Renegade Immortal

Volume 8 The Secret of the Alliance Chapter 973 Heaven Reverses Yin and Yang

As these murderous auras filled the air, some of them suddenly came straight towards Wang Lin. When Wang Lin retreated, the rotating fairy world fragments outside his body spun faster, almost forming a whirlwind, wrapping his body tightly.

Under the banging sound, Wang Lin kept retreating. Every banging sound was caused by the collision of killing energy and fragments of the fairy world.

"So much killing energy, but this gray-robed Tianyunzi obviously hasn't tried his best yet!" Wang Lin's eyes flashed as he retreated. He had been thinking about how to break this game! "When I absorbed that ray of polar sun, the Tianni Pearl that I integrated into my soul shook..." Wang Lin's eyes shone brightly, and thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind.

"Since the completion of the Five Elements, the marks of metal, wood, water, fire and earth have disappeared, but have been replaced by the day and the month, representing yin and yang!" At this moment, Wang Lin's mind suddenly became enlightened.

"That's right, what my Tianni Bead needs at this moment is exactly yin and yang! Obviously this trace of extreme yang meets the needs of heaven!" Wang Lin had thought about it before, how should the yin and yang of the sun, moon and moon become after the completion of the five elements of the Tianni Bead? can meet their needs.

But no matter how he tried, in the end, the sun and moon marks on Tianni remained unchanged at all.

"No matter what Tianyunzi's intentions are, he can't figure it out anyway. I have the Tianni Bead, let alone figure it out. I can absorb this trace of extreme yang!"

↓In this case, his calculation was wrong, and I will break this game! "Wang Lin's eyes showed a cold light, staring at the Tianyunzi in the outer clothes. He retreated and thought about his previous idea. The more he thought about it, the more feasible it became.

"As for the possibility of the Yaoni Pearl being discovered... From the beginning to the end, even when they met Luo Tian's mysterious third-step monk, no one noticed the Yaoni Bead. I don't believe that this Tianyunzi can detect it. !”

As for Ling Tianhou, his expression was gloomy. The reason why he came here to fight against Tian Yunzi was not because of Wang Lin, but because he would look for trouble in everything that happened to Yao Yunzi.

In addition, based on his understanding of Yao Yunzi, he had a vague guess about Wang Lin's importance to Tian Yunzi. The more so, the greater his interest in sabotaging this matter.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed!" Ling Tianhou sneered and made a hand seal with his right hand, pointed forward, and shouted:

"The third form of breaking characters, the sword boy sacrifices to the spirit!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the sword boy, who was under the endless killing aura, immediately burst out with sword aura that shot straight into the sky. In one step, he stepped on the snake-shaped rain sword that turned into a giant python.

The moment his feet landed, the sword boy suddenly raised his head, and a sharp whistle came out from his mouth,

This roar was like a sharp thorn rushing into the killing air between heaven and earth.

At the same time, at the moment when the sword boy screamed loudly, his whole body suddenly collapsed and turned into a large ball of blue mist, which quickly merged into the fairy sword that turned into a giant python.

Chai 1! The snake-shaped rain sword shook, as if it had absorbed the soul of the boy who had been sacrificed for it. Immediately, the sword of the Nine Heavens was shocked, and it rushed forward with an unimaginable momentum and a crazy impact, and with that Endless killing energy, a crashing impact.

Boom boom! Waves of shocking loud noises echoed between the heaven and the earth, forming a large storm that swept around and passed by.

In the constant collision, the killing energy dissipated one after another under the sword light. At this moment, the world was filled with sword energy! Especially around Ling Tianhou's body, the sword energy swirled around to form a whirlwind of swords that connected to the heaven and earth. The sound of sobbing swords replaced all the sounds of heaven and earth.

Under this majestic sword energy, the gray-clothed Tianyunzi's dark color was cold. He glanced at Ling Tianhou calmly, raised his right hand, and said coldly: "Your sword energy has increased slightly. If you can take me on In the next move, I won't care about you and your fate that day." As he said that, he took out a strange seal with his right hand and pointed it at Ling Tianhou! When he pressed his finger, the originally dark sky suddenly felt as if a giant had sprinkled ink from above. Endless darkness rolled into the clouds. In just an instant, everything in the world suddenly changed and turned into black! "Since you have become a master with the sword in your life, I will fight you with the sword! Killing becomes a sword!" Gray-clothed Tianyunzi's voice was calm, but the moment his finger fell, there was a roar in the world, but it was an incalculable amount. The murderous energy gathered crazily towards Tianyunzi in gray from all directions.

Those killing auras were like lives. When condensed at this moment, they were like thousands of snakes wandering around the world. This scene made Wang Lin take a deep breath.

The killing energy outside his body also gave up the pursuit at this moment, and immediately retracted after a pause, galloping in front of the fingers of Tianyunzi's right hand.

