Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 1530: Come and go

Violet did not want to be beaten like that, but he didn't just act quietly, but still shocked Qinglian and Xuanyuan.

The two of them were crying and howling, and as a result, no one found a violet looking at them next to each other. If the violet is willing, they can just hurt both of them at the same time, or even kill them at the same time.


Violet leaned against the big tree and threw the jug to Qinglian.

Qinglian embarrassedly took the hip flask and pointed to Xuanyuan: "Ask him."

Xuanyuan is of course unwilling, but unwillingness does not mean disagreement.

"I've worked so hard to build a fairy palace, and it took me a lot of energy? You came here and said three points casually. Isn't this a bully?"

Qing Lian: "Anyway, I will not beat him with you two, but I am willing to beat you with him two."

Xuanyuan: "It's okay, but I have a condition ... I built the Xian Palace, you can each live in one third, but the Xian Palace's right to rule the human world must belong to me."

Violet: "Give you a chance to say it again."

Xuanyuan: "Don't cheat too much, it's a big deal ..."

Violet: "Together? Do you agree? Besides, have you beaten me?"

Xuanyuan: "..."

Ziluo smiled and said, "I don't want any ruling power, but I will set a rule for you two. You two will take turns. I don't care how often you take turns."

Qinglian: "I agree."

Ziluo said: "You two go to discuss, I have to see what is going on in the human world. I hope that when I come back, my palace in the fairy palace has been built, and I want to bring a big garden and a private swimming pool. , The little fish Spa must have. "

Xuanyuan: "What do you mean by that?"

Violet: "Anyway, I came back to see my palace, which is bigger than the two of you."

After saying this, he left, ignoring whether Xuanyuan and Qinglian continued to fight, or sat there calmly to discuss who will make the decision first, and how long it will take.

At this time, Violet did not know what happened, nor did he know that Xuanyuan was just talking about mountains, his memory had not awakened much, and he was still constantly searching. The reason why he did not kill Xuanyuan was because he felt that this world The emperor-level strongman has more benefits.

If Ziluo knows that there will be so many things going on, maybe at this moment he will kill Xuanyuan without hesitation.

Western Region.

Ann disputed his glass of wine and swallowed it: "After drinking this time, I should really go back ... I do n’t know how the time in this illusion is counted. We have stayed here for too long, the outside world The situation is changing rapidly. I'm not here. I really don't care about them. The fat guys went to Qingzhou to continue to explore the secret realm to find a breakthrough. No one at home was sitting there. "

The monkey yelled, "Let's go, but drink more with me."

An Zheng nodded: "Drink more."

Dada Ye: "Go!"

Soon, the three people's tables were filled with empty hip flasks. Actually, no one remembered how much they drank, but the three people talked and laughed, and then they didn't know why they were crying and arguing for such a reasonable and calm person , I couldn't avoid it. I laughed and cried, and cried, so that the owner of the restaurant was frightened, lest the three of them would tear down the restaurant later.

The monkey beckoned: "Go on the wine."

The owner of the restaurant scrambled to bring up the last few jugs of wine: "This uncle, this is the last wine, really gone."

The monkey threw his hand and threw him a large piece of gold: "If you don't, just buy it for me, and Grandpa will not lose your money."

When the boss saw that the wine was good, he quickly agreed.

Separating the two sides, they are still drinking and drinking. On the other side of the fairy palace, the negotiations between Qinglian and Xuanyuan have come to an end.

The two decided to take turns in charge of the Immortal Palace, each for 3,000 years, and the first 3,000 years were under the control of Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan can't help it. It's okay to say so. Since Qinglian can't kill Qinglian, turning Qinglian into the same person as his own, and turning his opponent into an ally, is not without any advantage.

"I will build the fairy master's house first."

Xuanyuan said: "I just need to say hello now, and in a moment, those of me in the human world will come up to help me, how about you, do you have any men?"

Qinglian shook her head: "I don't need it."

"You need."

Xuanyuan seemed to meditate for a while and then said: "Since it has been decided to get along peacefully, then a goal must be identified, the immortal palace cannot be destroyed, the immortal palace must be the master, so ... You can tune them and wait until you find your men, then you will return them to me. "

He took out a magical instrument and pressed it, and the magical instrument lit up immediately. Immediately, Qingta Xianzun appeared in front of Xuanyuan.

"Meet the emperor."

"Brother Qinglian, this person is my most capable man, called Qingta Xianzun. His greatest skill is that he can take care of everything without size. This first 3,000 years, I will let him take care of everything Shun, he will also follow your orders during these three thousand years. You can use these three thousand years to recruit your own men. "

Xuanyuan looked extraordinarily sincere: "Since we can't kill anyone, it's best to be honest."

