Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 436: Super Premium Naturals

At this moment, Anzheng could only walk closer. The other side should have discovered Anzheng long ago, but it seemed to be lying lazily on a large stone, and the chest would fluctuate greatly every time he breathed. And every ups and downs, there will be a groan in the throat that is not unpleasant but definitely makes people goosebumps.

Its face is ugly, white and bluish, as if it is poisoned, and as if it has been ill for a long time.

"So hungry."

When it saw Anzheng coming over, these two words came out of his mouth.


An Zheng tentatively asked.

The thing turned sideways to look at Anzheng, and then opened his mouth and smiled, showing the fangs in his mouth. And while it smiled, An Zheng felt that the body behind him was being pulled by an inexplicable force, pulling towards the thing. And the longer and bigger the mouth of the thing, the corners of the mouth were all cracked, revealing bright red flesh, and cracked to the ear.

It seems that it wants to swallow An Zheng in one bite.

An Zheng shook his hand and threw out a piece of holy fish scale, which turned into the mouth of the thing like a blade. It snapped there and almost cut the head of the thing. But in this case, the mouth of the thing was still moving, seemingly trying to swallow the scale of the holy fish.

Anzheng summoned Tianmu to look at that thing, and then Tianmu's voice appeared in Anzheng's mind.

[Hungry ghosts, the aggrieved souls of famine and death are agglomerated. The innocent souls of one person are as few as hundreds, as many as tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dead souls. The resentment is too heavy to form this hungry ghost. The strength level is based on the number of grieved souls gathered. The hungry ghost strength formed by hundreds of grieved souls is the initial stage of the Xuya Realm. This hungry ghost is gathered by at least tens of thousands of grieved souls. It has been around for a long time, and it is harmful to countless people, so its strength should be improved from the beginning. 】

An Zheng sighed, hungry ghosts ... that is to say, there was a famine in this place a long time ago, and I don't know how many people died of starvation. However, if it is just starved to death, it should not have formed such a big grudge. So this famine should be artificial.

Here at the junction of Zhao Guo and Daxi, Zhao Guo did not know, An Zheng recalled that Daxi should never have experienced such famine. Even the most ordinary family in Daxi has at least two or three years of surplus food available. In fact, although Daxi is ridiculously large, it has been a long time since it is no longer necessary to receive the money and grain of the people of the country. With two or three hundred tributes attached to Daxi, the granary of the Daxi households can basically be filled.

Therefore, this famine should be from Zhao Guo's side.

After Anzheng made his judgment, he quickly denied it. According to the truth, Zhao Guo had almost no frontiers near Daxi. He was a heavy soldier. How could there be many people who died of famine?

The resentment of that thing was too heavy, the scales of the biting holy fish were creaking, and the sound of tusks and metal rubbing made people's ears tingle.

The voice of Tianmu continues to appear: [The fighting power of the hungry ghosts is fierce, but they cannot be moved by themselves. The only way to attract curious people or other holy spirits is to moan and then swallow them with suction. The more creatures eaten, the stronger the hungry ghost's strength. When the number of devoured creatures is equal to the number of deaths, the hungry ghost returns to life. After the rebirth, the hungry ghost is no different from a real person, but there is no life or death, and the fighting power is extremely terrifying. 】

An Zheng Lengheng: "Even if you have all been wronged, but now you hurt people, you can't keep you the same."

He reached down and pointed, and the scale of the holy fish began to spin rapidly. Cut the mouth of the hungry ghost like a blade, and then head. The combat power of the prisoner's realm is nothing to An Zheng's eyes, just a scale of the holy fish will kill it. After the hungry ghost was split, a foul smell floated out of it, and the smell within a large area was not smelly.

An Zheng blocked his breath and walked over to look at the body of the hungry ghost. Countless black gas emerged from the inside, and soon the body of the hungry ghost became shriveled.

[Whereever the hungry ghost appears, there must be injustice. But wherever a hungry ghost stays, there must be treasure. 】

The voice of Tianmu appeared again, which made An Zheng's heart bright.

Think about it, the reason why these injustices are not separated is precisely because there is a treasure here to gather these injustices, so they will form hungry ghosts. If a famine killed a lot of people, and these people did not die injustice, then hungry ghosts would not be formed. Only when the three conditions are met will such a thing appear.

First, die from famine. Second, there are grievances. Third, there is a treasure not far from the place of death.

An Zheng waved his hands, and the cultivation force was like a hurricane, sweeping away the incomplete body of the hungry ghost: "You don't know how many years you have died. I will go this way. , Will avenge you. "

After the hungry ghost's body was blown away, An Zheng squatted down and looked at the big stone. There was nothing where the hungry ghost was lying.

An Zheng looked at Shan Ye, and the stars in the eyes of Shan Ye seemed to be searching. Anzheng only responded to this. Just now Good Lord let Anzheng go here not because there is a hungry ghost here, but because there are hungry ghosts where there must be treasure. I just don't know what this treasure will be.

The stars circulating in Shan Ye's eyes are getting faster and faster, and after about tens of seconds, its attention is attracted by the big stone that the hungry ghost leaned against. Shan Ye jumped off Anzheng's shoulder, raised his paw and touched it on the big rock. When he looked back at Anzheng, the stars in his eyes were already spinning like nebula.

