Renegade Immortal

Volume 8 Alliance Secrets Chapter 1027 Suzaku Sacred Star

Volume 8 Alliance Secrets Chapter 27 Suzaku Sacred Star In the depths of the Alliance Star Territory, there are several areas that not many Cultivation Alliances can control. Here, all the monks in the Cultivation Alliance’s huge organization cannot enter. Half a step! Once you step into it, you will immediately face a disaster, and there is no possibility of survival. Even the cultivators of Huan Nirvana are frightened by the news and do not dare to step beyond the thunder pond.

Only those who have reached nirvana in cultivation can have the courage to step into it, but they also need to be extremely cautious. Often, a single thought can lead to the destruction of body and soul.

These areas are called death forbidden areas in the Cultivation Alliance! Anyone who has reached the second step of cultivation in the Cultivation Alliance will be more or less aware of these things.

There are many rumors from the outside world, but not many people truly know the cause and effect of all this.

Among these forbidden areas, there is one that has been burned by thick flames. At a glance, the flames become a sea, filling the star field. The flames are dim and dim, but the terrible high temperature and the occasional heat wave can make everyone watching People who come to this Burning Star Territory are trembling with fear.

As far as the eye can see, there is an endless burning star field. This scene can be unforgettable for all who see it. Even reincarnation cannot erase the red flames reflected in the pupils when looking at it. That profound memory.

This sea of ​​fire is different from Immortal Emperor Qinglin's Heaven-Burning Technique, which has extremely magical powers, but the current burning sea of ​​fire is natural! According to legend, this sea of ​​fire existed when the fairy world existed. Even if we look back, it seems to have existed in ancient times.

No one knows how many years this sea of ​​fire has been burning. The monks have changed from generation to generation, the immortal world has collapsed due to calamity, and ancient times have passed. But this flame will always burn like a child.

No one knows what kind of power and what kind of rules can make this sea of ​​fire burn continuously, without beginning or end, and never go out.

Under the eternal burning, this star field has become a world of fire.

In the huge star field, after countless years of suffering, all the planets and dust have dissipated, leaving only nine planets, connected in a circle.

Only these nine stars can withstand the unimaginable high temperature under the wash of these years of fire. But despite this, these nine planets are no longer complete and exist like a crescent moon.

Thick flames surrounded these nine planets, as if they were constantly burning, turning them all into ashes.

At this moment, on the first of the nine stars, there is no ocean here. Even if there was one a long time ago, it has evaporated long ago, leaving behind a dry and cracked seabed.

At a glance,

There is no greenery on this planet. Even the plants that exist are all fiery red, exuding a dazzling beauty. However, under this beautiful Taobao Women's Clothing Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket m, there is death hidden.

Plants that can survive in this environment are by no means simple.

Like ordinary cultivation stars, there is a strong aura here, but this aura contains fire poison. If a mortal takes a sip, his whole body and bones will instantly turn into black ash.

Even a monk cannot withstand this fire poison for too long. This star field is called the Land of the Vermillion Bird, and these nine planets are called the Saint Star of the Vermilion Bird! Among them, the first holy star is the most respected! Directly south of it, there is a dark red giant towering into the sky! This image is clearly a Suzaku spreading its wings and taking flight! Its tail spreads out, like flames rising into the sky, spreading within a radius of ten miles. The tail is so huge, not to mention the body of the Suzaku! Occupying hundreds of miles in radius, the statue of the Suzaku is like a gigantic boat. It can be seen at a glance even in the burning starry sky! The eyes of the Suzaku are completely formed by flames, and every other hour, a thick sea of ​​fire will condense from the clouds in the sky, turning into two rays and blending into the eyes of the Suzaku.

This is not the only one of the Suzaku Holy Statues. They can be found on all the other eight beautiful Suzaku Holy Stars. These nine identical Suzaku Holy Statues are the pinnacle symbol of the entire Suzaku Holy Sect! Under the Suzaku statue, dozens of people wearing red robes were sitting cross-legged. These people were both men and women. Each one of them was sitting cross-legged, constantly absorbing the power of the surrounding flames.

The tail of the Suzaku is divided into three parts. On top of it, an old man is sitting cross-legged. The three of them are making seals with their hands at the moment. Strange sounds come from their mouths, causing every feather of the Suzaku statue to emit flames. , permeating the surrounding area and being absorbed by dozens of monks below.

