late to collect it for you."

Said. Wang Lin changed his hands continuously. A series of afterimage restrictions. Strike it from his hand. These restrictions are very different from those in Wang Lin's Nascent Soul stage. before. These are just more powerful restrictions. But now. It contains the changes in Wang Lin's artistic conception. The power immediately doubled.

These afterimages are made. Disperse quickly. Falling around. slowly. A huge forbidden formation covering hundreds of miles in radius. take shape.

Finish these. Wang Lin moved. Came to where the golden thread was.

at this time. Then drill out half of the gold thread. As observed. There was no hesitation at all. Back away quickly. It retracted more than half in the blink of an eye.

The anxious mosquito beast screamed at the side. But he didn't dare to step forward. Instead, he looked at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's eyes flashed. The big hand grabbed the air. He immediately grabbed the golden thread. Give a low drink. Pull it outward. Suddenly the golden thread was completely pulled out by him. Dancing rapidly in the hand.

The artistic conception of death immediately emerged from the soul. The golden thread suddenly dimmed. Then he was thrown away by Wang Lin. The beast immediately stepped forward. Blended with it.

at this time. That fist-sized crack in space. After the gold thread is pulled out. It actually shrunk very quickly. It was about to disappear completely. Wang Lin's eyes flashed. He immediately sat cross-legged. The soul suddenly walked out of the body. At an extremely fast speed. Follow the crack in space that is about to disappear. Got in.

As soon as his soul entered the crack. Suddenly, I felt that my eyes were filled with patches of golden light. I saw that this place is a strange space. in the distance. There is a huge light body like the sun. around it. Countless golden threads waved and flew rapidly.

Wang Lin said nothing. A big hand grabs it. Suddenly there were dozens of golden threads. He caught him immediately. Yuan Shen grabbed the golden thread and hurried back.

The moment his soul came back from the crack. The crack closes. As for those dozen golden threads. In the artistic conception of Wang Lin Yuanshen. It suddenly dimmed. All thrown to the mosquito beast.

The beast's eyes suddenly showed excitement. Not swallowing everything up. It’s just that there are too many gold threads. within a short period of time. It seems unable to absorb them all. Wang Lin placed an artistic conception of death on each golden line. Keep them in a weak state for a long time. He smiled and said: "You can eat slowly while I go to the ancient god's place."

Said. His body disappeared completely. when it appears. Already at the entrance of the Ancient God, he took a deep breath and the light flashed slightly. Then a tooth. Make a hand gesture. He spat out a few words from the ancient gods. Suddenly his body became unreal. Slowly dissipated in the sky.

Outside the first level of the Ancient God. Wang Lin's figure in the endless dark passage. Appears on one of the giant cone-shaped stones that is constantly moving.

Came here again. Wang was naturally a little emotional. But he knew time was running out. He immediately sat cross-legged. After putting some restrictions and precautions around. He patted the storage bag with his right hand and a piece of black stone flew out from it.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Linshuang changed. A restriction with a single attack attribute was struck by him extremely quickly. One by one on this stone.

As time passes. The ban on the stone. more and more.

After completing the basic ritual training. Lin had something in his hand again. This is a soul flag. Under his control. The ink stone blends perfectly with this flag. Subsequently. The sacrifice begins again.

Time passes little by little. Wang Lin was in the process of offering sacrifices. Without any hesitation. But hold on tight. Quick sacrifice.

One ban after another. One by one they landed on the forbidden flags. I don’t know how much time passed. Ninety-nine sets of restrictions. Only one remains. You can achieve small success.

at this time. Wang Lin hesitated. If your guess is wrong. Worship here. Thunder will also come. Then this forbidden flag. I'm afraid it will be difficult to keep.

Once damaged. From now on. Unless we can find the Mojian Stone again. If so. The only choice is to go get Li Muwan's pole and use it.

If you stop now. Although the power of this forbidden flag is insufficient. But at least it won't be damaged. If used with care. You can also force it

Think a little. Wang Lin's eyes flashed. If this forbidden flag does not reach the level of Xiaocheng. Not powerful enough. Too tasteless. The Gate of Fairyland and his party. It doesn't work.

He gritted his teeth. Draw the last prohibition with your right hand. Pressed on the forbidden flag.

Suddenly. The forbidden flag immediately shook. Black energy emerged from it. A hint of prehistoric feeling. It spread immediately. Wang Lin glanced at him. Although I have some guesses about the power of Xiaocheng's single-attribute forbidden flag. But still extremely shocked. The power of this forbidden flag. Compared to before Dacheng. The power was actually dozens of times greater. This way. This forbidden flag belongs to the monk who transforms into gods. There will also be considerable deterrence.

