Renegade Immortal

Volume 8 The Secret of the Alliance Chapter 1011 Fairy Heaven Realm

In the spiritual land. Due north. There is a vast plain, now empty of people. Suddenly the storm surged and strange changes occurred.

The clouds are rolling and moving, gathering from all directions, as if the sea of ​​clouds is diffuse, and there are even bursts of roaring coming from the sky in the distance, as the sea of ​​clouds is densely packed, everywhere. A beam of light suddenly rose into the sky from the plain on the ground.

This beam of light seemed to support the heaven and earth of the land of demon spirits, and a thunderous roar came from the sky. As it continued to rise into the sky, a large number of ripples reverberated. The crushing force of the impact spread out in all directions, causing the clouds to shrink back.

As a result, this beam of light went straight into the sky. At the top of the sky, it turned into circles of light and slowly spread out.

The moment the light pillar appeared, a thick celestial energy spread out from the light pillar and filled nearly 30% of the demon spirit land in an instant.

Within the clouds, there were several ugly black birds flying by, just as Ren: Qi was sweeping like the wind. The bodies of these black birds trembled, and a large amount of black Qi emerged from their bodies, following the fairy wind. dissipate.

After the black energy disappeared, these black birds suddenly changed and turned into several white cranes, extremely agile, and they roared with joy. Flap your wings. Draw a beautiful arc and gradually go away.

The land of demon spirits is filled with invisible demonic energy. These demonic energies are the source of cultivation for demon spirit people. As the immortal aura dissipates, an astonishing scene will appear in the sky.

The demonic energy filled the world, and under the impact of the immortal energy, there was an immediate fierce collision, as if water and fire were incompatible, and there were strange changes. It's just that the demonic energy here is too strong. The immortal energy emerging from just a beam of light is not enough to resist, and it is quickly suppressed by the endless demonic energy all around.

But as a large amount of immortal energy continued to emerge in the light pillar, eventually the immortal energy condensed within a radius of a hundred miles. But it also made it impossible to suppress all the demonic energy.

Within a hundred miles, it is full of immortal energy, and a hundred miles away. It is the world of demon energy that seems to have formed a balance. The immortal energy cannot spread, and the evil energy cannot continue to invade.

At this moment, in the third cave in the Land of Demon Spirits, there was Ling Tianhou, the man in purple robe, and the extremely powerful Kongzi. The three of them sat cross-legged in the formation of the third cave.

Ling Tianhou opened and closed his eyes, and his eyes flashed. Without any hesitation, he grabbed the void with his right hand. Immediately, a gap appeared in the void in front of it, and a large piece of green smoke flew out from it. Under the swirl, the key to the cave inside was faintly flashed.

"It took me less than seven days to open the fourth cave. I originally overestimated Wang Lin. But now it seems that it was still low." It took me nearly a month to open the third cave."

In silence, Ling Tianhou pointed with his right hand at the black stone in the center of the formation under his body.

Immediately the green smoke moved, surrounding the black stone and quickly blending into it.

The black stone shook, and the formation suddenly opened!

Directly west of the Demon Spirit Land, this place belongs to the Spirit Demon County. At this moment, the sky changes dramatically, and a pillar of light rises from the ground under the condensed clouds! The layers of impact set off by the light beam spread endlessly to the surroundings in an instant.

The beam of light soared into the sky, with a loud rumbling sound, and a rich immortal energy filled the air instantly. There was another collision with the demonic energy in this demonic land.

At this time, the light beams in the two directions of due north and due west seemed to be reflected, and they immediately increased in number like crazy, trying to break out of the hundred-mile blockade and expand outside the boat!

At the same time, due south, as the immortal energy and the demon energy were entangled, another beam of light shot straight into the sky, spewing out more immortal energy. In this land of demon spirits, a fairy-demon battle unfolded. battle!

Tianyunzi sat cross-legged in the second cave. Looking at the activated formation, his expression was calm, but there was an undetectable flash of strange light in his eyes.

"Seven-day Tianyunzi was silent, unable to see any emotions or thoughts.

Three beams of light appeared one after another in the land of demon spirits, which immediately attracted the attention of almost most of the powerful people in the land of demon spirits. Especially the drastic changes in the demon spirit made them frightened.

The land of demon spirits that had remained unchanged for countless thousands of years seemed to undergo unimaginable changes at the moment when these three pillars of light appeared!

The fairy energy emitted by the three light pillars seemed to be divided into three battlefields as it continued to spread, constantly colliding with the demonic energy. Almost all of the sky in the demon spirit land, except the eastern part, was immersed in a variety of colors.

It's just that the demonic energy here, accumulated over countless years, is too much. Therefore, the immortal energy in the three light pillars is obviously not enough to shake the entire demonic spirit land.

In the first cave here, Yunxian Taoist couple stood calmly at the seal, at their feet. It was a huge formation. Although Wang Wei looked normal, there was a trace of excitement in his eyes that was difficult to suppress.

