Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 1491: ferocious

Immortal queen found that Qinglian and Xuanyuan both had a strange look in their eyes, and suddenly had a bad hunch in their hearts. They didn't know why. They always felt that something might happen today.

However, as a leader of one of the world's four forbidden areas, she naturally had to count what she said.

Violet came a few days ago and talked to her a lot. If the four major forbidden domains do not work together, will it be safe to wait for others to save?

The death of the old dragon king gave her a big touch, and even the most arrogant dragons have made a change. Why can't they?

"I think that the queen's proposal is good."

Xuanyuan stood up and said, "My Xuanyuan sword contains all the insights I have practiced in my life. The two of you can take it and see. If you can improve each other's practice, then ... it is the best result for now. "

Qinglian snorted: "Who is rare for you."

Xuanyuan uttered: "I'm rare for you."

He picked up the Qinglian sword: "It's better ..."

Qinglian snatched back the Qinglian Excalibur and handed it to the queen: "Look first."

Xuanyuan grinned, didn't seem to care.

He picked up a piece of jade on the table that the fairy queen put on: "Then I will first understand what the fairy queen's practice has done. You just look at me."

Qinglian picked up the Xuanyuan sword, and slowly poured a force of cultivation into her palm. After a while, it seemed to open a magnificent scroll.

That was indeed the realization that Xuanyuan had been repaired. Qinglian was very touched after seeing it, and vaguely, there was a feeling that he would break through the shackles that had plagued him for many years.

He has been trapped in the realm of the emperor-level third-grade for too long. Before there were no such changes, the strength of the emperor-level third-grade was not afraid of anyone except Ziluo. Wupin's strength made him feel great pressure.

The golden blackbird showed even more terrifying power, letting him know that if he didn't break through the border, he would not even have the ability to protect himself in the future.

Gradually, feeling the different perception of Xuanyuan, Qinglian slowly closed her eyes.

At this time, Xuanyuan did not feel the Jade Ruyi that the fairy sent to him. He looked at the fairy and he was already immersed in the sentiment of the Qinglian sword, and Qinglian had entered a kind of silence. State, he could not help shaking his head and smiled.

"If you knew today, why should you be?"

He said to himself, picked up Yuruyi and looked at it, and then put it into his space implement.

At this moment, Qinglian has been completely attracted by Xuanyuan's feelings and is immersed in it. It is difficult to extricate himself. There are no impurities in it. These are the correct ways of Xuanyuan's mouth.

He saw everything Xuanyuan started from self-cultivation, from young to young, from weak to strong.

Suddenly, he found that there was still a hidden place in the Xuanyuan sword, which seemed to be hidden deliberately, which caused Qinglian ’s curiosity, he snorted in his heart, he said that you really hid it, you can give What we see is not all. I am afraid that it is this place that you deliberately hid that is what you really understand.

Qinglian tried to open the secret place, and it took a lot of effort. When the place was opened, Qinglian felt a shock in her mind.

It was actually a part of memory.

He saw the first meeting between Xuanyuan and himself. The two were sitting face-to-face in conversation with His Excellency Ling Xiao.

At that time, Qinglian was full of vigilance against Xuanyuan, but Xuanyuan looked quite frank.

"How many emperor-level strongmen should there be in the world?"

Xuanyuan asked Qinglian.

Qinglian Road: "There are thousands of avenues of spiritual practice, and each has its own achievements. If you are sincere and determined, there is one emperor-level strongman or even many emperor-level strongmen in every element attribute, so it is not a rare thing, so how much If the emperor-level strong man is suitable, it is not suitable by himself. "

Xuanyuan smiled: "In the pre-Qin period, there were many emperor-level strongmen, and each of them was stronger than us. This is an indisputable fact. Before Xianqin, three supreme emperor-level strongmen emerged, their strength It's easy to crush us. Nowadays, only a few of us are emperor-level strongmen, and most of them are in the emperor's first-stage. Not to mention the supreme emperor-level strongmen, there are not more than three ranks. Do you know why? "

Qinglian shook her head.

Xuanyuan said: "Actually, you know, but you didn't say it deliberately, and you don't know what I want to say, so it's just perfunctory ... What I want to tell you is how weak the Tianyuan is for the practitioners. Know the truth. Why can there be three supreme emperor-level strong men before the pre-Qin period, and in the pre-Qin period, only the pre-Qin emperor alone could reach the level of the supreme emperor-level strong man? The answer is that Tianyuan gradually became thinner ... and now , The presence of another emperor-level strong will directly affect us. "

After a pause, Xuanyuan continued, "Why after you and I have reached the emperor level, even a small level of promotion has become extremely difficult? In fact, it is because the number of emperor strong people like you and me has reached the limit. The Western Region Buddha The Buddha of Zong, the old dragon king of the Antarctic dragon domain, the queen of the Yaochi in the East China Sea, plus the unrestrained violet ... The known emperor-level strongmen are us, and their strength has basically been solidified. Again, I haven't improved in a long time, why? "

He said several reasons why Qinglian's state of mind has become somewhat swaying.

