Renegade Immortal

Volume 8 Alliance Secrets Chapter 950 Killing the Realm

There are four Bafang Realms in the two halls of the Cultivation Alliance. Among them, the Killing Prison Realm is a new world. The first master of the Killed Realm countless years ago used the crack space left when the Immortal Realm of Rain collapsed as its boundary. Collecting fine iron from all over the world and forging ninety-nine sky-holding swords! Since then, these ninety-nine sky-holding swords have become extremely unique buildings in the Killing Domain.

In the Cultivation Alliance, the Killing Realm has a great reputation. It has made countless military exploits for the Cultivation Alliance for tens of thousands of years. Whether it was the earliest fight with the Four Holy Sects or the later changes in the Corpse Yin Sect, the shadow of the Killing Realm was vaguely revealed.

There may not be many people who are six-level cultivation stars who know about the killing realm, but once their cultivation level reaches level seven, they are almost familiar with the killing realm!

In the seventh-level cultivation star, anyone who has reached a certain level of cultivation will not be willing to lose his life and soul in his hands. The series of events caused by this are handled by the Killing Realm with full authority. In the bloody storms, a peerless creation is created. Fierce flames!

Of course, there are also many monks who are not those who can be captured and killed in the killing realm. These people are dealt with by other Cultivation Alliance forces.

The Killing Realm can be said to be a sharp knife for the Cultivation Alliance to the outside world. Anyone who can be absorbed by the Killing Realm will be a life-long killer!

For tens of thousands of years, the Killing Domain has always maintained a core of ninety-nine monks. If someone dies, it will be immediately replenished. In addition to these ninety-nine people, there are also many peripheral disciples. Commander.

In addition to these, there are two main and deputy realm masters!

It can be said that the Killing Domain is just like a Xiu Ming sect, but most of the cultivation sects are several times more powerful. Few people in the Alliance Star Territory dare to provoke the Killing Domain!

Even some great monks often get a headache when it comes to killing people in the realm. Not only does this person in the killing realm not only kill people everywhere, but he is also good at concealment. If he misses a hit, he will immediately retreat thousands of miles to hide all traces.

Since the birth of the Killing Realm, there has never been a case of someone killing someone at home. If so, Wang Lin's incident that day could only be regarded as a reluctance. But today, all of this changed completely as Qing Shui's cold voice echoed!

Many large sword buildings in the Killing Domain immediately collapsed. Countless rubble mixed with traces of fine iron fell off, turning into a storm that swept across the Killing Domain.

Waves of low shouts and exclamations came out, and in an instant, countless black shadows rushed out from the storm, but they were monks dressed in black. These monks were old and young, and their cultivation levels ranged from Yinxu to the middle stage of Nirvana. Etc., most of them are between yin and yang, virtual and real, and a few are those who glimpse nirvana. "Xu Mu, these guys, can you help me share my worries?" Qing Shui stepped forward and passed the black-clothed monks, his voice was like the dark wind blowing on the ice of thousands of years.

With Wang Lin's mind, he naturally understood that Qing Shui wanted to give him a good fortune.

These monks are said to be quite numerous, but since he has the body of an ancient god, it is not difficult to kill him! "Senior brother, don't worry!" Wang Lin said, walking out with the same step, making a fist with his right hand and striking forward without thinking!

But with a loud bang, a sonic boom immediately erupted in front of Wang Lin, forming a large area of ​​void that collapsed, shattering inch by inch and sweeping straight ahead.

The endless storm turned into by Wang Lin's punch condensed into one point, and when it rushed out with a bang, even the late-stage cultivator of Peeping Nirvana would have a pale face if he touched it. If he was a little late, he would be killed directly!

In front of Wang Lin, there were several Yinxu monks who had killed many pipits in this life. Almost as soon as they approached, their expressions changed drastically and they were bombarded by Wang Lin's punch from the air. The sound of banging echoed from their bodies, and a large amount of blood mist sprayed out. It turned out that the current person had no power to resist at all and collapsed suddenly.

With blood and flesh splattering everywhere, the monks next to them were also shocked and their eyes showed fear. They wanted to dodge, but at this moment they clearly felt that all directions around them were being suppressed by a strange force, making it impossible to escape. .

Bang bang bang bang, the bodies of these monks collapsed one after another. When their souls were severely injured and flew out, they were grabbed by Wang Lin's big hand and fell into his hand. (Just read the novel)

This scene was completed in an instant, so incredibly fast that the surrounding Killing Realm monks were all shocked! "Xu Ben!!" He is Luo Tian's genuine Thunder Immortal Xu Mu! "Someone immediately recognized Wang Lin's identity.

Wang Lin had a cold face. There were hundreds of monks in front of him. Although there were many people, they were not noticed by him! If he had not become a five-star royal ancient god, Wang Lin would not have been able to fight against these monks, but now, everything is different!

Wang Lin took a step forward, ripples echoed under his feet, but disappeared in an instant.

"Shrink to the ground!!!" A monk who was in the early stage of seeing Nirvana suddenly opened his eyes wide, revealing unimaginable shock and horror in his eyes. His scalp was numb and his soul was flying, but he immediately retreated without thinking. "He can actually shrink to an inch. No matter how many people I kill in this battle, it will be extremely difficult to hurt him!"

