Renegade Immortal

Volume 8 The Secret of the Alliance Chapter 1003 Emperor Tuogu

Wang Lin held the wine pot in his hand and looked at the boat slowly moving along the river. There were waves of piano music coming from there, as if he had returned hundreds of years ago.

However, the sound of the piano is similar in appearance, but it has lost the charm of the past. Even the person playing the piano is not the blind girl of the past...

After taking a sip of wine, Wang Lin sighed and said, "The emperor is interested."

The middle-aged man did not speak, and the two of them sat by the river, drinking wine in silence. One pot after another, the sun set in the west, and the earth was shrouded in darkness. Tonight, there was no moon.

There are only those that stay on the river, the sound of the piano is constantly lingering, and a few lights hanging on the boats that flicker in the wind.

Time passed slowly, as the light of dawn in the east enveloped the earth, and when the darkness faded, all around Wang Lin by the river were empty wine bottles.

"Lord Bello has already known about Brother Wang's arrival and sent me here to convey a message to Brother Wang." The middle-aged man looked at the wine pot and said softly.

Wang Lin looked calm. He had expected this since the emperor's arrival last night. After all, this land of demon spirits is already Bei Luo's world. Over the past hundred years, as Bei Luo has been devouring other demon spirits, this enemy will become countless times stronger with each one he swallows.

Wang Lin took a sip from the half bottle of wine left in his hand.

"As long as Brother Wang agrees to leave one of the places to enter the fifth mansion, the fourth of the nine counties in the Demon Spirit Land will be a gift to the soul refining tribe! And it will never be involved in anything about soul refining, including that The remaining knowledge of the cloud demon!"

The existence of the black stone statue can be hidden from many people, but it can never be hidden from the ancient demon Bello. Wang Jiu knows this very well. The other party has not taken any action in the past hundreds of years, allowing the Soul Refining Tribe to show off. With that trace of Yun Yao's consciousness, what you have planned is today.

"Okay!" Wang Lin looked at the horizon in the distance and said calmly.

The middle-aged man stood up, hugged Wang Lin with a fist, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Wang, I have already assigned you the task of Master Gu Yao, and I still have something to ask for.

The spirit of my Emperor's Sword was originally the daughter of a good friend of mine. However, things were unpredictable and she could not escape life and death in the end. She could only become my sword spirit. She stayed here for countless years and never stepped out of the land of demon spirits.

What I wish for is that Brother Wang can take this spirit and leave the land of demon spirits. "Let her re-enter reincarnation, or maybe there will be another destiny..."

The middle-aged man looked pale and pointed in the air with his right hand. Immediately, a sword energy roared from the direction of the imperial capital. The sword energy contained the imperial sword! Wang Lin was silent for a moment,

He said slowly: "Why don't you find someone else."

The middle-aged man shook his head and said calmly: "There have been many monks who have entered the Demon Spirit Land for countless years, but except for a limited number of people, I can't trust the rest... It's just the few people who can be trusted, but because of this I could still protect this sword, but I missed it."

Wang Lin sighed. He had noticed the moment the emperor arrived last night. There was a faint aura of death on this emperor's body, and his life span was about to run out.

Even though he is a demon spirit and has a longer lifespan than ordinary monks, there will be a day when he will dissipate. If there is no accident, if there is less than half armor, this emperor will return to the ruins.

After getting to know each other, Wang Lin had no reason to refuse, so he nodded.

The middle-aged man had a smile on his face, and his expression was free and easy. With a wave of his right hand, the imperial sword immediately turned into a girl. The girl's eyes showed reluctance. If the sword spirit had not shed tears, she would have shed tears all over her waist at this moment. .

"Be obedient and don't be willful again..." The man looked at the girl lovingly, as if he was not looking at the sword spirit but his own daughter.

With a sigh, the middle-aged man cupped his fists towards Wang Lin and bowed deeply.

"Thank you, Brother Wang!"

After saying that, he turned around and took a step forward, and left in a few steps, leaving only Wang Lin holding the wine pot and the sad girl with a reluctant face.

"Let's go." Wang Lin drank the wine in the flask, put it aside, stood up, and walked towards the void.

The young girl looked at the imperial capital with farewell in her eyes. She understood that the emperor who treated her like a daughter would probably never see her again in this life, and her life span would be cut off and she could not change it.

In grief, her body turned into blue smoke and returned to the Emperor's Sword. She let out a mournful cry and followed Wang Lin.

The Imperial Sword was like a ray of silver light, following behind Wang Lin. As Wang Lin gradually moved forward, the sword was finally whipped by Wang Lin's sleeves while roaring, and was put into the storage bag. Then his spiritual consciousness lingered, and he opened the Immortal Mansion Jade Slip, the body suddenly disappeared without a trace under the flickering golden light.

In the fourth cave in the Land of Demon Spirits, led by Situ Nan, everyone is constantly cracking the restrictions. There are too many restrictions in this cave. As they continue to crack, some immortal objects appear in front of everyone.

With the cultivation of Situ Nan and others, it was not difficult to break these restrictions. They made their way straight to the center of the cave with great momentum. But at this point, the power of the restriction has almost reached its peak. It cannot be broken by cultivation. Only by clearly understanding the structure of the restriction can it be broken.

