Renegade Immortal

Volume 8 The Secret of the Alliance Chapter 941 Royal Magical Weapon

Yimuzi was shocked as he thought about all this. He didn't expect that Xu Mu actually hid such a shocking secret! This person turned out to be an ancient god! ! He was sent by the family elder. Before he came here, he had learned about Wangyue in detail and made a lot of preparations. Although he was shocked at this moment, he did not forget his mission. Seeing the five-star ancient god walking out of Wangyue's mouth, Wangyue opened his mouth. When he gathered it up, he rushed out without hesitation.

He headed straight for Wangyue's mouth. Although his cultivation level had declined greatly, his speed was still not slow. In the blink of an eye, he fell into Wangyue's mouth and disappeared.

Wu Dongchan's expression was a little complicated. He had accidentally read the books of the Cultivation Alliance and knew the identity of Wangyue. He also knew that there was something in Wangyue's body called Yuehua! "It is said in the classics that if you have the moonlight of the hope moon, you can condense a sub-space nirvana level magic weapon. If I get the moonlight and refine the magic weapon, I can take the place of Xuanbao in the cultivation alliance. Bit!"

Gritting his teeth, he also chased after Yimuzi, rushing behind Wangyue, and got in the moment Wangyue closed his mouth.

Only Qingshui did not enter Wangyue's mouth again, but frowned, looking at Wang Lin and the huge five-star ancient god, and remained silent.

"My clansman, my name is Luo Chen!" Kuang Wuxing Ancient God's eyes showed the light of vicissitudes of life, and he took a step forward. His right hand did not make a fist, but clapped forward.

With a shocking sound, a huge handprint appeared from the right hand of the Five-Star Ancient God Luo Chen and headed straight for Wang Lin! Wang Lin's eyes narrowed. This handprint was similar to the seal of the Immortal World of Rain, but it was completely different. At the moment of the roar, it fell directly towards Wang Lin, and Luo Chen's big hand followed closely behind the handprint.

Wang Lin took a deep breath, and the four stars between his eyebrows suddenly rotated. He pointed to the sky with his right hand, and bursts of ancient gods' words came from his mouth. Once you reach the fourth star of the Ancient God, it means you can use some of the Ancient God's magical powers! Wang Lin has been waiting for this day for a long, long time! In an instant, a huge whirlpool filled the void in his body.

"Soldiers of the Ancient God!" Wang Lin roared, and bursts of purple lightning immediately swam in the vortex. In an instant, a spear suddenly flew out from it. This spear was illusory, as if it had no substance, but Made of purple lightning.

Wang Lin grabbed it in his hand, swept forward and struck directly with the approaching handprint. The roaring sound echoed, and the large impact spread, and the handprint was cut in half.

However, Wang Lin's spear was immediately grabbed by Luo Chen. With a squeeze, there was a sound of thunder inside the spear, and with a cracking sound, the spear collapsed! Wang Lin took a step forward. Although he was still smaller than Luo Chen, he had a strong momentum. He made a fist with his right hand and punched away.

Luo Chen looked at Wang Lin and had a complicated thought.

He had no choice but to spend one star to make Ji Xian Tian into a puppet before. Although he could get out of Wang Yue's body now, he had unspeakable difficulties. Sometimes he couldn't even tell whether he was Wang Yue or not. Still an ancient god.

Over the past countless years, he and Wangyue have been assimilated for too long.

His thinking was even more disturbed by Wang Yue. In his opinion, he was no longer worthy of being called an ancient god and could only be regarded as Wang Yue's puppet.

As for Wang Lin, he has been struggling, wandering between inheritance and devouring. He was struggling to send the Jixian Tian voluntarily. As for his inner plan, perhaps, more, he was to give the other party a star. .

At this moment, he took a deep breath, made a fist with his right hand, and struck out directly.

With a bang, Wang Lin felt his right arm go numb, and his body involuntarily stepped back. As for Luo Chen, he also took a few steps back, and the five star points above his eyebrows became even more blurry.

The reason why Wang Lin wants to challenge Luo Chen is precisely because he knows that even if the opponent is not the youngest son of the Ancient God, even if he is a real adult Ancient God, he is still extremely weak at this moment! The blurry stars between his eyebrows prove this point. On the other hand, Wang Lin, although there are only four stars, these four stars are as if they are real, with a strange light. More importantly, Wang Lin is from the royal family! If an ordinary ancient god swallows one star of Luo Chen, even if his cultivation exceeds that of Wang Lin, it will have no effect under the magical powers of the royal family. The royal family, among the ancient gods, are the real kings and can use the magical powers of the royal family. Said, there are even royal magic weapons! While retreating, Wang Lin stepped back with his right foot and rushed out, heading straight towards Luo Chen. As the two of them crossed paths, they were constantly bombarded with punches.

Waves of ripples echoed, and the loud rumbling sound filled the surrounding void. In the initial battle between the two, Wang Lin was somewhat defeated, but it didn't take long for him to become more courageous as he fought.

