After not getting a good night's sleep for a few days, Xu An finished writing the sixth chapter of Dream of the Red Chamber and slept until...waking up.

"Xu An, Xu An, are you still alive? If you are alive, take a breath."

"Did you hear me? If you don't answer, I'll kick the door!"

Xu An's face almost turned black when he heard the knocking sound from outside the door, accompanied by the screaming sound of that stupid girl Shen Aoyun!

I haven't gotten a good night's sleep for a few days!

What are you doing so early in the morning?

"Get out, I'm fine, you're calling me!"

Xu An got up from the bed, put on his coat and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, Xu An saw that the courtyard was full of people.

Xiao Lan'er, Song Yuyan, Xu Qingfeng, even Kong Yan'er and the beautiful girl Qin Wenjian from Dongyu were there... As for the two grown men Xiao Yuanlang and Wuxie, he automatically ignored them.

He ignored the scene of Xu Xiao and Xu Qingyu sitting on the steps in front of the archway, chewing buns.

It was enough to have these beautiful women.

"Uh, so many people? What do you want to do?"

Xu An swallowed and subconsciously gathered his clothes.

What do you mean? Is the world going to end if I sleep?

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Aoyun grabbed his hand and stabbed him with a sword.

The middle finger of Xu An's right hand was instantly covered in blood!

"Fuck, Shen Aoyun, do you have a serious illness?"

Xu An grimaced in pain and said angrily.

"The blood is red, it's confirmed, he's not dead."

Shen Aoyun sheathed the sword, and her tense face finally relaxed, revealing a happy smile.

Everyone seemed relieved when they heard her words.

Seeing this scene, Xu An exploded immediately and said angrily: "Your uncle is not dead, shouldn't you give me an explanation? What's going on?"

It's fine if you were pulled out of the bed, but now you are giving me a sword. I owe you, right?

"What's going on? Don't you know? Kyoto was haunted last night!"

Shen Aoyun pointed at Xu An and said, "And that ghost is you."

"Shen Aoyun saw it with her own eyes last night and was almost scared to pee in her pants."

Rou'er smiled and covered her lips, revealing Shen Aoyun's shortcomings without mercy.

"Nonsense, how is it possible? I am the famous female hero Shen in the world, how could I be afraid? You are wrong!" Shen Aoyun stiffened his neck and refused to admit that he was scared last night.

Kyoto was haunted last night? That ghost was me?

Isn't this nonsense?

I have been exhausted by Emperor Yuan Kang these days. I don't have enough time to sleep, so how can I have time to go out?

Xu An didn't bother to pay attention to Rou'er and Shen Aoyun who were fighting each other. He looked at Xiao Lan'er and said, "Princess, what's going on?"

Xiao Lan'er was holding a teacup in her hand. Her cold face softened a little when she heard the words.

Xu An asked her first instead of Xu Qingfeng, which made her feel a little secretly happy.

But when she looked at Xu An, her face had become cold and she said lightly, "Ghosts happened in the four cities of Kyoto yesterday, and according to the testimony of all witnesses, the so-called ghost is you."

"Me?" Xu An pointed at himself and was stunned.

I slept at home last night. Did I sleepwalk out? !

"Yes, it's you."

Xiao Lan'er nodded slightly and said, "If it's not you, then this should be done by the old Taoist priest who claimed to fight with you. He is Xiao Yuanxuan's man."

"Xiao Yuanxuan? If it's him, then it makes sense."

Xu An touched his nose and said speechlessly, "That guy is too stingy. I just slapped him in the face yesterday, and he came to me for revenge in the blink of an eye."

"But I still don't understand it very well. This so-called ghost is me... What does it mean?"

"Did someone disguise as me to kill people and set fires? Or did someone disguise as me to harm decent women?"

I want to be a flower thief... But this kind of thing is just a thought, okay, I have the heart but not the courage!

Which one of the Queen, Xiao Lan'er, and Xu Qingfeng is easy to deal with?

If there is such a little trick, I don't know how to die.

"Let Miss Song talk about this!"

Xiao Lan'er looked at Song Yuyan.

Nonsense, I wanted to ask Song Yuyan from the beginning, isn't it because I'm afraid of making you, the first wife, unhappy... Xu An also looked at Song Yuyan and said, "Miss Song, do you know what happened?"

Song Yuyan smiled slightly and shook her head: "I don't know how it was done, but Shen Aoyun saw you floating in the air, and the whole person was evil."

"Afterwards, I checked the scene, and there were traces of burning and a little bit of sour smell."

"Sour smell?" Xu An was stunned.

Song Yuyan nodded and said:Yes, sour taste, I suspect it may be a combustion product, or it may be some kind of ink with special substances added, but I don’t know what it is…”

Sour taste? Combustion product? Some special ink with five fingers added?

Xu An stroked his chin with his hand, and his mind worked quickly, filtering the materials that met these conditions in his mind.

There are many substances with acidic properties that can burn, but the problem is that except for him, almost no one in this era can make these things.

Could it be that this old Taoist priest in Qingyun Temple has such a skill?

At this time, Xiao Yuanlang, who had been silent, raised his hand and said: "Xu An, I have asked people to bring you the things left at the scene."

Xu An's eyes lit up when he heard it.

Oh, it seems that this guy has grown up a lot, and finally knows how to think.

He immediately gave Xiao Yuanlang a thumbs up and said: "Brother is still reliable! "

"Don't come here, I've always remembered that you left me behind yesterday..."

Xiao Yuanlang waved his hand, and his guards immediately came in with two bamboo baskets.

The bamboo baskets were full of scrolls, which were used for inscriptions or paintings in this era, but now only two scrolls were left after being burned.

Xu An walked to the bamboo basket and immediately smelled a faint sour smell.

It was just that Xu An was stunned when he smelled the sour smell just now.

He was so familiar with this sour smell, this mother... Isn't this vinegar?

Xu An's face twitched suddenly. After knowing that it was vinegar, he actually knew the method of the old Taoist with a cow nose very well... He just felt ashamed when he thought about this problem just now.

Fuck, old Taoist with a cow nose, do you know who you are insulting?

You are insulting a time traveler!

How dare such a small trick enter the elegant hall?

"Looking at your face, you seem to have known the truth? "

Kong Yan'er had been sulking and didn't want to talk to Xu An, but seeing his expression, she couldn't help but speak: "Hurry up and tell me, or I'll beat you up!"

"Nothing! It's just a little trick."

Xu An grinned and looked at Xu Qingfeng: "Sister, I want to ask... How is the fire control ability of a master like you?"


Xu Qingfeng raised his hand, and Wuxie's sword suddenly came out of the sheath, and instantly pressed against Xu An's throat.

"I can't control fire, but I can fly a sword..."

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