Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 1460: For Huo Ye!

Gu Chaotong only felt a buzz in his ears, followed by a trance immediately before his eyes. The feeling of being pinched around his neck suddenly loosened, and he found himself flying backwards, and when he was caught in the air and placed on the ground, he almost vomited.

A white filial piety quickly moved between Gu Chaotong and Lu Wu, kicked Lu Wu out, and threw Gu Chaotong back. These moves are common martial arts, but the difference is speed and strength.

Lu Wu's body directly broke through several houses, and when struggling to stand up, his eyes were incredible. The speed of contention is beyond his imagination. He feels that a fierce force arrived and left to make defense, but he just had the time to infuse the power of repair and form a defense layer with his chest. Kick him past.


Lu Wu slapped the dust and walked back, his eyes full of playfulness.

"No wonder Shanse said you are an opponent, and she is a bit capable."

Hu Zhu snorted: "It's been kicked by someone, how long has it been?"

Lu Wu shrugged his shoulders: "I guarantee that he will not have the next chance."

The brawny man strode up: "Don't talk nonsense, go back after killing."

"I see how crazy you are!"

Chen Shaobai rushed over from the side, the scythe of death in his hand swept over, but Zhuo Lao did not hide. With a loud bang, the sharp scythe of the death was in the middle of the waist, but it was like an ordinary sword cut on a solid stone. A huge anti-shock force came, and Chen Shaobai of the shock almost flew out of the sickle of death. Chen Shaobai refused to let go, and even he was carried to the ground for several laps.


Zhuo Xiao looked at Chen Shaobai with a look of contempt. He no longer regarded Chen Shaobai as an opponent.

"Try me a punch!"

Du Shoushen rushed out of the yard and punched him with a punch. It was obvious that Du Shou's strength was unusual and his eyes brightened. Seeing Du Shou's punch arrive, he slipped his left foot half a step back and his right punch slammed forward. With a bang, the fists of the two slammed together. There was a burst of gas at the collision, and all the disciples of the Tianqi Sect near the trembling door flew out.

With a loud bang, the main entrance of Tianqizong collapsed and the road surface sank at least three meters.

Both figures penetrated the turbulent dust, and they looked shocked. Du Shoushou was pulled back at least six or seven meters away by the punch of Zhuozhuo, while Zhuozhuo stepped back almost three meters. The strength of the two people is evident.

"Let everyone return to the boat."

At this time, Anzheng has seen that there are many evils, four emperor-level ancient monsters, and they have been transformed into humanoids. Obviously, their strength is much stronger than the man-made monster that was killed before. The mountains and sea illustrations obtained by Anzheng have specific descriptions of these powerful ancient monsters, as well as methods of confrontation and cracking. But these four people did not reveal their true colors, and Anzheng did not know who they were.

The four people who rushed out reported themselves, but An Zheng did not hear.

"Bring Lord Huo."

Anzheng shouted back and shoved his hands back. He belonged to his own emperor realm and moved backwards to cover the entire Apocalypse. He did not use the Emperor Realm to defend himself, but protected the Tianqi Sect. At this moment, at least tens of thousands of disciples gathered in the courtyard of the Tianqi Sect. People. Once fought, the losses are heavy.

"Let's hold it first, you will take everyone into the boat."

An Zheng shouted towards Qu Liuxi, who knew that it was not a time of indecision, and quickly turned back to help the disciples return to the boat.

Xiao Qidao rushed out of the yard and was grabbed by An Zheng just before he shot: "Go back, you are not their opponent now."

Xiao Qi froze for a moment, turned his teeth and turned back.

"Tangshanse let me bring you a sentence."

Lu Wu looked indifferently at Anzheng and prevented them from rushing out, because in his view, these people would die today.

"He said that the head count of more than two million people in Yangzhao City is obviously not enough. So this time, choose your Tianqi Sect. You have at least 100,000 disciples in Jizhou and Yancheng in Jizhou. Protected? Tan Shanse also said that you always advertise your selflessness, but in fact, in your heart, there is naturally a difference. The weight of the 2 million people in Yangzhao City is not as good as the 100,000 people of your Tianqi Zong. He said, you know what he wants. "

An Zheng snorted: "Do you know what you want to do to talk about Shanse? I want to know whether you are talking about Shanse or the guy from Tianwaitian."

Lu Wudao: "It doesn't matter, we are not who we are, we just don't want to see people rule the world. Whether it's talking about mountains or others, it's the same for us. The final outcome is human extinction."

