Renegade Immortal

Volume 8 Alliance Secrets Chapter 997 Void Son

The Legislative Treasure was a magic weapon that Jia Tusi was extremely satisfied with back then. It was just that it was attacked by all the magic weapons and condensed the spirit of the weapon. In order to make this magic weapon perfect, Tu Si threw it on a planet and turned it into three mountain peaks. I want to condense the soul of this magic weapon with the mountain soul of the entire planet!

The plan was to obtain this treasure after the royal family's magical powers were differentiated. Just read the novel~ But once I left, I never came back.

When he saw the trident following Tianyunzi into the black hole, Wang Lin's eyes showed a hint of astonishment. This shock comes from Tu Si's regret in his memory.

Ling Tianhou and the purple-robed man turned into rainbows at the same time and headed straight for the black hole, but when they were dead, the two of them were stunned.

The moment Wang Lin was about to enter the black hole. Suddenly, he suddenly turned around and looked at the starry sky. Before him, the old man on the gourd, Situ Nan and others took a step faster and looked into the distance.

In the starry sky in the distance, there was a ripple and twist, but there was an old man, and his figure appeared in an instant. In one step, he came closer.

When Ling Tianhou and the man in purple robe were about to enter the black hole, Li Xuan stopped. The man in purple robe showed rare respect, bowed and said, "Sun Shan meets the great elder."

Although Sun Shan is an elder, he is not a member of the alliance's elders, and his face is respectful at this moment. There was no deception from the bottom of his heart, and he obviously showed great respect for the old man who suddenly appeared.

"Junior, please see the Great Elder." Ling Tianhou's expression also showed respect. With his character, there were not many people who could make him show respect.

The pupils in Wang Lin's eyes shrank. The magical power that the old man had just arrived had clearly blended into the space between heaven and earth. This old man gave off an aura that frightened Wang Lin.

This aura is completely different from that of Tianyunzi. If Tianyunzi is compared to an unfathomable sea, then the old man in front of him is a huge mountain that rises straight into the sky for the first time. The majestic momentum spreads, and immediately makes the surrounding cultivators For those who were weak, their expressions changed greatly, and many of them spurted out blood and quickly retreated.

Situ Nan's eyes flashed and he murmured: "Sui Nie!" He was silent for a moment and sneered in his heart. The aura of scorn and unruly character in his bones made his eyes shine.

"If you want to live happily in this world of cultivation, you must have a cultivation level that surpasses heaven and earth. I was still too lazy before.

The old man was dressed in a golden robe, with a head that was half black and half white. There was even more vicissitudes of life permeating the air, and his expression was calm. Glancing at Ling Tianhou, an appreciative smile appeared on his face.

"How long have you and I not seen each other?"

Ling Tianhou's face showed off his scarf, and he said respectfully with emotion: "Junior can't remember clearly.

Too long. " The old man in gold robe sighed and said slowly: "Back then, you and Tianyunzi obtained the qualifications at the same time. I personally sent you two to Kunxu Holy Land. Tens of thousands of years have passed before you two. One has become an alliance elder, even I am a little afraid of him, and one has reached such a level of cultivation. "

Ling Tianhou was silent, but the memory in his eyes became more intense.

"When I received your jade slip a few months ago, I was still thinking about whether I should come or not. I didn't want to come. After all, the war in Luotian was tense, and my senior brother Zhongxuanzi couldn't separate himself, but I thought of the relationship between you and Tianyunzi. I decided to do this once and put an end to the past between the two of you!" The old man said this, with a hint of decisiveness and deep meaning in his eyes.

Ling Tianhou was shocked and looked up at the old man. He said in a deep voice: "Thank you, Senior Xukongzi."

"Let's go, I just heard about this land of demon spirits. I haven't been here yet, so let's go in and see what's going on!" The old man flicked his sleeves and glanced at the beautiful middle-aged woman who looked like a village girl in the distance, with a special look in his eyes. It was swept over the pink-clad woman next to the beautiful woman. With kindness in his eyes, he walked straight into the black hole.

Ling Tianji and the purple-robed man followed from left to right and stepped into the whirlpool.

Wang Lin remained silent for a moment, his eyes flickering, and he jumped up and started off at the same time as Situ Nan. Fu Fengzi and the woman in silver followed, followed by Chen Dao's three sons and Da Tou, and headed straight for the whirlpool.

Reggie's body even shrunk into a man about ten feet tall. As he stepped forward, he followed everyone into the whirlpool.

The old man sitting cross-legged on the gourd and the cold and arrogant man in black also entered the black hole in a flash. As for the beautiful middle-aged woman who looked like a village girl, he hesitated and looked at the woman in pink beside him. Just read the novel~

The woman in pink clothes smiled slightly, like a blooming rose, and said softly: "Aunt Xia, don't worry, in this land of demon spirits, Xi Lie has the magic weapon given by senior sister, so he can protect himself. What's more, the second senior sister is not letting Is Senior Xukongzi here?

The beautiful middle-aged woman pondered for a moment and nodded. She took the four women around her and entered the black hole together. Among the four, Qianqin's eyes were complicated. She had been looking at Wang Lin when he appeared just now. At this moment, thinking of being with the other party in the land of demon spirits, she sighed secretly and said silently: "I wonder if he still remembers me."

After everyone, a large number of monks from all around swarmed in and went straight to the black hole, but. There are too many of these monks. Just after a part of it entered, the black hole's rotation suddenly changed from reverse rotation and disappeared in an instant.

Some monks whose bodies were half inside the black hole suddenly collapsed under the sudden change and screamed in agony. This way. Immediately, the monks behind him quickly retreated.

The black hole had a hint of blood. Disappearing is like closing the door, preventing everyone from entering.

