Renegade Immortal

Volume 8 Alliance Secrets Chapter 1037 Meeting

With a finger of Wang Lin's right hand, it landed on the Immortal Seal of the Eighteenth Level of Hell. Immediately, there was a flash of red light on it, as if blood filled the cave, and the flowers on the ground were everywhere. It also reflected a red color. Just read the novel~

As the blood light spread, a piece of red mist immediately spread out from the fourteenth level of the Immortal Seal. Within the red mist, the Blood Ancestor stared at Wang Lin with a bloodthirsty look on his face. But he immediately noticed Yao Xixue's presence, turned around slowly, and looked at Yao Xixue. The ferocious look on his face disappeared in a moment of surprise, and became soft.

Not far away, Yao Xixue looked pale and stared blankly at the scene in front of her.

"Blood Ancestor, back then Wang promised to let you meet your daughter. Now, Wang has done this." Wang Lin waved his right hand, and the red mist that filled the Blood Ancestor in front of him immediately dissipated, and the solution was The ban on controlling the Blood Ancestor was opened.

The soul of the Blood Ancestor flashed red, gradually solidified, and finally turned into a human form. He looked at the daughter in front of him, his eyes filled with excitement.

"This is the end of what happened back then. Yao Xixue plotted against me and sealed me for hundreds of years. Your blood ancestor wanted to kill me and ended up like this. I am also the cause of this. Yao Xixue wanted revenge, lost his memory and became a puppet of the wind demon. I saved her once and let it go.

From now on, your father and daughter have nothing to do with me, Wang Lin. This cause and effect has been severed. If they are entangled again, don't blame Wang for killing them. Your father and daughter will be separated forever and never enter reincarnation! "

There was a hint of indifference in Wang Lin's calm voice. He flicked his sleeves and turned to walk away.

"Within the fourteenth level of the Immortal Seal, you Blood Ancestor does not need to return. I will let you go free and accompany your daughter throughout her life. This is the Immortal Emperor's Cave, the land of demon spirits. You can find a place to wait until it is finally opened. leave here.

Yao Xixue's eyes fell on Wang Lin's back, revealing confusion. She couldn't remember everything, and even vaguely, she didn't want to think about it. There seemed to be a voice always echoing in her mind, telling her that the past was over. Just like yesterday's wind and today's soil, when it blows, it's still dust to dust, dust to dust... Yao Xixue can hear this voice, it belongs to her, as if it was the last words she left for herself before she lost her memory. .

The Blood Ancestor looked back at Wang Lin who was gradually walking away, with a complicated look on his face. After unlocking the forbidden seal, his mind had completely recovered. Although he was still in a soul body, with his previous cultivation, he could still continue to There are other ways to practice again.

The back figure of Wang Lin walking far ahead fell into his eyes, but there was no longer the deep hatred of the past.

Blood Ancestor understands,

For Wang Lin, if he wanted to kill his father and daughter, it would be effortless at all. But now, the other party did not do that. Instead, he gave himself freedom and gave his daughter a new life.

While sighing, hatred no longer matters. What matters is that her daughter is safe. Although she has lost her memory, maybe this is a better choice for her.

After what happened, the Blood Ancestor felt that his heart had become old. The only thought he had was to let his daughter be safe... Everything else was left to him...

The Blood Ancestor looked at Yao Xixue kindly and said softly: "My child, come with daddy."

Yao Xixue, who had lost her memory, had a kind of trust in the blood ancestor. Shen Jiuzhong walked to the blood ancestor. The father and daughter gradually walked away. "...Dad, what he just said is true, is it true?" ?

"True or false is no longer important. We will never have contact with him from now on. Don't think about it... He is not someone we can mess with..." As the Blood Ancestor spoke, he looked back at the distance. , he could no longer see through Wang Lin.

"This person is no longer the junior I didn't look down on back then. In the past few hundred years, he has grown to such an extent..."

Wang Lin looked calm and walked forward slowly. The cause and effect of what he did with Yao Xixue may be unclear from another perspective, but as long as he thinks it should be like this, then this cause and effect will be It will be so.

Step by step, Wang Lin gradually walked away. A majestic aura slowly gathered from his body. As he moved forward, the aura became stronger and stronger. In the end, it almost rose into the sky.

Under this majestic aura, Wang Lin's eyes became brighter and brighter.

At the current stage of Dao Heart, he solved the matter of Yao Xixue, got rid of this cause and effect, and reached perfection. At the moment when Dao Heart was perfect, Wang Lin clearly noticed that his cultivation level, which had not been improved for a long time, was like a glacier melting. There are signs of a breakthrough.

In the distance, Yao Xixue and her father, Blood Ancestor, disappeared into a forbidden area, waiting for the day when the cave abode would open. Looking around, there was no one else in the cave except Wang Lin.

There are still ruins on the ground caused by the collapse and impact of the Immortal Burial Pond. Not far away, there is still a trace of cold air emanating from the huge deep pit left by the Immortal Burial Pond.

After taking a look around, Wang Lin's eyes fell on the front. This was just the periphery of the Immortal Emperor's Cave, not yet close to the interior. Looking far away from here, one could vaguely see a patchwork of attics and numerous caves directly ahead. building.

