Seeing the South City nobles, the originally noisy scene suddenly quieted down.

Many people began to turn pale. They chose to write the complaint because they believed in Xu An. If Xu An was bribed by these South City nobles, they would surely die.

Xu An saw their faces and naturally knew what they were thinking.

He smiled and looked at the crowd and said, "Who is Zhao Tiezhu?"

The people looked at each other in surprise, and no one stood up.

Gongsun Yan immediately stood up and pointed at a middle-aged man who was lame and hiding behind and said, "Zhao Tiezhu, the master is calling you? Why are you hiding? Get out quickly."

He naturally knew Zhao Tiezhu. When he reported Zhao Tiezhu's situation to Xu An before, Xu An asked him to go to the county government to express his condolences and also found an imperial physician for his daughter.

That was an imperial physician, a person who was only qualified to be invited by the families of princes and ministers. How much face did this have? This old bastard was actually ungrateful.

Seeing Gongsun Yan pointing at him, Zhao Tiezhu had no choice but to walk out with a pale face.

He knelt down in front of Xu An with a plop, kowtowed three times, and said: "Sir, spare my life, I won't sue anymore, I won't sue anymore, please spare my family's life."

Xu An: "..."

Hey, hey, hey, uncle, isn't your way of opening up wrong?

He looked at Zhao Tiezhu, who was kneeling on the ground and trembling, and said: "Uncle, are you sure? The Liu family will pay compensation and apologize, and those who hurt your daughter and father will also be punished. Are you sure you won't sue?"

"If the people don't sue, the officials won't investigate. If you are sure you won't sue, then the county government will consider you withdrawing the lawsuit."

Zhao Tiezhu was stunned when he heard this.

Everyone was also stunned.

This? This is not being bought? But it's being solved?

"Brother Zhao, the previous incident was the fault of my Liu family."

Liu Shan was also a man who knew how to deal with things. He immediately walked in front of Zhao Tiezhu with an apologetic look on his face: "It was my carelessness that led to the tragedy of your family. I, Liu Shan, should be responsible."

"Don't worry, I will definitely break the legs of the rebellious son in your family and send him to jail with my own hands."

"The medical expenses of your daughter and your father will be fully covered by my Liu family, and I will compensate you with another 100 taels."

"And your family's land, as long as it is unreasonable, I will also buy it back from you at the original price. Do you think this is okay?"

Zhao Tiezhu was stunned and opened his mouth for a long time, but he couldn't say a word.

And the people were immediately furious. Is it okay? It's too good!

Getting compensation and the bad guys being punished, this is the justice they want.

It turns out that their adults were not bribed, but really solved the problem.

"Old man, are you sure you don't want to pursue the matter? That's fine..."

As soon as Xu An opened his mouth, Zhao Tiezhu jumped up instantly, hugged Xu An's thigh and cried: "No, sir, I will pursue it, I will pursue it!"

"Thank you, sir, thank you, sir, for giving justice to my family."

"I accept the compensation and apology from the Liu family, and accept the land repurchase, thank you sir... Haha, my father is saved, my father is saved, thank you sir..."

"What he cares about most is those acres of land!"

Zhao Tiezhu cried and laughed, his saliva stuck to Xu An's legs.

Zhan Peng and others immediately stepped forward and wanted to pull Zhao Tiezhu away, but Xu An raised his hand to refuse, and said that the clothes would be washed if they were dirty.

But this man needs to vent, he needs to vent the negative emotions that have been suppressed in his heart for years, otherwise he will really go crazy!

"Sir, what about us?"

"Yes, sir, have our cases been solved?"

"Sir, I also need your help!"


All the people gathered around and looked at Xu An excitedly.

"Don't worry, all cases can be solved. Submit the complaint to the county government, and the county government will have someone to coordinate with you and the Nancheng nobles to solve the problem."

Xu An raised his thumb and promised: "If none of them can be solved, I will help you solve it myself."

"Thank you, sir!"

"Thank you, sir!"

Everyone knelt down and kowtowed to Xu An to thank him.

"Okay, it's too late today, let's go back!"

Xu An waved his hand and said: "I'll go to the government office tomorrow to find a clerk to write a complaint for you... Well, your complaint was accidentally burned by me."

After that, he took Su Wan'er away.

All the Nancheng nobles frowned when they saw this scene.

"Why do I feel like something is wrong... Hmm? What's wrong?"

Someone said in a low voice with a puzzled look on his face. He always felt like he was being cheated, but also like he wasn't.

"It's wrong, very wrong."

Chen Lianhou gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go upHe was! The little thief Xu An gave us a preconceived sense of déjà vu, which made us ignore many things. "

"For example, the complaint!"

"This bastard, you burned the complaint, shouldn't the case be dropped? Now you want people to rewrite the complaint... shameless, despicable, villain!"

Everyone reacted at this time, and their old faces twitched, and they almost cursed!

The case is still there after the complaint was rewritten, so why did Xu An burn the complaint? What's the point of burning the complaint?

Hmm? What's the point?!

And they were actually moved to pieces just now!

"Damn it! There are such shameless people in the world!"

Some people roared to the sky and beat their chests and stamped their feet!

They were so inexplicably fooled into the pirate ship.


Xu An pulled Su Wan'er out of the crowd. Su Wan'er looked at the handsome profile of the young man and couldn't help but snorted: "Heh! I didn't expect you to be such a young master Xu."

She couldn't help but tease as she spoke.

It's really interesting!

If this guy hadn't dragged her away, she wouldn't have figured out the connection.

This guy first showed his business talent, and then forced Xiao Yuanxuan to drive the Nancheng nobles into a desperate situation after Xiao Yuanxuan arrived, and then he was aggressive and wanted to kill everyone, and then shamelessly asked her and Gongsun Yan to plead for mercy, so that the Nancheng nobles would lower their defense.

Then, he burned the petition to win people's hearts, and finally used the newly dyed cloth to shock the audience, turning everyone's curiosity into actual action.

One thing leads to another!

But now that I think about it, this guy is almost getting something for nothing!

The first one to be tricked was her.

"There's no way. I can't ignore the grievances of the people of Nancheng in order to win them over."

Xu An spread his shoulders and said, "Besides, I had already hinted to them at the beginning, but they didn't react. Don't blame me, right? "

Su Wan'er thought about it, and it seemed to be true.

This guy said at the beginning that he was not letting them escape punishment, implying that burning the complaint was useless.

The punishment of Chen Shao and the words to the Nancheng nobles were all hints.

It's just that this guy threatened Xiao Yuanxuan to protect the Nancheng nobles, and successfully attracted everyone's attention... until he couldn't pretend anymore and had to run.


Su Wan'er commented coldly.

"Hey, is this how you treat your savior?"

Xu An pretended to be angry.

Su Wan'er pointed to her hand and said, "I mean how long do you want to hold it? There are so many people on the road, and I am still in my boudoir. How can you let me get married in the future?"

It's okay, my fish pond is big enough...Xu An glanced at Su Wan'er's hand and subconsciously held it tighter!

"Regarding the Nancheng Merchant Alliance, I still need to discuss it with Miss Su."

"The weather is good, let's talk while walking. ”

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