Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 1471: Tell you a story

An Zheng stood on the top of the mountain and looked at Yunjuanyunshu. Tan Shanse stepped on that huge monster beast has sunk, if the cloud sea is hell, how good. Talking about the mountain scenery undoubtedly casts a shadow on Anzheng's heart. Who can think that the golden blackbird is so powerful.

It ’s really scary enough to be able to open the time hole.

When returning to the Forbidden Area of ​​Yaohai in the East China Sea to find Du Shoushen, Anzheng had adjusted himself to make him look less stressed. Talking about mountains is about breaking down security, especially psychologically.

Everyone waited outside for a while. Violet seemed to come out from the inside in a good mood. When he saw An Zheng, they smiled embarrassedly.

"It looks very happy."

Du Shoujian smiled and pointed to his face, indicating that Violet would find a place to look at his face: "Is this the latest makeup technique in Yaochi?"

Violet smiled embarrassedly: "There is always a price to pay, but this slap is worth it. If you can untie her heart, you can even hit ten more times."

Du Shoushou always felt that things were not that simple. After looking at the irregular appearance of the violet dress, he suddenly reacted: "Oh ..."

"Oh ... oh what?"

"She hit you, you hit her, right?"

Du Shou thin face smirked.

Violet: "cough cough ... to be serious!"

He glanced at An Zheng, and suddenly his nerves froze, then said with a smile: "An Zheng you come over, I will share with you how you can make your woman obedient. This kind of thing can not be told to others casually, you all hide away point."

He pulled An Zheng to a distance, Du thin and they laughed.

"What happened?"

Violet loosened Anzheng's sleeves and sat down and asked, "Don't say it's okay. If there is another person in the world who can understand your eyes, it can only be me. In the endless years, when I am lonely I would look at myself in the mirror. You squint and smile, but the things hidden deep in your eyes can't hide me. I used to see this kind of thing in my eyes more than once. "

An Zheng smiled bitterly: "A big man knows another big man so well, something will happen."

"Don't talk nonsense, what the **** happened."

"Tan Shanse has summoned the golden blackbird with nine golden blackstone smelts. I appeared in front of me as an illusion. Tell me that he can use the power of the golden blackbird to open the time hole and return to the Daxi era. If there is no starting wheel, he will destroy the fantasy world. This person is crazy. If he does not get the starting wheel, it will not only be a disaster for the fantasy world. "

Violet couldn't sit still, and for the first time saw such anxious expression on Violet's face.

"If Tan Shanse is true, then ..."

Ziluo suddenly looked at Anzheng: "There are loopholes ... If Tan Shanse can really open the time hole, his strength will not be defeated by our joint efforts. At least he is already in an invincible position. Our current strength, there is no way to kill him. In this case, why should he threaten you with the magical world? He can use the meandering ancient Qianye Du skinny to threaten you, these people are not like magic to you The weight of the longest living city? "

An Zheng said: "I was so panicked just now, I really did not think of this."

"There must be some conspiracy to talk about mountain scenery, but I can be sure that his goal is definitely not the long-term city of the fantasy world in the Daxi era. Moreover, I have never heard that the golden blackbird can open the time hole at will."

Violet stood up and patted Anzheng's shoulder: "Don't mess up first, just watch the changes."

An Zheng uttered: "Let's go, we have no time to delay. I have to continue to find myself ..."

At the same time, it is just less than ten thousand miles from the East China Sea Yaochi, the coast of the East China Sea. The Guanhai Mountain is on the East China Sea side. The mountain is not very tall. On the whole, it is a huge stone with no plants on it. This mountain can be more than a thousand meters, and there are artificially chiseled steps to climb up. The top is very flat, and railings are embedded to prevent visitors from falling into the water. Standing here and looking at the East China Sea from afar gives a sense of openness.

However, no one will know that there is a space inside this mountain.

Tan Shanse is inside this view of the seamount, which is actually quite luxurious. He leaned against a huge seat, covered with a thin quilt. Supporting the temple with one hand, squinted against it as if asleep.

Diao Yuan was sitting not far from him, and the floor was covered with thick downy blankets.

"Will they be fooled?"

Diao Yuan asked, but didn't look up. She seems to be very focused on the embroidery in her hand, and it looks pretty good. People are very complicated, so they will come up with many and many ways to resolve loneliness. Embroidery is actually one of them.

When she started embroidering, it actually meant that she began to feel lonely around Tan Shanse.

"Will do."

Tan Shanse replied two words, and he looked tired.

"The golden blackbird has consumed too much energy for you. You should take a break in recent days."