Just in an instant, with the fusion of killing auras, a red sword seven feet long and three inches wide suddenly appeared in front of Tianyunzi in gray! A wisp of something as fluffy as tobacco fluttered on the sword. Tianyunzi in gray casually waved his right hand forward, and suddenly a shocking sword roar rose into the sky, turning into a red line and heading straight towards Ling Tianhou walked away with the snake-shaped sword.

The speed of the two swords became faster and faster, causing a sonic boom that filled the sky and the earth, and even spread throughout the Tianyun Star. In an instant, the two swords suddenly hit each other.

The two swords did not really touch each other, but were seven inches apart! Within these seven inches, bursts of thunder rumbled past, and countless sword energy mingled with each other, making clinking sounds.

There was even a large arc-shaped electric light that collapsed and spread out in all directions.

The short seven-inch distance contained an extremely powerful force. The gray-clothed Tianyunzi nodded slightly and said slowly: "It's true that I haven't seen you for many years. Your cultivation level has improved a lot."

But if this is all you have, today, I will expel this lucky star from you. "

Ling Tianhou sneered, flicked his sleeves with both hands, stretched out his arms, and shouted in a low voice: "I, Ling Tianhou, have been with the sword all my life, and I only practice swordsmanship! In recent years, I have clearly understood the rules of the sword, Hui Yi, I don’t know why you are willing to be manipulated by him, but since you appear here today, you have thrown away all the friendship between you and me!"

The gray-robed Tianyunzi sank into silence without saying a word.

Ling Tianhou took a deep breath, flicked his hands, and a gap suddenly opened in his eyebrows, and a black light came out. The moment this black light appeared, it immediately surrounded Ling Tianhou. After a moment, Ling Tianhou Everything was covered in black light, and the figure inside could no longer be seen clearly.

"I use my soul to cultivate the sword god, and I use my flesh and blood to sacrifice to the sword master. I am the sword, and the sword is me!"

The moment Ling Tianhou's voice came out from the black light in a very strange tone, the black light suddenly flickered violently. Ling Tianhou sat cross-legged in the black light, and the crack between his eyebrows kept opening and closing. , his eyes revealed a strange look, and he slowly closed them.

The moment Ling Tianhou closed his eyes, his whole body was shocked, but a shadow gradually floated out from above his heavenly spirit. This shadow was a sword! A sword transformed by the soul of Ling Tianhou and cultivated for countless years! The moment the sword appeared, there was a sword cry that sounded like worship on the Tianyun Star! All sects, all cultivators, and all sword magic weapons on Yaoyun Star trembled at this moment. The shadow flickered, suddenly burst out of black light, and headed straight for the snake-shaped fairy sword that turned into a giant python.

The snake-shaped fairy sword had a whole body, as if it had spirituality. The red light flashed and it rushed forward. The seven-inch distance suddenly shrank to three inches with the sound of cracking and shattering! The moment the Shadow Sword moved, the sky where it was was immediately torn open with a roar.

The indifferent expression of the gray-robed Tianyunzi changed for the first time. His eyes suddenly burst into light. He stared at the phantom sword and said with a long smile: "Okay, Ling Tianhou, if you can cultivate the sword to this extent, I will I will use 70% of my strength to fight you!"

After the gray-clothed Tianyunzi said this, he took a step back, opened his mouth and let out a rumbling roar. In this roar, his expression became extremely ferocious. The moment he opened his mouth, he saw a series of killing streaks. Qi rushed out crazily, surrounded him, and suddenly rushed straight ahead.

Instantly fused with the killing sword, causing the power of the killing sword to increase dramatically! The three inches between the two swords collapsed immediately, and the two swords collided with each other with unimaginable impact! boom! ! At this moment, a seven-colored light appeared in the sky that was originally filled with darkness, and turned into a seven-colored whirlwind. It swept up all three people, including Wang Lin, and sent out the destiny with the next breath. The star appeared in the starry sky outside Yaoyun Star! In the starry sky, the tips of the two swords collided with each other! Boom boom boom! The two swords continued to intersect, forming a majestic storm that swept across the starry sky. Under constant impact, the killing sword retracted with a sound of collision, and its tip collapsed suddenly, turning into countless killing energy and dissipating.

As for the snake-shaped fairy sword, there was a click, a gap opened in the middle, and it also retreated in the vibration.

The Sword of Killing persisted for three breaths, and finally collapsed, turning into countless killing auras. Tianyunzi in gray stood up with a long smile, turned around, walked towards the starry sky, and headed straight for Tiandou Xingyu.

"Ling Tianhou, I don't care about your business anymore."

As the snake-shaped fairy sword retreated, the illusory shadow floated out from the crack and turned into Ling Tianhou. He stared at the starry sky and sneered: "Old Tianyun, you are finally out!"

Where Ling Tianhou looked, colorful lights flashed, and Yao Yunzi's figure slowly condensed out. However, this figure was very illusory, and was entirely composed of colorful lights. After he appeared, he glanced at Ling Tianhou , said flatly:

"Ling Tianhou, fight or fight, it's just our Tianyun Sect's business, you have no reason to interfere.

There has been no update for a day, so everyone has been waiting for a long time. Today, the first of three updates is here!

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