He took a deep breath and murmured to himself: "This day has finally come."

Hu Juan stood next to him and held Wang Wei's hand. He said softly: "This time, we will succeed."

"It has been planned for so long, and it must be done this time." Wang Wei nodded.

Behind the two of them, there was a phantom of Huaizhuo, and there was a sharp and fierce wave in Xiaoman, vaguely revealing an aura that Wang Lin was very familiar with.

Does anyone know about the "Land of Demonic Spirits", this place. The name of that year was Wang Wei of the Fairy Spirit Realm. He sighed lightly, raised his right hand and slapped the black stone in the void in the formation. Immediately, the black stone shone with light, pulling the entire formation into motion.

"The demon hair is full of poison. Today, let the universe reappear." Wang Wei’s eyes sparkled!

Directly east of the land of demon spirits, a pillar of light suddenly roared and dominated the heaven and earth, connecting with the sky. Endless immortal energy then spread out crazily.

At this moment, the four pillars of light in the four directions of the demon spirit land, southeast, northwest and north, underwent drastic changes. Intertwined with each other, it seems to form a huge formation!

A large amount of immortal energy burst out, and it was countless times more intense than before. In an instant, it filled the world and turned into a storm of immortal energy. Sweeping across this land of demon spirits.

Wherever the fairy energy swept over, the dark red earth seemed to have been wiped away from dust, revealing a black area full of earthy fragrance. The strange plants everywhere revealed their tender green shoots as the storm swept by.

In an endless jungle, as the storm of fairy energy swept across, all the evil spirits were driven away, and the originally evil jungle was restored. The trees that were originally like monsters suddenly trembled and returned to their original appearance. , turned into huge upright trees.

Even some ferocious beasts in the jungle trembled under the sweeping storm of fairy energy. A black tiger with a single horn crawled on the ground, its eyes revealed a dim light, staring ahead, saliva flowing down the corners of its mouth, In front of it, there is a group of fawns full of evil spirit. These fawns are all purple. They are biting each other without any gentleness.

Just when the black tiger was about to pounce, the storm of immortal energy swept past.

It was like a strong wind swept away all the evil spirits. The evil tree was no longer there, and the red grass on the ground also returned to green, with the group of deer biting each other. They were also trembling and lying on the ground one by one. The purple color of the body gradually faded and turned into its true color, revealing the fairy spirit.

The black tiger that was about to pounce also trembled while roaring, and the horn on its head collapsed and dissipated. The black body turned white in an instant, and there was a fairy aura lingering around, and the fierce flames were no longer there. What replaced it was a sense of agility.

As the storm of fairy energy swept through, the entire jungle completely changed from the strange feeling. From a distance, it looked like a fairyland.

Although the river outside the jungle is clear, the water is full of evil spirits. If you take it for a long time, the evil spirits will naturally condense in your body. Change your physique.

Even the fish under the river have become weird due to the invasion of evil spirits. Fish as big as a palm often have sharp teeth that can easily tear a mortal into pieces.

But at this moment, as the fairy wind swept by, it was as if a piece of gray mist had been swept away, and the river became even clearer. Bursts of light energy immediately filled the air, even the river water. There is also sweetness.

The fish inside were trembling one by one. They changed from their ferocious appearance, turned into colorful colors, and began to play and swim with each other.

If you look down from the sky, you can clearly see that in the entire land of demon spirits, everything is changing as the fairy wind sweeps by.

It seems that this world should be like this, but due to an accident countless years ago, this place became a demon realm. Now, with all four light pillars turned on, the fairy energy reappeared here, turning the filthy The evil spirit here can be dispelled quickly.

All the dark places on the earth are gradually replaced by light like melting snow, and the evil spirits are everywhere. The volume was also quickly reached. This scene was like a veil of demonic energy covering the land of demonic spirits. Lift it up hard to reveal its true appearance!

There are demon county capitals everywhere, one. The demon spirit tribes immediately changed completely as the immortal energy swept across the world. One by one, the people here showed pain on their faces, as if they could not stand still, and fell to the ground one after another.

Waves of demonic aura emerged from their bodies and were swept away by the fairy wind, one by one. People who had accumulated a lot of demonic aura in their bodies woke up again. There was no demonic aura in them anymore, but only bursts of light fairy aura and confusion. As the four pillars of light continue to emit immortal energy, the immortal energy here becomes more and more intense, filling the heaven and earth. Under the sweep, even the sky gradually became clear.

All the demonic energy seems to have dissipated under this rich immortal energy!

Looking around, you can see green mountains, green waters and flying cranes. There are even more spirit beasts neighing, and there are no more demon spirits on the earth!


However, in the fairyland that has regained its original appearance, there are still several places where the demonic energy is as solid as a rock. No matter how much the immortal energy impacts, it will not move!

Within the realm of Xianlingtian, there is a valley and a pool. A demonic face emerged, staring at the immortal energy sweeping across the sky, its eyes revealed a faint light.

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