Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 1441: scold

An Zheng watched the figure of Menghu disappear gradually, and at this moment he was deeply moved in his heart. Although it is not a true emperor-level strong deity, it is the soul he left behind to protect the heritage of the nine. He did not know what happened, but with a keen sense, he determined that the things in the nine dragon pillars would have a great effect in the future.

The frightening thing about Anzheng was that he even sent the nine dragon pillars to the pre-Qin emperor before the unification of Kyushu with the help of the beginningless wheel. In this way, with the change of time, the people of the period before the Qin Emperor would not have discovered this secret at all. The faceless monster who wanted to exterminate mankind was the person of that period, one of the powerful emperors.

With the power of the Tigers, An Zheng felt that the power in his body had reached a critical point, and it only needed an opportunity to break through that layer of shackles. He had vaguely felt the change brought by the absolute power. There seemed to be a door in front of him. After opening, he would get that power completely.

He didn't enter the hut immediately, but knelt down in the yard and tapped deeply towards the rocking chair where Meng Hu once sat.

An Zheng got up, took a deep breath, then turned and pushed open the door of the hut. From the outside, it seemed that the hut was not very big, just three. But when I opened the door, there was nothing in it. Inside is a long corridor, which is no stranger to anxiety. There was such a corridor at the bottom of Chihe River just after entering Qingzhou.

In an instant, An Zheng knew what he was going to see.

In the bronze gate at the bottom of the Chihe River, An Zheng saw himself in the first life. At the end of this corridor, there will be another bronze door waiting for him to open.

An Zheng strode forward and then ran.

When he rushed to the end of the promenade, he saw the bronze door that was so familiar. The door was tightly closed, but at the moment An Zheng approached, he creaked and opened himself. This bronze door was the seal that Anzheng had set himself, and the door was a prohibition that only he himself could open.

An Zheng suddenly thought of a thing, and saw the bones of the second prince in the turbulent space. He inherited the almost invincible bones from the second generation of Da Chi, who was bloodless. At that time, An Zheng's guess was that Da Chi's flesh and blood were shattered by the irresistible force in the turbulent space. But later, An Zheng wanted to understand that the strength of Da Chi was far stronger than his own strength.

In the turbulent space, the bones of Da Chi are indestructible. And after Anzheng arrives, Da Chi can make Anzhenn safe and sound. In this case, the power in the turbulent space is not enough for Da Chi's flesh to constitute a devastating injury.

Looking at the bronze door, which only opened when he arrived, An Zheng suddenly understood.

The prohibition in this bronze gate was cast with the flesh and blood of the second generation. In the turbulent space, he not only changed the time again with the beginningless wheel, but also used the power of turbulent flow in the turbulent space to cast these bronze doors with his flesh and blood. The bronze door will only open if he comes by himself. Otherwise, even the emperor-level strongman cannot open it and cannot gain the power inside.

The second generation of Da Chi is lonely, even if there is a little golden dragon beside him. He lost all his friends, brothers, loved ones and loved ones. He was looking for and fighting all his life, but he failed in the end.

At the moment when the door opened, An Zheng seemed to feel the heartbeat of the Second World War. He put his hand on the bronze door, and for the first time he carefully felt the breath brought inside the bronze door. Now he also understands why he can find these bronze doors and why he has that familiarity. Because every bronze door contains his breath, that is something that only he can feel.

He seemed to see the solitary but lonely figure of the Second World Daqi in the bronze gate. He stood alone in the turbulent space, clearly invincible, but full of loneliness.

An Zheng's fingers rubbed against the bronze door, and Fang Zheng appeared involuntarily in his mind. The moment the bronze door opened, Fang Zheng walked towards the bronze door because his mission was over. If it was not calculated by others at the time of Daxi, Fang contention may be the current security contention, doing exactly the same thing as security contention. The trajectories of the two people's lives are different, but they will eventually reach the same end.

"rest well."

An Zheng patted on the bronze door and strode inside.

The back of each bronze door is different. When I saw Purnon, it was a hut. This time, I saw a desert. Perhaps these things are the deepest places in every life's memory of security.

The endless desert, the wind came against the ground with the sand. He stood here, the soles of his feet were all hot and hot. The temperature here, even sweat will not stay too long.

Stepping on the sand, the sound is very special. Anzheng has no goal, but he knows that there must be something leading him forward. He stepped into the desert in one step and moved towards an invisible goal. The wind is getting stronger and the dunes are moving. Anzheng ’s vision became blurred, and in such an enchantment, the power of Shanye ’s nine reincarnation eyes could not be used to look at it from another perspective.

