Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 1014: Two is not enough

The ice is covered very quickly, and it takes a long time for the body to be frozen to be strong and firm. With the last lesson learned, this time Emperor Zhuo Qing did not dare to carelessly, and he also took a lot of contempt for Anzheng. He walked over to Anzheng and looked closely. He was sure that it was Anzheng himself, not the nasty armor, although he saw the armor in the sky.

The anti-scale **** armor and the broken army sword can't feel the breath of the master, and they keep hovering around.

"They are all artifacts, so I will keep them for you for the time being."

Emperor Zhuo Qing stretched his hand to catch in the void, and wanted to grab the anti-scale **** armor and the broken army sword. Unexpectedly, with his cultivation as the realm, this grasp clearly caught those two things, but actually did not catch Down.

The two things have extremely tenacious resistance, and even if Zhuo Qingdi tried to erase the breath of An Zheng on it again and again, he could not succeed. Zhuo Qing's emperor's face was pale and he strode over to growl.

"It's your life first, and see if your two things can hold your breath."

He reached out and grabbed a huge ice cone in the air, and rushed straight towards An Zheng. With a bang, the ice cone struck An Zheng, but the ice layer did not break, and An Zheng did not break apart.

"Can you seal yourself in my frozen power?"

Zhuo Qingdi's eyes flickered, but he didn't expect Anzheng to be so powerful. Before the power of ice covered Anzheng ’s body, Anzheng knew that he could not avoid it, so he sealed himself with the power of his seal in advance. The power of icebound only sealed the body of Anzheng .

"Look how long you can last."

Emperor Zhuo Qing strode up in front of Anzheng and pressed his palm against the ice. Frost covered An Zheng instantly, and the ice began to become extremely solid. It can be felt that the power of Anzheng's seal has also been frozen and then shattered. Immediately afterwards, An Zheng ’s flesh was controlled by the force of freezing and began to freeze.

Emperor Zhuo Qing raised his hand, and his skate came to land in his palm. With a knife in hand, Zhuo Qing Di cut across the ice.

"Crush me!"

With a bang!

The frozen and sturdy body of ice completely shattered, and countless pieces fell, making a crackling sound when it fell to the ground.


Emperor Zhuo Qing smashed the ice body with a cold snort, but these four words were only exported. At the moment when he was about to turn around and leave, he saw a big fist appear in front of himself.


This fist was heavier, and Zhuo Qingdi turned over and flew out sideways, thumping into the distance.

An Zheng stood shivering amidst the crushed ice, and his fists were still stretched out, his body turned purple. However, even so, An Zheng's punch is still vigorous.

At the moment when Ann struggled to break through the ice, the anti-scale **** armor and the broken army sword immediately flew back. The Divine Armor covered the Anzheng one by one, and instantly formed a fully enclosed armor. The Broken Sword circled around Anzheng's body, making a sound of dragon sounds. Not only the Sword of Broken Army came back, but the Sword of Heavenly Sword, Sword of Heavenly Sword, and Sword of Heavenly Sword all flew back.

"How ... how is it possible?"

The emperor Zhuo Qing stood up, the old man with half of his face swollen. He took a sip of his mouth and two teeth.

"Do you just punch you again?"

Anzheng breathed, and a little warmth gradually recovered from the body. I have to say that Zhuo Qingdi's frozen power is too scary. Every force is like a sharp knife, cutting through every erosion of Anzheng's pores. But he is a demigod, unique in the world.

An Zheng gasped, and his chest was extremely violent.

"What happened?"

Zhuo Qingdi's complexion was so ugly that this time An Zheng really angered him. What a proud person he is, in his view, few in the world can be called opponents. Even those who can be regarded as opponents, such as Chen Wunuo, Buddha, Tan Shanse, in his view are more than oneself lower than himself.

In his eyes, Chen Wunuo will be killed by himself if he dares to come out. If Buddha dares to resist, he can be killed immediately. Tan Shanse is ingenious, but he can fight it faster than he can kill Chen Wunuo Kill Tan Shanse.

However, at this time, Chen Wunuo did not do what was safe. Not only did the two punches make Zhuo Qingdi's face swollen, his mouth broke, and his teeth fell off, he also caused a severe blow to his abnormal self-esteem.

"You will die very ugly."

The emperor Zhuo Qing strode forward, and the ice skate in his palm exuded a breathtaking chill.

Pappappappa ... A round of applause came from not far away, penetrated the forest and drilled into Zhuo Qingdi's ear. Zhuo Qingdi fiercely turned his back and saw Chen Wunuo wearing a brocade walk slowly over there, applauding and saying, "It's true that it was the first seat of my Daxi Ming Division. People are shocked and appreciated. Your two punches look so enjoyable, I am very happy. "

An Zheng's mouth ticked up: "I wish you a happy death."

Chen Wunuo laughed and looked a little lifeless: "I know you have hate in your heart, it's human nature. If you don't hate me, it's not your jealous nature. It can be said that the person who knows you best in this world is absolutely Not the lovely and beautiful girl next to you, nor your friends Chen Shaobai and Du Shoujian, but me. Hate, hate, I never regret what I have done, let alone kill you at all Yes. If I arrange for someone to do it, it will not give you a chance to be reborn. "

An Zheng nodded: "Dai Xi's Holy Emperor, when did you regret it. But because of this, you must have too many regrets in your heart to hold back the reluctance to admit."