Especially after this flag is completed. Ninety prohibitions within it. All in one. At the expense of lowering nine sets of prohibitions. Can perform the spirit-forbidden technique once.

This forbidden spirit technique. It can be within a certain range. Lian Tian's spiritual energy and even the spiritual power in the monk's body were completely banned. Forming a blank realm without any spiritual power. This way. Unless you are a monk who has cultivated the spirit of the immortal world. All monks. All will lose their spiritual power in a short period of time.

Wang Lin's eyes flashed. Handshake in the forbidden flag. My inner thoughts about my trip to the fairy world. Confidence increased.

As for the catastrophe caused by the forbidden flag. It didn’t come at this time. Wang Lin was quite excited. he knows. I made the right bet.

In the body of this ancient god. A world of its own. Naturally, the heavenly calamity cannot be felt. The holy king of the universe is created by martial arts. The holy king will be killed at night. The throne of the divine seal will be used to ask for the demons and the most powerful abandoned young master in the ninth heaven. Wudong Qiankun will kill the god in the night and seek the throne of the divine seal. The most powerful abandoned boy in the ninth level of the world, the great Zhou royal family, created the god general and killed the god in the night. The throne of the divine seal asks for the existence of the devil in the ninth level. Not to mention the calamity coming.

He took a deep breath. Continue to hit the ban. only. He was unable to complete the intermediate state of nine hundred and ninety-nine sets of restrictions. because. Simple attack ban. Not much. This is also one of the reasons for restricting single-attribute banners.

On top of this forbidden flag. After playing eighteen more completely different sets of restrictions. Wang Lin sighed secretly. He tried his best. This can only be done. I want to continue. Only if you encounter any restrictions in the future, you should study them carefully. Bringing together the strengths of many experts. Only then can we have more single attack restrictions.

Wang Lin has already made up his mind. After this ban. There must be more communication. Only ninety-nine groups have achieved success. It has such power. Wang Lin was looking forward to it. If it reaches the intermediate level of nine hundred and ninety-nine groups. This forbidden flag. So what. I'm afraid it's even the stage of infantile transformation. It can also be a shock.

Wang Lin thought of this. A hint of fanaticism suddenly arose in my heart. He pondered. Put away this finished forbidden flag. Take out the broken forbidden flag. Hesitate for a moment. The plan to put the last restriction on it was given up. The greatest effect of this forbidden flag. It would be better to put it on top of triggering the catastrophe.

Finished making the forbidden flag. Wang Lin's light flashed. His whole body jumped up. Toward the darkness beneath this passage. Fly away slowly.

within this space. Wang can be said to be extremely familiar with it. After all, he had carefully walked up step by step from below and experienced countless obstacles and crises.

It’s time to revisit the old. He wasn't careless either. But sink cautiously.

The reason for choosing this is to collect spiritual beasts. It is precisely because of this that although there are not many spiritual beasts, there is just one. All have considerable power. Far from being a cultivator, it can be compared to those monsters in the sea.

it's here. Even wild beasts. There are also a few of these beings who are equivalent to monks with great supernatural powers, and Wang Lin is naturally unwilling to provoke them. The goal. It is a high-grade spiritual beast equivalent to a monk in the transformation stage.

The reason why I chose the beast here is because Wang Lin has a magic weapon. The magic weapon is destined to be the Hunyuan beast-driving circle. This circle can temporarily control spiritual beasts for one's own use. It just requires a lot of spiritual energy.

This circle. This was the first time Wang Lin came to this Ancient God's Palace that year. Obtained from those ancient monks. As the price for his help.

In the following years, Lin also found some high-grade spirit beasts to experiment with to confirm that this circle was indeed usable. This is how Dao Zhushouyi came into existence.

It can be said that Wang Lin has made full preparations for the Immortal Qi that can be obtained from the Immortal Gate. Once a top-grade beast is caught this time. This kind of spiritual beast is equivalent to a monk in the transformation stage. It can be in the fairy world. It was a great help to him.

Just during this period. He needs to maintain the spiritual power of the animal repellent circle regularly. otherwise. I'm afraid I won't be able to wait until the fairyland opens. The captured spirit beast will bite back.

