Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 1102: You do not deserve

Wei Pianmou felt that his world had collapsed, and everything would become an illusory bubble. His grandfather was still roaring on the high platform. Why did he want to give the position of the dean to an outsider? Of course, the outsider was referring to this Zhu proofreader who had been unknown to Baisheng College for two years.

When Zhu Xiao revealed the identity of the arresting department, there was no longer any possibility of pulling back a round. The higher the status of the person, the deeper they know about the terrible situation of the police department.

So when his life was completely desperate, Wei Pianmou vented all his resentment and anger on An Zheng.

"I lost everything, but I also want to drag you to die together, all because of you!"

Wei Pianmou roared and rushed towards An Zheng. In the rush, countless black lights rose behind him, and then smashed towards Anzhen like an angry dragon. An Zheng didn't know the other party's cultivation level, but as soon as the other party shot, he could feel that the state was definitely higher than himself.

Without the pupil technique, without the heavenly thunder, the rest of Anzheng is only the most common cultivation ability. But in this ordinary, An Zheng is to kill a **** road.

An Zheng waved his hand, and the black heavy ruler appeared in front of him. Those angry black lights bombarded the black heavy ruler. In the banging sound, An Zheng's body was knocked out and moved back.

"You shit!"

Wei Pianmou snarled and rushed over, reaching for the sky, and then slammed his hand down towards Anzheng. The clouds shook a bit in the sky, followed by the golden swords of thousands of swords pierced the clouds, and quickly fell towards An Zheng.

There are too many of those golden swords, and the scalp is so densely packed. No matter how Anzheng moved, the golden sword of the rainstorm followed. The sound of rubbing on the ground was endless, and only a moment filled with long swords. What is striking is that these long swords are actually real, not the strength of cultivation.

"That's the thousand machine boxes that Wei Sun used to walk in the rivers and lakes."

The old dean sat in a chair and squinted to Mou Zhongping, saying: "We thought that Wei Sun was also a person with great enthusiasm. He walked on the rivers and lakes to punish evil and promote good, but I don't know why it became like this after old age. Qian Ji There are a thousand variations of the box, and the person who created this magical instrument was called the master of the previous generation. "

"Those golden swords are actually made of gold needles in a thousand-machine box. It is said that there are a total of 18,000 gold needles. The more powerful the future, the stronger the strength. I don't know if the little guy can hold it."

Mou Zhongping said with a smile: "The people who come out of my border will not shrink back."

The old dean snorted: "Want to lie to me?"

Mou Zhongping smiled embarrassingly, not knowing what to say for a while.

The disciples in the middle courtyard watching from afar, all looked nervously at the competition field, clenching their fists. As if they were even more nervous than they were on the field, their eyes were fixed on that side. Several of them are particularly striking, surrounded by many beautiful girls. A man sitting on a high wall drinking coldly looked at the question from the contest. There is also a Xu Zhibao who squats on the tower like the same head that must be thrown down at any time.

"This struggle won't last long, and Wei Pianmou is the best class disciple in our middle courtyard anyway."

"Yeah, isn't it legend that he will be escorted to the General Hospital shortly afterwards, and it also shows that the four ancestors of the Three Monarchs in the year, he must attend.

"I think Brother Wang was not convinced to challenge Wei Pianmou, but he was spitting up blood and stayed in bed for three months. After that, Brother Wang's cultivation practice has never improved, and he would not say more, But we all guessed that Wei was planning to compete in the competition, and he destroyed his Dantian Qihai. "

"Wei Pianmou is the most ruthless. This is what everyone knows. This security struggle is only afraid that it won't stop it for long."

Hundreds of disciples on the scene were all familiar with Wei Pianmou, but no one was familiar with Anzheng. So they almost all think that Anzhan will not win, and will lose quickly. Leaving aside Wei Weimou's character, this guy's talent in spiritual practice is indeed terrifying.


As Wei Pianmou screamed, more golden swords fell from the sky, this time not only fell straight from the top of the head, but also divided a lot from all directions towards Anzheng. An Zheng seemed to be surrounded by endless golden waves, and the next second would be directly cut into pieces by the golden light.

"Thousands of boxes, really deserved reputation."

Where the teaching sits, someone nodded and said, "If this instrument is spread, I am afraid that many people will have red eyes."

"The Qianji Box is so powerful, it depends on the people who use it. Wei Pianmou has always been the best disciple of our middle courtyard. He has entered the inner courtyard many times and practiced. . Anzheng just came from the frontier, and they all used wild roads, which could not be stopped. "

"Yeah, his challenge is simply to find his own way."

The warm jade sitting a little further away snorted coldly, and those people shut up immediately. There are not many teachings in this middle yard that have not been beaten by Warm Jade. Everyone knows how grumpy this woman is. Once she annoys her, she will have no effect on any occasion.

The middle-aged man sitting next to Warm Jade looked pale and obviously angry. He is Wei Pianmou's teaching, who plays a pivotal role in the middle court ... Gu Xiancheng.

"Mr. Wen, if you don't stop it anymore, your new disciple can't hold on for long."

He said coldly.

Nuanyu grunted: "Not necessarily."

As he was saying, An Zheng was struck out by the endless golden sword, and when he stood up holding the black heavy ruler, there was obviously blood in his mouth, and there were red blood stains in the gaps of white teeth. Looks awful at the time.

"It's just a small role, I really think you are so capable."