On this occasion, on the platform outside the cave, a golden light flashed, and Wang Lin's figure appeared. He did not pause and stepped directly into the cave. Along the way, he could see the remaining restrictions that had been cracked. Except for the first ones that had been cracked back then, most of them were broken by Situ Nan and his team recently.

Not long after walking forward, Wang Lin saw the Situ Nandi people from a distance.

The three sons of Chendao were sitting cross-legged in meditation, with waves of white energy lingering around their bodies. It was obviously the previous cracking that had cost the three of them a lot of cultivation, and they were recovering at the moment.

Next to the three sons of Chendao was Big Tou. What Wang Lin didn't expect was that Big Tou had some knowledge of restrictions. With Reggie, he was calculating how to break a restriction.

Fu Fengzi also studied the art of restraint and became the main force in breaking the restraint. As for Situ Nan and the woman in silver, they were responsible for restraining attacks and accidents after the restraint was broken, just in case.

Wang Lin came slowly and immediately attracted everyone's attention. Situ Nan had been impatient for a few days here. He was even more dazzled when he looked at the restrictions around him. He didn't have much practice in the art of restriction, but only a little. He understood that if he thought about it, no matter how strong the restriction was, it could be broken if he had enough cultivation.

He is just responsible for the sudden changes after the restriction here is opened, and he cannot leave. Otherwise, with his temperament, he would have thrown away his sleeves and forcibly cracked it alone.

Seeing Wang Lin return at this moment, Situ Nan immediately brightened up and laughed loudly: "You are back, I am almost scared of birds here. This Immortal Mansion is not big, but it is not small either. We are If we go straight ahead, there may be treasures in other places, so I’ll go and check them out first!”

With that said, without waiting for Wang Lin's reply, Situ Nan took a long step towards the bamboo forest and disappeared into the bamboo forest in the blink of an eye.

With Situ Nan's cultivation level, Wang Lin doesn't have to worry about it either. If there will be a crisis and the toxins in their bodies are present, during those days on Shui Ling Star, the two of them also figured out a way to temporarily suppress the female cultivator Buyi. At the moment, here, at best, they will be surrounded. When the time comes, they will go there by themselves. Just save him. Without stopping him, Wang Lin came to Fu Fengzi's side and looked ahead.

A hundred steps ahead, there is a flowing river, filled with bursts of fairy air, and even a faint mist. There is a stone bridge in the river, spanning the river and connecting the two sides.

This stone bridge is the only entrance.

"This place is very strange. We have been blocked here for five hours. No matter how I calculate, I can't figure out the restriction here, but I have a feeling that if it is forcibly broken, it will definitely cause a series of unimaginable changes. , it cannot be opened by force unless it is absolutely necessary." Fu Fengzi nodded to Wang Lin and introduced in detail. He was worried that Wang Lin did not understand the art of prohibition and asked for forced cracking.

Wang Lin looked as usual, his eyes fell on the stone bridge, and he said nothing.

This Immortal Cave is shaped like a back, and where we are now is the junction of the inner and outer rings. After crossing this river, we have entered the inner ring of this Immortal Mansion. It's just that the restrictions here are too big and complicated, and I'm afraid that they won't be able to get through it in a short time. Datou came up with an idea, which is not to take the stone bridge, but to break the restrictions from the edge and cross the river. "Fu Fengzi glanced not far away and his eyes flickered. Sometimes he would raise his hand and Reji would cooperate with him to hit the big head with a punch and rush into the restricted area, and said slowly.

"The three Chendao sons have consumed too much before and are recovering. According to Fellow Daoist Situ's plan, "After Ting and the others recover, we will work together to try to break this place open, but I reserve my opinion on this method." Fu Feng Zi's ​​eyes fell on the river and he frowned and said.

In his opinion, the Wang Lin in front of him would never have been practicing Taoism for too long. He even knew some things about Wang Lin before.

"After practicing Taoism for more than a thousand years, it is incredible to have the current level of cultivation. Wang Lin probably doesn't know much about the art of prohibition. After all, he doesn't have the time to master the art of prohibition! The current crack in the cave, look at it. We still need Datou and me." Fu Fengzi sighed inwardly. He knew that his restraint technique was not very strong, and the outer ring restraint also said that from this junction, he was already somewhat unable to restrain himself.

Wang Lin looked at the stone bridge and couldn't help but frown. No wonder Fu Fengzi was in trouble due to the ban here. Indeed, as he said, if it was forcibly broken, it would cause unimaginable chain reactions.

"This is probably the first level of entry into the Immortal Mansion."

The hundred steps ahead seemed to be looking for escape, but in addition to what Fu Fengzi said, Wang Lin also saw some potential murderous intentions. Everything here was completely different from other restrictions in the outer ring.

"Whether it is as I thought, I still need to experiment." Wang Lin's eyes flickered, and he slowly said: "Silver Corpse!"

The woman in silver not far behind him focused her eyes, moved her body forward, and came to Wang Lin's side. She looked at Wang Lin with smart eyes, waiting for Wang Lin's instructions.

"Take ten steps!" Wang Lin said calmly without looking at the woman in silver, always looking at the stone bridge.

Fu Fengzi couldn't help but frown. In his opinion, this was the most unwise move. In this way, it was very likely that the restriction would be opened.

He just glanced at Wang Lin, but didn't say anything. He took a few steps back and watched.

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