He sank all the way down. Divine awareness opens. Sweep it over each stone. But no spiritual beast was found. Wang Lin was suspicious. With the distance he is sinking now. I remember seeing some spiritual beasts back then. But now they have all disappeared.

He pondered a little. His eyes flashed. Continue to sink. soon. Then they came to the place where the ten-thousand-foot-long dragon fell. Stand on a rock. Wang Lin looked down. Here below. It was still pitch black. Wang Lin hesitated. Is flying downward again. he guessed. I'm afraid it will be a world of wild beasts.

But along the way. Not a single beast was encountered. This trip was bound to fail. Wang Lin was silent for a while. Stop resolutely. Wave your hands in front of you. Prepare to play the magic trick. Leave this ancient god.

After all, it's too dangerous down there. Wang Lin didn’t want to do it for a spiritual beast. And too risky.

but. Just when he had just cast the spell. Suddenly there was darkness beneath him. Suddenly two pearl-like lights lit up. at the same time. A red dragon. As fast as lightning. Suddenly rushed out.

Wang Lin recognized it at a glance. This dragon is the same one from back then. He was secretly surprised. About to leave. But immediately stopped. Because he saw it. In front of the dragon. There was actually a green toad.

This toad is more than three feet taller. Kick back. Suddenly rushed far away. The red dragon behind it. Always in hot pursuit.

Wang Lin said nothing. The body suddenly sank. Integrate into the stone. The spiritual consciousness observed from a distance. The magic formula has been completed. All he needs is a thought. You can leave here immediately. This way. He was in no hurry to leave. But his eyes flickered slightly.

I saw only the red dragon. He opened his mouth wide while chasing. His body shrank. Bounced away violently. The speed suddenly increased several times. The distance was suddenly closed. He shook his body. Just get entangled in the toad.

The toad was entangled by the dragon at the moment. Suddenly his body froze. His whole body suddenly flashed with cyan electricity. This electric light is like the sun. It instantly illuminates the surrounding area. I only saw it on the toad. There is an extra electric lightning ball.

The red dragon roared sharply. The body quickly ducked away. Obviously he was extremely afraid of that electric light.

Wang Lin took a deep breath. Shocked by it. Although there is nothing magical about the toad's electric light. But it made him feel like he had encountered a disaster.

Can fight against the red dragon that was parasitic in the body of the ten thousand feet dragon. This toad. I'm afraid it's also a wild beast.

But immediately. Wang Lin rejected his idea. After the toad dispersed the electric light. Suddenly felt depressed. Landed on a rock. His eyes showed despair.

Look at it. Not much like a wild beast. After all, if it is a battle between two wild beasts. It is impossible to decide the winner with just one blow.

Wang Lin suddenly became enthusiastic. He didn't want to mess with wild beasts. But if this toad is a top-grade spiritual beast. That was exactly what he wanted this time.

at this time. That red dragon. An angry roar. outside its body. Suddenly more than a dozen blood cells appeared. among these blood cells. Gradually the souls of the spiritual beasts emerged.

All towards the toad. Rush away.

The look of despair in Toad's eyes became even stronger. Wang Lin gritted his teeth. The body flashed out.

Chapter 291

As soon as his body appeared. The red dragon floating in the air immediately swept over. There was a hint of mockery in its eyes. Those blood cells outside the body. Immediately, three groups flew towards Wang Lin.

Lin turned pale when he saw the beast soul king in this blood ball. Why didn't I meet any spiritual beast along the way? This red dragon must be crazy. Slaughter these spirit beasts and refine them into blood souls. For that fast ball. Wang Lin remained calm and suddenly flicked his right hand, and a black light flashed out. It was a copper circle with a simple atmosphere. This copper ring is as big as a bracelet and has many beasts with hideous faces engraved on it. At first glance. Each of these fairy beasts is lifelike. As if alive.

The copper circle appeared. Suddenly the beast soul in the blood ball. He immediately showed a look of fear. Involuntarily, they all avoided the circle and instantly landed on the toad, which quickly grew in size. About to fall.

"If you don't want to die, don't struggle." Wang Linxun shouted. I didn't even look at the copper ring. The whole person suddenly disappeared into this passage.

It all happened very quickly. The red dragon obviously couldn't think of it. Wang Lin actually has the ability to leave here at any time. At this moment, Wang Lin's breath disappeared completely. Suddenly he roared. A bloody wave ring immediately emitted from its body. Spreading violently around. Any gravel that encounters this ripple. Immediately turned into powder.

