Emperor Yuankang closed his eyes, his face without any emotion.

After a long time, he opened his eyes, looked in the direction of the delegation and cursed:

"Bah, Kong Mingzhen, this old man, is too shameless..."

Xiao Yuanxuan was stunned. Father, I told you about Xu An, what does Kong Mingzhen have to do with it?

Only Sun Diao Si's old face twitched slightly, Your Majesty, are you jealous again?

Yesterday, Emperor Yuankang received the news from the Embroidered Clothes Envoy and knew that the students of the Imperial College would make trouble. He also specially ordered Kong Mingzhen to keep an eye on these students.

After all, he went to see the excitement of Dongyu today, but he didn't want to be part of the excitement.

As a result, these students still made trouble.

Obviously, Kong Mingzhen, the old thief, fanned the flames and made this happen.

First, to prevent his granddaughter from being killed by Xu An, and second, to take advantage of Xu An's justice!

Don't you want to go to the Imperial College?


Then I will show you how bad the Imperial College is now.

It is simply shameless to the extreme!


Xiao Yuanxuan called out tentatively.

"Well, what did you just say?"

Emperor Yuankang looked up and stared at Xiao Yuanxuan.

The corners of Xiao Yuanxuan's mouth twitched violently, and he said: "Your son said that today's banquet in Dongyu, the appearances are all the well-known figures of my Daqian and envoys from other countries."

"Xu An's trouble today... is detrimental to the state."

Emperor Yuankang narrowed his eyes: "Then let these students bully Xu An?"

Xiao Yuanxuan choked.

Father, shouldn't you be furious now and issue an order to deal with Xu An?

That's your disciple. Are all your disciples not as important as Xu An?

"Hmph, but you're right, Xu An deserves to be punished... Well, he deserves to be punished by the students of the Imperial College."

Emperor Yuan Kang's face darkened slightly, and he said: "Sun Diao Si, stop, wait until the situation is resolved over there, I don't want to go over and punish Xu An now!"

Well, blatantly helping Xu An will chill the hearts of Confucian scholars all over the world.

Xu An has to solve this matter himself.

It would be best to teach these guys who talk about family, country and the world every day, and wealth and glory in their hearts a profound lesson!


Sun Diao Si responded, and the voice like a drake spread: "Stop the carriage!"

Emperor Yuan Kang's carriage stopped two streets away from the Dongyu delegation.

Seeing this, Xiao Yuanxuan almost exploded.

Father! Xu An really deserves to be punished now, you really should punish him!

At this time, Xiao Yuanlang was also furious.

It was already frustrating enough that his good brother had defended the face of Daqian and did not receive any reward.

Now, he had to endure the anger of these idiots, which was simply unreasonable.

"Shut up, all of you!"

Xiao Yuanlang shouted angrily and walked towards Xu An.

My sister didn't want him to get involved, but he was the prince, and he couldn't ignore it for public or private reasons.

Seeing Xiao Yuanlang stand up, many people's faces immediately became playful.

The students of the Imperial Academy who had been crazy about Xu An were not only not afraid, but even more excited.

"What does your highness mean? Do you want to protect Xu An?"

"Your highness, you are the crown prince, you should be close to virtuous ministers and stay away from villains."

"Your highness, do you really want to make the literati in Daqian feel cold because of this prodigal son?"


Xiao Yuanlang is usually kind, but it doesn't mean he has no temper.

It's okay to accuse him, but humiliating his friends, making a scene at the Dongyu delegation banquet, and making Daqian lose face... No matter which one, it touched his bottom line!

Standing next to Xu An, Xiao Yuanlang glanced at the whole audience coldly and snorted: "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Xu An immediately smiled and gave a thumbs up.

Little brother, you are becoming more and more domineering.

"As disciples of the emperor, we are advising His Highness not to be led astray by Xu An, a playboy!"

Someone among the students of the Imperial College couldn't help shouting immediately.

Others also echoed.

Xiao Yuanlang's face was gloomy. Being led astray? That's better than you people ruining the country and the people.

He subconsciously wanted to stand up and refute, but Xu An raised his hand to stop him.

"Xiao Yuanlang, leave this matter to me."

Xu An twisted his neck and said with a smile: "You are the prince, there are some things that cannot be said from your mouth, otherwise it will hinder your future..."

"But I am different, I don't need a future."

"It would be best if I could lie down every day, make some money and pick up some girls..."

Hearing this, Xiao Lan'er behind him raised her eyebrows and gritted her teeth!

Sure enough, the queen mother was right. If this guy doesn't find something to do, his mind is full of onlyLiving a life of drunkenness and dreaming of death, so hateful!

"Hey, hey, hey, have you had enough fun? It's my turn now."

"What did you say just now? The emperor's disciple, right?"

Xu An stopped in front of Xiao Yuanlang, raised his hand and hooked at the Imperial College students: "Whoever claims to be the emperor's disciple, step forward!"


Almost all the Imperial College students took a step forward.

Staring at him angrily.

"Oh, the momentum is quite scary! Then there is nothing to talk about?"

Xu An played a joke and raised his hand to point at the young scholar who took the lead several times.

"Hey, you were the one who danced the most just now, stand up."

"Don't look, I'm talking about you, the guy with a hairpin and a sneaky look!"

The young man who was pointed out walked out with a gloomy face.

His name is Sun Haoran, and he is one of the great talents of the Imperial College. He is also very handsome and very popular in the major brothels in Kyoto.

But in Xu An's mouth, he became a sly look!

"What are you looking at? He is not as handsome as me, not as arrogant as me, not as talented as me, and not as rich as me. What are you dissatisfied with?"

Xu An folded his hands and looked at Sun Haoran. He was really confident about this!

And he has not made a move, deliberately hooking up with these students of the Imperial College, just to find out the organizer.

And this guy must be one of the organizers, or the child of this incident. He tried to murder him. How could he give him a good face?


Sun Haoran was immediately furious.

Abandoning your identity and status, you, a prodigal son, still have the confidence to say such things?

"What do you mean by "I"? Not convinced? Hold it in!"

Xu An walked up to Sun Haoran, almost face to face: "Huh? You keep saying that you are disciples of the emperor, right?"

"That's right, all the students in the Imperial College are disciples of the emperor."

Sun Haoran raised his head and said proudly.

"Oh, that does sound awesome."

Xu An raised his hands and helped Sun Haoran adjust his Confucian shirt with a smile:

"This young master is not very educated, please help me explain it!"

"What the hell is...disciples of the emperor?!"

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