Xu An didn't expect Cheng Hu to be so fierce!

An Jiancheng could have been saved, but he almost died on the spot after he did that.

Fortunately, Xu An handled it properly and didn't let An Jiancheng die young, but after applying the medicine, this guy only had half a breath left.

After all, using a sterilized bamboo stick to scrape the rotten flesh off the wound, the pain can be imagined.

But there is also a benefit, that is, after the disinfection, application of medicine and bandage, this guy fell asleep soon after.

He slept very soundly.

Even when changing the medicine for Cheng Hu, the guy's screams of ghosts and wolves didn't wake him up.

After changing the medicine for Cheng Hu and Qin Huaiyu, Xu An ordered people to get two beds to accommodate the two guys, and then left the room.

Xiao Lan'er and Kong Yan'er were still waiting for him in the study. He had to send these two women away first. As for Qin Wenjian, he had left the Duke's Mansion for a long time.

Xu Qingfeng returned to the laboratory.

Qingyi was taken away by her to be her assistant, so the maids who served Kong Yan'er and Xiao Lan'er were all small maids.

After Xu An returned to the room, Xiao Lan'er told Xu An all the problems that Prince Xiao Yuanlang faced in disaster relief.

"This is the situation. Now the number of refugees in Kyoto has almost exceeded 100,000."

Xiao Lan'er looked at Xu An and said, "And now there are still disaster victims rushing to Kyoto. If this situation continues, Kyoto will be short of food in less than half a month."

"Once Kyoto is short of food, you should know what this means."

Xu An fell into deep thought.

Kong Yan'er looked at Xu An, then at Xiao Lan'er, and couldn't help but pout.

When these two guys talked about business, she had no room to interrupt.

"It's not just a food problem."

Xu An looked up at Xiao Lan'er and said, "Refugees are flocking to Kyoto. Obviously, someone is fanning the flames. The black hand behind this may not only want to make Kyoto short of food."

"They may have a deeper purpose, but we just don't know it."

"The most important thing...pay attention to epidemic prevention!"

Xiao Lan'er's pretty face suddenly changed: "Epidemic prevention?"

"Yes, epidemic prevention! After a big disaster, there will be a big epidemic."

Xu An leaned back in his chair and said, "Most of these people are fleeing from the water shortage in Jiangnan. Let someone check the situation in Jiangnan to see if there is an epidemic!"

"In addition, in order to prevent accidents, starting tomorrow, every refugee who wants to enter the refugee camp will need to be disinfected and isolated."

"You should know what the consequences will be if an epidemic occurs in Kyoto!"

Xiao Lan'er's pretty face was filled with fear. She stared at Xu An and said, "Are those people... so cruel?"

"Don't be so nervous. We are just guessing now."

Xu An crossed his arms and looked at Xiao Lan'er and said, "But if it was me, and there was a knife clamped on my neck, which could take my life at any time."

"Then what I have to do is to break this knife at all costs."

At this point, his voice became solemn: "The undercurrents of Daqian are far deeper than what we have seen. Your Majesty and Xu Xiao have joined forces to carry out drastic reforms!"

"There will be many people who will lose their heads. Whether it is for self-protection or to protect their interests, these people will not sit and wait for death."

"For example, let someone else be the emperor."

Xiao Lan'er stood up suddenly, her face full of shock.

Kong Yan'er's hand trembled, and the teacup in her hand fell directly to the ground.

Both of them were frightened by Xu An's words.

"Don't be nervous, I've said this is just speculation."

Xu An smiled and said, "Of course, this may be the enemy's ultimate goal."

"But this is just our casual chat! Don't go out and talk nonsense."

"Otherwise, things will get serious."

Xiao Lan'er and Kong Yan'er stared at Xu An, both of them with disbelief in their beautiful eyes.

Are you chatting? You seem to be declaring... this is the truth.

"Miss Xiao, how about... you go ask His Majesty? He must know more than me."

Xu An encouraged Xiao Lan'er to go to Emperor Yuan Kang. This old man is very sinister and has a high level... At least in terms of calculation, even he is arranged properly.

Originally wanted to get things done as soon as possible and be a salted fish, but every time this old guy can make the salted fish turn over.

There is no way, if the salted fish does not turn over, it will be eaten!

"What are you afraid of?"

Xiao Lan'er saw through Xu An's thoughts at a glance and said, "What will the emperor do? It's actually very simple. Just see what he will arrange for you next."

"Fuck, he wants to trick me again?!"

Xu An jumped up instantly.

"I don't know, but starting tomorrow, I will do what you said... Oh, epidemic prevention."

Xiao Lan'er looked at Xu An., said: "For disinfection, use the alcohol you asked Xiao Yuanlang to steam today?"

Use alcohol for disinfection? How extravagant are you?

Xu An's mouth twitched slightly, and said: "No, dig a few pools, fill them with lime water, and let people jump in, and soak the whole person in the water."

"As for their clothes, burn them all and replace them with the clothes Xiao Yuanlang raised."

"Also, separate men and women, but the male and female supervisors must be people you trust in person, and these things cannot be sloppy at all."

"As for the quarantine area, it must be far away from cities and towns!"

Xiao Lan'er nodded and said: "Okay, I understand."

After she finished speaking, she took Xiao Lan'er and left.

After Xiao Lan'er and Kong Yan'er left, Xu An's smile gradually faded, and his face became solemn.

"Who is the one who is fanning the flames behind the refugees coming to Beijing? Zhao Si?!"

"What is the purpose of the refugees coming to Beijing? To eat up all the food in Kyoto? Why? To cause unrest, this reason is more reasonable!"


He took out a pen and paper and began to deduce.


The next day.

After Emperor Yuankang got up and washed, he was about to prepare for the morning court. Sun Diaosi bowed slightly and said, "Your Majesty, Marquis Jingbian is still kneeling outside."

"Still kneeling?"

Emperor Yuankang was slightly startled. He reviewed the memorials too late last night and actually forgot about this old guy.

"Is he okay?" Thinking of why An Yuqian came, Emperor Yuankang's face became ugly again.

"It's okay, I just keep begging Your Majesty to save Young Marquis An."

Sun Diao Si folded his hands and whispered, "Xu An almost fought with Marquis Jingbian yesterday and took Young Marquis An back to the Duke's Mansion, saying that he wanted to save Young Marquis An himself."

Hearing this, Emperor Yuan Kang's face suddenly changed!

He stared at Sun Diao Si coldly and said angrily, "Why didn't you say this earlier? The imperial physician and Sun Sidao have confirmed that the person is beyond saving, how can he save him?"

"When did that little bastard learn medical skills?"

"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and set up the Duke Ding's Mansion!"

Sun Diao Si folded his hands quickly and said, "Yes, yes...it's just this morning court."

"No, what morning court is there!"

Emperor Yuan Kang roared, "If that little bastard cures someone to death, it will be a big deal!"

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