Renegade Immortal

Volume 7 Famous in Luotian Chapter 791 Purpose

The white old man will form a statue after every crisis, and then when it breaks out, his appearance becomes much younger.

From the old man at the beginning, to a middle-aged man, and now to a young man, this strange scene made the monks around him feel horrified.

Wang Lin's physical face showed solemnity as he stared at the young man who walked out. After this man appeared, he pressed his right hand on the broken statue beside him. Immediately, the fragments of the statue melted and turned into the spear again in the blink of an eye. The young man held it in his hand.

The young man looked at Wang Lin with a gloomy smile on his face. With a sway of his body, his whole body immediately merged into the world and disappeared in an instant.

In the next breath, the young man appeared strangely behind a Yinxu monk in the distance. The Yinxu monk's complexion changed drastically, and his body immediately teleported out.

Not only him, but all the monks around him were avoiding him at this moment.

The smile on Young Yun's face became even more sinister. He stabbed the void in his hand, and immediately a ripple appeared. In the void not far away, the body of the Yinxu monk was forced out. The monk looked pale and was about to continue to escape, but Immediately, his body shuddered, and his whole body turned into flesh and blood with a bang, and his soul was sucked away by a strong force, and was swallowed into the young man's mouth in the blink of an eye.

Even the skin and bones, even the blood and flesh... not a single bit was left.

All this was done almost in the blink of an eye. The young man's body swayed again, and his figure was strange and unpredictable. He shuttled among the many monks around him. Every time his figure was revealed, a monk immediately died.

The mysterious old man who controlled Wang Lin's physical body snorted coldly at this moment, and his body turned into lightning and rushed out. At the same time, he made a secret with his right hand, pointed towards the sky, and shouted: "Condensation!"

Immediately, rays of purple light emerged from the void and quickly condensed on Wang Lin's right hand. In the blink of an eye, a purple light ball immediately appeared, with rich purple light flashing inside and thin mist surrounding it, making it look extremely gorgeous.

"Disperse!" A hoarse cry came from Wang Lin's mouth. Immediately, the purple light ball shook and collapsed, turning into a circular ripple, venting to the surroundings like an angry wave.

The ripples contained the power of heaven and earth and spread out at this moment. The monks around, no matter what their cultivation level, immediately felt a powerful impact on their bodies. This force was so strong that all the monks were immediately shocked by the impact. , the whole body retreated crazily at an extremely fast speed."

Even Shen Gonghu, Zhan Konglie and others are like this.

Almost instantly, a blank space appeared within a radius of ten miles.

Only Wang Lin and the young man were left.

The young man raised his lips and his face was slightly rosy. Although he had only a short time just now, he could not swallow more than twenty monks. At this moment, the sun flashed, but instead of fighting Wang Lin, in a flash, he turned towards Wang Lin again. The monk who was pushed away in the distance rushed towards him.

Wang Lin heard clearly that the old man's soul in his body cursed, and he chased him out again, shouting: "The majestic Qingshui Immortal Lord, in order to restore his cultivation, actually swallowed the younger monks. If you really have the ability, then you can Come and have a fight with me to avoid embarrassment!"

The young man paused, turned around, with murderous intent in his eyes, and said slowly: "I am not Qing Shui!"

"Fart, you are Qingshui! Qingshui! Qingshui!" The voice of the old man in Wang Lin's body kept coming out. The young man's eyes were full of murderous intent. He snorted coldly, turned around and rushed towards the monks who were spreading out in the distance again, preparing to flee.

"The prince of Qingshui State back then has forgotten his own name today. How sad!" The old man Wang Lin sighed. But it turned out that the young man was not moved at all. In a flash, he disappeared and appeared in the distance, continuing to devour the monks.

Wang Lin could clearly see that the old man's soul in his body had an angry look on his face. He took a step forward and merged into the world. When he appeared, he was next to a monk who aspired to be crowned in the distance.

"If you want to swallow it, I will drive you away!" After Wang Lin's physical body appeared, while the monk who aspired to the throne beside him opened his eyes wide with fear, he kicked out and hit the monk.

Suddenly a powerful force rushed out, and the monk's body was shaken. When he was kicked away, his whole body actually merged with the heaven and earth, and he lost his figure in an instant.

Wang Lin didn't pause, and almost as soon as he kicked the monk away, the figure disappeared and appeared next to the next monk, who also kicked him out.

In this way, Wang Lin and the young man gave up their fighting skills, and instead used their own speed, one to disperse and the other to devour. What they were competing for was speed.

Shen Gonghu teleported out while escaping. In an instant, his teleportation was interrupted and his body was forced out of nothingness. At the same time, the figure of the evil young man appeared beside him. , grabbed it with his right hand, and dropped it directly towards his heavenly spirit.

