Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 862: Maybe just a coincidence

Daozong's Tianshu array method is something inherited from ancient times and has super powers. In Daxi, although Daozong did not have the high status of Buddhism in the Western Regions, no one dared to deny that Daozong was the orthodox practice, or even the beginning of the practice. Even if it is a **** on the rivers and lakes, it cannot be said that his cultivation practice has nothing to do with Daozong.

Some people even said that it was the first ancestor of Taoism, Kaiyuan.

The power left in Anzheng's left eye is most likely given to Anzheng by the ancestor of Daozong.

This is why Anzhen only entered the cave hall at the beginning and was immediately controlled by the Tianshu formation, because the power in his left eye was the same as the Tianshu formation. However, it was initially attracted because An Zheng was completely unprepared. After the Anzheng reaction came over, that was the orthodox judgment.

Anzheng ’s left eye began to frantically absorb the power stored in the six high towers. Anzheng ’s power was terrifying when he vented out, and even more terrifying when he returned. The blue gems on the six towers exploded one after another, and the power in the towers poured into Anzheng's body like a torrent.

A bright purple light cluster appeared outside Anzheng's body. The strong purple light even illuminated the entire hall into purple.

With a hum, a purple six-pointed star pattern appeared on the back of Anzheng's body, and a purple dot appeared in the middle of the pattern. The blazing radiance of the dot did not dare to look directly at him. A moment later, a beam of light from the dot went straight to the amethyst tower in the middle of the hall.

The beam of light lased on the defensive layer outside the amethyst tower, stimulating layers of waves like waves.

A lilac figure floated out of the amethyst tower, like an old Taoist man wearing a robe. His eyes were frightened when he looked at An Zheng.

"This ... this Taoist friend, please be merciful."

The old shadow of the old man clenched his fists towards Anzheng: "This amethyst tower is the center of the entire secret realm. Once you absorb all the power, the secret realm will lose its protection, and the monsters and warriors gathered here will then It is possible to break through the **** and leave. Daoist, you can imagine how much harm will be caused to the outside world once those horrible things leave the secret realm? "

"Am I merciless?"

An Zheng's left eye has completely turned into purple, but the right eye looks normal. He looked at the old man with a sneer: "When I was absorbed by your tower, why didn't you ever think about being merciless? You should be the Daozong who created this central circle, right? Mountain or Wudang Mountain? "

"The old man is the solemn Daoist of Longhu Mountain. This is the phantom I stayed here when I created this day's pivot circle with all the Taoists. Daoyou, the previous thing is indeed a bit misunderstood. The circle is started spontaneously. It has nothing to do with me. "

"So you found it when I was going to break this circle, and you just took a nap while the circle was absorbing my power?"


The old Taoist man seemed to be quite afraid of the power in An Zheng ’s left eye. He hesitated for a while and said, “You have absorbed the power in the six defensive towers, and I will not say anything more. The power in this amethyst tower Don't take it away, otherwise the secret realm will really collapse. "

"If you say no, don't take it?"

An Zheng stretched out with one hand, and gave a squeeze in the void: "If you say something, it won't count. I'll count it."

With his hand held, the defensive layer of the amethyst tower slammed open, and the beam of the lasing beam hit the amethyst tower. The old man's phantom exclaimed, and wanted to stop but didn't have that ability at all. The power of Taoism in Anzheng's eyes is purer and stronger than the power of Taoism he has practiced for so many years. He is just a phantom. It can be left as a bluff, and it is impossible to really stop a strong man like Anzheng.

"Daoyou, am I wrong?"

An Zheng Leng hummed: "Don't think I can't see you through. Although you are only ignoring the phantom of the Taoist people here, the spiritual power here is more than ten times stronger than the outside world. The six towers give you a steady stream. Source of power, do you think I really believe that my power is absorbed by the tower? I am afraid, you are also anxious to get the power of the practitioner to become a real body. "

The face of Suzheng Daoren's phantom changed drastically: "Don't talk nonsense, my duty is to protect this amethyst tower."

"No, you already have your own thoughts and greed. You are taking the power in this amethyst for yourself."

An Zheng pointed to his own eyes: "Here, you can see through your heart."

Suzheng Daoren yelled, and was restrained by Anzheng's power, and turned into a stream of air into Anzheng's left eye. The intensity of the amethyst light diminishes at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and soon becomes dim. The purple light group outside Anzheng's body is even more dazzling, and the whole hall is illuminated into purple.

