Renegade Immortal

Volume 8 Alliance Secrets Chapter 990: Stealing People...

Volume 8 Alliance Secrets Chapter 990: Robbery... (Third update!) Wang Lin's eyes were calm, and he pointed at the compass under his body with his right hand. Immediately, the compass suddenly turned, and all the restrictions in the palace were stopped at this moment. They all broke out and went straight to the female corpse.

A scream came from the mouth of the female corpse. The sound was harsh and had a powerful impact. Immediately, a large number of restrictions collapsed.

The female corpse showed anxiety in her eyes and immediately retreated. Wang Lin's right eye flashed green light again, but this time the green light shield appeared and blocked the female corpse in an instant. As soon as the green light flashed, there was a strong counterattack. This caused the female corpse to retreat continuously. As Wang Lin pointed with his right hand, the surrounding restrictions quickly condensed and filled the female body.

As the female corpse screamed, the iron chain on the lute's bones immediately shook, and a large black mist instantly filled the air, covering her whole body. When the female corpse opened her mouth, a pair of red scissors flew out, and she cut fiercely upward!

There was just a bang, and with the scissors cutting, all the restrictions blocking the female corpse collapsed in an instant. Without thinking, the female corpse rushed out of the black mist and rushed straight up.

Seeing that he was about to break through the palace and escape, Wang Lin looked cold. As soon as his mind moved, an ancient god's cauldron suddenly appeared outside his body.

"Change!" As Wang Lin's plain voice echoed, the body of the female corpse suddenly shone with light. The moment she was about to touch the top of the palace, her body immediately slumped, and her figure suddenly disappeared, and she was sitting cross-legged in the center of the compass. Wang Lin, reverse the position!

In an instant, Wang Lin appeared in mid-air where the female corpse had been, and the female corpse stood in the center of the compass. At this moment, the compass spun crazily, and countless restrictions emerged, converging on the female corpse, and the surrounding restrictions It's coming even more, wrapping around.

The female corpse was not checked for a while, and her cultivation level was seriously injured. At this moment, her body was immediately filled with a large number of restrictions, especially her feet, which seemed to be sucked by the compass. Under the seal, it can't move at all. During the struggle, the female corpse kept screaming, and the sound was harsh and echoed around."

Wang Lin fell down and stared at the struggling female corpse. With a cold expression, he raised his right hand and grabbed hard forward. Immediately, the iron chain on the female corpse's bones immediately banged and Wang Lin pulled it out.

The body of the female corpse was shaken violently.

The scream immediately weakened, and his expression showed sluggishness. His smart eyes looked at Wang Lin, revealing deep hatred.

After the iron chain was pulled out, it immediately turned into a black snake, opened its fangs and bit Wang Lin's right arm fiercely. Shilin did not dodge at all, and let the black snake bite him, only to hear a bang. The black bite bit Wang Lin's arm, and the fangs immediately collapsed, but it did not hurt Wang Lin's arm at all! How could this little transformed black snake break through the body of the royal five-star ancient god?

Wang Lin squeezed it with his right hand, and the black snake suddenly collapsed and shattered into pieces, turning into pieces of iron chains on the ground. Without pausing, he grabbed the air with his right hand again. This time, the female corpse screamed, and Wang Lin pulled out the iron chain on her bones. With one pinch, the chain was crushed!

The female corpse swayed and half sat on the ground. Wang Lin opened his mouth and let out a burst of spiritual energy, which filled the compass. He sat cross-legged and moved forward a little with his hands clasping. Immediately, the compass slowly rotated, and the restriction gradually Integrate into this female corpse.

"There was a technique in the Qinglin Jade Slips of the Immortal Emperor called Corpse Ying-. After killing the person who was against it, it was combined with a variety of materials to refine it into a vicious corpse that had no pain and could collapse at any time to protect the Lord. , although I can't find those extinct materials and can't refine the corpse guard, but I can use the method of controlling the corpse guard!" Wang Lin closed his eyes, and kept changing the marks with his hands in front of him, sometimes making out the ones that merged into the corpse guard. Inside the female corpse.

Time passed slowly. During the sunrise and sunset, it was more than half a month. Wang Lin had lived in this water spirit star for three months in the blink of an eye. During these three months, he had not only gained insights on the top of the peak, but also in the palace. Refining the female corpse inside.

The process of refining a female corpse is very complicated and requires concentration. As a result, Wang Lin almost never leaves home and will make seals every once in a while.

This S, 1. In the palace where he lives, the ten-foot compass is still rotating. The female corpse on it is sitting cross-legged, with bursts of silver light emitting from all over her body, especially above the eyebrows, there is a mark flickering.

Her expression was peaceful, and the previous resentment had disappeared without a trace. If an outsider saw the female corpse at this moment, it would be impossible to imagine her true identity. No matter how she looked at it, she was a beautiful female cultivator.

While Wang Lin was practicing on the Water Spirit Star, something big or small happened on the Tianyun Star. A great supernatural monk named Situ Nan became famous on the Tianyun Star and became The lord of Hongfen Palace. It's just that this reputation is a bit unpleasant.

