Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 1322: Go back inside

The gate of the Great Demon Ring squeaked and closed by itself, but all the courtyard doors in the city squeaked and opened by themselves. An Zheng walked cautiously to the door of one of the houses and looked inside. The scene he saw was terribly creepy.

Beyond them, some of the demon practitioners who had entered the Ring of Demon earlier, several of them stood in the courtyard with their backs facing Anzhuang, like a stone statue, but their hands stretched out and waved.

"What happened to these people?"

Du Shoushou looked at those people and felt that he was thrown into a stage, which was the kind of stage in the box. Except for them, everyone else became the kind of string puppet, or a villain made of paper cut.

"Having entered hallucinations?"

Chen Shaobai asked An Zheng.

They have experienced all kinds of dangers, and more than once entered the illusion. Sometimes hallucinations are more terrible than real swordsmanship, because you do n’t know what ’s wrong with you, what you ’re going to do, and you do n’t even know how you died.

Each of those environments I have experienced is terrible. If everyone had entered the environment from the door when the big devil ring entered ... then it is not the most terrible. The most frightening thing is that the door did not open, and everyone was actually outside the Great Demon Ring. Entering the environment started from the moment I thought the door was opened, that is, the moment Xu Shang took people to stop An Zheng from fighting for them.

An Zheng has experienced different illusions and experienced all kinds of horrors, so he wants to know the illusions better than others. Whether thinking is out of illusion or thinking more than others.

"What about Xu Shang?"

An Zheng looked back.

Xu Shang, who was staring at them before, was gone.

Chen Shaobai looked around, where there was a shadow of Xu Shang.

"You mean ... let's get into Xu Shang's trap?"

"Possibly, Xu Shang is going to keep the ring of the Great Devil. Even if he knows that he can't stop Gu Dangran, he still has no choice to retreat. He is a person with death will. But he doesn't seem to be a brutal, you Did he think that what he said when he saw Gu Dangran was too generous? Those words were intentionally spelt out, and the purpose might be to make Gu Dangran look down upon him. Gu Dangran did n’t think Xu Shang was his opponent. This kind of contempt will become deeper. "

An Zheng pondered for a while: "Xu Shang is very clear that the first thing to do is to separate us from Gu Dangran in order to eventually become a winner. Because he doesn't know what Gu Dangran has to do with us ... if these are all If it is an illusion, then he succeeded. "

An Zheng walked into the courtyard door, Du Shoushou shouted from behind, and An Zheng waved his hand to signal the others not to come in.

Ann slowly walked to the front of those in the yard and looked at their faces.

No face.

When he walked to the side, he thought that he would see the faces of those Mozu practitioners. Before, An Zheng judged from the clothing that one of the Mozu practitioners had seen it himself, but after turning around, An Zheng found that things were far from that. Simple ... He turned to the other side and saw the back.

Seeing these people from the door is back, go to the courtyard to see these people are still back. And you can't find any flaws in this process of transformation. When you're halfway through, you will have the illusion that you will see the faces of these people soon, but you still see the back of the head.

"No face."

An Zheng's face changed.

"No face ..."

Chen Shaobai's face also changed, because when he heard these words, he couldn't help thinking of the murals he saw when he entered the Devil Realm. One of the murals is a faceless army attacking the fairy palace and massacring a large number of practitioners. The demons, immortal palaces, human practitioners and even the demons are fighting hard to resist. Although it was just a mural, it still shocked people.

What are those faceless monsters and where do they come from?

And at this moment, in this great demon ring, they saw such an illusion.

Chen Shaobai didn't resist walking in and looked at them. Those people seemed to have no threats, but just stood there and kept waving. Whether looking from the front or the back, they are waving ...

"What does this **** mean?"

Chen Shaobai looked to Anzheng: "Just beckon here and get it?"

Anzheng said after a moment of silence: "If we really enter hallucinations, then first consider one thing ... what is the purpose of this hallucination, killing us or something else? In the countryside, many times the vegetable fields and fields will bow Put the scarecrow, some people will make the scarecrow very realistic, and when the wind blows, the scarecrow will wave like this ... "

Monk Xuan Ting instantly responded: "Someone wants to scare us away."

Ann nodded his head: "Maybe, he thinks we are the birds that come to the vegetable garden."

Monk Xuan Ting looked at the demon practitioners who had only the back: "If we are birds, what are these people?"

"I do not know."

