Renegade Immortal

Volume 8 Alliance Secrets Chapter 953 Chai Zi

This purple body is the master of the Killing Domain. He looked pale at the moment, with blood dripping down his face, and his eyes showed shock.

A bolt of red lightning descended from the purple mist in the sky. It was so fast that when it fell, it did not rush towards the purple man. Instead, it flashed and went straight towards the devil!

Shenmozi's expression changed greatly, and he wanted to dodge, but in the clear water extreme realm, he was not qualified to dodge. The extreme lightning flashed and penetrated directly through his chest.

The old man's eyes immediately dimmed, and his body suddenly collapsed. It can be said that this person had one of the most painful deaths among the Pure Nirvana monks. Until his consciousness dissipated, endless depression lingered around him.

The red lightning penetrated the old man's body without any pause, and swept around in all directions. The sound of banging continued to rise and fall, but at this moment, almost most of the monks around him collapsed physically! This is the power of clear water!

Wang Lin was already prepared to open his third eye and use his original power as the god and demon child approached, but at this moment, Qing Shui helped him, but without thinking, he went straight to the Huan Xuzi in front of him.

The purple mist rolled in the sky, contracted sharply, and finally turned into a fist-sized mist ball, floating on the palm of Qingshui's hand. Next to Qingshui, there was a purple phoenix hairpin lingering.

Qing Shui looked at the hairpin with soft eyes, but when he looked down at the Killing Realm monk, the softness in his eyes disappeared, but was replaced by endless indifference, stepping down from the sky. "I will kill everyone in Qingshui, and I will never leave anyone alive!"

The purple man's face was pale, and without thinking, he pointed toward the void with his right arm. "Immediately, his entire right arm collapsed with a bang, turning into countless flesh and blood spinning rapidly in front of him, but a gap was opened. He didn't If you hesitate at all, your body will sway and you will slip into the crack." Use the creation I left to accompany my deceased wife as a magic weapon, and you and others will all die! Qing Shui said, hanging up his right hand and pointing a finger! Under this finger, a sinister voice came from Qing Shui's mouth. "Immortal magic, landslide!" "

As soon as these words were spoken, the earth immediately trembled in the Killing Domain, and six giant peaks appeared out of thin air. These six giant peaks were more than two thousand feet high. The moment they appeared, a majestic pressure filled the world. .

At the moment when the Qingshui landslide exited, these six towering peaks shook each other, but merged into one, forming a real peak that was almost indistinguishable from the real thing!

With the word "Landslide", the mountain shook violently, and a large black smoke immediately spewed out from the top of the mountain. The moment it filled the sky and the earth, a dark red flame immediately sprayed out from the mountain peak.

The high temperature of this flame can wipe out all living things in the sky. When it spurts out, the flame turns into huge boulders that scatter black smoke and slams into Jing from the sky. The earth shook like the end of time.

Pieces of highly toxic dust covered the sky, turning everything between heaven and earth into ruins.

There were also waves of magma spreading down from the top of the mountain. In the blink of an eye, the killing field was immediately filled with endless high temperature and destructive atmosphere. This magma contains the power of heaven and earth, which can destroy everything in the world!

Among the monks in the Killing Domain, some of those with insufficient cultivation were immediately attacked by the dust poison. Their bodies withered as they screamed, and they turned into nothingness and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Some of them were struggling in the magma, but the temperature of the magma was too strong. Even if they used magical powers and magic weapons, they still could not escape this disaster!

The cracks torn by the purple man immediately collapsed under the impact of the landslide, and he retreated quickly with a pale face. With his early stage cultivation, he was still unable to fight against Qing Shui even after using the broken Nirvana magic weapon. At this moment, he only had one thought in his mind, and that was to escape!

"It's a pity that I am the only Broken Nirvana cultivator in the Killing Domain, and most of the Pure Nirvana cultivators have gone to the alliance headquarters. Otherwise, they would have enough power to assist me in casting the Ninety-nine Swords Formation, but even if I cast the Nine-nine Swords Formation, Nineteen formations, I’m afraid they won’t be able to resist this magical power!!”

And Huan Xuzi, with a pale face, gave up the fight with Wang Lin and retreated hastily. Seeing Wang Lin chasing after him, he cursed in his heart, but he threw the nine swords beside him back. He knew that Wang Lin cared about these nine swords, but he wanted to let Wang Lin go.

Wang Lin's eyes flashed and he gave up the pursuit. He grabbed forward with his right hand and immediately grabbed all nine swords in his hand. The nine swords suddenly started to struggle fiercely. Qing Shui's eyes showed a fierce evil spirit, he stretched out his hands, piled them up, and shouted in his mouth: "The first collapse of the mountain!"

As soon as Qingshui finished speaking, the flames erupted from the mountain peak and the magma flowing on the earth began to boil, rising up from the ground and straight into the sky.

