Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 1193: Can't get out

Kill two people in seconds.

Amethyst was still in the hands of anxiety, and the man fell to the ground.

Du Yuan and Zhang Tianbao retreated subconsciously, and their eyes had changed when they looked at An Zheng. Before, they thought that Anzheng was a lamb to be slaughtered on the chopping board. Now they only know where the lamb is, which is clearly a bad wolf.

An Zheng put away the amethyst and glanced at the two dead bodies on the ground and sighed slightly: "Now it seems to have changed. Before the fight, I didn't know your depth, so you seem to have some advantages Now the two of you are left. Should you take the initiative to discuss the conditions? "

Du Yuan laughed, still gentle, but the tone had changed.

"Anzheng, you also know that there is no private enmity between us? Is it right? We came to you because of the arrangement of the mountains. Have n’t we all talked about just now, after returning to the first-level disciple to experience the secret realm, we Just separate, you walk yours, we walk ours, how do you turn your face, you turn your face. Of course, these two guys are also very annoying, die if they die, and it will not affect the things we discussed before. "

An Zheng laughed: "Who just said to Gou Chawen that it was killing me when I went to the first-level disciple to experience the secret realm?"

Du Yuan stepped back and said, "That's not what I meant, it's what they meant. You see, there's no real hatred between us. Because of the other people we want to make you die, I don't have much fun to live. Two people have died. , Enough. "

An Zheng shrugged his shoulders: "You said enough, I said not enough, it depends on how you stack up chips."

An Zheng pointed to her and Zhang Tianbao: "You still have two people, first-level disciples, what are you afraid of. I'm just a person, second-level disciples."

Du Yuan said embarrassingly: "You already know, we are fake. So, what do you want to know? As long as I know, you ask, I know everything, and we know everything. We know about talking about mountains Some, since you have hatred against him, we can help you. "

An Zheng laughed: "It's finally awakened."

He pointed to the other side of the heart of the lake: "Go there, the surroundings are empty and the vision is good."

Du Yuan and Zhang Tianbao had no choice but to follow Anzheng to the heart of the lake. Not long ago, Gou Chawen stood here leaning on the flagpole and looked at the just-incoming struggle with a judge's eyes.

And Du Yuan sat by the lake, swaying two white and beautiful long legs fishing with the intestines of the dead guardian.

Now Du Yuan and Zhang Tianbao are standing on the side like elementary school students caught by skipping class. Both of them are very scared. But Anzheng knew that if the two of them had a chance now, they would kill him without hesitation or escape. Their apparent fear is nothing but disguise.


An Zheng asked: "Talking about the number of people around Shanse now, did the two of you come from that era."


Du Yuan acted very positively and nodded quickly: "The four of us were all the people who were flying Lingdu. When you started Tianshuyi that day, Tan Shanse was coming with a large number of people to stop you. But The celestial instrument started when we arrived on the mountain, and we were all brought here together. We did n’t know what to do immediately after we arrived, so we had to hide it. After a long time, that is, in the previous days, Tan Shan suddenly contacted When we arrived ... we also had special contact tools for Flydu, so when he found us, we were scared and ... expecting. At the very least, it was like finding someone. "

An Zheng knew that these words should not be false, and Du Yuan knew what to say and what should be true. None of the people in Flydu are damn. They are specially trained killers. They have no idea of ​​good and evil, and they only serve the people who talk about mountains.

Perhaps it is because the times have changed. Otherwise, the people of Feiling will not easily shake their loyalty to Tan Shan.

"How many people are in this era of Feiling?"

"At least a few hundred people, including Fei Qian Song."

Du Yuan seemed to be really afraid, and she answered whatever she asked.

"How many people have you contacted now?"

"Almost seven or eighty people, he said he had lost his memory before, so he didn't contact us in time, and he apologized to me ... how was this possible before.

Du Yuan said with some hesitation: "He seems to be a different person. He seems to be polite to everyone and is particularly humble and polite. He also said that if there was anything that was not good enough, let us say, He tried to change it. He also said that in this era we are extremely difficult to survive, so we only need to support each other ... I always feel that the person is not under the driver ’s shell. "

An Zheng uttered: "Where is Fei Qiansong?"

"I don't know ... but I know he was with Nie Qing. Before the Daxi era, Tan Shanse gave Fei Qiansong a special mission to let her control Nie Qing."

An Zheng frowned slightly: "Tan Shanse told you if you did, what would you do after killing me?"


"That's it, you're useless after killing me."

An Zheng asked a lot about talking about mountains, and Du Yuan did indeed seem to know everything. But when An Zheng listened carefully, her hand made a gesture behind her, and Zhang Tianbao gradually moved behind An Zheng.

"Actually, you don't think I will let you go, right?"

