Renegade Immortal

Volume 7 Famous in Luotian Chapter 744 The Tip of the Sword

Wang Lin glanced at Li Yuan with a half-smile, his gaze was like a sword, falling on Li Yuan's heart, as if he could see through his heart. [Baidu search: ^网, fastest updated]

There was no trace of panic on Li Yuan's face, and his expression was even more calm, without any discomfort. He said respectfully: "Senior may wonder why the junior knows about this kind of place, and why he didn't break the restriction and enter."

Wang Lin looked at Li Yuan. This person's mind is extremely high, far beyond that of that woman. Such a person is definitely not ordinary, and when I heard the two of them talking before, it seemed like this person. He was rescued by the woman's family, but the price was to hand over his soul.

However, Wang Lin always felt that the person named Li Yuan was guiding everything in the previous conversation between these two people, and his words had some meaning.

Li Yuan looked as usual. With a sincere look on his face, he said: "In my early years, I got an ancient map by chance. What was drawn on the map was a restricted place before the collapse of the Thunder Immortal World. I have studied this map for a long time and am confident that As long as the restricted place is still there, you can find this place. As for the restriction there, I am 70% sure that I can break it. This time I entered here just for this restriction."

Wang Lin remained calm and did not speak.

In the restricted area, if the junior guessed correctly, there should be source code, and it should be the kind of thing that is completely preserved. If the restriction is broken, the senior can choose half of it by himself.

The woman on the side at this moment. He opened his mouth, but finally chose to remain silent.

Wang Lin looked at Li Yuan. After a long time, he smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Okay, but..." as he spoke. Wang Lin suddenly raised his right hand and grasped it in the air. Immediately, the woman's body trembled, and a shadow that looked like half of her soul appeared on her body, three inches away from her body!

All this happened in an extremely fast time, and the woman looked pale, as if she had lost a lot of energy.

"I want to collect a soul. As a token!" The phantom's eyebrows gathered a soft light and turned into a ball of light. Wang Lin grabbed it and put it into a storage bag.

Li Yuan's expression was as usual, but he was extremely vigilant in his heart. The person in front of him was as scheming as himself, and this person could not take away his soul. Instead, he chose the girl from the Ge family. Could it be that... this person saw something wrong!

"Also, Xu is very interested in the restricted party that you used to hide your figure." Wang Lin's eyes fell on Li Yuan.

Li Yuan was silent for a moment. He patted the storage bag, took out a jade slip, branded it for a long time, handed it to Wang Lin, and said: "Since senior is interested, junior will naturally not be stingy."

Wang Lin took the jade slip and said,

As soon as his consciousness swept away, he immediately frowned.

At this time, Li Yuan lowered his head. But from the corner of his eye, he keenly saw Wang Lin's subtle frown, and couldn't help but secretly thought: "This person's cultivation is very strange, and he also understands the restrictions very well, otherwise he would not have seen the flaw before, but even now, No matter how understanding a person is, they can never see through my restraining technique!"

I remembered the origin of my ban. Li Yuan felt a little depressed.

The restrictions within this jade slip. Wang Lin really couldn't see clearly. With his mastery of the restriction, he could see the various magical powers of this restriction at first glance. Suddenly, he felt a sense of power that he couldn't see clearly. This restriction was obviously different from what he had learned. Even within it, it was not an Immortal Forbidden Technique.

Once this restriction is understood in detail, eighteen huge statues will appear in the mind. When they are intertwined, the mind of those who examine it will be immediately shaken.

Wang Lin took back his consciousness. Although he couldn't see through it, he found a hint of familiarity in the restriction. Not broken. Wang Lin put away the jade slip and said calmly: "Lead the way!"

Li Yuan nodded quickly. When he came to the woman surnamed Ge, he wanted to give her a hand, but the woman's sleeve was thrown away. She hummed and turned into a sword light, running straight away into the distance.

Li Yuan didn't mind either. He punched Wang Lin, and his feet glowed, flying into the sky.

Wang Lin followed slowly and slowly from behind, his eyes flickering from time to time as he looked at Li Yuan in front of him.

"I am afraid that there is some truth in this person's words. At this moment, I wonder if this person has already calculated all this when he saw me for the first time... If this is the case, this Li Yuan's The scheming is too deep!" Wang Lin's character was suspicious. Although Li Yuan looked ordinary, Wang Lin always felt mysterious when talking to him.

"It's fine if everything this person said is true, but if there is something false. If he wants to harm me, I have no choice but to kill these two people first!" Wang Lin opened and closed his eyes, hiding his murderous intention deeply.

The woman surnamed Ge was quite unhappy and full of resentment, but she did not dare to vent her anger to Wang Lin. She only felt resentful towards Li Yuan.

"If there wasn't something wrong with Li Yuan's restriction, how could he have attracted that person? My fairy spirit had just developed the ability to communicate with the soul, and was captured by that person like this!"

"Besides, since that man wanted a token, why did he only take my soul and not Li Yuan's soul!"