Seeing that there was blood in An Zheng's mouth, Wei Pianmou's eyes became contemptuous: "You garbage like this also challenges me?"

An Zheng grabbed the black heavy ruler in his right hand and rushed up. The golden sword in front of him formed a turbulent river, and he slapped him in front. Anzheng blocked the black heavy ruler in front of him. He could n’t move forward under the continuous impact of the golden sword. The power from the black heavy ruler caused his arms to tremble, while his feet moved back on the ground. .

"No flow."

Wei Banmou said: "I overestimate you, I really shouldn't give you a face to accept your challenge. Did you feel proud just now? Do you think my life has been ruined by you, and you feel very accomplished Yes, I was really disappointed and even despaired just now. But now I suddenly want to understand ... Hahaha, what does my grandfather have to do with me? He fell, and I wo n’t die. With my talent , Even if he did n’t take care of me, he would be able to start. And what about you? Do n’t you think you are being used as a gun by those sinister villains? "

He took a step forward: "You are a little character who is not influential, and is only worthy of being used as a gun. And I will fly to the sky one day sooner or later and become the supreme person."

An Zheng sipped a **** spit: "You know a fart."

No one knows that he turned on eight times the shock.

The power from the black heavy ruler is eight times the superposition of Wei's plan!

At this moment of life and death, he dared to do so.

On the high platform, Warm Yu ’s face was a little unsightly. She got up and walked quickly to Mou Zhongping, squatted down and lowered her voice and said, “It seems that something is wrong, although Anzheng ’s Xiuwei is lower than Wei Pianmou ’s, but it ’s not just a touch He was spitting blood, what the **** is going on. "

Mou Zhongping shook his head: "I don't know more about him than you. But I also feel that something is wrong and should not be so weak."

The old dean Dai Yupian, who was sitting next to Mou Zhongping, narrowed his eyes and smiled, and seemed to appreciate it.

Under the bombardment of the sword of 18,000 gold, Anzheng also opened an eight-fold anti-seismic, and replaced it with other practitioners in the same realm as he was afraid that he would have been shattered by the anti-seismic force. Even in anxiety, the skin on his body had cracked a lot, his shoulders were shaking, and his lips were shaking, but the hand holding the black heavy ruler no longer shook.

The scene was blocked by a black heavy ruler, as if the waterfall had smashed into the front. And every sword of golden light hits the black heavy ruler, Anzheng must bear eight times the strength of this sword of golden light.

Wow, An Zheng spurted a bit of blood, but his eyes became brighter.

"Ten thousand, but that's it."

Suddenly he straightened up, pushing the black heavy ruler with both hands and starting to move forward. Wei Pianmou's face changed, his hands pushed forward. With the surge of the Golden Sword, there are countless black lights behind him attacking Anzheng like a black dragon.

An Zheng didn't seem to see it, and continued to push the black heavy ruler forward. His footsteps looked extremely heavy, and the ground shook as he stepped on each step.

The number of Golden Swords is obviously sparse, but Anzheng is advancing faster and faster. And the black light that circumvented the attack behind Anzheng bombarded Anzheng's back, and Anzheng vomited blood one after another, but did not fall down. The bloodthirsty light in his eyes became brighter and brighter, like a beast.

Xu Zhibao, who was crouching on the tower, also had bright eyes, and looked at An Zheng as if he saw his future opponent. I can't wait to fight against An An now, and the surprise and shock in his eyes can't be concealed.

Ping Ce pinched the chin of a beautiful girl and smiled after looking at it: "Wei Pianmou is finished."

Xiang Wen, who was sitting on the high wall, threw the hip flask aside and walked with his hand down: "Boring."

An Zheng raised the black heavy ruler and threw it at Wei Pianmou: "It's my turn!"

The black heavy ruler cast off extremely fast, incredible, Wei Pianmou didn't have time to avoid it at all, and couldn't make any other reaction at all. He just had to push his hands forward to block the black heavy ruler.

With a bang, Wei Banmou's arms exploded at the instant that his hands touched the black heavy ruler, and his body was hit by the black heavy ruler like a shell. A few tens of meters away, his back hit the wall, which was the wall of the Biwuchang. After the blessing of the magic circle, the power below the small holy land could not be broken. But if it could break through, Wei Pianmou hit his back against the wall, followed by a black heavy ruler, slammed into his chest, and almost smashed the person directly.

Wei Pianmou vomited a large amount of blood, feeling that his ribs might all be broken. He was caught between the black heavy ruler and the wall and couldn't move at all. An Zheng, who was standing tens of meters away, raised his hand and pushed in the void, and the black heavy ruler moved forward. Wei Pianmou screamed, and then began to cry frantically: "I admit defeat! I admit defeat! Do n’t kill me ... Cough, I do n’t want to die, do n’t kill me. ”

An Zheng waved and the black heavy ruler flew back. He turned the black heavy ruler on his back and left.

"Killing you with this ruler is a blasphemy against the ruler, you don't deserve it."

Everyone stood there dumbfounded, and nothing happened and why it ended. Obviously, the struggle is always being suppressed, how can you win the battle?

Gu Xiancheng, Wei Pianmou's teaching snorted coldly, stood up and walked away. Over the years, he has been pushing the warm jade in the academy because he cultivated Wei Pianmou, but now, his pride has been shattered by An Zheng.

Wen Yuyu shouted excitedly on the high platform, the movement was too big, and the chest was choppy ...

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