Renegade Immortal

Volume 8 The Secret of the Alliance Chapter 967 Let the Heavenly Calculation Go Wrong Once!

My name is Bai Wei! For Brother Wang to come here, he must have understood Bai's previous words. "White Mushroom, Category 7 falls in the forbidden category above the valley," he said in a deep voice.

Wang Lin frowned. In vain, the Yin Qi in his body was not only still there, but also thicker than before. Even the intensity had reached an incredible level.

This kind of rich Yin energy will never appear in a monk's body. It has almost turned into substance. With such a person's cultivation level, with such Yin energy, the body will definitely not be able to bear it, and the whole body will be cut off and die. Exist as an inferi. "Aspen blossoms, black and white are reversed. Wang does understand a little bit of what Brother Bai said." Wang Lin said slowly and calmly.

Bai Gan sighed softly, with bitterness on his face. He calmed down for a moment and said in a low voice: "Bai can't be considered a master. I thought it would take another three months before I can really do anything. In these three months, Please help me, Brother Wang. I'm 20% sure of giving it a try, but unfortunately... I still can't escape Master's plan." Wang Lin frowned and said nothing.

"Brother Wang, I thought you wouldn't show up so soon, and I was thinking of reminding you tomorrow, but now, it's no longer necessary. It's Mao hour, and Master is in retreat. As soon as Mao hour passes, Master will show up here. The abnormality will come soon." "Before Master comes, Brother Wang would like to hear Bai tell a story..." Bai Jie, with a bitter look on his face, let out a long sigh, his eyes showing confusion and reminiscence. "I was born into a wealthy family in this Tianyun Star. When I was born, the Tianyun Star J1 appeared with red clouds all over the sky. After I was born, all the red clouds in the sky dissipated.

It wasn't until I stepped into the path of cultivating immortals and returned to my past life that I realized that the red clouds were called True Yang, and the time of my birth, if calculated, was the day of the Extreme Yang!

It is a rare extremely sunny day in thousands of years. According to my subsequent investigation, all children born on that day died directly in their mother's body before they were born.

It would be slightly better if it was a boy. Even if he died, the baby's body could still be left behind. But if it is a girl, all those born on that day will disappear directly, and nothing will remain. "Bai Gan, with pain in his eyes, looked ahead, as if he saw a past he didn't want to recall.

"I also have a younger sister... We are twin brothers and sisters. When the extreme yang reaches its peak, there is a moment of extreme yin, and I was born just when it was about to turn into extreme yin. My sister is dissipating At that moment, I absorbed a trace of extremely yin energy. Although my body was no longer there, my soul was integrated into my body.

Originally everything was safe, but my sister's soul never woke up. Even though it merged into my body, it remained asleep. If it stays like this, there won't be anything happening after 7 days.

When I was seven years old, I was noticed by a monk from the Tianyun Sect and was recruited into the mountain sect. I began my life as a monk. I was very talented and practiced quickly. I gradually stood out from the outer sect disciples and became an inner sect disciple. disciple.

Hundreds of years passed by in the blink of an eye,

My cultivation level has also reached the Infant Transformation level, and I had the opportunity to step out from among the many inner disciples and successfully become one of the direct disciples of Master's Purple Line.

As my cultivation grew, I gradually realized my differences, and even more so, I realized that half of my soul belonged to my sister, and my sister’s soul was slowly showing signs of awakening. The original plan was to ask Master for help after my sister wakes up, to separate her soul and reincarnate in the eighth reincarnation..." Bai Dian sighed bitterly, but when he cut his head, there was a hint of ferocity on his face. Holding his fists and gritting his teeth, he said:

"I will never forget that day. I was practicing, and my sister's soul was about to truly awaken. For some unknown reason, Zhao Xingsha suddenly appeared in front of me, even more so because of his cultivation that far surpassed mine. , directly injured me, causing my sister's soul to further merge with my soul at the moment of awakening. From then on, I ended up with the tragic end of being neither male nor female." White cancer, in the eyes Revealing overwhelming hatred. "I found Master in desperation and asked for his help. Master finally taught me the Yin-Yang Double Desire Art and told me that my sister's and my souls would be separated after practicing to the ninth level. I never thought that Master You will deceive me.

Under my practice, the Yin-Yang Double Desire Technique has made extraordinary progress. This technique specializes in cultivating the soul, but it has a great influence on the growth of cultivation. But I don't care about all this. What I want is that one day, my sister's soul can return to reincarnation.

In a blink of an eye, the enemy has been fighting for a hundred years. During this period, it was also the time when you left Tianyun Star. When I realized that something was wrong, it was already too late..." Bai Jie. There was sadness in his eyes. He tore open his clothes and exposed his chest, only to see Bai Jie, on his chest, two thin lines, one green and one red, extended from his arms and intertwined together, like the branches of a plant.

"I see, this is the strange thing that appeared on my body after practicing the Yin and Yang Double Desire Art. The meridians in my body also changed after practicing the Yin and Yang Double Desire Art." In Baigu, these words The moment he came out, a look of pain immediately appeared on his face, the Yin Qi in his body circulated crazily, and the strange mark appeared again.