An Zheng finished asking all that he wanted to ask, and Du Yuan was indeed not the secret that the top management in Feilingdu knew. The most useful news she told Anzheng was talking about Shanse buying a large house in Yancheng, where all the people of Feiling who he recalled were there.

"You said to me very sincerely, the purpose is to distract me, and I want the guy behind me to find a chance to kill me, right?"

Ann sighed: "This idea sucks."


Zhang Tianbao suddenly shouted and rushed from behind An Zheng. At the same time, Du Yuan turned back and rushed out with the fastest speed. An Zheng was not in a hurry. He turned around and looked slow, but it was just right. Zhang Tianbao's strongest condensed all-in-one strike has reached Anzheng, only a few centimeters away from Anzheng.


An Zheng's body flashed, and people were already behind Zhang Tianbao.

"You were weak at the beginning, now weaker."

An Zheng cut from the back with a palm and pouted on Zhang Tianbao's neck. Zhang Tianbao grunted and smashed himself to the ground.

"Your strength should be comparable to that of first-level disciples. It seems that after this era, you also have your own opportunities. If you measure your strength, I should have no problem in entering the first-level disciples."

An Zheng stepped on Zhang Tianbao's back and glanced at Du Yuan, who had gone far away, as if he was not in a hurry.

"Give you a chance to live, the address that Du Yuan said just now is not right."

"just kill me!"

"it is good."

An Zheng struck his feet and puffed Zhang Tianbao's upper half of his body into a thin crush. Under the violent power, how could the flesh resist. After An Zheng killed Zhang Tianbao, he didn't chase Du Yuan directly, but put away all the space implements carried on the three bodies.

The entrance to the secret realm finally arrived at the entrance to the secret realm. Du Yuan was slightly relieved in his heart. This was the secret realm among the second-level disciples' experience in the secret realm, and it was the final task point. After escaping here, she intends to find a place where others can see herself for help immediately, no matter what will happen to him in the future, and then live to talk.

"Do you regret it?"

The voice suddenly appeared behind her.

Anzheng walked behind Shi Shiran with both hands behind her and said, "Do you regret closing the door? When you close the door, you must think that you must not let me escape. Now you want to escape." "

Du Yuan went crazy to pull the door, but found that the door could not be opened at all.

An Zheng stretched one hand forward, and the invisible pressure was on the door. No matter how hard Du Yuan exerted, the door could not be opened.

With a thump, Du Yuan knelt down and the sound of her knee hitting the ground was dull.

"I am very beautiful, and I will be very gentle. I know many ways to serve men, and few women do better than me. As long as you do n’t kill me, I will be your slave, no matter how you torture me I am willing. As long as you like, I can be your **** and do anything for you. I can make a blood oath and be willing to be your slave in the future. "

She couldn't help kowtowing, her forehead hit the ground with a blow.

"It's terrible, sometimes women are more terrible than men."

An Zheng squatted down, held out her hand and pinched Du Yuan's chin, and lifted her face to take a closer look.

That pure and gentle face, and the delicate red lips, are exactly the type of men's favorite. Slightly thick lips can give men endless enjoyment. Such a woman may not be willing to kill easily.

"What you said is true?"

"Really really, Ann ... Master, as long as you don't kill me, I can do anything. Just do it now, do it now!"

She began to take off her clothes at a rapid rate.

"forget it."

An Zheng's hand grabbed Du Yuan's neck and twisted back and forth a few times. Du Yuan's body fell to the ground after he released his hand.

"Dressed in clothes and looks better."

An Zheng took out the space implement on Du Yuan's body without looking at the corpse. He walked aside and sat down, forcibly opened all four space instruments, and found four identical things in it. This should be the tool used by Feiling's people to communicate.

An Zheng put away these four things, raised his head, and looked at the amethyst hanging on the big tree.

"See? Surprised?"

An Zheng asked.

In the Crystal Hall, Song Mouyuan had turned pale.

"Are you trying to get rid of me, or are you thinking about explaining to the academy? People with first-class disciples can come in ... you can't get rid of it."

Song Mouyuan swallowed hard, trembling all over.

An Zheng sighed: "After all, you are not talking about mountain scenery. Now go and see if Tan Shan has moved anything. If he does not want to kill you, then he is not talking about mountain scenery. I know you can see me , And I can hear what I say, hurry up if you do n’t want to die. "

Song Yuanyuan immediately turned and ran to the round seat, which was the console.

At this moment, he discovered that the amethysts in the shape of a few hexagrams suddenly expanded and then exploded.


Half of the college was razed to the ground.

Far away, far away, Tan Shanse glanced back at the rising smoke, and the corner of his mouth went up.

"I understand the usage of these amethysts better than you, although ... it is very likely that you taught me. Now it's okay, it's all dead ... huh ... the world still needs to change."

The Crystal Hall is destroyed, but An Zheng has not yet come out of the secret realm of experience.

Can't get out.

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