This scene is a necessary practice that the Suzaku Holy Sect performs every day, using the holy statue to absorb the power of the flames. Looking from a distance, in addition to these dozens of monks under the icon, there are hundreds of monks sitting cross-legged and breathing in the air further away.

If you look further into the distance, the entire planet, with the Suzaku icon as the center, is surrounded by too many monks, ranging from dozens or hundreds in the innermost part to thousands or tens of thousands in the outer parts! Countless monks were densely packed, wearing uniform attire, silently absorbing the flames emanating from the icon.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, the flames of the Suzaku icon gradually dissipated, and all the monks in the cells around them began to finally collect their energy. Usually at this time, with the end of the inhalation, it means that the day's practice has passed.

At the outermost edge in the distance, some people had already opened their eyes because they had not absorbed much flames. Gradually, as each monk stopped breathing, they regained their consciousness.

Even the three old men at the tail of the Suzaku also woke up from their trance. One of the old men stood up and looked at the dozens of Suzaku Sect disciples below and was about to speak.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred! The Suzaku icon suddenly shook, and the flames that had originally been dimmed suddenly increased in intensity at this moment! The crimson light suddenly lit up crazily from the Suzaku statue.

The flames on it continued to grow and climbed crazily. The expressions of the three old men at the tail suddenly changed. The three of them immediately flew out without hesitation. One of the old men even shouted: "Disciples of the Suzaku Holy Sect, all retreat! !Back off!”

The other two old men even swung their big sleeves, and immediately there was a huge roar of wind, lifting dozens of disciples on the ground one after another. Those dozens of disciples were blown into the air, and the expressions of these disciples suddenly changed. Back away without thinking.

For a moment, all the disciples of the Suzaku Sect surrounding the Suzaku statue immediately stepped back one by one. Looking from the sky, one could clearly see the people around the Suzaku statue rolling back like a tide.

The flames of the Suzaku Holy Statue became even fiercer, and they shot directly into the sky, filling the entire sky! The thick flames pushed crazily around, forming a wave of fire that spread in a ring.

At this moment, it was not just the case here. On the other eight Suzaku Sacred Stars, the same scene appeared almost at the same time. This sudden change caused the expressions of most people of the Suzaku Sect to change suddenly, but there were some members of the Suzaku Sacred Sect. The old man, after seeing the change in the Suzaku statue, immediately started to tremble. This tremor was not because of fear, but because of excitement! "The change of Suzaku... the change of Suzaku!!! I can actually see the change of Suzaku in my lifetime!" An old man with an old face and white hair looked at the sky and laughed. His eyes showed the vicissitudes of life, and he looked straight. Staring at the Suzaku icon.

Not only him, but everyone who knew about the change of Suzaku at this moment, all looked at the sky with excitement. On the nine Suzaku Sacred Stars, although there were not many such people, every one of them had extremely high cultivation! At the moment when the Suzaku of the First Saint Star suddenly changed, in the distance due east, in a sea of ​​purple-red fire, the earth collapsed with a bang, and a purple-red figure quickly flew out from it.

The moment this figure appeared, the surrounding sea of ​​​​fire suddenly condensed, surrounding this figure. In the uncertain firelight, you could vaguely see that it was an old man full of wrinkles. "He looked at the sky blankly, stunned. Looking at Zhuque's shocking change, his body couldn't help but tremble."

"Suzaku's Change!" He didn't know when tears started to flow from his eyes, and he laughed wildly:

"It's really the Suzaku Change!!"

This scene is happening on all the other eight Suzaku Sacred Stars! The Suzaku Icon emitted a thick sea of ​​fire, and at the moment when it was pushed outward, it suddenly reversed. The flames that spread out immediately rolled back and condensed towards the Suzaku Icon.

It's not a sea of ​​fire condensing in a short distance, but all the flames from all locations on the Suzaku Holy Star are condensing crazily towards Suzaku, as if there is an unimaginable suction force in this holy statue.

Seen from a distance, the Suzaku Sacred Star seems to have become the sea, with flames coming from all directions.

