Renegade Immortal

Volume 8 Alliance Secrets Chapter 1032 Is it Wrong?

In the Immortal Emperor's Cave, the Quanyi Immortal Pond collapsed, and everyone was pushed by the force of the impact. They scattered like birds and fell into different places, causing the restriction to disappear.

At this moment, in a place transported by a cited restriction, there is a dense jungle. Big trees that need to be hugged by several people are everywhere. At a glance, even the sky is blocked by the endless leaves. A few knots of sunlight fell through the gaps between the leaves, looking like beams of light.

The ground was filled with rotten leaves, which were waist-deep when stepped on. The decaying smell is combined with the decay of some ferocious beast bones. If you take a whiff, you will immediately feel nauseated.

The deeper you go into the jungle, the denser the leaves become, and the less sunlight naturally becomes. "It seems that it cannot penetrate here. As a result, waves of damp gloominess surround the surroundings."

Right now, in the deepest part of this jungle, among the endless rotting leaves on the ground, there was a person sitting cross-legged.

This man's body is like a tower, half of his body is naked, and there is a blood-red rune flashing between his eyebrows. Outside his body, there are corpses of ferocious beasts, and there is blood left on those corpses, making this place Full of blood.

The strange thing is that almost all of the ferocious beasts around this man have their fur peeled off between their eyebrows, revealing their bloody flesh.

These peeled eyebrow skins were now piled on the man's legs, spreading out, and it was very dark.

I don't know how long it took, but the man slowly opened his eyes, and two terrifying gazes immediately penetrated him. The man looked calm, looking into the distance, and murmured to himself after a long time.

"Although I have not fully absorbed the power of the ancestral holy talisman, I have understood a lot about the technique of the withered talisman... But in my memory, the figure of the previous master cannot be dissipated... "The man calmed down, sighed secretly, and closed his eyes again.

Wang Lin, who was in the depths of the sea, withdrew the sunlight from the big sword. With one finger, the big sword immediately returned to his hand. He took off the withered talisman and put it into his storage bag.

"With this withered talisman, if there is a crisis, I have one more way to save my life. This withered talisman is indeed mysterious. After leaving this land of demon spirits, I will definitely have the opportunity to make more. But according to the blue air mass inside According to records, the best material for making Kufu is the skin between the eyebrows of ferocious beasts.

The more ferocious the flame beast, the more suitable the skin between the eyebrows is. Even the power of the withered talisman has a lot to do with this material. When removing the skin, you need to use some magical skills to solidify the soul and blood essence of the ferocious beast between the eyebrows before you can remove the skin..."

Wang Lin took a deep breath while he was thinking, and patted the storage bag again.

In a flash of yellow light, the yellow crystal appeared on the palm of his hand.

Staring at this crystal, Wang Lin's expression was full of solemnity. If there was anything he could not see through in the Immortal Emperor's Cave, it was this yellow crystal.

Even on it, Wang Lin could vaguely feel the force of the Holy King of Heaven and Earth, the creation of the Holy King, the Night Killing God, the Divine Seal Throne, seeking the devil, the most powerful in the Ninth Layer Heaven, the abandoned young master, the Great Zhou Royal Family, the Night Killing God, the Divine Seal Throne, the most powerful in the Ninth Layer Heaven, the demon proud one. The Royal Family of the Great Zhou Dynasty abandoned the Young Master and used the martial arts to move the world and kill the god and seal the throne of the God at night. He asked for the Demon Proud Ninth Level Heaven and was the strongest. There was a terrifying fluctuation, and he did not dare to check it easily with his spiritual consciousness.

"If the mysterious person in the main hall is really Qing Lin, what is the purpose of giving this thing to me?" Wang Lin looked at the yellow crystal and sank down.

He clearly remembered that the crystal light that Qing Lin had turned into was integrated into this crystal, but now no matter how he looked, he couldn't detect any clues.

It was as if Qing Lin's distraction disappeared, as if what he saw before was just Wang Lin's hallucination.

After staring at this object for a long time, Wang Lin withdrew his gaze. He did not choose to take the risk to check it with his spiritual consciousness. Instead, he forcibly suppressed the thought and put the crystal into the storage bag again.

He had a vague feeling of strangeness. If his consciousness was integrated into it, some unpredictable things would happen that would be of absolutely no benefit to him.

This feeling is ethereal, purely a trace of spirituality that has been possessed for more than a thousand years of practicing Taoism.

"Now, it's time to leave here." Wang Lin stood up, and with one step, like a swimming dragon, he went straight up, and the bubbles moved outside his body.

Looking down from the sky, the seawater is blue, but in the water, it is dark. "But for Wang Lin, it is not a problem. As the bubbles rise, the seawater spreads to both sides, causing the bubbles to go straight to the sea surface. go.

Along the way, Wang Lin's eyes flashed with deductive light, but just when he was about to rise out of the sea, Wang Lin's expression suddenly changed, and he pushed his hands to both sides without thinking.

Immediately, the bubble he was in collapsed with a loud bang, and an impact spread rapidly outward at the moment of collapse. Under Wang Lin's control, everything surged upward. At the same time, at this moment of impact, it was like a magnetic collision, and a loud rumbling sound immediately reverberated around the world.