The power of the four-star ancient gods gradually became familiar to Wang Lin in the constant battles. When he swung his fist, he would set off a strong wind like a huge wave, and it also contained the magical powers of the ancient gods. Such a Later, the relationship with Luo Chen was even more intense! With a bang, the two separated. Wang Lin stepped back and raised his big hand, revealing his nakedness. The words of the ancient god echoed in his mouth. Immediately, an illusory shadow appeared behind him, but it was a ten-thousand-foot-long ancient god. When he came out, he stood upright and roared towards Luo Chen! The complex color in Luo Chen's eyes became more intense. He also raised his big hand, and immediately an illusory shadow appeared behind him. The size of this shadow was far beyond ten thousand feet, like a real giant appearing out of thin air! It's just that this giant is extremely bloated. Looking at Yi Lei, he looks more like Wang Yue than an ancient god! What's even more shocking is that this giant has armor on it. It seems that just by its momentum, it can break the minds of ordinary monks! Amidst the roar of the armored giant, Wang Lin and Luo Chen approached again, and the sound of banging echoed. This time, not only were the two fighting, but the illusory shadow behind them was also fighting each other! Wang Lin smiled and grabbed the void with his left hand. He recalled in his mind Tuosen's magic weapon in the ancient god's body, and the ancient god Tu Si's natal magical weapon, the Divine Spear! What he was thinking in his mind, the ancient god's f6 came out from his mouth. With the power of Wang Lin's four-star ancient god at this moment, although he could not obtain the body of Tu Si's natal magical weapon, he could transform it into one.

As Wang Lin grabbed hold, a large amount of red mist appeared out of thin air in front of him. The mist surged and rolled, but it quickly condensed on the palm of Wang Lin's hand. Almost instantly, a hundred-foot spear came out. ! This spear is a hundred feet long and one foot thick, with endless red light flashing on it. It is the very prestigious God-Destroying Spear of the Ancient God Clan! As soon as the spear came out, even the void was immediately distorted. As the god spear swept gently, a large net-like thing appeared in the void! This large network of things in the void is the result of the great formation of nothingness that seals the void! This formation was originally impossible to appear, but in the wielding of the Divine Spear, its true form appeared! This divine spear is an ancient magical weapon that can only be used by the royal family! Every ancient god royal family can obtain an ancient god magic weapon that has existed for a long time when they reach adulthood. This magic weapon will be passed down forever, but only the royal family can use it! Luo Chen stared at the God-Destroying Spear in Wang Lin's hand with a more complicated expression. He had long seen that Wang Lin's Ancient God inheritance was extremely noble, and he also speculated in his heart that this person should be a descendant of the Ancient God who had obtained the royal family's inheritance and practiced on his own.

But the moment I really saw this ancient divine spear, I not only confirmed my decision, but also knew who Wang Lin's inheritance came from! "Tu Si... I didn't expect that he would also go back to the ruins..." Luo Chen sighed, the complexity in his eyes disappeared, replaced by softness.

"Heirs of Tu Si, let me see how much power you can wield with the illusory body of the God-Destroying Spear!" Luo Chen seemed to have untied the knot in his heart, and with a long smile, he grabbed the void with his right hand and said, "Immediately The bones of his right arm suddenly squirmed.

However, bone spurs suddenly protruded from the skin. Almost instantly, Luo Chen's entire right arm was occupied by bone spurs. These bone spurs extended crazily. In the blink of an eye, they reached a length of nearly a hundred feet, and they all crisscrossed toward the front. , forming an extremely strange and ferocious weapon! Wang Lin grasped the illusory God-Destroying Spear, and a fighting spirit arose. Holding the spear, he felt like Tu Si, and he immediately appeared. The only person he saw in front of him was Luo Chen! "I am the Ancient God Wang Lin!" Wang Lin stepped forward and swept the God-Destroying Spear in his hand. With a banging sound, a large web-like object immediately appeared in the void in front of him.

This network is illusory, apparently permeating the entire nothingness.

With a long smile, Luo Chen also approached, and the stabbing weapon in his right hand suddenly swung, directly confronting Wang Lin's Divine Spear.

With a bang, the two people directly crossed each other, and the sound of bangs and bangs echoed, but as the two people fought, a large net-like thing appeared in the void.

The fighting spirit in Wang Lin's eyes was overwhelming. During the battle, he threw the Divine Spear forward in his hand, gathered his hands in front of him, connected his finger and index finger to form a diamond shape, and shouted in his mouth: "Seal of Destruction!"

This divine seal is one of the magical powers of the ancient gods, and it belongs exclusively to the royal family! The God-Destroying Spear struck away like lightning and headed straight towards Luo Chen. At the same time, Wang Lin's God-Destroying Seal was unleashed. A huge diamond appeared in front of him and flashed forward.

Luo Chen laughed wildly and shouted: "Okay!" He waved his right hand forward, but it directly collided with the divine spear of the day. There was an astonishing loud bang, and coupled with the approach of the divine seal of destruction, he was immediately in this void. , setting off an unimaginable storm.

The storm swept across and spread crazily in the void. Immediately, a large net-like object came out of its original shape. In the flash, two rays of light suddenly lit up under the net.

This dim light reveals an icy coldness, looking through the flickering net as if you are in the outside world.

"Watching the Moon One One One One One Ancient God One One One One One One"

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