"An Zheng is fighting for speed with me, I have to be faster than him. What is the truth, he hasn't come into contact. Once he comes into contact, he will become crazy. Before he gets crazy, I have to catch Stay every minute and every second. When I recover some vitality, I will find a mirror butterfly. "

"Jingdie? Are you planning to let that girl go?"

"Let's go?"

Tan Shanse slowly opened his eyes: "Anzheng is an idiot. Mirror Butterfly has no significance for him. He doesn't realize it at all. And if I can make good use of her, then Anzheng will have no chance. That battle that year ... Actually, I was afraid every time I recalled. Only a little bit, I was killed by them. I will never allow this to happen a second time. "

Diao Yuan asked: "But why didn't you get rid of An Zheng earlier."

"Because time made a joke with me and An Zheng ... He couldn't find himself, why am I the same? If I knew earlier that the truth was like that ... How could I allow An Zheng to live for so long. Even if it is Tianwaitian, I will not allow him to be arrogant. "

Diao Yuan smiled softly, Tan Shanse's face changed obviously. He suddenly raised his hand, and Diao Yuan flew involuntarily. Tan Shanse pinched Diao Yuan's neck, his eyes cold.

"You were mocking me just now?"

"Cough ... no ... why are you now like this, more and more suspicious."

Diao Yuan didn't dare to struggle, his face pale.


Tan Shanse released his hand, and Diao Yuan fell heavily in front of him. But he didn't care at all, his eyes flickered.


Tan Shanse stood up and paced back and forth in the room: "Yeah ... I was the other side of him. All the bad things were on me. Of course, this kind of badness was what he thought It ’s not good. He was incarnation in search of Dao fruit, if the person who has the most insight in this world is him, no one would dare to deny it. Maybe because he walked too many places, he saw too much More, so the mood has changed. "


Tan Shanse suddenly had a headache, squatting on the ground holding his head, and soon couldn't keep rolling.

Diao Yuan crawled over to hug him, but kicked him.

"Go away, don't get close to me, you must want to kill me!"

Tan Shanmeng looked at Diao Yuan, his eyes red and blood red.

"You must hate me, right? Because I just hit you, so you took the opportunity to kill me, right?"

"I do not have!"

Diao Yuan shed tears: "I just care about you, I don't want to see you in pain."


Tan Shanse sneered with his own head: "Where will there be selfless concern in this world? If you are close to me, follow me, you must have your plot. Are you fighting for someone who is arranged around me, looking for opportunities? Kill me! "

Diao Yuan was stiff there, as if completely desperate.

Tan Shanse tumbling again, but Diao Yuan just looked at him coldly.

After a while, Tan Shan was relieved, sitting on the ground in a chair, his face pale and scary.

"I'm sorry ... Did I go crazy again just now? Perhaps, I shouldn't undo the seal ... Now the thing in the seal is eroding me crazy, and I don't know how long I can persist. However, the strength of this guy It's really tempting ... "

He didn't seem to have the slightest apology, but instead had a desire to hide.

Diao Yuan looked at him like that, as if looking at a stranger.

"Want to listen to a story?"

Tan Shanse glanced at Diao Yuan, and before she answered, she said to herself.

"There was a person who thought far more than all his contemporaries. But because his thoughts are too complicated and too advanced, he always sees disasters that others cannot see. These are things that only he can see, once at a time He tortured him. So he kept walking around the world, constantly persuading everyone to give up selfishness and bad thoughts. However, the more he found out, the worse the roots of human nature could not be eliminated by persuasion. "

Tan Shanse took a sigh of relief, squinted and smiled, the smile made people feel creepy.

"This person is stupid. He thinks it must be his pursuit that has caused the problem, not the person itself. So he has thousands of incarnations and wants to see if he is wrong or the person is wrong. Or maybe everything that has wisdom like a person is wrong. His incarnation is not just traveling in this world, but also going to the outer space. After arriving at the outer space, he discovered that such a world is everywhere. "

"He found that as long as there were people, the society would be very complicated and turbulent. The wolf can still be united. But people will never be truly united. Those disasters he once saw in the illusion, he is really real I saw it in my travels. "

Talking about the mountains is getting more and more scary and gruesome.

"At this time, not only began to doubt the necessity of human existence, but also began to doubt themselves."

Tan Shan's eyes are glowing, creepy light.

"This is the beginning."

He took a long breath: "When he found out that there was a dark side, he was scared, so he forcibly stripped the dark side. But ... how did he think that the dark side would eventually be more than him? powerful."

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