Wang Lin disappeared and appeared behind a Yinxu monk. The moment his body appeared, his right fist seemed to move slightly forward and hit the Yinxu monk directly in the back of the heart.

This person didn't even have the qualifications to dodge or notice. He shuddered and the thumping sound inside his body was shocking. However, a powerful force rushed into his body. The bones in his body instantly broke, and his flesh and blood collapsed with a loud bang.

Seizing this man's spirit, Wang Lin disappeared.

"Set up the formation!!" A monk in the middle stage of Nirvana turned red and shouted loudly, but the moment his voice came out, his expression changed drastically, he turned around suddenly, and opened his mouth to spit out a stream of red light.

In the red light, there was a long flying sword, which went straight forward with a sharp roar. In the roar, thousands of souls filled the air instantly. With the screams, the power of the flying sword reached a level of peak!

"This sword is not bad!" A cold voice came from all directions, but in front of the monk in the middle stage of Nirvana, Wang Lin stepped out of nothingness and grabbed his right hand forward. In an instant, his right hand suddenly enlarged Countless times, it suddenly transformed into the ancient god's hand, grabbed the flying sword and pulled it back.

The monk in the middle stage of Nirvana snorted, and his face turned pale. The flying sword was his magic weapon, but at this moment, Wang Lin caught him, immediately cutting off all mental connections, and he was immediately traumatized. But more than anything, it was a kind of panic.

"He accepted my life magic weapon so easily. What kind of cultivation level is this person...what kind of cultivation level is this person!!!" This monk in the middle stage of Nirvana is famous even in the world of killing. It's even higher.

But in this S1, he was really scared, especially when he thought about the scene where Yu Fei had obviously escaped back to the killing realm, but was still killed by a big hand like just now, which made him feel numb.

Without hesitation, he immediately ran back and slapped the storage bag, and instantly large pieces of jade slips flew out. He shouted in a low voice: "Explode!" These jade slips suddenly exploded, creating a huge impact.

All this was a matter of lightning, flint and stone. After putting away the flying sword, Wang Lin rushed out without stopping. The self-destruction formed by the countless jade slips had no effect at all on Wang Lin. The monk in the middle stage of Nirvana had an incredible look on his face. In the middle, Wang Lin approached in an instant, and the two fingers of his right hand formed a sword and passed by each other, pointing at the center of his eyebrows.

With a bang, this cultivator in the middle stage of Nirvana, who was famous in the killing realm, collapsed and died. His soul was forced out of the body with Wang Lin's finger. Wang Lin caught him before he could escape. .

At this moment, Wang Lin really felt his own changes. It was not that he was a monk in the middle stage of Nirvana, but that he, Wang Lin, had grown into a truly strong man and entered the ranks of the strong! Besides, Qing Shui, With a long smile, he swayed and headed straight for the tall tower at the center of the killing realm.

The moment he approached, an old man in black who was sitting cross-legged in the tower suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a hint of gloom. As the deputy master of the Killing Realm, he was trembling. Without thinking, his body swayed. The body was divided into two, turning into two identical old men in black. One of them tore his right hand in front, but a gap immediately appeared in the void. There were countless small whirlpools swimming around the edge of this gap, making bursts of hissing sounds.

After tearing open the crack, one of the two people immediately stepped into the gap, and the other one snorted coldly, turned into a black wind, and rushed out of the tower.

The black wind spread out, and the old man in black appeared in front of Qingshui almost in the blink of an eye with a gloomy face and shouted: "Your Excellency, you are too knowledgeable!"

Qing Shui's eyes flashed with cold light, and he commanded with his right hand without thinking. Immediately, the wind roared, but eight black dragons suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth, roaring and devouring the old man.

At the same time, Qing Shui's body swayed, and he approached the tower like lightning. He made seals with his hands, and suddenly pointed outwards, saying calmly: "The sky and the earth are frozen!"

In an instant, the immortal energy in Qingshui's body was running wildly, and an endless cold air emitted from his body. Immediately, countless raindrops appeared around him in the blink of an eye. These raindrops turned into ice crystals as soon as they appeared.

In the sound of banging, all the ice crystals collapsed, and a blue light appeared in the collapse, sweeping away in all directions. Immediately the color of the world changed, and the entire world in the killing domain was immediately covered by this blue light, like a seal that sealed everything away. All passages are completely sealed.

Qing Shui stepped out of the blue light and pointed forward with his right hand. Suddenly, the tall tower in front of him collapsed with a bang, turning into countless fragments and dissipating. Inside, there was a void gap, and in the gap was an old man in black.

The old man stepped half into the void, but at this moment he was surrounded by a large blue light and was struggling constantly. However, no matter how hard he struggled, he could never completely step into the crack and leave.

As Qingshui approached, he grabbed hold of the void with his right hand, but immediately grabbed the rejuvenated man from the crack.

The moment Qing Shui grabbed the old man out of the crack, suddenly a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he jumped up very quickly, holding the old man in his hand to block him.

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