The wind was ridiculous, the sand hit Anzheng, and the anti-scale **** armor made a crackling soft noise. There seemed to be a bright light in the muddy yellow ahead, and An Zheng speeded up and rushed towards the place where the light flashed.

With a bang, Ann struck against a wall of soil.

The earth wall was supposed to be very tall and thick, but the wind has blown away most of the years. The traces left by the wind on the earth's wall are like water flowing over them one by one. The wind is getting bigger and stronger, and Anzheng can only hold his head down and reach out, groping forward.

It seems to have touched something, An Zheng patted it, it should be a wooden door. Anzheng laboriously pulled the wooden door open, and when the door opened, Anzheng was blown in by the wind. With a bang, the wooden door closed fiercely.

The wind in the room was much quieter, and the hissing sound seemed unwilling to hide here. He even misunderstood that there was a demon in the wind outside. The demon opened his eyes in the muddy air and looked at himself fiercely.

"You came late."

A voice appeared from the back room, and An Zheng immediately looked over there. The curtain was picked up from inside, and a handsome young face appeared before An Zheng. He is too young and seems to be in his twenties. He didn't reach Anzhen's chest yet, and looked slightly thinner.

"How old are you?"

An Zheng asked subconsciously.

The teenager couldn't help laughing: "I have imagined many times, what kind of scene will you meet? What will our first sentence be. For example, I have practiced for a long time, the first sentence should say I have n’t seen you for a long time, or something else. But after knowing that you are here, I did n’t think that what I said was that you came late. And I did n’t think that I guessed for so long, your first sentence was What age are you? "

An Zheng also laughed: "Because I'm in a hurry."

"So I said you came late."

The teenager let An Zheng enter the back room. The temperature in the back room was very comfortable. The heavy curtains blocked the window. When the curtain was lowered, the light in the room suddenly became dark. It took a while for An Zheng to adapt, before he felt the meaning of the big oil lamp. The teenager sat cross-legged on the soil kang, and sewed on himself a dress that looked very worn.

"This is not the case here. It turns out that the scenery of mountains and water here is not bad. Only after a person came, everything here changed."

He took the needle thread and looked up at An Zheng. "Just now you asked me, I am the first generation, and now I answer you ... I am the first generation of you. I know you will be curious and inexplicable. It ’s obvious that I ’m the general. I ca n’t really have a real relationship with you later. ”

Ann nodded, so the explanation could be agreed. It was true that Purnon was the first person of his own life, but in the period of Purnon, the practitioners did not appear, far earlier than the pre-Qin period when the emperor-level strongmen came out.

"After listening to me, I will give you the answer."

The teenager lowered his head and continued to sew up his worn clothes seriously: "It turns out that a grass field is not far away. There are many hares that can be fat. To the south of the grass field is a large river with a clear bottom. It ’s not manic at all. I always move forward gently. I often lie on the grass **** by the river, letting my cattle and sheep eat grass quietly. Until one day, a strange looking one People are here. "

There was a touch of anger in his eyes, and that anger should be very strong, but only suppressed by him.

"A person with no face."

The teenager remained silent for a while and continued: "I didn't know when the guy came to me. He was talking to himself, and he was talking to me. He asked how to stop all disasters. How can we make the world free of unfair things, and how can we make this world free of disputes. "

He glanced at An Zheng and then lowered his head: "I woke up, the faceless weirdo looked down at me, and then said ... No one, the world will become fairer. After all, the lower level Animals do n’t have so many intrigues, conspiracies, tricks, and desires. But, they ca n’t give them a chance ... ”

"He looked down at me and asked, you said, should I start a little harder, or take it slowly?"

"I'm terrified, I don't know how to answer."

"The faceless weird man said to himself after being silent for a while, he should be given a lesson first. Then he tapped his finger, and a grass on the grassland withered away. At first it was just a grass, and the grass died. After that, the soil around the grass roots turned into sand. Soon, the sand began to spread around. The faceless weirdo said that the world will not be destroyed by the desert, and this world will naturally have a way to make the desert disappear. So , The desert will only make people's living space smaller and smaller. "

The teenager paused: "This is the beginning, the beginning of resistance."

He looked at Anzheng's eyes and said, word by word: "I, your first life, big whack."

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