The toad was meant to avoid the copper ring. But after listening to Wang Lin’s words. His eyes flashed. Not only don’t avoid it. Instead, he jumped. Automatically enter the copper circle. After being locked around the neck by this circle. A body several feet long. The moment the red ripples hit. Disappeared.

throughout the channel. The dragon's angry roar echoed.

At the entrance to the Ancient God in the Broken Star Ring. Wang Lin appeared. He just showed up. He immediately turned pale. Take out several bottles of elixirs from the storage bag. After swallowing, sit cross-legged and meditate.

By his side. Lying down was a huge green toad. The toad's eyes showed a strange light. Look around. on its neck. Locked with a copper ring.

At this time. The beast senses the aura of its master. Flying from afar. But as soon as I got close. He immediately stared at the toad. There were bursts of growling.

Toad rolled his eyelids. The tongue suddenly sticks out. It stabbed the mosquito beast like thunder. A wing on the mosquito beast. Flashed immediately. The huge mouthparts are like sharp blades. After flying in the air, he stabbed hard.

The toad's eyes showed a mocking look. Suddenly the abdomen bulged. There were actually bursts of thundering sounds coming from inside. Then it opened suddenly. Only a blue thunder was seen. Sprinting out of its mouth. Blast towards the mosquito beast.

The beast screamed. Open huge mouthparts. I saw more than a dozen golden threads. It spit out from his mouth instantly. Form a big network. Wrap it green.

at this time. Wang Lin opened his eyes. He frowned. drink

enough. "

The toad took a lazy breath. Qing Lei suddenly returned to his mouth. Swallowed by him. As for the beast. He stared at the toad fiercely. But he didn't dare to step forward.

Between it and the toad. After all, there is a level difference.

Wang Lin looked a little pale. Just locked the toad for a moment. The spiritual power in his body. Fei Guoguo entered the animal-driving circle and almost got himself wet. Only then did he successfully lock the beast. At the moment of locking the toad. A sudden realization came to his mind. This is a piece of information from the animal repellent circle.

The beast's name is Thunder Frog. The power of long thunder and lightning. It is a high-grade monster on the spiritual level.

According to Wang Lin. This is the yuan beast driving circle. It should regularly absorb the spiritual energy in your body to maintain the locked state. This time is fixed. So Wang Lin is at this moment. Didn't leave immediately. But after leaving quiet spiritual thoughts in the minds of the two beasts. Then he continued to sit cross-legged and meditate. Six days later. Suction came from the drive circle again. This time. Wang Lin was prepared. Naturally not afraid. After suction. Wang Lin swallowed the pill and returned to normal. He stood up. Call with your right hand. Immediately, the beast-repelling circle shrank. Along with the toad inside. After roaring unwillingly. Shrunk. Eventually the toad disappeared. That animal-repelling circle. It got stuck on Wang's wrist. on its surface. The carvings of the fairy beasts have disappeared. Instead there was a toad.

The time it takes for the beast-repelling circle to lock the toad in absorbing souls is determined. Wang Lin stopped staying. Instead, he turned around and left the broken star ring.

only. The eyes of the mosquito beast were burnt. Wailing again and again. After attracting Wang Lin's attention. He quickly flew towards the distance. The golden thread stopped just before it was born.

Only seen here. I don't know when a gap of that size appeared again.

Wang Lin took a look. The soul suddenly left the body. Enter the crack again. Catch ten golden threads in the flickering golden light. About to leave. But that's it. Suddenly, a golden thread that was hundreds of times thicker than other golden threads suddenly flew out from the sun-like golden mass.

As soon as this line comes out, the golden sun appears. It immediately shrank by half. In its flight. The golden threads all around gave way. The golden thread rushed towards Wang Lin very quickly. Before it was even close, a destructive aura immediately emerged.

Wang Lin's eyes flashed. Take a look at this thing. He didn't take action but quickly grabbed dozens of small golden threads. Hastily withdrew his consciousness. After that crack came back into the body. Not even a moment's pause. Quickly escape into the distance.

The beast seems to be investigating. He looked longingly at the golden thread in Wang Lin's hand. Follow up quickly.

Wang Lin hadn't escaped very far when he heard a loud bang behind him and saw a fist-sized crack all around. Countless small whirlpools appeared, and these whirlpools quickly spread around. Make this crack. getting bigger. at last. That thick golden thread. Suddenly he came out. Chased towards Wang Lin.