Under this loud noise, even the sea water was affected. Wang Lin immediately felt as if the sea water around him was being pressed downwards by a strong force.

His expression was cold, and he did not rush out of the sea. Instead, he left the squeezed area far away in a flash, raised his head in the distance and looked through the sea water to the sky. What he saw before his eyes was that the entire sky was filled with thick demonic aura, which was crisscrossed like demonic dragons.

In the center of the demonic aura, stood a person. This person's body was filled with demonic aura, and his appearance could not be seen clearly, but he could vaguely tell that he was a woman.

Just now, when Wang Lin approached the sea, he immediately noticed a magical force coming from the sea. The target was exactly where he was. Only in this way did Wang Lin collapse the bubble.

"Wang Lin, come out!!!" A voice filled with extreme hatred reverberated wildly around the world at this moment, causing the sea to roar and turning into huge waves that spread around Wang Lin in the sea. The moment he heard this sound, his eyes suddenly froze.

"Yao Xixue!!" He couldn't see the person's appearance clearly, but the familiar feeling and the more familiar voice made Wang Lin immediately recognize the woman's identity! With a wry smile on his face, Wang Lin sighed inwardly. To be precise, the grudge between him and Yao Xixue was a bit complicated. Back then, this woman wanted to take advantage of Wang Lin, and she even harbored evil intentions. Her fault came first. Wang Lin was not a good man and a woman of faith, so naturally she would not Let it go, but because of his cultivation at that time, he was very afraid of his Blood Soul Pill and Blood Ancestor, so he banned and sealed it.

Although he was hostile to the Blood Ancestor, Wang Lin admired him. After all, everything this man did was for his daughter. Wang Lin asked himself, if someone wanted to harm Wang Ping, he would act like the Blood Ancestor, but before that, he would choose to tell the whole story tomorrow night.

The Blood Ancestor obviously didn't know the process, and he didn't take Wang Lin seriously at that time. He even had murderous intentions in his heart. He didn't need to know the process, he only needed to know who kidnapped him. Daughter, knowing this is enough.

If Zan Shi's Wang Lin had the current level of cultivation, then the Blood Ancestor would certainly not be so arrogant and would probably choose another way to resolve the matter.

In the final analysis, Wang Lin at that time did not have the qualifications to be noticed by the Blood Ancestor, and he did not pay any attention to it. Even if he knew the process and knew that his daughter was at fault first, he would still choose to use his strong cultivation to Solve everything by force and kill Wang Lin to vent his anger.

Wang Lin has not considered returning Yao Xixue to the Blood Ancestor, but he has also considered taking due responsibility for the seal that has been sealed for hundreds of years. As long as the Blood Ancestor's request is not too excessive, he will choose to agree. After all, he was at that time , is really too weak.

However, the Blood Ancestor did not give Wang Lin a chance to explain, and ended up like this. Wang Lin would sigh inwardly every time he thought of this matter.

He had clear grudges throughout his life, and he admired the Blood Ancestor even more, so when he collected his soul, he said that he would give him a chance to see Yao Xixue again.

When he came to this place of demon spirits, Wang Lin actually knew that he was very likely to meet Yao Xixue, but the difference between this Yao Fu Zongheng and Yao Xixue in his impression was too big, so he didn't recognize him.

But now, Wang Lin looked at Yao Xixue in the sea and sky, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

These thoughts flashed through his mind, and Yao Xixue's voice kept coming to his ears.

"Wang Lin, come out!! What happened back then, today you and I are completely done with!" Yao Xixue said, and the demonic energy stirred under the hand seal. Immediately, countless demonic dragons in the sky roared in unison, and rushed straight to the sea. Come on, the roaring sound echoed, and immediately the sea surface was like a storm, with raging waves rolling into the sky.

Boundless waves were surging, and as the demonic dragons continued to rush in, they suddenly spread to all directions, as if a big hole had been drilled into the sea. Wang Lin sighed secretly and swayed, breaking through the sea like lightning, and ran straight towards it. Go to the sky.

The moment Wang Lin appeared, Yao Xixue, who was surrounded by demonic aura, showed deep hatred in her eyes. The demonic aura all over her body was instantly strong, but her body stepped out of the demonic aura and appeared in Wang Lin's eyes. Astonishingly, she was an ugly woman with a face full of scars and no longer beautiful Taobao Women's Clothing Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Clothing Coat m.

The woman's exposed skin was covered with hideous scars, each one shocking. Wang Lin took a look, and his face showed bitterness again.

Vaguely, he seemed to see the cold and stunning figure that appeared in front of Saint Himself for the first time that year, but he could not overlap with the person in front of him.

"No one can say clearly what happened back then, right or wrong... But now her father's soul is in my Immortal Seal, and her body has become like this for revenge. Am I wrong... "What Wang Lin did in his life was to be worthy of heaven and earth, but now, he felt a little complicated.

"Wang Lin, you sealed me, Yao Xixue, for hundreds of years. Although I hate this, I have figured it out. After all, I counted you first. I can endure this, but my father died because of you. The hatred of my parents We are irreconcilable, I am powerless to kill you, but there are people who can kill you!!" Yao Xixue stared at Wang Lin, gritting her teeth!

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