A stern look flashed on Shen Gonghu's face. He was an arrogant person. At this moment, he made a seal with his hands, and a thunderbolt immediately appeared in his palms.

This thunder turned dark red, and as soon as it appeared, it immediately caused ripples in the surrounding void, as if countless tiny lightning threads were condensing from all directions.

Shen Gonghu only has one thunder, which is the pinnacle of his whole body's cultivation. After Wang Lin's enlightenment, he traced the origin of thunder over the years and continuously refined it in his body.

After several years, a square formed, and the thunder was not yet complete, so Shen Gonghu never used it in the previous battles.

This thunder is the biggest secret in his heart. It can even be said that it is precisely because of this thunder that he respects Wang Lin even more, because in his opinion, Wang Lin's guidance on thunder is extremely correct. He has confidence that in the long run, After refining this thunder, one day, I can truly trace the origin of that thunder.

But at this moment, under the crisis of life and death, he had no time to think about using this thunderbolt.

Even the evil young man couldn't help but let out a sigh when he saw this thunder, but the cold and gloomy look in his eyes did not dissipate at all, and he grabbed it directly.

Shen Gonghu shouted loudly and pushed out the thunder in his hand. After the thunder was released, it immediately emitted a rich dark red light and exploded in a flash. The young man snorted coldly and squeezed the exploded thunder with his right hand. , pinch it raw and crush it directly.

Shen Gonghu took advantage of this opportunity and quickly retreated without thinking. At this moment, Wang Lin in the distance saw Umbrella Gonghu at a glance. Although his body was not under control, his soul could communicate with the mysterious old man.

"Save him!" Wang Lin Yuanshen sent out his spiritual thoughts.

The old man's soul snorted, but he did not refuse. Instead, he kicked away the monks around him and swayed out. The moment he merged into the void, he appeared next to Shen Gonghu. He made a seal with his right hand and fought with the coming evil energy. The young people directly bumped into each other in the air. A loud rumbling sound echoed, and the evil young man stepped back a few steps. Wang Lin also stepped back, but as he stepped back, he kicked Shen Gonghu with his right foot. In the excitement and fanaticism on Shen Gonghu's face, his body immediately He was kicked away, merged into the heaven and earth in mid-air, and disappeared.

The evil young man glanced at Wang Lin coldly, swayed, and immediately separated several clones from his body. Those clones continued to split. In the blink of an eye, the thirty-two clones that had been affected in the battle between the two were dissipated. The clone appears again.

The clones immediately dispersed after appearing, each rushing into the distance at extremely fast speeds, chasing the fleeing monks.

Wang Lin clearly felt that the old man's spirit in his body was startled. The old man roared and controlled Wang Lin's body to fly upwards. He stretched out his arms. With a shake, a majestic energy immediately rushed out of his body. It spread out and merged into the world. As it continued to merge, it immediately seemed to replace the world.

It was as if Wang Lin was the world at this moment. His eyes showed a strange light, and he said in a low voice: "The magic, disappear!"

In an instant, all the fleeing monks around had Yuan Power condensing outside their bodies.

"The magic is gone!" Wang Lin's voice came out again.

In an instant, all the monks' bodies were uncontrollably gathered by Yuan Zhen, and they were forcibly integrated into the world, as if there were a pair of invisible big hands of heaven and earth fidgeting with them.

If you look down from above at this moment, you can clearly see that the figures of the monks disappear quickly. Almost in the blink of an eye, there is no monk around anymore.

Only the young man and his thirty-two clones were left.

Wang Lin clearly felt that the old man's soul in his body was extremely weak, as if it could dissipate at any time, and it had reached the point where it was exhausted.

"***, this time, I am at a loss! The young man's eyes flashed red, and he walked straight towards Wang Lin.

"Since you are seeking death, I will help you!" As the young man approached, he immediately threw the spear forward. The spear suddenly flickered and turned into a black light and rushed towards Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's scalp was numb, and the old man's soul in his body barely controlled his body and escaped immediately.

The evil young man followed closely behind and kept approaching. The mysterious old man who controlled Wang Lin's body melted into the sky and the earth when he was escaping, and disappeared in a flash.

But the evil young man behind him also integrated into the world and followed closely with his induction.

The two of them traveled so fast that they crossed countless fragmented continents almost in an instant. Gradually, a sneer appeared on the face of the evil young man, and he said slowly: "From the moment you appeared, I knew your purpose. You want to lead me to where your true body is, so I will let you go once and devour your true body, but it will be better than countless Qi refiners here, and I will definitely be able to recover my cultivation!"

**The plot is difficult to write. Although there is an outline, the flesh and blood must be carefully conceived. It is very laborious. Please support me by voting monthly.

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