Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 846: Who knows

In the eyes of many people, the battles in the Northwest were inexplicable. None of the big figures in the Central Plains who had the right to speak did not scold the street. They were also sharp enough to scold people when they were used to it.

Holy Court.

Officials who thought they looked slightly fatter stepped forward and bowed their heads, "Your Majesty, this Chen Liuxi must be done!"

Another person echoed: "Yeah, because of this person's impulse, I was thrown into chaos in the Northwest. Now hundreds of thousands of frontier troops have to be drawn by him, even if they win. Is n’t it a heavy loss? The battle report said that nearly one million monsters have been exterminated in the northwest ... What about my frontier soldiers? Is n’t the loss a loss? "

"That is, what did you say that killed the three monster leaders of the Little Heaven Realm ... I am afraid it is a false report of war. If there are really so many strong players of the Little Heaven Realm among the monsters, how can we not I have seen it. "

"That's right, this Chen Liuxi is too arrogant. The balance in the northwest was broken at once. This is God's blessing. The Buddhist state in the west did not take advantage of the situation. Otherwise, the military force in the northwestern border is empty. People can drive straight in! "

"I think this Chen Liuxi must be killed, no matter if it is unintentional or intentional, it is indisputable that this person has caused such a large loss. His Majesty let him go to the Northwest to train troops, not let him go to war Yes. Now that the Northwest has become such a mess, so many people are suffering, will he come to clean up? "

Wen En, who was standing next to the Holy Emperor, narrowed his eyes and looked at the big men, and he couldn't stop the sneer ... It was these people who held the power. They can speak black as white, and of course they can speak white as black. A great victory in the Northwestern Battle, killing nearly one million monsters at the cost of less than 30,000 people, including three monster leaders of the small heaven level, and the monsters of the small Manchurian level. At least nearly a hundred ... is such a victory enough to be included in the annals of history, what they said was like humiliating the country.

He took a peek at Chen Wunuo and found that His Majesty the Holy Emperor did not respond at all. Because of this, the following people seem to see hope and speak more vigorously.

"Your Majesty, this Chen Liuxi is not my Daxi person, after all, he will not be loyal to Daxi and your appreciation. He is an impulsive guy who only knows that a brain is going forward, but it will break down. Great event. Even if His Majesty does not kill him kindly, he should be expelled from Daxi. "

"Yes! This person must not stay. The mess is so big in the northwest, and millions of people are homeless. These are his sins, and they cannot be denied anyway."

"You are right."

Chen Wunuo finally said a word, and those people suddenly felt happy when they heard this sentence.

Chen Wunuo said slowly: "It is indeed too impulsive to take 600 people and dare to go to war with the monster and beast army. A young man who has only passed through the small realm was so ignorant that he killed him more than he did. It ’s too much to be a powerful monster leader ... "

He pointed to the person who spoke first: "Li Chenglu, so ... I will give you six thousand people, and now you go to the northwest to replace Chen Liuxi with me. I want to deal with his crimes harshly, even if it is If you do n’t want to kill your head, you have to peel it. What do you think? "

The somewhat fat officer froze for a moment, and smiled slightly: "This ... the minister is not good at military affairs, fearing that it will harm the lives of those soldiers."

"High praise!"

Chen Wunuo looked at the second speaker: "Li Chenglu said he can't do it, I think you can do it. Didn't Chen Liuxi take six hundred people to the northwest, I will give you ten times the manpower. Start now, thousand Do n’t tell me that I ca n’t go. I do n’t want to hear the reason why you ca n’t, because I say let you go, you are not qualified to say no. ”

He glanced around: "Do you think, who can say a word in front of me?"

All of them retreated, one by one with their heads down and stopped talking. They still haven't figured out whether the Holy Emperor really let them go, or are still intimidating them. Then they woke up, and they were really too anxious. If he had dealt with a person like this in the past, this person must have been abandoned. Why did the Holy Emperor not follow their intention this time? The emperor would actually fight against the courtiers for the sake of that person?

"I'm too used to you."

Chen Wunuo glanced at Li Chenglu: "You didn't hear what I said."


Li Chenglu froze for a moment: "Your Majesty has just heard what he said, which sentence?"

"You go to the northwest, I know you look down on those who do not understand how to fight so much that they involve innocent people. I said, I will give you six thousand people and go now."

"Chen ... Chen is not good at leading soldiers, please His Majesty take back his life."

"what did you say?"

Chen Wunuo frowned slightly: "You just said, let me take back what I said? Who are you?"

Li Chenglu realized that he was in serious trouble this time, and he fell to his knees with a thump: "The clerk knows wrong, and the clerk should not be jealous of Chen Liuxi. Thousands of soldiers were killed. "


Chen Wunuo shook his head: "You really said it was too light, you are not bad, not bad, or evil. Are you still waiting for me to say the third time?"

Li Chenglu's face was pale: "Chen really knew he was wrong."


Chen Wunuo suddenly shouted.

Wen En walked a few steps and stood in front of Chen Wunuo: "The old slave is here."

"How to argue against sin?"

Wen En bowed his head and answered: "There is no amnesty to kill."

"Then there will be no amnesty."

Chen Wunuo waved his hand: "Fork out, cut his head and hang at Caishikou. By the way, he told the Li family that he looked at convicting himself and handed it to Jingyuan. I was too lazy to ask them one by one. What, let them speak for themselves! "

Wen En bowed his head: "Yes."