At this moment, the color of the world changed and the wind and clouds surged! As it absorbed the flames, the Suzaku icon exploded like a volcano, with crimson flames emerging from it, forming a huge pillar of fire that shot straight into the sky! This scene is like using the Suzaku statue as a medium to condense the flames of the entire planet into a pillar of fire. All this is just to allow this pillar of fire to rush into the sky and out of the holy star! With a loud rumbling sound, this pillar of fire penetrated the clouds, penetrated the strong wind, penetrated the rolling heat waves, rushed directly out of the Holy Star, and appeared in the burning star field! The moment it rushed out, there were eight fire pillars in the other eight Suzaku Sacred Stars at the same time, absorbing enough flames to rush out! In an instant, nine pillars of fire condensed among the nine round holy stars! At the moment when the nine pillars of fire condensed, a Suzaku voice suddenly arose in the burning star field with an aura that was countless times louder and more powerful than Wang Lin's in the bottle world! Along with the voice of Suzaku, a Suzaku as huge as a cultivation star appeared! This Suzaku seemed to have not appeared for countless thousands of years. With its appearance, the entire star field, a place that the Cultivation Alliance was afraid of, those natural, child-like flames immediately surged out like eternity! The vibrations caused by them immediately caused the gasket to burn the star field, like a roaring wave shaking the sky, emitting a roar that shocked the entire starry sky! This is the change of Suzaku! The first Suzaku change since the Suzaku Holy Sect was defeated by the Cultivation Alliance! The Suzaku Change is of extremely great significance to the Suzaku Holy Sect! This means that there is a Sequencer who can become the Suzaku Holy Emperor and has awakened Suzaku. Only in this way can he cause the Suzaku Change and the Suzaku True Spirit that has not been seen for tens of thousands of years! At this moment, nine purple-red figures suddenly flew out from the nine Suzaku Sacred Stars. Each of these nine people had the cultivation of Broken Nirvana. They appeared at the same time at this moment for the purpose of this Suzaku transformation! The moment these nine people approached the huge Vermillion Bird True Spirit, the Vermilion Bird True Spirit suddenly let out a bird cry again, echoing in the starry sky, turning into countless ripples sweeping across, and setting off large swaths of flames in the burning star field and pushing towards the surroundings. go.

At the same time, the body of the Suzaku True Spirit rotated rapidly and immediately turned into a huge fireball. Under the whirlpool of the sea of ​​fire, a distortion immediately appeared in the fireball transformed by the Vermillion Bird True Spirit, but in an instant, In that distortion, a scene appeared! The person in the picture has long flowing hair, the totem of the Suzaku is spread all over his body, and his whole person is emitting thick flames. From a distance, he looks like a Suzaku! He is none other than Wang Lin! In the picture, in addition to Wang Lin, there is also the Saint Ancestor of the Nymph clan with a sad face and empty eyes bleeding black blood. In front of this woman, there is a Qinglin distraction composed of crystal light! The moment this scene just appeared, the woman suddenly looked at her empty eyes, causing the nine people to be immediately shocked.

"This woman is..."

"Qiu Yao, Saint Ancestor of the Fu Clan!!"

"The man in front of her, judging from his appearance, could be the Immortal Emperor Qinglin back then! In the picture, there are also Xu Kongzi, Yao Yunzi and others appearing! "Xukongzi, and Tian Yunzi are also there! "

"The Awakened Suzaku is actually in such a dangerous place. As an important figure in the alliance, Xu Kongzi will definitely not allow us, the Suzaku Sect, to have an Awakened!"

"It's just that I have never seen this awakened person before. How did he obtain the Suzaku sequence?"

The nine people looked at the scene in the fire ball. At this moment, a majestic spiritual thought suddenly swept from the depths of the burning star field. This divine thought was so strong that it made the star field even more powerful. Burn for a meal! "There is no doubt about this son's identity. His Suzaku mark was given by my clone. You and your family will use all your strength to find the true spirit to lead the way and bring him back safely at all costs!"

This spiritual thought swept over them, and the nine people stood up and looked at them with fanatical respect.

"Respect the Holy Emperor's order!"

"I don't have much time left. The injuries back then have become more and more serious. This son's awakening at this moment is the hope of our Suzaku Holy Sect... You are close, and we must keep him safe at all costs!"

At this moment, in the Immortal Emperor's Cave, the moment the green rain transformed by the crystal light came out, Wang Lin immediately felt the Vermillion Bird totem on his body heat up. Before he had time to check, several eyes immediately came towards him.

Xukongzi's eyes flashed with murderous intent. At this moment, he immediately noticed the change in the totem on Wang Lin's body.

"Suzaku Sect, this person has awakened!"

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