Renegade Immortal

Chapter 308: Love the Female Corpse

On a fragment in the southern part of the world, at this time, three people were fighting over a big fight, and various spells appeared in endless waves.

Thousands of miles away from these three people, on a plain, a middle-aged man held a gourd in his hand, took a sip of wine, shook his head and said: "Ting'er, don't worry, I will get the fairy jade for you soon, let you The body remains unchanged for thousands of years.”

This middle-aged man is from the Suzaku Star like Wang Lin.

He drank wine and walked on the plain. After a long time, the man stopped, looked down at his feet, with a trace of reminiscence in his eyes, and said to himself: "Ting'er, do you still remember this place? I was here back then. I met you here, but it’s a pity that things and people have changed here.”

He sighed softly, stepped lightly on the ground with his right foot, and his whole body sank immediately, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. He continued to sink underground, and after a long time, he appeared in a huge cave.

In this cave, there is an independent attic. Outside this attic, it is enveloped by a blue aura.

The middle-aged man stepped forward, passed through the blue aura, entered it, and walked into the attic.

The attic is divided into three floors, and the interior layout is relatively simple, no different from ordinary people's homes. But there is an elegant and pure charm that envelopes the surroundings

This person entered the attic, with gentleness in his eyes, and rubbed all the furniture in the attic. Finally, he sat on a chair and murmured to himself: "Ting'er, this is where I met you..."

With deep love in his eyes, he gently took out a pagoda from his storage bag, touched it with his right hand, and a white light suddenly flashed out from it.

After the white light. A female corpse dressed in white. Appearing in the arms of a middle-aged man. His eyes were soft. He looked at the female corpse with expression. He smiled and said to himself: "Ting'er. Look, we are going home."

This woman is beautiful. Extremely beautiful Taobao women's clothing Tmall Taobao mall Taobao women's winter jacket m. There is a hint of dust. Like a fairy in heaven and earth. Her complexion is snow-white. But there was a hint of redness emerging. If she is still alive. I'm afraid many people will believe it.

As soon as she appeared. Do not know why. It immediately blends into the mainland environment of this loft. It's like this place. It belongs to this female corpse.

The middle-aged man gently touched the face of the female corpse. The affection in his eyes is even stronger. He smiled and said: "When I first saw you back then, I decided that you would be my wife in this life. You can't be wrong. The name Ting'er. Do you like the Divine Seal Throne? This is the name I gave you."

he muttered. He lowered his head between the eyebrows of the female corpse.

A gentle kiss. There was a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

"For you. I gave up my position of power in the sect. For you, I did not hesitate to betray my sect. Ting'er. I don't regret it. Really. I don't regret it at all. Who let them call me a madman? I know. I Not crazy!”

The man touched the face of the female corpse. After a long time, he stood up.

"Ting'er, let's go upstairs and have a look. There is your dressing table there. How about letting your husband do your makeup." The man smiled slightly, carried the female body, and walked up to the second floor.

Beside the dressing table on the second floor, the man put the female body away, picked up the eyebrow pencil, and said with a deep expression in his eyes: "Are you happy, Ting'er, I am very happy..."

"Are you talking? Why don't you talk? Are you unhappy?"

"say something!!"

"Speak quickly!!!"

"Why do not you speak!!!!"

The middle-aged man's voice became louder and louder. He threw the paintbrush in his hand, grabbed the female corpse, shook it violently, and roared like tearing apart.

After a long time, the man was stunned. He hugged the female body and murmured to himself: "I'm sorry Ting'er, don't blame me. I was wrong. I will never yell at you again. No one can take you away from me." No one can take it away, and I will kill whoever takes it away!"

He took a deep breath, kissed the female corpse's face a few times, and said with a smile: "Ting'er, look, this attic was about to collapse back then, but I used my magic to keep it up to this day, because this is your home.'s our home!"

"You are tired, then take a rest." The middle-aged man held the female corpse and placed it on the show bed aside. He sat on the bedside and looked at the female corpse with soft and affectionate eyes.

"Ting'er, when I saw you back then, you were lying like this, unchanged at all. Do you still remember that when I first came to this fairyland, I originally wanted to get the aura of the fairyland, but since I saw it here After you, I knew that you were my wife and I have been here with you for a long time..."

As he spoke, he put his hand on the female body, and while touching it, he said: "You are so perfect, perfect... You are mine, and no one can take it away! Ting'er, what do you think, I know, You also like the Divine Seal Throne, right?"

"Compared to the spirit of the fairy world, you are my treasure!"

The middle-aged man smiled slightly, lay down next to the female corpse, and murmured: "Okay, Ting'er, let's have a night's rest. Tomorrow, my husband will go look for fairy jade again. Go to sleep, don't be afraid, I'm here... "

Wang Lin was flying in mid-air with a determined look on his face. The one-month deadline was almost here.

He had already made up his mind to go to the place mentioned by Chi Hu.