Chen Wunuo's eyes flashed slightly, and he waved his hand and said, "I don't argue with you, my goal today is not you. Thank you for your previous shot, and I exposed some of Zhuo Qingdi's weaknesses."

Zhuo Qingdi snorted coldly: "So what? Even if you add a chat, and this young man, the three of you can still beat me."

Zhuo Qingdi snapped his fingers: "Besides, do you really think your calculation was successful?"

After a snap of his fingers, a roar came from a distance in the forest, and immediately he saw the collapse of a large area of ​​the forest, and a monster with a terrifying atmosphere suddenly rushed over.

This monster looks seventy to eighty meters long, and its body is black. The scales on it shone with a heavy metallic luster, which looked exceptionally strong and showed a cold breath.

It looks very scary, and its eyes are not big, but there is a chilling light like a captivating soul. It came over step by step, like a cheetah spinning around the food he had just hunted.

"You think that the emperor will not expect you to work with Shanshan to calculate me?"

Emperor Zhuo Qing snorted: "The Emperor Ben knew very well, but I still came, do you know why? Even if you are the Holy Emperor of Daxi, I am also a weak person. I am willing to come, that is Because I am confident. It's just three people, come to fight! "

Emperor Zhuo Qing is indeed conceited, and indeed has conceited capital. He is the king of the beasts who summoned the spirit world and the master of the world. He has a large army under his command, giving him a chance he can overturn the whole world.

Chen Wunuo said with a smile: "Whether you are conceited or you are conceited, today's good or bad is coming, and the difference between victory and defeat depends on life and death. Isn't that what you always hoped for?"

Chen Wunuo waved towards An Zheng: "Come on, the grievances between you and me I will not deny, although I did not know that he calculated you at that time. But that was my son, he did wrong I ’ll take care of him. After I ’ve solved what happened today, I ’ll wait for you whenever you come to get revenge. "

An Zheng stepped back a few steps, sat down on a stone, took out the hip flask and poured a sip, then coughed violently.

"Go? I won't go. It's a blessing in my life to watch some of the world's most powerful practitioners fight. What's more important is that in case you lose both defeats, I'll make up one by one. "

Chen Wunuo walked forward: "Then you are probably disappointed."

Emperor Zhuo Qing looked around and saw that no one came out again and couldn't help but stunned slightly: "You actually have this courage but underestimated you a bit. Gluttonous, I swallowed that guy, and I cleaned up Chen Wunuo myself. "

Gluttonously screamed, and then rushed towards An Zheng.

Emperor Zhuo Qing walked forward toward Chen Wunuo, throwing the ice skate with a knife flower while walking: "This emperor has been waiting for this battle for a long time, you call yourself emperor, and I am the emperor who summoned the spirit world, this It's a battle of kings. "

Chen Wunuo said: "In my eyes, you look like a man and a beast."

The two shot at the same time, shaking the world. It was a battle between two of the most powerful practitioners in the world. There was no temptation from the beginning, and it was a fatal move.

And at the moment when Zhuo Qingdi and Chen Wunuo fought, a shadow came from a distance, and he threw the heavy hand over when he was still a few hundred meters away. The Changjia turned into a black streamer, flashed for a moment, and reached behind Zhuo Qingdi.

Emperor Zhuo Qing turned back suddenly, slashing at the weight. With a loud bang, Chong Ji flew back with a spin, and Zhuo Qingdi was shocked and took two steps back. It was these two steps that Chen Wunuo took advantage of the situation, the golden light flashed in his hand, and a long sword pierced the back of Zhuo Qingdi.

That is the Sword of Heavenly Power, the head of the Seven Swords, symbolizing the overlord status of the Daxi royal family!


Under Zhuo Qing Emperor's avoidance, Tianquan Sword was still stabbed, leaving a blood mark on his shoulder. At the same time, the slender and slender Nie Qing fell from midair, wearing a heavy armor and holding heavy arms, standing there like a true God of War.

"So you are still a coward."

Emperor Zhuo Qing looked down at the wound on his shoulder without any fear. There was only sarcasm in his eyes: "I thought you finally had the courage to fight me. I overestimated you."

Chen Wunuo ignored it, stab at Zhuo Qing Emperor with one sword after another. His sword moves seem ordinary, and every move is simple. However, this simplicity contains unparalleled power, and at the moment, Zhuo Qingdi was forced to retreat a few steps.

Nie Qing took advantage of the situation and swept heavily.

Zhuo Qing Emperor's skates forced Chen Wunuo to retreat, and then the sword will collapse again.

"Why both?"

There was a bloodthirsty gleam in Zhuo Qingdi's eyes: "You don't even know what is called power."

He raised his left finger to the sky, and the skate in his right hand poked on the ground. In an instant, the sky was spinning. Immediately after the heavy black clouds appeared, the rainstorm poured down. Not even a thousandth of a second, all within a few hundred miles of the ice. Within these hundreds of miles, huge beads of ice sculptures burst out of the ground and circled around.

"Two are not enough."

Emperor Zhuo Qing stretched out his hand and said: "Don't sneak a sneak peek anymore, just go to fight together."

Cultivation came out vigorously and forced Tan Shanse hiding in the distance.

A force went straight to Chen Wunuo, a force went straight to Nie Qing, and a third force rushed to Tan Shanse.

"come together!"

He actually forced Tan Shanse, who was originally a spectator, to show up, even in a one-on-three situation, he was not afraid.

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