In the process of rising up, it suddenly collapsed and turned into an unimaginable impact that filled the entire killing field. Immediately, more than a dozen monks screamed and were surrounded by flames and magma, which turned into black ash and dissipated. "Second collapse!" Qing Shui shouted again! The entire Killing Domain shook violently, and the top of the huge mountain collapsed. More magma, flames, and endless dust were immediately spewed out. "The third collapse!!" Qing Shui made a hand gesture with both hands and pointed towards the mountain peak!

At this moment, the mountain peak truly collapsed with a loud bang. Countless gravels were scattered in all directions, and large swaths of flames swept across the sky. In the blink of an eye, the sky here was completely covered. There were only flames in the sky and nothing else!

As the mountain collapsed, the endless magma was like a sea of ​​flames, turning into countless waves of magma, occupying all the land in an instant!

Sky, endless flames. The earth is filled with magma, and in the middle is thick poisonous dust!

There were screams everywhere, and in this short period of time, all the monks except the purple man and the Huan Xuzi were destroyed! Even Xu Huanzi was powerless and distracted at this moment, with a look of horror in his eyes that was extremely intense.

With a wry smile, the purple man simply gave up resistance and looked at Qing Shui complicatedly. He knew that the other party had no intention of killing him for the time being. Otherwise, he would have died in the purple mist just now. All the buildings in the killing area melted away and no longer existed! Wang Lin stared blankly at the scene in front of him. He never expected that this landslide could be so powerful! "This is magic...Landslide!"

Qing Shui flicked his sleeves, and eighty-eight rays of silver light immediately flew out of the magma on the ground. When Qing Shui grabbed it in the void, the eighty-eight rays of silver light immediately trembled, and were thrown into a ball by Nirvana, and were thrown towards Wang Lin. "Since you like the Divine Seal Throne, I'll give it to you!" Wang Lin grabbed the silver ball and put it into his storage bag.

With a sway of clear water, it turned into a black wind that swept across, picking up Huan Xuzi and the purple man, and stepped forward fiercely. Immediately, the killing realm exploded with a bang, and finally collapsed.

This Killing Realm was originally built in a cracked space in the Immortal Realm back then. As the space collapsed, the Killing Realm turned into countless fragments and was swallowed by nothingness.

At Qing Shui's feet, a huge whirlpool immediately appeared. His body sank into it, and he nodded to Wang Lin and said slowly: "I still have things to do, Xu Mu. I don't know when we will meet again after we say goodbye today." , you... take care of yourself!" As he said that, he sank into the whirlpool and disappeared with Huan Xuzi and Zi Xiuzi. Wang Linchen then took the same step, entered the whirlpool, and left the collapsed killing realm!

Wang Lin's figure appeared in the starry sky. He sighed and looked back into the distance. After a long time, Wang Lin's body swayed, merged into nothingness, and moved towards the location of Tianyun Star.

In the distance, beyond the reach of his eyes, Qing Shui calmly stepped forward. Behind him, Xu Huanzi and Zi Xiu followed closely, their expressions faded. On their eyebrows, the unique seal of the fairy world flashed, Nu. print!

Qing Shui held something in his hand, which was the purple hairpin. Looking at the object, Qing Shui's eyes gradually softened, but this softness contained a sense of sadness and longing.

"Good fortune plays tricks on people..." Qing Shui shed tears only twice in his life. The first time was when the Qingshui Kingdom was destroyed and his parents died. When he, a young monk, escaped with a narrow escape, he felt so devastated that he shed tears.

The second time was when I went crazy in the Thunder Immortal Realm, and after I killed my loved one with my own hands, I woke up and shed tears of regret!

This hairpin evoked endless memories and thoughts in Qingshui. He always remembered that on the day he became Bai Brother's son, he gave her this hairpin... He could never forget that happy scene. There was a sting in the heart, and the corners of Qingshui's eyes shed tears for the third time in this life "...Heyan one by one one by one"

Memory is like water in the palm of your hand, slowly flowing down the fingers, but the cold feeling is something that people can never forget... When you think of it inadvertently, you can drown yourself in sad thoughts.

In front of Qing Shui's eyes, a scene from the past appeared. The dead wife's eyes were dull, but she was still holding the hairpin in her right hand.

The tip of the hairpin stopped at the woman's heart, piercing deeply into it. Blood flowed down the hairpin and dripped to the ground. "Qingshui, I didn't die because of you, I died in my own hands... Don't be sad, don't live in sorrow, you didn't hurt me..."

In order to prevent Qing Shui from being sad, angry and guilty after she woke up, this woman committed suicide with a smile in front of Qing Shui at the moment when Qing Shui was mad.

Her soft and nostalgic eyes showed deep reluctance, and the smile on her face was like a silent cry, turning into a force that made Qing Shui wake up! At that time, Qing Shui woke up under such a scene.

"The husband in my mind is a man who is upright and upright. He will not give up on his life just because of a passing moment, nor will he live in confusion for the rest of his life. Instead, he will turn all his strength into a persistent belief... Find out all this The reason!" Qing Shui's eyes showed sadness and murmured: "She Yan, don't worry, I will find out the reason for everything!"

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