Renegade Immortal

Volume 8 Alliance Secrets Chapter 957 Coming

Not only her, but the other three women around her also looked to the sky with beautiful eyes. Wang Lin's name has almost become a taboo for Tianyun Star over the years! But the more this happens, the more rumors there are about Wang Lin.

In the Tianyun Sect Square, Bai Wei had a complicated expression and looked at the sky without saying a word. It was hard for him to imagine what the person he was back then would look like now.

Next to Bai Wei, there was a middle-aged man with an extremely gloomy face. This man was dressed in purple and his eyes were like lightning. He stared at the sky and snorted in his heart.

"Wang Lin...even if you don't die over the years, you definitely won't improve much. I just don't know how far you are compared to me, Zhao Xingsha!"

Bai Wei cautiously glanced at the middle-aged man next to her. She was very afraid of this senior brother. Over the years, Zhao Xingsha's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds in seclusion and enlightenment. His cultivation actually broke through and he was only one step away from becoming the world champion. Enter the realm of Yinxu! "Zhao Xingsha became one of the Seven Sons of Tianyun thirty years ago. He had a feud with Wang Lin back then. He is afraid that after meeting each other, he will inevitably become murderous."

There was a woman beside them. This woman looked downcast. Although she was also looking at the sky, she seemed to have no interest in anything.

This woman was none other than Wang Lin9, the fourth oldest member of the purple family back then! j Fourth senior sister. Back then, this woman had no choice but to be forced by Zhao Xingsha to trap Wang Lin with magical powers.

Later, Wang Lin escaped from trouble, and this woman taught him the technique of great teleportation, which finally resolved his grudges.

In the distance, there is a young man who looks to be in his thirties. This man is wearing a blue shirt with three blue dragons embroidered on his chest. These three blue dragons are ferocious and fierce, as if they are really alive, especially There are three pairs of dragon eyes, and they exude a breathtaking look.

For this person, if Wang Lin saw it, he would be familiar with it. This person was the person who trapped Wang Lin with the fourth senior sister of the purple system, Sima Rufeng, a disciple of the blue system! In the Tianyun Sect, everyone who knew Wang Lin back then had their own thoughts at the moment. However, no one here thought that Wang Lin would come out alive if he appeared today. (Just read the novel)

At the moment when everyone's eyes were focused on the distant horizon, a white figure appeared slowly from the end of the day and walked towards here step by step.

The black is elegant, and the sunlight reveals purple in a flash, which contrasts with the white clothes, making it even more fairy-like. Alone, white clothes like snow, floating in the air.

A thousand-year lonely twilight shone from this figure as he approached slowly. Behind him was the fiery red sun. The reflection made the man's face dark and only his bright eyes could be seen. The eyes reveal thousands of years of vicissitudes.

This scene is beautiful.

This figure was still far away at first,

But in just a moment, he was already outside the Tianyun Sect! "Wang Lin!"

"Wang Lin!!"

Immediately, several people recognized Wang Lin! "He is Wang Lin..." The beautiful eyes of the woman in pink fell on the approaching figure in white.

Ling Tianhou's eyes were like lightning, which contained a strong sword intent. The moment he saw Wang Lin appear, he frowned. Although his expression was always gloomy, there was a hint of shock in his eyes! "The early stage of Nirvana! ! This Wang Lin was just an infant at the time, but he has reached such a height in just a few hundred years! ! Unless he has great fortune, it is impossible for this kind of thing to happen! Especially between his eyebrows. The mark..." Ling Tianhou was shocked in his heart, causing a big wave.

The old man who looked like a mountain of meat suddenly opened his eyes, which had been resting for a long time, and stared straight at Wang Lin with an expression of disbelief.

The old man, who was as skinny as a corpse, also had a look on his face. After giving Wang Lin a meaningful look, he then looked at Tianyunzi with a look of lust.

As for the old man who was sitting on the gourd and wearing a black and white Taoist robe, he was even more startled at this moment. There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, but there was a faint light in his eyes, and his thoughts could not be seen.

"Suzaku Seal!" The beautiful middle-aged woman who looked like a village girl said softly and looked at Wang Lin carefully. Just read the novel~

These old monsters were like this, not to mention the other monks around. However, among these people, not many could see Wang Lin's cultivation. But almost everyone felt a sense of power the moment Wang Lin appeared. The pressure dispersed from Wang Lin.

The woman in pink clothes looked at Wang Lin, her beautiful eyes looking forward to him, showing interest.

It all sounds slow, but in fact, the moment Wang Lin appeared, the changes in the expressions of the people around him one by one fell into Wang Lin's eyes. Wang Lin patted his clothes, his expression was calm and calm, and he looked toward the sky in the distance. Yunzi cupped his fists and said respectfully: "Disciple Wang Lin, I have met the master!"

Tianyunzi's eyes showed a strange light, and he stared at the mark between Wang Lin's eyebrows. After a long time, a smile gradually appeared on his face, and he said kindly: "Just come back, Wang Lin, these seniors want to ask you something, you have to be truthful answer.

"Wang Lin, you really dare to come back!" A middle-aged man behind Ling Tianhou pointed at Wang Lin and shouted.

