Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 1485: Beat it for Lao Tzu!

Qinglian and Xuanyuan joined forces in a single blow, but they didn't even insist for a few seconds. After the husbands and Jinwu birds were integrated, their strength became even more terrifying.

Anzheng has fought with Hufu, knowing what its ability is, the ancient monster beast himself is not very capable of fighting, if one-on-one, it will be fleeing when he meets any of them. , But once let it merge other monsters and beasts, the combat power will be doubled.

The golden blackbirds are already powerful and invincible. They have been besieging for a long time without any substantial progress. Nowadays, they all superimpose their abilities on the golden blackbirds. The damage caused by the golden blackbirds can be imagined. .

And the husbands can also bring the golden blackbird a near god-like perspective, no matter how many people siege, the golden blackbird can see.

This is the realm of imperial power, and no one with more talent can make up for it.

Today, among the emperor-level strongmen who besieged the golden blackbirds, Anzheng and Ziluo are the strongest. Both are about the strength of the emperor-level fourth-grade. , Close to the fourth grade, and the old dragon king and the queen are in the first grade of the emperor. They can sweep the world together, but they can't beat the golden bird.

The original strength of the golden black bird was at least the fifth-grade imperial grade. After being blessed with strength by the husband, it may have reached the terrible state of the sixth-grade imperial grade.

This is simply impossible to fight, they can't even break the defense of the golden blackbird.

It doesn't matter if they hit the golden blackbird one hundred one thousand and ten thousand, and the golden blackbird doesn't care at all, but if they are hit by the golden blackbird, they will definitely die.

Fortunately, there is no absolute thing in this world. The golden blackbird is huge in size, invincible in attack power, and invincible in defense, but the action is not very fast, and they can barely avoid it.

However, if you continue to fight like this, this speed disadvantage is only relatively speaking. Once you continue to fight, it is an irreparable loss if you are not careful.

Violet is meaningless under continuous attacks, and his face is white with anger: "Damn, watching TV dramas at that time always felt that the villains were more unreasonable and unreasonable, very depressed, and now **** more depressed."

Du Shoushou: "What is a TV series, is it a kind of exercise?"

Violet: "..."

An Zheng said: "My reverse sword can still be tried, but I have limited strength alone, no matter how sharp, the strength is not enough, there is no way to break through the defense of the golden bird, several of us try together."

He let Du thin and thin to wait a few hundred meters in front to wait, the violet continued to move forward, closer to the golden blackbird, Anzheng was the furthest away from the golden blackbird, and then threw the sword with the greatest strength.

When Shou Shoujian passed Du Shoushen's side, Du Shoushou concentrated all his strength on his fist, and then punched out and hit the handle of the Sword.

Reversing the Excalibur and accelerating for a second time, it was so fast that even the old Dragon King and Immortal Emperor-level practitioners could not see it. When passing by Violet, Violet hands rounded and pushed forward. , A light beam of vitality blasted on the Sword, and the Sword Accelerated for the third time.

When Ziluo put out his hands, he still didn't know what he called a tortoise qigong.

After three accelerations, the reverse-breaking Excalibur has been able to pass through the void quickly. The golden blackbird immediately felt the threat from the reverse-breaking Excalibur. The ironed feathers in front of it all unfolded, which seemed to be paved in Violet. A layer of solar panels.

These feathers became brighter and brighter, and then popped out a light curtain.

With a pop, the anti-breaking Excalibur pierced the light curtain before it was formed, and then hit the golden blackbird.

The feathers on the golden blackbird gathered and superimposed towards a place when the anti-breaking Excalibur broke through the light curtain. It saw the trajectory of the anti-breaking Excalibur and superimposed all the feathers on the chest in one place, at least hundreds of layers.

With a bang, the anti-breaking sword was heavily bombarded on the golden blackbird, and quickly moved forward, one layer, two layers, three layers, still fast and unparalleled ... However, after breaking through the hundred layers, the anti-breaking sword The speed has been weakened. After the 150th layer, the speed of breaking the Excalibur has been slow, just like the speed of an ordinary person holding the sword forward, and after the 170th layer, breaking the Excalibur card Among those feather scales, it was difficult to enter as if the sword had been inserted into the boulder.


Seeing this scene, Zi Luo couldn't help but scolded, and stretched out her two hands to the left and right: "Cut a big pie for you!"

As his two hands stretched out to the left and right, he pulled back sharply. On both sides, two majestic peaks rose from the ground, flying from left to right and photographed the golden black bird. The shock of the two mountains was shocking. ?