"I have just said the answer and plundered each other ... It is also mutual checks and balances. Now that we have reached the limit, under the mutual check and balance, our realm is difficult to enter, we can only stay at this level, if there is another emperor level Strong, what are the consequences? "

Qinglian sighed: "Our state will fall."

"Yes, not rising but falling."

Xuanyuan continued: "So, I just asked you how many emperor-level powerhouses should appear more appropriate? If in the pre-Qin era, there were three supreme emperor-level powerhouses, it didn't matter how many they appeared, because this world supports In the pre-Qin period, only one supreme emperor-level strongman could be supported ... Can I kill you? If it is possible, I really want to kill you, but we are destined to kill each other. who."

Qinglian: "What the **** do you mean?"

Xuanyuan said: "Those practitioners who are born with different talents in their lifetime are actually more predatory than those who have achieved a little bit of vigor. The more such people, the greater the damage to the world. If I can be selfless Some, if I commit suicide, it will give many people a better chance, but I am selfish, and so are you. "

Qinglian suddenly understood what he meant: "Do you want to start with the human world?"

Xuanyuan nodded: "I know you will understand, so, then you and I take the three-thousand-year boundary to rotate and take control of the world. Zilu does not have this idea, and his **** dragon is not at the end, and the world is handed over. He is also not responsible. I will do it for three thousand years, you see, if I did it wrong, you will change it again when you are in charge for three thousand years. "

Qinglian hesitated for a long time, and was really entangled in the heart, but ultimately defeated him selfishly ... Anyway, Xuanyuan started first. What he did in the three thousand years has nothing to do with me. When I was in charge for three thousand years, I did nothing. That's it.

This is Qinglian's original idea.

The picture flickered, another meeting with Qinglian in Xuanyuan's memory.

"Now three thousand years have passed, I gave you the Immortal Palace, I created the Immortal Mansion to rule the human world, as long as there are super talented people, the Immortal Master Mansion will be immediately destroyed, I believe you have felt it In the past three thousand years, Tianyuan has become stronger and stronger than before. It ’s not that I ’m too selfish, but I ’m doing self-cultivation. Others occupy too much Tianyuan. How can I continue my practice? "

"An unselfish practitioner will never be a person like you and me, so I ’m actually sure that your heart is the same as what I thought. I leave it to you in Xianshi Mansion. Do you continue to use it or destroy it? , With you, the next three thousand years is your world. "

After finishing these words, Xuanyuan left, not staying for an extra minute.

After Xuanyuan left, those words always echoed in Qinglian's mind ...

Then Qinglian decided to continue his choice three thousand years ago, that is, to do nothing.

Anyway, Xianshifu was not created by Qinglian. What does it have to do with me?

Immediately following the picture, he saw a terrifying scene!

Tan Shanse stood beside Xuanyuan, looking at Xuanyuan and said: "We have to think of a way, not to deal with the current problem, but the future ... If one day, these emperor-level strongmen unite, what shall we do? ? "

Xuanyuan said with a smile: "I have already arranged the arrangements. In addition, I also thought of a way. Is it better than you and me to make a bitter plan?"

Tan Shanse asked: "What bitter plan?"

At this moment, Qinglian opened her eyes fiercely: "You shameless man!"

However, it was late.

He saw Xuanyuan standing not far away. Behind Xuanyuan was a scene of tragic extreme. The blood in the Yaochi in the East China Sea was flowing into the river. In Xuanyuan's hand, the head of the fairy was actually carried!


Why didn't you notice it at all?

"You shameless man!"

Qinglian stood up and scolded, but immediately fell down again, and she seemed to have no strength at all.

"Do you feel very sad and angry?"

Xuanyuan casually threw the head of the fairy queen to the side: "You are really stupid ...... Why did the time have a problem, which caused me to split, and An Zheng found me, but there is another me? In fact, it is not the time at all. For the sake of fission, how can we change back without the time of the first round of change ... that is just my avatar, the actual avatar is not that kind of very low-level avatar. "

Xuanyuan said with a smile: "Tan Shanse deliberately tortured my doppelganger. Sooner or later, he will be seen by Da Chi's successor, An An. Under such tragic circumstances, will An Zheng doubt me? Would the old dragon king doubt me when I went to the Antarctic Dragon Territory? Of course not. Especially after one of my great avatars destroyed themselves, they would not even doubt it. "

Xuanyuan walked to Qinglian: "Anzheng is also a complete idiot. He has never thought about it carefully. There are no two people. Why are there two Xuanyuan? You, it is too easy to believe others."

He patted Qinglian's face, and his voice was loud and crisp.

"If you still have the next life, don't worry about it. Don't trust others so easily."

At this moment, Xuanyuan looked extremely grim.

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