"Back then, you killed everyone in my Daluo Sword Sect in the Land of Demon Spirits, but today is the time to pay for it with blood!"

Wang Lin kept smiling, but his eyes were extremely cold. He glanced at the middle-aged man who was speaking, and said calmly: "Senior Ling Tianhou, do you, a disciple of yours, have the qualifications to talk to me like this? "

Ling Tianhou's face was extremely gloomy. He stared at the mark above Wang Lin's eyebrows. Although he was a little afraid of the Vermillion Bird mark, what really shocked him were the other two forces above Wang Lin's eyebrows! "What kind of fortune has this Wang Lin experienced in the past few hundred years? How can he be like a reborn person?!"

After Shen Zhongzhong, Ling Tianhou flicked his sleeves. The middle-aged man behind him who was angrily scolding Wang Lin immediately shook his body and took a few steps back to join the team.

"He is indeed not qualified to talk to you like this! You are so young and can reach the early stage of Nirvana. Putting aside the grudges, even I am a little impressed!" Ling Tianhou said slowly with a hint of coldness in his voice.

As soon as these words came out, it was no less than a shocking wave. It was like pouring a ladle of water into a frying pan, causing the expressions of all the monks around to change immediately! Bai Wei took a breath and looked at Wang Lin blankly. His mind went blank. He couldn't believe it. Hundreds of years ago, Wang Lin was still an infant, but now he has reached the level of a legendary Nirvana monk. ! ! "Peeping into nirvana one one one one one one one one"

As for Zhao Xingsha, his body was shocked. He couldn't believe what he heard in his ears, and he stayed on the spot.

Not just the two of them, but almost all the monks at this moment.

After all, all this is too unbelievable.

"This Wang Lin's cultivation has actually reached the level of Nirvana. Although there is still a gap between him and us, he can still be regarded as a qualified person. In this case, he cannot be treated as a junior person." The old man on the gourd flashed his eyes, with a smile on his face, and said: "Wang Lin, I ask you, why did you enter the whirlpool in front of us to escape, but what did you do that you didn't want us to know about? thing!"

"This junior did cause trouble in the land of demon spirits, so he must leave." Wang Lin said calmly with his usual expression.

"What a disaster!" The old man, who was as skinny as a corpse, said in a sinister tone with a flash of cold light.

"This junior imprisoned the daughter of the Blood Ancestor to protect himself! When he saw the seniors and the Blood Ancestor chasing after him that day, he naturally wanted to escape!" Wang Lin said calmly.

As soon as he said this, the old man, who was as big as a mountain of meat, sat up and said in a deep voice: "The Immortal Mansion Token is in your hand!"

"I don't know who the senior heard this from!" Wang Lin looked at the old man from Roshan without squinting. This man's cultivation was only in the early stage of Nirvana. Moreover, Wang Lin remembered that there was no old monster chasing him. This person.

When Wang Lin looked at him, the old man Roshan was shocked. His expression suddenly changed, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Okay, Wang Lin, I would like to ask you, do you have the Immortal Mansion Token in your hand?" Tian Yunzi said slowly with a gentle expression.

Wang Lin looked at Tianyunzi and said respectfully: "Since the master asked me, the disciple dare not hide it. In that land of demon spirits, I did get an immortal palace token!"

As soon as Wang Lin said this, several old monsters around him flashed with light and sank down instantly. A feeling of depression suddenly filled the surroundings and condensed on Wang Lin's body.

"Wang Lin, take out the token. You can still save your life today!" The old man sitting on the gourd glanced at the mark between Wang Lin's eyebrows and said in a deep voice.

"You are not qualified to obtain that token." The old man with a fleshy body said sinisterly, with evil in his eyes.

Before Wang Lin could speak, Ling Tianhou, who was always gloomy at the side, had a murderous intent in his eyes and said slowly: "Since we already know that the token is in his hands, there is no need to talk nonsense!"

He snorted coldly and pointed forward with his right hand, and immediately blasted an earth-shattering sword energy straight towards Wang Lin.

Wang Lin looked calm. At the moment when the sword energy came, he took a few steps back and clenched his fist with his right hand, then suddenly struck forward. The impact of this punch immediately reverberated with a sonic boom, turning into a loud rumbling sound that shook the earth.

A black vortex appeared out of thin air and swept across Wang Lin's fist, directly colliding with Ling Tianhou's sword energy.

At this moment, Tianyunzi flashed the double sun and swung his right sleeve forward. Immediately, a burst of colorful wind appeared, blowing and falling between Ling Tianhou and Wang Lin.

This colorful wind contained strange power, and it actually blew through, causing the black vortex on Wang Lin's fist to dissipate directly. It also neutralized Wang Lin's power and blocked Ling Tianhou's sword energy.

Understatement resolves everything.

"Ling Tianhou, if you attack my disciple at the gate of Tianyun Sect, it would be too disrespectful for me!" Tianyunzi said in a calm voice and glanced at Ling Tianhou indifferently.

"Tianyunzi, do you have to swallow that token for yourself?!" The four swords of the soul behind Ling Tianhou flashed, and they all flew out to surround him, staring at Tianyunzi, and shouted sinisterly.

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