"Come on."

Xu An jumped up. The queen glanced at him indifferently, and he knelt down again.

Xiao Lan'er pondered for a moment and said, "My question is: There are pheasants and rabbits in the same cage. There are thirty-five heads on the top and ninety-four legs on the bottom. How many pheasants and rabbits are there?"

Xu An was stunned when he heard this question!

Chickens and rabbits in the same cage? Beauty, are you kidding me?

I thought you would give me some big questions, but you gave me easy questions?

Seeing Xu An stunned, a trace of pride climbed up on Xiao Lan'er's cold and pretty face.

The queen's eyes narrowed slightly.

Xiao Yuanlang's face also changed. He knew how difficult this question was. There were not many people in the whole Daqian who could solve it smoothly.

"Royal sister, the only ones who have solved this question so far are the arithmetic tutors in the Imperial College. It's a bit too much for you to test Xu An with this question."

Xiao Yuanlang frowned slightly, obviously dissatisfied with his sister for making things difficult for Xu An.

Too much? When this bastard rode on me and beat me in the princess's mansion? Wasn't that too much...

Xiao Lan'er glanced at Xu An and said lightly: "How could it be? Master Xu just said that he is very capable, maybe he can really solve it!"

"Yes, I solved it."

Xu An coughed dryly and said: "Sorry, I just didn't expect the princess to ask such a simple question, so I was a little surprised."

Hearing this, Xiao Lan'er, the queen and Xiao Yuanlang were all stunned!


This question was solved by the three arithmetic teachers of Daqian Imperial College after a long time of research.

As a breakthrough in academic research, the answer is still sealed in the library of the Imperial College.

You actually said it was simple? What a joke!

Xiao Lan'er looked at Xu An with her beautiful eyes, and a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of her lips: "So, you figured it out?"

Xu An nodded and said: "Of course, there are twelve rabbits and twenty-three chickens, it's very simple!"

Hearing this, the disdain on Xiao Lan'er's lips froze on her face instantly.

Xiao Yuanlang suddenly turned his head to look at Xu An, and his face was also full of shock.

Even the queen's calm face was full of surprise at this time. As a royal family, they naturally knew the answer, but they didn't expect Xu An to know it too.

"This is impossible, how did you know it?"

Xiao Lan'er stared at Xu An in disbelief.

Soon, she seemed to have guessed the answer herself, and asked coldly: "I know, you must have known the answer in advance, otherwise how could you have calculated the answer that the Imperial Academy spent half a lifetime studying?"

"Does it still take half a lifetime to study? Using my method, you can calculate it in a sip of tea!"

Xu An curled his lips and said, and only then did he realize that this was in ancient times.

Chicken and rabbit in the same cage, three-fold well are indeed the most difficult problems.

But in the previous life, this is junior high school math knowledge!

Xiao Lan'er was stunned. Others spent their whole lives studying the solution to figure it out, and you can figure it out in a sip of tea? Who are you fooling?

"Your method?"

The queen put down the teacup in her hand, looked at Xu An and said, "Then use your method in front of me and show me? As long as it makes sense, you win this game!"

After she finished speaking, she waved her hand, and Sun Diao Si brought Xu An paper and pen.

"What do you mean by calculation? I won anyway!"

Xu An dipped the brush in ink and began to write the calculation process, while explaining it in detail.

"My method, I call it a linear equation."

"To put it simply, it is to use known conditions to solve the unknown number."

"For this problem, the known number of chickens and rabbits is the total number of heads and legs, and the hidden known condition is that rabbits have four legs and chickens have two legs!"

"Knowing this, we can write an equation to solve it. Assuming there are X rabbits, then there are (35-X) chickens..."

Xu An was very serious. He was afraid that they would not understand, so he explained almost every step carefully. After making sure that the queen and the other two understood, he started the next step.

Listening to Xu An's explanation, Xiao Lan'er and Xiao Yuanlang were already stunned. Even the queen was shocked at this time, and her breathing became slightly rapid.

They are all smart people. Xu An explained so in such detail that they naturally understood.

Therefore, they had already calculated the result before Xu An got to the final result.

This... This super difficult problem that has troubled countless arithmeticians for decades actually has such a simple solution?

How can those who have studied for decades or even their entire lives feel?

"Xu An, who taught you this?"

The queen interrupted Xu An, her face becoming serious.

"I did it myself!"

Xu An looked at the queen, his face full of innocence: "I hate reading books.Study hard, and occasionally when he hangs out with friends, he gets some inspiration and just messes around. "

The queen naturally believed what Xu An said, because she almost witnessed Xu An's growth and knew that this kid always had some messy and unrestrained ideas.

It's just that at that time, his playboy was more outstanding, so almost no one noticed his unique side.

"You solved this eternal problem by tinkering around? This tinkering is pretty good!" Xiao Yuanlang came back to his senses, his eyes lit up.

He has always been worried that Xu An would be calculated if he continued to be a playboy without any means, but now it seems that he thought too much.

This guy is not useless!

As for Xiao Lan'er, she still bit her thin lips in disbelief. Obviously, a playboy solved this eternal problem with the simplest method, which caused a great shock to her.

"Okay, don't spread this method for the time being. Let me discuss with His Majesty to see how to use it."

The queen suppressed the shock in her heart and said, "This game, you win. "

Xu An immediately looked at Xiao Lan'er and winked at her, saying, "How about it, my future wife, are you convinced? If not, come again."

Xiao Lan'er clenched her fists and snorted, "It's just a lucky win, what are you so proud of!"

"Aren't you good at calculating? Then I'll let you calculate enough."

She took the paper and pen on the table and quickly wrote and drew on it.

A moment.

She walked to Xu An and threw the paper to him!

"Let me tell you, this is called a nine-square grid."

"My second question is to give you one to nine numbers, and then fill them in this nine-square grid."

"No matter what method you use, the sum of the three numbers in each row, column, and every two diagonals must be equal to fifteen."

After speaking, Xiao Lan'er smiled provocatively.

She studied this nine-square grid for a whole day and couldn't find a way.

She didn't believe that Xu An could solve it.

"Nine-square grid? That's it? "

Xu An's eyes widened immediately. These are all easy questions. Is it really that simple?

"Wear nine and step one, three on the left and seven on the right, two and four are shoulders, eight and six are feet, and five is in the center."

He looked at Xiao Lan'er and said, "This is the answer!"

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