An Zheng looked out, the street was more deserted than before. The influx of people in this small town was enough to overcrowd here. So it is unclear when the hallucination started. If you have n’t really come in, everyone has been outside the Ring of Daemon ...

An Zheng suddenly said: "We and Gu Dang are not the same people. I am the heir of Daqi, and this heir of the devil is not a fake. We came here this time to find Elder Mo and ask a truth.

He clenched his fists: "We are full of respect for the Xu family and will never be an enemy of the Xu family."

No one answered him, there was silence all around.

But at this time, the demon practitioners who stood in the courtyard suddenly turned around. When he turned around, Du Shousheng shouted in horror ... He saw the face, and those Demon Cultivators were not faceless at all, each face was so clear, so familiar ... Du Shou What I saw thinly was a few Du Shou thin. The height is different, but the face is Du thin and thin.

The same is true for everyone else. An Zheng saw a few of his own faces, and Chen Shaobai saw his own face. Everyone saw themselves in those demon practitioners, the same void, the same expressionless face, the same as the walking dead.


An Zheng pulled Du Skinny back, but at this time, the faces of those Demon Cultivators began to change, and later became Du Skinny, and then An An, and Chen Shaobai, and their The body is also changing. After a few seconds, their figure became as good as their face. When Du's face was thin, he was taller, and when Chen Shaobai was thin ...

"It's not a scarecrow anymore."

Anzheng they quickly withdrew, and then they heard a scream. These screams came from all directions, and every voice was very tragic. They argued that they saw countless practitioners rushing out of the yard one by one, each one panicked. Behind them, follow the same practitioners. It is the same as those of the Devil Cultivator in terms of body and appearance, the only difference is the expressionless expression.

A demon cultivator wailed out of the courtyard and ran to the gate like crazy. In the courtyard where he came out, a demon cultivator exactly like him came out expressionlessly, then slowly raised his hand and clicked on his forehead. This action looks weird, and there is no breath fluctuation when it is clicked, not intense, not terrifying, just weird.

But he just clicked, and the body of the demon cultivator who had rushed out suddenly fell down straight, and it fell very hard. It was as if a living person had turned into wood in the middle of the air, and just fell there motionless. And the position of this man's fall is not far from arguing with them.

An Zheng glanced: "Dead."

A living Demon Cultivator was killed by a practitioner who came out of the yard exactly like him, the way of killing was so strange and unimaginable. Just click on yourself and the other party will die.

Then the expressionless man began to walk out the door step by step, outside the Great Demon Ring. When I walked near the gate of the city, my body suddenly floated, as if I had passed through a film, and then disappeared. There was a slight fluctuation in the space, and calm was quickly restored.

"I know how those who once wanted to enter the land of seals died."

Chen Shaobai swallowed and said, "We shouldn't go in."

In the yard they had entered before, the people who were constantly changing their faces also came out, and their faces were basically fixed. An Zheng entered, Chen Shaobai entered, Du Shou thin entered, the others did not enter, so the three people who came out were An Zheng, Chen Shaobai and Du Shou thin.

"This is not an illusion."

Ann sighed: "More exciting than hallucinations."

"What should we do now?"

Du Skinny asked nervously, he was really afraid of the guy who was exactly like himself, raised his hand and clicked on the forehead. Would n’t it be wrongful if I just hang up so inexplicably? Fortunately, it is also a man's big husband who fights hard for a fight, and the painful battle will just die. It's really unacceptable to die so stupidly.

Beside them, one after another Mozu practitioners ran away, and the previously deserted street restored the bustling atmosphere of the previous crowd. The difference is that the practitioners of these demons are even crazier than when they came in and run faster. And it is very special to argue for them. They are like a few very different stones standing in the big waves.

More and more demon cultivators coming out of the yard raised their hands and clicked on their foreheads. More and more demon cultivators fell suddenly on the ground and died. Where is the connection between the action of the man and death, but this death is irreversible.

The deceased Demon Cultivator fell to the ground and soon turned to fly ash and disappeared. And those Demon Cultivators who came out of the courtyard began to walk towards the gate of the city, passing through the invisible things. It may be the corpses that people think of.

"An Zheng, think of a way!"

Du Shou shouted anxiously because he saw that the guy who was exactly like him had raised his hand.

"go back."

An Zheng suddenly said two words, his eyes drifting towards the courtyard.

"Go back inside."

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