He straightened up: "Samurai in front of the temple!"


Eight warriors wearing black armor strode forward and surrounded Li Chenglu in a circle. As Wen En shouted a decisive decision, the warriors leaned over and dragged Li Chenglu and dragged him out. Li Chenglu was completely frightened and did not know how to become such a result. After being pulled out of the hall, I thought of begging for mercy, and the clouds in the sky that were wailing were almost gone.

"The killing of millions of enemies is described as a defeated defeat by you."

"The monster in the northwest has been almost cleaned up, and you said that the monster in the northwest has been controlled by the monster ..."

Chen Wunuo raised his hand and squeezed his brow: "Who did I just let go to the northwest?"

Gao Zan, who was called before, quickly bowed his head: "Chen will go now, and Chen will go immediately."

He turned to go, but after walking a few steps, he heard Chen Wunuo said coldly behind him: "Don't go northwest, the monsters over there can't become the climate in a short time. You should go south , I give you six thousand people, you go south to follow Qin Wang's rebellion. Take control of your life and death. "

Gao Zan froze for a moment, then quickly bowed his head: "Chen Zunzhi."

Chen Wunuo looked at others: "Who else do you want to say?"

The raven was silent.

"I feel sad."

Chen Wunuo said sadly: "I have raised some people in these years ... Haven't you been talking privately, is Daxi going to be messed up? Are you all preparing privately for Daxi to finish? Since I have no cover, what am I afraid of? I can tell you plainly that I do n’t need someone like Li Chenglu to praise. I can cut Li Chenglu ’s head or someone else. You can try See if Daxi finishes first, or you finish first. "

He stood up and waved his hand: "Think about it yourself, am I afraid of you?"

Wen En dropped his head behind Chen Wunuo and left the Holy Court. There was no sound in such a large hall. Everyone stood there for a while and didn't know what to do, should they leave or stay? go? Whoever goes first is afraid that someone will be out of luck. Not going? When will it stand here?


It has been fifteen days and the monsters in the northwest have basically been wiped out. Even if it will come on a large scale, at least it will give the people in the northwest a breath for fifteen days. They can evacuate towards the Central Plains under the protection of the Daxi army, and this is the will from the Holy Court.

Of course, An Zheng understands what is going on ... The underground palace is almost exposed, and Chen Wunuo's nerves have been touched once. He didn't allow anything out of the ground palace, so he evacuated the people. In this way, he put on a posture to fight in the northwest and the monster. But the people in the northwest are gone. What are the monsters doing in the northwest? Chen Wunuo did not hesitate to transfer the battlefield to the Central Plains for that dungeon. An Zheng guessed that there should be some secrets in the dungeon that he did not know.

If it is just a preparation for the future, the price paid now is large enough, there is no need to relocate the entire northwestern people. What a big move that is. The human and material resources that need to be transferred are astronomical. Moreover, in this way, the situation of the Northwest Frontier is even more sinister. They lost the rear support, which is equivalent to Chen Wunuo actively giving up the Northwest.

Standing in front of Su Ruhai's grave, An Zheng sprinkled a pot of wine: "Going back, the northwest side has become a wasteland. Apart from the army, you may not see ordinary people for a long time. In fact, this is the beginning of a nightmare. They must hold on to the border, and no one is behind ... "

When he said to himself, Yu Wending, the owner of the Yuwen family, approached him. Before An Zheng came to the northwest to chase Chen Zhongqi, he wore a mask, so Yu Wending did not recognize it.

"Do you want to leave?"

"Yeah, I'm leaving."

"Should I thank you or hate you?"

Yu Wending glanced at An Zheng: "Because you came, the Northwest had to fight in advance. Of course it was a good fight, but the better could not be better. Your containment allowed Daxi's border troops to smoothly deploy the siege, and then annihilate it. … But what about the soldiers in the Northwest? Once they start to retreat and there is no one in thousands of miles, they will not get any support ... "

Yu Wending let out a long sigh of relief: "The only hope is that if those monsters and animals follow the way of His Majesty's thoughts."

"The man who is called the emperor is not a fool."

An Zheng said lightly: "Your Majesty's layout in the northwest is too obvious, either he has no deep meaning, or ..."

He didn't say anything later, and turned his head to look at Yu Wending: "Hope is the former. The monsters have touched the underground palace before, and they won't give up. The more you don't know what that is, the crazier they will be. "

"I am not a politician."

Yu Wending smiled bitterly: "Compared to my younger brother, I'm too far behind. I'm just a person who has inherited the generation of Yuwen's mission to protect the Northwest for generations, so I won't leave no matter what it becomes. But ... I always want to know what I am protecting. The people have already withdrawn. Is it the scorched earth that I am protecting? Or is it the underground palace? Is there anything in the underground palace that can make His Majesty so paranoid? "

An Zheng noticed sharply in Yu Wending's tone, he looked at Yu Wending, and Yu Wending smiled at him: "I have to know why I died."

Ann sighed: "You are indeed not a politician."

Yu Wending: "If your schedule is slower than that of the brigade, should it be fine for a day?"

"What do you think?"

An Zheng asked back.

Yu Wending said: "I think you are as curious as I am."

An Zheng shook his head: "No, I can go, but you can't go, so we are different."

Yu Wending said after a moment of silence: "But you won't go so fast, will you?"

An Zheng shrugged his shoulders and looked over to Diexian Mountain: "Who knows."

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