Qinglian nodded: "Alright."

Xuanyuan said: "You can see how I manage the immortal palace. I think you have been in closed practice for too long. I don't know much about these things. I tell you that immortal palace has always been the master of the world for long-term stability. You ca n’t be polite to the practitioners of the human world. You have to let them know what awe is. The Master ’s House is my ears and eyes arranged in the human world. "

Qinglian said indifferently: "These are your business, I only need one-third of the site of the Xian Palace."

During this period, Qinglian's mentality has not changed dramatically.

Xuanyuan yelled, looked at Qingta Xianzun and said: "Two things ... First, the words of this Qinglian Emperor, like my words, you have to obey. Second, give you half a day, Select the powerful manpower from your men in the human world and bring me to the fairy palace, the sooner the better. "

"Subordinates obey."

Qingta Xianzun gave Qinglian a puzzled look, then left immediately.

Xuanyuan suddenly lowered his voice and asked, "Do you think that if the two of us join forces, can we kill that violet?"

Qinglian's face changed, he snorted and said, "If you want to kill him, you must also want to kill me. What else is open to say?"

Xuanyuan laughed: "I just said it casually. Of course I know that the guy's strength is far above you and me, but it looks like an unreasonable person. You and I don't have to worry too much. Brother Qinglian, go , I ’ll take you to see, you choose a place, I immediately set about building a palace for you. "

For practitioners of emperor strength, building a palace is simply too easy.

In the Western Regions, the monkeys have drunk their spirits upside down, sitting and shaking: “I do n’t think I ’m suitable to survive in this world. I have too many things I do n’t like, and I want to break them if I do n’t like them. Nian has been suppressing his temperament, and constantly persuading myself, you are not a person, what are you angry about. "

Dada Ye laughed and blushed very cutely: "Brother Monkey, you say you are not human."

Monkey: "Is there any problem, I am not a human being."

Dada Ye: "Laugh me to death."

Anzheng also drank: "Brother, I'm just like you. There are too many people who can't get used to it too much, so when I was in the Daxi Ming Division, the one killed was called a Happily, it's not that I'm blowing it with you. When I was in the Daxi Ming Division, those who did bad things would tremble even if they heard my name. "

The monkey clapped on the table with a snap: "That's it! Ang those **** who do evil things tremble when they hear our names, and they dare not do it at the thought of doing bad things that might be killed by us."

An Zheng also snapped the table with a snap: "That's natural! Not only do I have to do this in Daxi, but also in the future, someone asked me if you can maintain your heart? Of course I can! I want Let those **** never dare to have evil thoughts in their lives. "

"And ..."

He raised his hand and patted the shoulder of the monkey: "I have to let good people live a good life. Whoever abides by the law and discipline, I will let anyone eat enough and challenge the bottom line. I will let anyone die without a burial place."

Monkey: "Don't just look at the bragging brother, otherwise we will compare and see who will kill more wicked people in the future?"

An Zheng: "Ha ha ha ha ... Brother Monkey, you can't do this. I must have killed more than you. I have killed two lives. You are just about to start. How could you catch me."

The monkey snorted: "Don't look down on people, I tell you, from now on, I will go pick up the worst guys, kill the worst, kill the worst, and then the worst ... You tell me who the **** is the worst person now. "

The drunk An An did n’t even think about it: "Of course it ’s about the goddess of the mountain, this guy, no one has done more evil than him, but I ca n’t catch him ... The last thing I regret is that I had the opportunity before At the time, he was not removed. "

Monkey: "Which of the gods are you talking about?" I have never heard of it? "

An Zheng: "Oh ... sorry, monkey brother, I forgot, you don't know this person, in fact, he is that Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan is an avatar of Tan Shan, you said he made a good song The country's annihilation of the country may not be the worst one in the future. "


The monkey stood up swayingly, holding the table in his hand: "This grandson, my mother, I wanted to kill him when I heard his name before. Are we going to compare? I'm going to kill this guy now."

As soon as he beckoned, the Optimus iron rod appeared in his palm: "Brother, you are waiting for me here, and watch me go to slay the demon and eliminate the demon. You don't have to wait long for me, I will go!"

He slammed his feet on the ground, slammed through the roof of the restaurant, and went straight to the sky!

An Zheng looked at the hole in the roof and grinned: "Ha ha ha, go if you say ..."

Then he suddenly sat up straight: "What's going on?"

Dadaye smirked at him: "He wants to play against you."

An Zheng: "He ... Where did he just say?"

"Xiangong, Anzhen you drink too much, hahahaha."

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