With regrets, the surrounding monks slowly dispersed. There were also some who were unwilling to give up, but after waiting for a few days, they finally gave up and left. The tide of the East China Sea once again restored tranquility. "Skin! In the ground, the fiery red sun hangs In the long heat wave, it rises with the wind and moves along with the dim fire. The corpses on the ground exude the smell of decay, attracting many vulture-like demon spirits, absorbing the death energy on the numerous corpses.

This is just a corner of Fire Demon County. Looking at the entire Fire Demon County, there are piles of dead bodies. Under this heat wave, the degree of decay is accelerating, and the wind blows the clothes on the countless corpses, revealing the already dark skin underneath.

A big war spread in this Fire Demon County. With the attack of the Soul Refining Tribe, the already torn Fire Demon County has seen its forces collapse one by one. If they don't surrender, they will die!

Further away, the capital city of Fire Demon County, where one of the Nine Ancient Demon Spirits used to be, is now occupied by the last remaining force in Fire Demon County. This force was once the home of many people in Fire Demon County hundreds of years ago. The elite among the sergeants are called the Fire Demon Spirit Army!

Led by two demon commanders and eight demon generals, after the defeat of the Fire Demon County, the Fire Demon Spirit Army also suffered serious losses. However, compared with other forces, it was the most powerful party and occupied the capital. The remaining orthodoxy of the Fire Demon County .

At this moment, outside the Fire Demon City, the army of the Soul Refining Tribe was densely surrounded, and there were countless tribesmen floating in the sky. They were surrounded by several large flags, forming a dense black mist that filled the sky and the earth.

There were constant shrill cries of ghosts in the mist. It almost turned into a storm sweeping across the earth, and the shrill screams of the soul became the only sound in the world at the moment. In the army of the Soul Refining Tribe, outside the main entrance of the Fire Demon City, a huge black stone statue was destroyed. The tribesmen carrying the stone statues all had strong fanaticism in their expressions. It was a great honor for them to be selected from millions of tribesmen as the ones to carry the stone statues of their ancestors. A lifetime of glory!

There was an old man in the sky. This old man looked full of majesty and was wearing a black robe. Beside him, dozens of large flags filled the surroundings, forming a black whirlwind.

"The demon handsome Mu Yun, the scorpion gold, the matter has come to this. Will you two surrender or not!" The old man's voice was like a dark wind blowing, even more so the moment it came out. The black whirlwind outside his body suddenly echoed with a sharp roar that shot straight into the sky!

That would be enough, but the moment the old man's voice came out, the millions of soul-refining tribesmen surrounding the Fire Demon City started roaring almost simultaneously.

"Reject or not!!"

Millions of people roared at the same time. The sound was indescribable. It was as if the heaven and earth were trembling. All thunder was incomparable. It shocked the remaining demon soldiers in the Fire Demon City. They only felt a bang in their ears. Part of them He immediately lost consciousness and was bleeding from all his orifices.

"Ouyang Hua, don't push people too hard!" An angry voice came from the city wall, but it was a big man wearing armor. From a distance, the armor looked like a scorpion. The big man's eyes were bloodshot and full of hatred. He jumped up with his eyes, not towards Ouyang Hua in the sky, but straight towards the black stone statue in the crowd.

"Even if I die, I will destroy this thing!" The big man moved too fast and turned into an afterimage. In an instant, he came to the stone statue, raised his right hand, and slapped it hard while shouting.

But the strange thing is that almost all the people from the Soul Refining Tribe around them have sarcastic looks in their eyes. Even Ouyang Hua sneered and did not stop him.

The moment the big man took the shot with his right hand, an extremely cold voice suddenly echoed in his ears.

"Those who try to hurt the stone statue of our Lord will die." What moved with the sound was a very ordinary-looking man next to the stone statue. This man was dressed in black, and his whole body exuded extreme coldness. Anyone who is familiar with Wang Lin will be surprised when they see this man. In terms of temperament, the person is about 60-70% similar to Wang Lin.

The man stepped forward, swung his right hand forward casually, and punched out. Immediately, countless souls rushed out of his body crazily. It merged into the fist wind and formed a storm, which hit the big man with a bang.

The big man spurted out a mouthful of blood, his armor was broken every inch, and the sound of bone breaking echoed in his body.

"The second strongest man in the Soul Refining Tribe, Thirteen!" The big man smiled bitterly, and his body was torn apart with a bang, completely collapsed. He was already exhausted, but at this moment he was hit hard again, and he died instantly.

Ouyang Hua smiled, pointed at the fire demon capital with his right hand, and shouted: "Soul destruction!"

As soon as these words came out, tens of thousands of tribesmen all around immediately raised their big banners, and the scene was boundless. An unimaginable number of souls rushed out, forming a black mist that filled the sky and the earth, covering the entire Fire Demon County, and gathered together in the Fire Demon Capital.

"On the wall of the Fire Demon Capital City. A woman wearing blue armor sighed softly.

Fire Demon County, at this moment, has completely become the capital of the Soul Refining Tribe! The Soul Refining Tribe has become one of the nine major forces in the Demon Spirit Land! The black stone statue will be placed in the place where the ancient demon spirit was before and become the soul refining tribe. Just like the ancient demon back then, it was the sustenance of all spirits!

Just when Thirteen lifted his steps and was about to walk towards the capital, his body suddenly began to tremble violently, and his cold expression suddenly collapsed. Instead, he was filled with excitement that he had never experienced in hundreds of years, and he suddenly raised his head while trembling.

"Ancestor, I'm back!!"

Tomorrow's third update will attack the immortal and reverse the old. chapter! ! ! Coincidentally, tomorrow is also the last day for double monthly passes. Without further ado, fellow Taoists, please support me!

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