An Zheng looked back, the space portal had all been opened, and a large number of disciples of the Tianqi Sect began to shift. Even if An Zheng's current strength is not underestimated, but in the face of such four enemies, he has little chance of winning. Moreover, even if he can win? These four people will flatten the entire Yancheng.

"You are right in one sentence."

Suddenly, An Zheng rushed towards Landing Wu: "I have my own weight, and I am not selfless. The person I care about, no one should touch it!"

He punched it out, Lu Wu crossed his arms in front of him, and then swiped out violently ... a cross wind blade was immediately cut out. An Zheng's fist strength was actually cut directly by the cross wind blade in the middle of the way, and the cross wind blade kept stopping, and instantly came to An Zheng. The defensive aura outside Anzheng's body could not be stopped, and a burst of aura burst, and the cross wind blade reached Anzheng. The anti-scale **** armor on An Zheng quickly appeared, and with a bang, the cross wind blade was chopped on An Zheng's breastplate, leaving a cross mark on it.

"My attack is unparalleled in the world."

Lu Wu finished this sentence, 擼 杌 screamed from behind and rushed over. Du Shoushen came from the side of Anzheng, and the sea emperor's trident slammed on the chest, but with Du Shoushen's current strength, the strength of the sea emperor's trident purple product, actually Neither failed to pierce the chest. He doesn't have any armor, but depends on the sturdiness of his body.

"His defense is unparalleled in the world."

Lu Wu laughed: "The two of us are together, God blocks the God of killing."

Gu Qianye sent a group of disciples into the portal of the Nishi boat, and looked back at Anzheng, who was almost squeezed over there and almost had no strength to fight back. She rushed back and fell with a punch in the air. Gu Qianye's strength lies in this fist.

But at this time, Xing Tian, ​​who was standing behind, came over and hit Gu Qianye with his fist. Gu Qianye's delicate body was directly flicked out, and even her appearance failed to help her block the power of this punch.

"Better than strength, you can't."

Xing Tian turned into a mountain axe in his hand. When the axe was put on the ground, the whole Yancheng shook, and one can imagine how heavy the mountain axe was.

"Now let me introduce you formally."

Husband watched An Zheng argue that they were completely downwind, and their mood was obviously very good.

"Since ancient times, no one has deserved the four of us to shoot at the same time. Even when Yu Emperor was alive, he was lenient to the four of us. When the four of us joined forces, Emperor Yu was still not enemies, let alone you? There is no match in the world, the defense is indestructible, and the great power of the punishment can open the earth ... and I ... "

When he said this, he stopped suddenly, and there were dozens of blue lines shining on his body, connecting the three people in front of him, Lu Wu Xingtian and Zhuo Lao. He backed away, his eyes suddenly flew out of the eye sockets, and the two eyes slammed open in the air, dispersing out the dense and small eyes. These eyeballs are everywhere, and there are no dead ends that he can't see.

"And I can make the strength of the three of them stronger."

Xingtianjuli, defensive, and Lu Wu is good at killing. After the husbands connected them, the three guys could share his perspective. In other words, these three people can observe any position. The thin lines connecting the three people conveyed their powers to the bodies of the other three guys, just like their three supply stations. The strength of these three people has been improved by at least 30%.

And it seems that the husbands are not good at fighting, but there is a special monster crystal core in the body, as broad as the sea. He can store more cultivation power in his body and supply the other three guys continuously. With such a presence, three other people can destroy the world.

Tan Shanse can summon such a powerful monster, which shows how terrifying the strength of the faceless monster was. These top monsters once surrendered at the feet of faceless monsters. Perhaps they did not brag that, at their peak, if such things as the husbands provide assistance to them, indeed, even the supreme emperor-level peers like Yu Emperor will have a headache.

An Zheng looked at them, and his heart was hard to calm down. With their current strength, they can never win. Now Tian Qizong's side, he and Du Shou have reached the emperor level, and no one else has. Not to mention that these four guys can share their perspective and bless their strength. Even in a four-for-two fight, he and Du Shou will eventually lose.

"Did everyone withdraw?"

An Zheng asked.

The meander rushed out of the yard and his face was pale: "Most people are going up, and some people are coming back."

"At this time, I really want to thank Lord Huo."

Ann struggled slowly breathing: "If there is no Lord Huo's boat, we will not even retreat."

He summoned the anti-breaking sword and pointed at Lu Wu: "This battle is for Lord Huo!"

Chen Shaobai raised the sickle of death, Du Shoushou lifted the sea trident, and everyone stood upright. Today is the day when Lord Huo died, and the enemy is coming.

This battle is for Huo Ye!

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