Qi Zhaoyu's mouth twitched slightly. Master, you are making things difficult for me.

Although the Hundred Cavalry Division is full of experts, Que Ying and Yelu Qi are not pushovers either.

According to the latest intelligence summary, the two parties to the transaction have a total of three or four hundred people.

To catch these three or four hundred people in one fell swoop is no less than a small battle.

Qi Zhaoyu considered the feasibility of what Xu An said, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "My men will do their best to complete the plan within five days!"

"I'm not discussing with you, this is an order."

Xu An naturally knew Qi Zhaoyu's difficulties, but he had no choice now: "Five days is too long, I will only give you three days."

"If you can't complete the task in three days, you can only collect the body for me, the young master."

Qi Zhaoyu raised his eyebrows and his face became solemn.

What does the young master mean by this?

Doesn't he want to wait until the evidence is in hand before reporting to His Majesty, but wants to act in advance?

Is he crazy? !

This is too complicated, and one careless mistake will lead to eternal damnation!

"Young Master, you should inform the Lord first about this matter..."

Qi Zhaoyu's heartbeat quickened, and he quickly pushed Xu Xiao out.

If Young Master had any accident because of this matter, all the people in the Hundred Cavalry Division would probably have to pay with their lives.

And this matter was too big, and it was not something that a small deputy commander like him could decide.

To save so many hostages and not hurt the Beidi people, it was almost impossible for the Hundred Cavalry Division alone to do it. He needed to ask Xu Xiao for instructions, and then secretly mobilize troops, choose the ambush site, and formulate a battle plan...

Each of these takes time.

But now, Xu An doesn't have that much time.

Since Yelu Qi and Que Ying chose to trade tomorrow, the first thing they have to do after the transaction is to join forces to deal with him!

To be honest, he had never understood why Que Ying chose to fight him at the banquet of the Dongyu Mission in an attempt to embarrass him.

Isn't this just a waste of time? I'm so tough, how dare you kick me? !

But now he understands!

It is very likely that Yelu Qi and Que Ying have reached a conspiracy.

Conspired to kill him!

Because he thought he was going to die soon, and he didn't want him to die too happily.

So before he died, he wanted to avenge his dead brother and stepped on him hard in front of the envoys of various countries and the officials of Daqian.

Look, the dandy who defeated your Dongyu envoys is nothing but a scum of scum in my eyes, Yelu Qi.

But what he didn't expect was that this kick directly stepped on the nail!

Not only did he not step on him, but he lost face!


Thinking of this, Xu An took a breath: "It's terrifying to think about it carefully!"

"This guy is really not a good bird like Que Ying. Fortunately, I am smart, otherwise I would have been killed."

"The trouble now is... I have offended two perverts with real power at once. If they join forces to deal with me, it won't be a big problem."

"The time left for me is not much."

Xu Gan secretly smacked his lips, feeling an unprecedented crisis!

One wrong step, and there is no way back.

"Don't bother me first, I want to be quiet."

He raised his hand to interrupt Qi Zhaoyu, closed his eyes again, emptied his mind, and quickly filtered all the things.

"There is no evidence now. Even if I tell Emperor Yuankang, he may not believe it..."

"And Emperor Yuankang may not be clean around him. After all, Zhao Si has been trying to blackmail the emperor to control the princes for too many years. He must have infiltrated Emperor Yuankang's side!"

"Fortunately, he is not Cao Cao. He does not have Cao Cao's momentum of "I would rather betray the world than let the world betray me!"

"Otherwise, Emperor Yuankang would not have the opportunity to grow. He would have died long ago!"

"Bah, that's off. Let's get back to the point..."

Xu An quickly dispelled the messy thoughts in his mind and continued to analyze.

"If we go to the palace to see Emperor Yuankang now, the news is likely to be leaked."

"Once the news is leaked, the interest groups behind Que Ying will destroy the body at all costs."

"Although Xu Xiao is awesome, he has too many concerns. The emperor is his weak spot. Two grown men are so close, and they are not related by blood. I suspect they are gay..."

"It will definitely not work to let Emperor Yuankang's people act together with the Hundred Cavalry Division... So this matter has to be done by the Hundred Cavalry Division. The emperor's embroidered envoys and Jinyiwei are not safe!"

"After all, if the news is leaked and the Protector of the Country Que Zhenxiong personally goes down, then there will be nothing for me."

"Although I am tough, my bones are still too soft to withstand these old guys' tossing... Uh, no, no!"

Thinking of this, Xu An suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The originally dark face suddenly had color, and his eyes suddenly lit up, as if blackA dazzling light shone in from the darkness!

"Damn, my thoughts are not right, uh, it should be said that my ideas are not right."

"It is true that the enemy is too powerful, but Que Zhenxiong is not his stupid son. Que Zhenxiong is a meticulous and decisive old scoundrel. It is impossible for him to be so sloppy."

"If he is the one who planned it, let alone the transaction, all the people who traded must die, otherwise do you think such a great name is called casually?"

"So, this matter is actually done by those two duds, Que Ying and Yelu Qi!"


Thinking this through, Xu An grinned: "I just need to get rid of these two first, and then close the chain of evidence before Que Zhenxiong and others react!"

"Heh, what can you do to me?"

If the enemy is only Yelu Qi and Que Ying at present, then destroy them!

Seeing the sinister smile on Xu An's face, Qi Zhaoyu, a master, couldn't help but feel a chill behind him... Now Xu An's smile gave him the feeling that it was abnormally twisted and weird, which made people shudder!


"I'm fine."

Xu An opened his eyes and said, "You are under my command now, just follow my orders."

"First, send someone to send a message to Xu Xiao, tell him everything, and ask him to come back to support me."

"Just say that if he doesn't come back, the Xu family will be wiped out."

Xu An sorted out his thoughts and began to give orders to Qi Zhaoyu: "You don't have to wait for Xu Xiao to rescue people. Use all the power of the Hundred Cavalry Division to bring everyone back within three days."

"Three days, this is the longest time I can buy you."

"If you can't solve this matter within three days, Que Zhenxiong will take action!"

Qi Zhaoyu pondered for a moment, bowed heavily and said, "Yes, I understand."

"There is another thing that I need to ask the master."

Qi Zhaoyu looked at Xu An and said, "When we were investigating Que Ying, we found that someone else was also investigating Que Ying."

"Oh? Who?"

Xu An's eyes narrowed suddenly.

Que Ying has made countless enemies, and there are many people who want him dead.

In the past, Xu Anli would have ignored it.

But now... the enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?

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