Renegade Immortal

Volume 8 The Secret of the Alliance Chapter 960 A First Look at the Origin

"The candlelight moves due to the wind, just like the wind blowing across the mountain peaks. The grass and trees move. It looks like the mountains are moving, but in fact..." Wang Lin's eyes showed contemplation.

"Actually, the mountain didn't move, and the candle didn't move either. What moved was the wind!" Wang Lin's right hand suddenly moved, and all the windows in the room immediately closed.

Block the mountain wind from the outside world and never blow it into the room again.

Without the wind, the candle gradually subsided from the violent shaking, but it was still shaking gently as the lamp oil was burned.

Wang Lin frowned and looked at the candlelight. Under the light of the fire, his expression alternated between light and dark, faintly gloomy.

"No! The wind has stopped, but the candlelight is still moving..."

At this moment, Wang Lin didn't know that his current state was very similar to the Tao of Proving, except that he was not proving his own Tao, but the Tao of Tianyunzi!

He had known Tianyunzi for hundreds of years. Before, with Wang Lin's cultivation, he couldn't see the changes in Tianyunzi, but now, he could vaguely see the clues about Tianyunzi.

There are too many secrets in Tianyunzi, and what worries Wang Lin the most is that he cannot guess even a little bit of his thoughts.

"Tianyunzi is like this candlelight, ever-changing... Even if I want to find its original appearance, even if it is isolated from the wind, I still can't do it." Wang Lin frowned, his eyes always staying on the candlelight.

Time passed slowly, and unknowingly it was already three o'clock. It was dark outside the window, only the whining mountain wind blew by, making a rustling sound on the window paper.

In this silent night, the sound was very clear.

"The wind is moving, the mountains are moving, the fire is moving..." Wang Lin raised his head, took a step forward, and immediately disappeared into the room. When he appeared, he was in the dark sky.

Below him is Tianyun Sect Zifeng!

At this night, the cold wind was strong and the sky was covered with dark clouds. After the moonlight penetrated the clouds, not much of it fell on the earth, making everything in sight dark.

While pondering, Wang Lin raised his right hand and waved it gently towards the sky. In this wave, there was a hint of the rules that Wang Lin had when he felt the rain.

The dark sky was covered with dark clouds, and the wind immediately rose. The large dark clouds turned into fine raindrops and fell. Soon, the clouds dissipated. The bright moonlight fell on the earth without any obstruction.

Under the moonlight, a dark shadow appeared behind the purple peak.

The mountain wind blows, and the grass and trees on the purple peak are moving, and there are sounds rising and falling in the swaying.

Looking at the mountain peak, especially the large shadow behind the mountain peak, the mountain seems to be shaking with the vegetation on it, but the shadow never changes much.

"This mountain is not moving!" Wang Lin's eyes burst out with light, and there was a roar in his head, like an enlightenment, and he vaguely caught a trace.

"The wind only blows the surface, and the mountain only seems to be moving, but in fact, it is my heart that is moving! My heart is moving, so the mountain is moving!" Wang Lin's eyes became more enlightened, The body swayed and returned to the room again.

Looking at the candlelight, Wang Lin's aura gradually calmed down, as if he had disappeared.

If there were any outsiders here at this moment, they would not feel anything when looking at the candlelight. The candlelight would still sway slightly and make a burning sound.

But in this S1, in Wang Lin's eyes, the candlelight was like a turbulent wave, shaking violently, gradually coming to a halt under various changes, and finally, as if a body-holding spell had been cast, it became completely still. .

At this moment, Wang Lin's mind was shaken, and his eyes were filled with disbelief. He could hardly believe what he was seeing.

The energy in his body was running rapidly without control, and banging sounds were constantly coming from every part of Reuben's body.

It's like a warrior among mortals who has opened up the meridians throughout his body.

Even during the crazy movement of Yuan Li, the third eye between Wang Lin's eyebrows appeared silently, opening a gap, but no red light came out. Instead, it seemed to be absorbing something, making Wang Lin's body weak. Run faster!

This degree has reached an unimaginable level, but Wang Lin did not feel any pain. At this moment, he seemed to be stunned, staring straight at the candlelight and the incredible color in the sun. , reached its peak.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing at the moment. It was no longer a candle, but a very weak flame. This flame was exactly what Wang Lin had unleashed with one finger before.

If that was all, Wang Lin would not be so shocked, but under his gaze, the flames seemed to be still, but in fact they were still moving!

This movement was a reversal, as if there was a force surrounding the flames, causing them to quickly dissipate in a way that Wang Lin didn't understand.

It may be inappropriate to say that it dissipated. To be precise, the flame was constantly amplifying, amplifying, and amplifying. Finally, Wang Lin saw the mystery behind the flame after it was magnified countless times!

Those are tiny weak points. These points of energy are intertwined with each other and collide from time to time in a specific way. Every time they collide, there will be a trace of scorching heat.

At first glance, these Yuanli points are messy, but in Wang Lin's view, they are completely different. Whether these Yuanli points are passing by each other or colliding with each other, they all contain certain rules.

"This is the rule...the rule of fire..." From beginning to end, Wang Lin did not blink, staring straight at the candlelight and muttering to himself.

"Can you... go deeper..." The moment Wang Lin's thought emerged, he saw countless points of Yuan Power suddenly enlarged, just like the flames just now, and at an extremely violent speed, they turned into a huge amount in an instant. Incomparable!

As the point of Yuan Power continued to enlarge, traces of fluffy objects were lingering around. But at this moment, the Yuan Power in Wang Lin's body made a rumbling sound. His eyebrows stung, and he immediately woke up.

Cold sweat flowed from his forehead and all over his body, quickly making his clothes wet. At this moment, Wang Lin's face was pale, without any blood. He took a deep breath, Wang Lin looked at the candlelight and murmured: "Bang-what is it...could it be?" origin……"

"I can explore the rules, but I only saw the origin for a moment before my body couldn't bear it." Wang Linchen paused for a while and sat cross-legged and closed the sun to meditate.

As time passed, the darkness outside the window gradually dissipated and was replaced by bright lines. Just as the sky was getting brighter, Wang Lin, who was breathing heavily, opened his eyes. A gaze that seemed to be able to see through everything came out of his eyes and fell on him. At the door.

"Lao Qi...can I come in..." A low voice came from outside the attic.

There are missing words. I really can’t write them. I’m sorry everyone. I’ll fill them in tomorrow.

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