An Zheng pulled out the broken army sword and said that he had come to cut the stone once.

In order to ensure that the contents inside are not destroyed, Anzheng chose the safest method, which is to cut down layer by layer. No matter how good An An's eyes are, he didn't see what was inside and how big this time. So it can only be thin layer by layer, this stone can be as big as half a meter, so I do n’t know how long it will take.

An Zheng's hand is exceptionally stable, even a stone-cutting master with many years of experience can't reach him. Furthermore, the Sword of the Broken Army is a weapon of the present age, even though it has not been written in the spectrum of the Purple Spell. High.

Shan Ye squatted and watched quietly, seeming to wonder what was inside. Its expression is particularly attentive, which shows that the things inside must be very valuable.

As the stone became smaller and smaller, An Zheng's movement became more and more careful, and the cut stone layer became thinner and thinner. About ten minutes later, the half-meter-sized fist was only the size of the fist at this time, and An Zheng still did not cut anything. He was a little puzzled because he didn't feel any breath of treasure in it.

It's a good man, his eyes focused as always, and when Anzhen stopped, he screamed twice and hurriedly. Seeing Shan Ye being so determined, Anzheng also picked up some expectations and started again. The remaining piece of fist size is already very difficult to cut, the smaller the more difficult.

And also worry about whether the contents inside will be destroyed, so more cautious when you start. This fist-sized piece, An Zheng cut for half an hour, leaving only an egg as big as a piece, but nothing was found in it.

"Good Lord, are you sure there are treasures in it?"

Shan Ye's extremely human-like expression also nodded decisively and yelled lightly, meaning you just need to cut it. However, Anzheng has gradually lost most of his interest, leaving a large piece of eggs, even if it is all treasures, maybe it is not worth paying attention to. Unless it is an egg-shaped star-shaped meteorite, Anzheng feels that she is losing money.

An minute and a second passed, An Zheng started to be more and more careful. But the stone in his hand had become the size of an apricot, or nothing.

Shan Ye still urged, Anzhen had to start again. After a few more minutes, the stones were as big as peanuts. An Zheng looked at Shan Ye and pinched the little stone in front of him. "Uncle Cat, are you sure you are teasing me?"

Shan Ye's expression of your true ignorance, and a little indignation at An Zheng's distrust of himself. An Zheng coughed a few times and said that even if nothing could be cut out, it was just coaxing the good man to play. Shan Ye has slept all the way, so he should be refreshed.

A piece as large as peanuts has been extremely unsatisfactory with a broken army sword. An Zheng found out the repaired ice soul from the Xue Pei Zhu bracelet. Just about to start, Shan Ye shouted and shook his head uncontrollably. An Zhengxin thought that this would not allow me to use the ice spirit. He had found an ordinary dagger without any attributes. This time, the good man did not stop it.

An Zhengxin wondered why the good man cares so much. Is it true that there are treasures in this big peanut stone? But even if it's a treasure, how much value can such a small bit have?

An Zheng squatted there, and found another relatively flat stone in front of him, put a stone as large as a peanut on it, pressed it with his finger, and scraped the dagger gently. It is no longer possible to continue cutting, only to scrape the powder down.

After another minute, the stone shell clicked softly, followed by a small stream of quicksand flowing out. This quicksand is too little, if you hold it in your palm, you will blow it away in one breath. An Zheng picked up the little stone shell and looked at it. It was empty and contained nothing.

Anzheng ’s attention was placed on those sands, and he said, "Is this treasure the quicksand?"

He squatted there, and Shan Ye had jumped on the stone and stared at the point of quick sand. It turned back and yelled hard at Anzheng, which means that you stupid don't hurry up to collect this good thing.

Anzheng reluctantly found a small clean jade bottle, which would put away the quicksand. But when the hand came close, the sand actually flowed on its own like a peek-a-boo on the stone, and An Zheng grabbed it several times without catching it.

"Spiritual ?!"

An Zheng immediately came to have interest, and he said that it was something, composed of sand but actually seemed to have life. He grabbed back and forth several times and finally covered the sand with his hands. When he opened his palm, he found that the sand was gone. He froze for a moment, and then saw the sand in his hand like a little reptile.

He wanted to put the quicksand into the bottle, but the quicksand turned naughtily and didn't go in. An Zheng froze there, and he said what was called. Mao Ershan Ye jumped on Anzheng's arm, and the small paw knocked off the jade bottle at once. An Zheng gave Shan Ye a glance, and suddenly realized that this was that Liusha was not good enough to abandon this bottle!

An Zheng glanced at the quicksand: "Why didn't you dislike in the stone before?"

Having said that, Anzheng chose to inhale the quicksand directly into the blood-pearl bracelet.

At this moment, there was a sudden jingle in Xue Peizhu's bracelet, followed by the sound of Tianmu.

[The income of the treasure of heaven and earth rests on a separate bead for blood culture. Breathing soil, ultra-purple natural treasure. 】

Ann Zheng didn't hear clearly later, because there was some confusion in his mind ...

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