Wang Lin didn't look back. Away at a gallop. This broken star ring is not big at all. soon. He broke through the self-imposed restrictions. Grab with your right hand. The mosquito beast transformed into a black awn and entered the storage bag. Wang Lin kept walking. Rush into the Broken Star Ring.

At the same time as he entered the Broken Star Ring. That incredibly thick golden thread. It crashed into the restriction. Only. Wang Lin’s ban. Just touch this line. It immediately dissipated. It has no blocking effect. Wang Lin saw this scene in his consciousness. He frowned. faster. Jump away from the Broken Star Ring. flew out.

The golden thread seemed to be quite afraid of the broken ring. There is a power somewhere. Stop it in its tracks. Then he suddenly stopped. Like a snake. Lift one end high. Pointed at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin stood outside the Broken Star Ring. The golden thread suddenly appeared. Say nothing. Turn around and leave. He knew deep down. This must be because I collected too much gold thread these two times. Therefore, something like the ancestor of the golden thread was created. Come and stop it.

I'm afraid this is also the old man who owns the beast. The reason is that after taking seven items, they will no longer collect them.

After weakening the golden thread in his hand with the artistic conception of death. Lin summoned the mosquito beast and threw it to it. Swallowed one by one by this beast. Come this time. This beast can be said to be extremely happy. This golden thread is to it. It is a great tonic. With these gold 1,. It is the day when a top-grade spiritual beast is achieved. No longer far away.

Walked out of Broken Star Ring. Wang Lin pondered for a while. One shot storage bag. Suddenly there was a small cauldron in his hand. This tripod. It is the certificate to enter the Immortal Gate. Rain tripod.

This cauldron is not big. Can be held in one hand. There are no patterns or patterns on it. It looks extremely ordinary. Just if you look at it with your spiritual consciousness. But you can see it. on top of this. There is actually a trace of spiritual power that far exceeds the sky.

This breath. It is obviously countless times higher in quality than Tian's spiritual power. Wang Lin knows. This is the spirit of the fairy world.

It's just that this breath is too little. Not enough to practice. Just a hint of traction. Just the key that opens the door to the fairy world.

This is the queen of Yuding Wang Lin Conghuo. Researched many times. Watched a little. He put away the rain tripod. He pondered.

Logically speaking. After Yuding appeared. It means that the day of heaven is coming. It's been so many years now. It must be soon.

It's a pity that the old man didn't tell the specific time. Otherwise, there is no need to go to such trouble.

Wang Lin sighed. With his right hand, he took out a jade slip from the storage bag. After careful inspection. The body jumped. Sitting on the mosquito beast. Towards the location of the Burning Country. Speed ​​away.

His next target. It is to go to the battlefield outside the territory to collect enough wandering souls to make a demon. For the coming fairyland. Make final preparations.

The belt in the center of the Burning Country. There is a huge law. This formation. It is a one-way transmission array. Yes - 500 years. The outer field returns to the formation used by the disciples.

This day. Outside the law. Someone came. This person is wearing white clothes. Suave. He looks like a handsome young man.

His eyes are like stars. Face pale. At this time, he was lowering his head to carefully study the structure of this formation.

This person. It was Wang Lin.

If we wait for the opening of the 500-year extraterritorial battlefield. Still a few years away. This time. Wang Lin couldn't afford to wait. so. He was prepared to use this method as a guide. Based on one's own soul-swallowing attributes. Perform a counterteleport.

After studying for several days. Wang Lin pondered for a while. His eyes flashed. A few changes were made to it. Finally walked into the formation. The whole person's soul dispersed. Slowly integrate into this formation. After a long time. Symbols on the formation. One by one lights up. finally. A ripple. Falling from the sky. fell on him. slowly. Wang Lin was lost.

The moment he disappeared. This formation. Boom. split. Cannot be used again.

Spring passes and autumn comes. A few years later. Somewhere south of Suzaku Star, there is an extraterritorial battlefield teleportation array in a level three cultivation country. The monks of this country. Everyone is already standing. Waiting for the envoy from the fourth-level cultivation country. Open an out-of-domain channel for it.

Sun Wen. He is a monk from Gongsun Kingdom, a fourth-level cultivation country. He serves as an envoy to this third-level cultivation country. Although his cultivation level is only Nascent Soul, period. But his family. In the Gongsun Kingdom, it was a common surname. in this way. With his cultivation. Only then was he assigned to undergo training.

today. It was the first time in his life that he opened a passage outside the territory. It is inevitable that I feel a little nervous. But more. But he was enjoying the awed looks around him.

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