The more the woman surnamed Ge thought about it, the more she resented Li Yuan.

At this moment, Li Yuan flew to the woman's side, looked forward, and said: "The place in my memory is not on this continent. You need to go through the thunder area to find it."

The woman named Ge snorted coldly and said nothing. But suddenly, Li Yuan's voice came from his mind: "Miss Ge, I have wrapped my consciousness with a restriction now. The person I said will not notice it. This person heard the conversation between you and me before and knows about my soul." In the hands of the girl's family, as long as they have control of you, they have control of both of us. But don't worry, girl, Li Yuan will definitely find a way to get your soul back!"

Li Yuan's voice was extremely cautious, but it revealed sincerity and determination. Although the woman named Ge snorted coldly, she felt somewhat calmer inside. Obviously, there is some recognition of Li Yuan's explanation.

A few days later, as the three of them were flying, the edge of the continent in the distance appeared in their sight, and streaks of lightning extended into the pitch-black void like iron chains.

"Senior, this lightning layer trench has great power. Even some monks with great supernatural powers must be extremely cautious when passing through the lightning layer. Seniors, be careful!" At the edge of the continent, Li Yuan stopped and turned around and said respectfully. .

Standing in this position, you can experience the majesty and magnificence of the Thunder Immortal World. Similarly, only standing here can you feel it. The Immortal World of Thunder was severely broken back then.

If viewed from a high altitude, the edges of the continent form an irregular zigzag shape, as if they were torn apart by a pair of big hands! On its side, there are patches of mud, extending all the way to the bottom. At a glance, there is no end in sight, only endless nothingness.

It was as if this continent was floating in nothingness!

Standing here, you can hear the rumbling thunder one after another, coming continuously from the front, sometimes strong and sometimes weak, falling in the ears, making people feel like they don't know where they are, but also as if they are somewhere. In the middle of heaven and earth. What you step on is nothingness.

On the side of the edge of the continent, there are pieces of lightning flashing. These lightnings seem to be nailed deeply into the continent. Along the direction of their extension, these lightnings intersect like iron chains, although they extend into nothingness. , but Wang Lin could imagine that there must be a continent connected to the other end of this lightning chain in the void.

The entire Thunder Immortal World is locked with these lightning iron chains, just like wire drawing, carrying most of the fragments of the entire Thunder Immortal World that collapsed countless years ago, and connecting them with it.

If you look down from the highest point of the Thunder Immortal World, you can immediately see this scene clearly. There are countless lightning connections in the gaps between all the fragmented continents, allowing the collapsed Thunder Immortal World to survive. .

Those scenes of landforms looked as if a pair of big hands were crushing them into pieces.

Wang Lin sighed, just like when he saw the huge palm print in the Immortal World of Rain, the scenes in these two immortal worlds made him couldn't help but guess what kind of changes happened in the immortal world countless years ago. , will reach this level of collapse.

It was not that Wang Lin had never guessed that it was caused by the ancient gods, but there were many differences in all of this. After a moment of silence, Wang Lin put his thoughts away. Look at Li Yuan and the woman named Ge.

"How will you two survive this lightning layer?"

Li Yuan had been observing Wang Lin's expression closely just now, and found that his eyes were dazed for a moment after seeing the cracks on the edge and the lightning iron chain. He couldn't help but confirm his guess. This was the first time for this person. Come to the fairy world of thunder!

After hearing Sanlin's question, Li Yuan said respectfully: "The key to getting through this lightning layer is to rely on Miss Ge."

The woman surnamed Ge snorted, patted the storage bag, and immediately flew out a dark iron sword. This sword looked extremely ordinary, nothing surprising at all.

But after it appeared, Wang Lin discovered it. There was a trace of uncontrollable excitement in Li Yuan's eyes for a moment, but it dissipated in an instant and was hidden by it. At the same time, he looked at Wang Lin seemingly casually.

After realizing that Wang Lin didn't notice him. I felt relieved inside.

The woman named Ge's eyes fell on the iron sword. He bit the tip of his tongue and spurted out a mouthful of blood. He circled it with his right hand and turned it into a rune. The same rune mark immediately flashed on his eyebrows, reflecting each other's sensitivity, as if he was checking. Suddenly It fell on the iron sword.

The sword trembled, and a circular light curtain spread out from it. Li Yuanqiang endured the excitement in his heart, and was the first to step out, rush into the light curtain, and land on the iron sword. The position he stood in was a bit strange. The tip of the sword! His face was turned away from Wang Lin, revealing a hint of reminiscence.

At the moment when Li Yuan's footsteps fell, Wang Lin's eyes narrowed, staring at Li Yuan's feet, as if he was checking them, and then - like lightning, he was moved by them!

The woman named Ge frowned, stepped forward, and landed on the hilt of the sword.

Slow work leads to careful work. The Fairyland of Thunder is very involved in my mind. Please be patient and watch it. You will find that its level of excitement is twice as exciting as the Fairyland of Rain back then! I have this confidence!

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