During the three months of hiding, almost all the female disciples in the small and medium-sized sects on Tianyun Star were harassed by this person. It was obvious that this person was not using force, but was using his pure nirvana cultivation to spread the magic of immortality. Under the guise, he also hinted that he could give away pills to improve his cultivation, which brought many female cultivators together, making the Pink Palace grow infinitely.

He was extremely happy all day long. If he went out, he would be surrounded by thousands of female cultivators, making Situ Nan's reputation for lust spread.

However, this person is also true to his word. All the female cultivators who enter the Hongfen Palace because of him will be given elixirs to teach them immortal skills. If his master pursues the case, Situ Nan will immediately rush to find someone to argue with him, and the final result will be , often those sects have to greet them with smiles. After all, Situ Nan’s cultivation is that of a Pure Nirvana monk. As a result, there are more and more female cultivators in the Pink Palace, and Situ’s name is also famous. Destiny.

I don’t know where I heard it from, saying that the three disciples of the Chen Dao had two female disciples who were extremely beautiful. One of them was born with water spirit roots, and the other was extremely cold. Situ Nan immediately felt itchy in his heart. After thinking about it for a long time, he immediately took it with him. A large number of female cultivators in Hongfen Palace walked out of the Tianyun Star and headed straight for the Water Spirit Star under the guidance of someone.

There was a huge group of people, all of them female cultivators, all wearing pink dresses. In the middle of them was a huge white jade bed about dozens of feet long. Situ Nan was leaning on it, surrounded by a large number of female cultivators. , looking extremely happy. Surrounded by hundreds of female cultivators, they headed towards the Water Spirit Star.

In front of Situ Nan, stood a middle-aged man in blue. This man was handsome and had a lustful look. He bent down and said flatteringly: "Senior Situ, I promise that the two female cultivators from Shui Ling Star are both The most beautiful people in the country, especially Kuang Zhaoxue, are even more amazingly beautiful, and the female cultivator named Ling'er, who was born with water spirit roots, is an excellent cauldron!"

Situ Nan enjoyed the service of several female cultivators around him. He laughed and nodded: "Okay, if it is as you said, I will be indispensable for your share of the reward. Well... pills, magic, you can choose at that time." !”

The middle-aged man's eyes were filled with joy, and he quickly thanked him and said a lot of nice things, which made Situ Nan laugh.

The middle-aged man sneered in his heart and said to himself: "Zhao Xue, no matter how noble you are, this time Senior Situ will go in person. I want to see if you will obey or not! And Ling'er, this time, you will also run away. No!"

Situ Nan glanced at the middle-aged man. Although he looked cheerful, he knew what he was thinking about this man. With his scheming, he could tell at a glance that this man must be in love with the water spirit star. There is a feud between the female nuns. However, Situ Nan would not pay attention to all this.

"The water spirit root is not bad, my brother is just a piece of wood, and I have not had many women in recent years. If these two girls are good, I will grab the water spirit root as a meeting gift even if I try to steal it... Not bad, not bad." Si Yihehehe With a smile, he was also a little melancholy. In the past few months in Tianyun Star, he had been looking for Wang Lin, but there was no clue. He wanted to explore Tianyun Sect, but there was an extremely huge force in Tianyun Sect. The aura filled the air, as if it was blocked. With Situ Nan's cultivation, it was a bit difficult to get in.

This phenomenon greatly surprised the monks of Tianyun Star, but they could not understand the reason behind it.

No one knows that this is an order given by Tianyunzi before going into retreat to close the Tianyun Sect and activate the mountain protection formation!

Fortunately, there are too many disciples of the Tianyun Sect, and many of them are outside. Several female cultivators among them were even abducted by Situ Nan to "play" in the Pink Palace. After questioning, they learned that Wang Lin was among the demon spirits. Various rumors about the land.

These rumors were no secret. Situ Nan had heard them from the people of Tianyun Star before. At this moment, when they confirmed each other, he was extremely surprised, but soon he burst into laughter, and said in his heart: "This is my brother. If you want to do it, do something earth-shattering!" After questioning, Situ Nan added I know that a few months ago, Wang Lin returned to Tianyun Star.

After Situ Nan pondered deeply, he analyzed what happened before and after. He believed that since Wang Lin dared to come back, he was acting against his will. In this way, there was no problem in terms of safety. It's just that he is very curious as to why Wang Lin is so unfaithful.

"Could it be that this kid's cultivation level has increased dramatically?" Situ Nan thought for a long time and couldn't figure out the reason. However, through understanding and analysis, he knew that the purpose of Wang Lin's return this time must be the land of demon spirits! Therefore, Wang Lin will not go far and will definitely appear in a short time.

In this way, Situ Nan was no longer anxious and simply had some fun, which dispelled some of the depression in Fengluan Star.

On this day, led by the middle-aged man, Situ Nan was surrounded by hundreds of female cultivators and saw the Water Spirit Star from a distance! "Hehe, I am still moral enough to choose a concubine specifically for Xiao Linzi. If he knew about it, I don't know what his expression would be!" Looking at Shui Lingxing, Situ Nan laughed.

His sudden smile immediately caused all the female cultivators around him, including the middle-aged man, to mistake him for a slut...

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