With a bang, the two mountains collapsed suddenly, large and large stones rolled down, and the soil in the mountain vented like a waterfall ... The shocking scenes could not be added, but there was no meaning.

The golden blackbird doesn't dodge, just because it knows that such an attack is meaningless to itself.

The old dragon king of the Antarctic dragon field quietly flew behind the golden blackbird, and then the dragon tail swept over and went straight to the back of the golden blackbird. However, at that moment, the golden blackbird's head suddenly turned 180 degrees, and then turned directly. Behind the face, the mouth was bitten by the dragon's tail, and then the neck turned back ... 180 degrees back, and the acceleration force threw the old dragon king out.

The old dragon king flew out in mid-air, and had no time to adjust his body. At least dozens of feathers on the golden black bird flew out, just like a missile from the lasing, and bombarded the old dragon king at once.

With all the blessings and perspectives, the old dragon king's sneak attack on the golden blackbird has already been noticed for a long time.

Dozens of feathers hit the old dragon king, the dragon scales flew in the sky, and the wounds on the body were bruised.

The old dragon king spurted blood, and the dragon's form instantly shrank back, turning into a human form and falling from the air.

An Zheng and Zi Luo rushed at the same time, but it was still late.

Violet combed with both hands to blast away the flurry of feathers, while An Zheng rushed over to catch the old dragon king.

"I'm giving up."

The old dragon king looked breathless, and the blood on the corner of his mouth was shocking. What was even more shocking was the wound on his body. The wounds on the old body that were almost penetrating made him look so sad.

"No, you can't give up."

Anzheng rushed back to the ground, found a place to put down the old dragon king, and immediately contacted Qu Liuxi to let her come as soon as possible.

"It doesn't matter if I give up. I had given up the world long ago, but you can't give up."

Old Dragon King barely made himself smile, but the look of that smile made people feel pain for a while.

"Anzheng, you can't give up ... You have saved the world once, maybe more than once, then it's better. I'm old, and the only attachment to this world is actually the fear of death. See you last time. I've been thinking about one thing after you, and I don't understand why you are desperately trying to do things for people and things other than yourself. Later, Ziluo came to me. After talking, I suddenly woke up ... "

"In this world, there are too many injustices, unfairness between people, unfairness between monsters and monsters, unfairness between monsters and people, there are more and more pickles Things, so many wolf hearts, so many foresights, so many conspiracies and tricks, but this **** is our family ... their family members are not fighting, their own lessons are just, I wish they killed them, But if anyone wants to ruin this home, that **** will not work, it will not work! "

An Zheng's eyes turned red slightly: "Speak less, you rest here for a while, Xiaoliuer will soon come over, and you can't die if she arrives."

"I want to die, it's still dead."

Old Dragon King grabbed An Zheng's hand, and his hand was covered with blood.

"Originally, I think the human race is a fart. Of course, the most noble and powerful in this world is our dragon race. Your human race is a group of parasites in this world. It does not do any good deeds. Well, actually I think so now, hahaha ...... But it has changed a little bit, and not everyone is a parasite, like you. "

Old Dragon King looked at An Zheng's eyes and said: "It is undeniable that there are many, many good people like you who are also changing the world, pushing the world in a better direction ... I once thought that if the world appeared What a disaster, it must be that my dragon clan comes forward, that is, the way people kneel down when we see us, ha ha ha ha ... Unfortunately, the dragon clan is withered, the strong are sparse, the little guy I can count on has not yet Complete awakening, even if awakened, should not help, at most it is a little stronger than me, so I can only accept the reality helplessly. In the future, our dragons will not change, or even disappear, but humans can. "

An Zheng suddenly felt a pain in his palm. When he withdrew his hand violently, he found a small gap in his palm.


He froze there.

"It was originally intended to be left for that little guy. Although the little golden dragon is not a weapon, after all, it is my dragon family's hope for the future. It seems that there is no chance now ... People are selfish, and the dragon is not the same, but now this situation, even Qinglian Xuanyuan is so special that I do n’t want to fight anymore, and even cooperate, I am still selfish. "

"You can't refuse, my blood and your blood just touched together, forming a blood contract, and my power will be transferred to you."

The old dragon king exhaled for a long time: "This world is dirty and filthy, but I like this family ... Anzheng, I can't do it anymore, your little girl friend doesn't make sense anymore ... I'll beg you . "

The old dragon king raised his finger hard to the golden black bird: "Beating it, beating it hard for Laozi!"

After that whimper, the old dragon king's body turned into a golden light, and then slammed into the wound of An Zhengshou's heart.

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