Not to mention the three fairy swords, the huge fairy jade alone was enough to make him tempted. With a large amount of fairy jade, Wang Lin believed that if he reached the late stage of divine transformation in the future, it would be much easier to attack the infant transformation. .

The infant transformation stage has a completely different meaning to Wang Lin. When it reaches the infant transformation stage, Situ Nan can wake up!

Although Wang Lin is only in the early stage of spiritual transformation and is extremely far away from the later stage. He does not know when and how long it will take to achieve it, but he does not have any anxiety. He knows that in the journey of cultivating immortals, do not be impatient. Everything will take shape naturally.

In addition, some fairy grass in the pool of water was also what attracted Wang Lin. If those fairy grasses were given to Li Muwan, they would definitely be able to refine some top-quality elixirs. In this way, Li Muwan's cultivation level would be greatly improved. It will be even better after eating.

Wang Lin is not willing to take medicines easily, unless they are extremely effective. After all, with his current cultivation level, he needs to understand deeply. The flow of elixirs is not the great way.

But if the elixir is made from the grass of the fairy world, it will be very different.

With a decision in his mind, Wang Lin continued to rise, and gradually rushed out of the fragmented sky, flying towards the huge whirlpool in the distance.

At that whirlpool, open the jade slip and you can go to the place where the tiger promised!

At this moment, on a fragment in the center of the fairy world, the troll tribe's Chihu was sitting cross-legged in meditation. There was a teleportation array in front of him.

Chihu's eyes were calm. He had been sitting here for seven days. During the seven days, some young people came, but they had all become the dead souls of his men.

He is here, waiting for two people!

Chihu believes that if these two people are willing to come, then he is 70% sure that he will be able to return home with a full load of things.

He believed that after seeing the jade slips, these two people would definitely be tempted. After all, the temptation would be difficult for anyone to resist.

Therefore, there is no rush to scold the tiger.

He decided to invite these two people to participate after carefully selecting them. Let’s not talk about the first one for now. After all, this person is very famous and has some connections with his troll clan.

As for the second one, this man named Zeng Niu, Chihu thought he was a little blind. Although this person looked like he was only in the early stage of becoming a god, Chihu always had a sense of crisis in him.

After thinking for a long time, he decided to invite the other party to participate. After all, the stronger the strength, the greater the chance of success this time. As for if the other party did that thing of killing people and seizing treasures, he would not be afraid even if he scolded the tiger. He believed that with his own cultivation Because, it is still enough to cope with this matter.

Time passed slowly, and on this day, the formation in front of him suddenly flashed with light. The light became more and more powerful, almost illuminating the entire surrounding area.

This dazzling light had no effect on Chihu. He stared into the formation and thought to himself: "It's coming, but I don't know which one it is!"

The light of the formation suddenly dimmed after reaching a certain limit. Then, a graceful figure appeared in the formation. This woman was extremely beautiful. Taobao Women's Clothing Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Clothing Winter Jacket m, but But there is an icy look that makes people shy away from him.

A trace of icy air immediately filled the surroundings after the woman appeared, and there were even flakes of snow falling from the sky, which looked quite amazing.

Chihu's eyes flashed, and he thought to himself: "It's her!"

He laughed, stood up, clasped his fists and said, "Fellow Daoist Hongdie, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

This woman is none other than the proud daughter of the Snow Country, Hongdie!

Her eyes were cold, she glanced at Chihu, walked out of the formation, and said coldly: "If what you said is false, I will never let this matter go!"

Chihu's eyes showed confidence and he said with a smile: "Don't worry, Fellow Taoist Hongdie, since you are here, I will no longer hide it. This jade slip was personally rubbed by my ancestor of the giant demon clan's idioms. His old man, You shouldn’t lie.”

"Ancestor Xi..." Hongdie's expression softened slightly. This Ancestor Xi is a senior of her master, and they have some family connections. After all, in the Suzaku Star, the country of cultivation that exists as a tribe, there are only the Troll Demon Clan and the Snowy Clan. Just two.

Naturally, the two tribes have frequent exchanges. It can be said that this troll tribe is an ally of the Snow Country.

"Since Xizu saw it in person, this matter is definitely correct. Okay, I will let you go, but I don't want the things I got next to me. It's just that the jade coffin must be mine!" Hongdie said in a decisive voice.

Chihu frowned and secretly thought that Hongdie was too overbearing. Although he was also interested in the jade coffin, the three fairy swords were what he was determined to get. But it would be easier if there were only two of them. After the partition, Zeng Niu might have nothing.

"Fellow Daoist Hongdie, this matter is inappropriate. After all, besides you and me, there is another person who should also be involved in this matter!" Chihu pondered for a while and said slowly.

"Oh? Who is it?" Hongdie said calmly with a normal expression——

Hehe, let’s do some “clickbait” stuff too. Please give me a few monthly votes, so I can sit in fourth place and fall into third place.

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