Xiao Yuanlang clenched his hands, his face full of anger.

Every time Xu An rushed to the front, he was the one who benefited in the end. It felt like he was using Xu An. He didn't like this feeling.

Brother, shouldn't we live and die together?

Why should Xu An be left alone every time? He, Xiao Yuanlang, was not so incompetent!

Just hearing the queen's words, he subconsciously raised his head, with a light in his eyes: "Mother, what do you mean..."

"Xu An is not you, he is very capable!"

The queen looked at the pitiful boy standing beside Emperor Yuan Kang, and her eyes twitched.

A man who can subdue the group of villains in Tianlao can't deal with a group of unarmed civil servants who rely on their mouths?


The good show has just begun.


Xiao Yuanlang wanted to say something, but Xiao Lan'er shook her head at him: "We have done what we should do. We caught the maker of public opinion, controlled public opinion, and did not let things get out of control. This is enough."

"Next, let Xu An break the situation himself!"

Xu Qingfeng also turned his head to look at Xiao Yuanlang.

With just one glance, Xiao Yuanlang subconsciously shrank his neck and swallowed hard.

"Don't go down to make trouble, or I'll beat you up!"

Xu Qingfeng stretched his waist and raised his hand to point at his head and said: "Use your brain. If you go down to confront without evidence, these mad dogs will accuse you of false accusation and bite you to death!"

"If Xu An wants to help you, he will probably have to commit suicide!"

Xiao Yuanlang choked!


He has no evidence.

Yelu Qi Queying is dead, the witnesses have been silenced, and there is no physical evidence at all.

This is an unsolved case!

"Don't worry about it. Let these guys go crazy first."

Xu Qingfeng sat casually on the steps, kicked off his boots, bent over and scratched his ankles: "When they are done going crazy, I will kill them."

The queen saw Xu Qingfeng and shook her head slightly.

This girl is used to being wild, and she doesn't look like a girl at all.

Xiao Lan'er was also full of disgust.

Under the tower, Emperor Yuankang listened to the accusations of Xu An by the officials, and his eyes became colder and colder.

I asked you to argue that Xu An was guilty, not to force Xu An to confess.

A bunch of old thieves, do you really think Xu An is easy to bully?

Emperor Yuankang looked at Xu An and said indifferently: "Xu An, did you hear it?"

"Do you admit these crimes?"

Admit? I admit nothing.

Xu An glanced at Zhang Yuandao, then at Que Zhenxiong, and finally his eyes swept over the group of righteous civil servants.

Then, an indescribable weird smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I understand. In fact, for you, whether Que Ying and Ye Lu Qi abducted women and children is not important at all."

"What's important is the benefits!"

Xu An pointed to the prison uniform on his body and then pointed to the messy hair: "Do you know why I am in such a mess? It's because I think if I do it like this, I should hear some other voices."

"I should be able to hear someone tell me that Que Ying and Ye Lu Qi deserve to die, and justice should be sought for those women and children who died unjustly and those women and children who are still living in Beidi!"

At this point, Xu An laughed.

But the smile was full of sadness and disappointment!

"If someone stops and says it, and stands up to do it, it means that I, Xu An, am really held accountable for the crime of privately killing Que Ying and Ye Lu Qi, and I, Xu An, admit it."

"But you didn't!"

Xu An almost roared out the following words!

The sound was like thunder, spreading throughout the audience!

The whole audience was suddenly silent.

All the ministers and the onlookers were stunned.

No one expected that this young man who was doomed to die would suddenly explode.

Emperor Yuan Kang narrowed his eyes slightly. At this moment, he suddenly knew why he liked this little guy so much.

It was not because of the Taoist's bullshit divination in Qingyun Temple, but because he always resonated with him.

Resonance in the depths of the soul!

Resonance of fighting for the world, fighting for the people, and fighting for the country!

Xiao Lan'er slowly clenched her hands into fists, looking at the young man standing in the wind, she suddenly felt a little distressed.

He has grown up.

Xu Qingfeng's face gradually turned cold, and the murderous intent in his eyes had gathered.

At this moment, she just wanted to kill people, just wanted the group of hypocrites downstairs to return her heartless brother... back!

"You, Zhang Yuandao, a veteran of three dynasties, want to join the cabinet, right?"

Xu An raised his hand and nodded at Zhang Yuandao, grinning: "What do you want to do in the cabinet? To benefit the people? Or to contribute your strength to the country?"

"No, you don't.Yes, you entered the cabinet just to tell the world that you can dominate the government and oppress the world! "

"You, an old thief, don't deserve to enter the cabinet!"

Zhang Yuandao was told the truth in public, which made him feel like he was stripped naked and thrown into the crowd.

Humiliation, anger, resentment... the heavy emotions almost swallowed him up in an instant.

His old face suddenly turned red, and he was so angry that he trembled all over, pointing at Xu An and couldn't speak!


"Me? What's wrong with me? Am I blocking your way? Or should I not resist and lie down at your feet obediently to become a stepping stone for you, Zhang Yuandao, to enter the cabinet?"

Xu An took two steps forward and stared at Zhang Yuandao: "Dream your mother's daydream! As long as I'm here, you can't enter the cabinet in your life! ”

“You…you…evil creature…poof…”

Zhang Yuandao pointed at Xu An tremblingly, and finally spurted out a mouthful of blood, fell to the ground, and his breath instantly weakened.

Emperor Yuankang glanced at Zhang Yuandao indifferently, old man, aren’t you very powerful? You scold for two days without repeating the same thing!

Now Xu An has only scolded twice, and you can’t stand it?

A hypocrite is a hypocrite, and his qi-cultivation skills are not good.

“Come here, call the imperial physician!”

Emperor Yuankang said indifferently, this old guy can’t die yet.

“How dare you! Xu An, Mr. Zhang has worked hard and made great contributions, how can you judge him randomly? !”

Zhang Anshi stared at Xu An and said angrily.

The ministers were also full of anger, but Xu An did not give them a chance to speak, and sneered: “Work hard and make great contributions? After decades of officialdom, what is his greatest contribution to Daqian? ”

“His greatest contribution to Daqian…is that he single-handedly caused the defeat of Youzhou three years ago!”

It’s a heart-breaking move.

Zhang Yuandao originally wanted to pretend to faint, but he spat out another mouthful of blood after hearing this.

He kicked his feet and was completely motionless!

“As for you…Que Zhenxiong.”

Xu An didn’t even look at Zhang Yuandao, and his hand fell on Que Zhenxiong!

“You don’t have to pretend to be innocent. Aren’t you just eyeing Xu Xiao’s position and wanting to lead troops to rebel and seize power to usurp the throne?”

The whole audience suddenly fell into a dead silence!

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