"Every time I say something about a skill, this mark will be made. Every time I make it, the Yin Qi in my body will increase on a large scale, making the Yin and Yang dual desire skills work on their own without my guidance. "I also know that the extreme sun change that year was caused by the master. He changed everything with his magical power, causing a rare extreme sun change to appear on the Tianyun Star... All of this, It's all under his control...

As I came into contact with him, and as I stayed in Tianyun Sect for a long time, I gradually understood that the master’s cultivation level has reached the level of bottle whiskers. He cannot break through and has become a demon... I am just an experiment for him. r一一一

I know that what Master wants is for the yin energy in my body to reach its peak, just like the yin for a moment at the peak of the yang sun, waiting for the yang in my body for that moment!

I also know that Master, before and after me, tried several times to make a fortune as bad as that day in the sun, but in the end, in these countless years, I must be the only one who survived in the end! "Wang Lin was like a lightning strike. Listening to Bai Dian's words, he took a breath and showed shock in his eyes. "What are the extreme yin and extreme yang... let Tianyunzi use any method to get it! Wang Lin looked at Bai Gu. Intuitively, he believed what Bai Wei said.

Bai Wei showed a ferocious look on his face, and shouted with a long smile, "Wang Lin, my calculations were wrong, and I can't match the master's ability to predict everything. He must have known that I know all this, and I am like an ant in front of him. No matter how crazy the ants are, they still can't turn the world upside down in the end!

But, I, the ant, the experimenter in Tianyunzi’s eyes, am going to do something that will surprise him! I don't believe that he can clearly plan the thoughts that suddenly come to me right now!

Wang Lin, I understand my own situation better than anyone else. I am powerless and no one can save me. But before I die, I must cultivate what has been cultivated in my body for thousands of years. Tianyunzi wants it very much. , the ray of sunshine that I have been waiting for so far is given to you, do you dare to ask for it! ! "

Bai Wei looked at Wang Lin. His voice echoed in the valley. As it reverberated, it turned into the same words, like thunder, and fell into Wang Lin's ears. "How dare you ask for it!!"

Wang Lin surrendered. He had to surrender. Although he didn't know what this thing was, the thing that Tianyunzi cared about must be very important to him. If he took it away now, he would immediately face destiny. The son's roaring rage!

"Mao hour is about to pass. Master will come at any time. Wang Lin, tell me, do you dare?" Bai Wei waited for a moment, with disappointment on his face. He shook his head with a wry smile and murmured to himself, "Could it be that Master Master has even calculated this matter... He has calculated that even if I want to give it to you, you dare not take it, and even if you accept it, you will not be able to return it to him... Master, really everything in this world has nothing to do with it. For tens of thousands of years, you haven't missed one thing. Is it wrong... I don't believe it, I don't believe it!!! I don't believe you have never missed one in your life!!" Bai Wei's words fell into Wang Lin's ears, and Wang Lin was furious. The light burst out.

"There is no miscalculation of anything in his life, everything is accurate. This is the perfect destiny. Such a destiny has no flaws at all. Anyone who wants to be his enemy has already lost before they have a duel. Three points! But...if he makes a mistake in his calculation, what will happen..." Wang Lin's heart was pounding.

Tianyunzi concluded that I dare not take this thing. If I take it, he will have murderous intentions, and this murderous intention will not be suppressed, and he will definitely kill me with a thunderous rage!

His calculations are amazing, and everything is within his calculations!

To take or not to take!

There was a struggle in Wang Lin's eyes. He had acted decisively and rarely hesitated in his life, but now, he had to hesitate. Once he took this thing, it would be a matter of life and death. But if he didn't take it, Wang Lin asked himself, maybe there would be something wrong with him in his life. Tianyunzi is an unmissable shadow. After all, although he is not fighting with Tianyunzi at the moment, this matter can be regarded as a confrontation!

If he doesn't take it, under this shadow, Wang Lin's confidence will fall to a large extent when he faces Tianyunzi again. Facing a Tianyunzi who has no omissions, no matter what Wang Lin does, he can't help but think of this. Whether the matter is also within the calculation of luck that day!

If this is the case, his Taoist heart is timid, and he still talks about the understanding of cause and effect, the power of the origin, and the enlightenment of heaven and earth. All he can do is stop progressing in cultivation and live in the shadow of Tianyunzi's all-embracing shadow! "I am a reverse cultivator!" Wang Lin's eyes flashed. He thought of his heaven-defying intention when he aspired to the top of the Demon Spirit Land. A mere destiny child might be compared with Tian Qi!

This Bai Wei has good intentions. Before he died, he was unwilling to be manipulated by Tianyunzi for the rest of his life. He wanted me to challenge Tianyunzi with him. He was absolutely perfect! He wanted to see with his own eyes that Tianyunzi made a miscalculation before he died! Wang Lin's eyes showed a cold light, and he slowly said, "Why don't you dare!!"

In the starry sky outside the Tianyun Star, there was a long rainbow coming quickly. Inside the long rainbow was a man in purple robe. This man was quite rough and had an arrogant look on his face.

↓I don’t know what Xiao Linzi’s cultivation level is at the moment, ***, I didn’t expect those girls from Fenglixing to be so powerful. They bullied me because I don’t have any brothers to help me. I’m going to find Xiao Linzi right now and deal with you hard. These little ladies. "

Third bow, I wish you all a safe life, and I always enjoy watching the immortals in reverse, haha. Say no more

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