These buildings surrounded each other, forming an irregular pattern. At the end of his gaze, Wang Lin could vaguely see that deep in the attic, filled with thick black mist, there was the peak of a hall inside the mist. Faintly visible.

In the midst of thinking, 5-Lin's eyes flashed, he patted the storage bag, and immediately there was a jade slip in his hand. This jade slip was made of fairy jade, emitting a soft light.

This jade slip was originally obtained by Wang Lin from the Land of Demon Spirits, and it recorded the refining method of the Immortal Guard and the formula for the body-holding technique. Wang Lin remembered that he had read it carefully after getting the jade slip, and found that it contained , and a map.

It's just that this map was a little strange to Wang Lin when he saw it, so he didn't pay much attention to it. But now that his eyes were looking around the cave, he had a vague feeling of familiarity.

Then he remembered the map in the jade slip. At this moment, he took out the jade slip and his spiritual consciousness sank into it. His expression suddenly changed. The map depicted was exactly the Immortal Emperor's Cave in front of him.

Wang Lin looked at the map carefully and memorized everything in it. He thought for a moment and did not act rashly immediately. Instead, he took a few steps back and came to the deep pit left by the Immortal Burial Pond on the ground. He lowered his head. Take a look.

There was darkness below the pit, and even the gaze could not penetrate it.

"It's nice here!" Wang Lin took a step forward! $ The person immediately stepped into the deep pit, but his body did not sink quickly. Instead, he slowly descended dozens of feet. Wang Lin patted the storage bag with his right hand, and several big swords immediately flew out in front of him. Sweeping across the walls of the pit.

Bursts of gravel flew, and a moment later, a hole appeared on the wall of the pit. Wang Lin swung his body, got into the hole, and sat cross-legged inside.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Lin made a hand gesture and placed a restraint around the hole for a long time. Only then did he calm down. He patted the storage bag again, and immediately a ray of silver light flew out, transforming into a charming woman.

The woman glanced at Wang Lin and said nothing. Instead, she came to the edge of the cave and sat down cross-legged to protect him.

Wang Lin crossed his knees and looked at the female corpse in silver. After absorbing the poison from the sea of ​​flowers, he always felt that this female corpse seemed to be a little different, but Wang Lin couldn't feel the specific difference.

With a sweep of his consciousness, Wang Lin saw that the control seal traces he had left behind were not damaged at all in the female corpse. Not only that, even the many hidden restrictions were not damaged at all, and then he put down the When my heart came to my senses, I closed my eyes and started meditating.

"Now that your cultivation level has become loose, you must work hard to improve your cultivation level. Only in this way can you be more sure of saving your life in this dangerous Immortal Emperor's Cave."

At the moment when his eyes were closed, the energy in Wang Lin's body suddenly started to circulate. As it flowed throughout his body, traces of fiery breath spread out and lingered outside his body. It did not spread out, but always stayed at a distance of one foot.

The artistic conception had a breakthrough due to Yao Xixue's incident. At this moment, with the powerless movement in Wang Lin's body, the cultivation that had stagnated at the peak of the middle stage of Nirvana gradually loosened on a large scale.

Time passed slowly, and three days passed in the blink of an eye. During these three days, Wang Lin's body did not move at all, and he was always running the powerlessness in his body. The powerlessness was running faster and faster, and in the end, it was almost connected into one piece, without beginning or end. .

The female corpse in silver had been protecting Wang Lin silently for the past three days, but her eyes would sometimes fall on Wang Lin for a long time. There was confusion in her eyes, but this confusion often appeared in his eyes. The moment it appeared, it was immediately deeply hidden.

On the fourth day, Wang Lin opened his eyes, patted the storage bag after a moment, and immediately took out several souls of the people he had killed, and swallowed them in one gulp without thinking.

The energy of heaven and earth here is not enough, the only way to break through is this! "

When Wang Lin's cultivation level was improving and he was impacting upward from the middle stage of Nirvana, far away in the starry sky outside the Immortal Emperor's Cave, something happened that shocked everyone in the Cultivation Alliance who saw it.

In the bright and dark starry sky, there is a red fire that fills the air in the distance, as if a sea of ​​fire is burning, trying to turn the starry sky into nothingness.

The red fire gradually approached. As it approached, the fire became brighter and brighter. It was extremely blinding. Looking from a distance, there was an endless sea of ​​​​fire sweeping across from the end of the starry sky. Its speed was almost unimaginable.

At the very front of that sea of ​​fire, there was a gigantic Suzaku with wings spread hundreds of miles away, walking proudly in the starry sky! The whole body of this Suzaku is composed of thick and intense fire. Before it approaches, unimaginable high temperature spreads in the starry sky. This level of Suzaku can shock the minds of all monks.

Wherever the Suzaku passed by, all the monks' pupils shrank fiercely, scrambling to get out of the way, not daring to approach at all. The slightly more knowledgeable monks with great supernatural powers were even more surprised when they saw the huge Suzaku. , an ancient name immediately came to mind! "Suzaku Holy Sect! !"

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