"Quickly find a way to stop him!"

The crystal walls in front of the crystal hall all flickered. The materials of the crystal walls and the amethyst tower are exactly the same. They were originally cut from a meteorite, so there is a very close relationship between them. The amethyst tower is now extinct, and the crystal walls are the same. It seems that the light will go out at any time.

"Once the Amethyst Tower is defeated by him, we will lose control of all monsters and warriors!"

"Quickly send someone to inform His Royal Highness and let him lead him over!"

"This is over, this Chen Liuxi is really a lunatic."

There are all kinds of expressions on people's faces, surprise, fear, worry, and despair that are hard to conceal.

Someone slumped down on the ground: "What kind of people are we provoking? We shouldn't have put him in the secret realm."

In the cave, the amethyst tower in front of Anzheng was almost gray.

But at this time, An Zheng suddenly stopped. His body was still suspended in mid-air, and at that moment he was like a real fairy. The powerful pressure was released from the cave, and all the monsters on this mountain were shocked. The slightly weaker monster, Xiuwei, has involuntarily crawled down and worshipped in the direction of Anzheng.

In the mountains, a warrior hunting monsters froze for a moment, and turned to look at Shandong, with terrified eyes. The next second, he did not hesitate to choose to run in the opposite direction without even daring to return.

At this moment, a warrior walked into the hall carefully. He stood behind Anzheng and raised his hand, then let it go, as if to say something, but he dared not. He seemed full of fear and curious about An Zheng. He was the only warrior who dared to get close to the cave in this situation, and he was known as one of the strongest warriors.

When Ann fiercely turned his head back, the warrior stepped back a few steps in horror, making a gurgle in his throat as if the bones were colliding. After a long time, a few jerky words came out of his throat: "I ... I am not malicious."

The purple light on An Zheng disappeared suddenly and merged into An Zheng's body. He fell from midair and looked at the different warrior in front of him. This man is slender, with a tough face and a pair of very divine eyes.

"You are the first to try to communicate with me, the other warriors seem to be unable to even speak?"

"I ... don't know why, I always feel that I shouldn't be controlled by others. I want to ... live?"

He doesn't seem to know how to describe his thoughts, maybe he knows very few words. But there were countless words in his mind that he wanted to say, but he couldn't find the right words to make him look eager.

"I ... don't want to be ... a killing machine."

An Zheng said: "What are you doing here?"

"Come to you ... I've been here before, but I didn't dare to get close. The power of the amethyst tower is too horrible to kill me easily. But you have almost absorbed its power now, so I dare to come . "

Twenty-four seemed to dare not look directly at Anzheng, looked at the ground, and then looked up at Anzheng from time to time: "I feel like I have something in your body like you."

Of course, An Zheng also has it. When entering the secret realm, An Zheng thought that his blood might have been collected by the stargazers when he was in the Ming Fa Division. However, the anxiety of the previous life is not the same as the current anxiety, so that feeling is vague and not real.

"What are you doing with me?"

"Save us."

A begging look appeared on Twenty-four's face: "I don't want to be a tool, I don't want to live like this. We ... fall in love."

"you guys?"

"Me and twenty-five."

Twenty-four took a deep breath and looked straight at An Zheng as if finally having the courage to say, "I want to ask you to take us out. I can assure you that we will not kill. From the beginning, there was an idea. It appears in my mind that I should live outside and live with her beloved, without facing anyone, which is enough. The longer the time, the stronger the idea. The other fighters may not Such awareness, such thinking, they do not even know men and women ... "

An Zheng shook his head: "I sympathize with you, but I dare not take you out."

There was a sorrow in the twenty-four eyes: "I know ... I just ... don't want to give up."

He turned around dejectedly, looking very lonely on his back.

At this moment, someone flew in outside suddenly, still holding a man in his hand. An Zheng's eyes changed, and she didn't expect her to arrive so soon. The person who came was Yuwen Wushuang, and the woman she was holding ... was somewhat similar to her. It's just that the woman seems to be pregnant and her belly is very high, at least six or seven months.

"Release her!"

Twenty-four roared, two teeth protruding from his mouth looked as sharp as fangs, but not as long.

"Hurry up and let her go!"

Yuwen Wushuang looked at Twenty-Four, then at the woman he was holding, and finally looked at An Zheng. Suddenly, an idea that made her feel like she was about to collapse appeared in her mind. She looked at Anzheng, as if she saw a passage from her past? It seems to be a future? I don't know why, the sad and desperate emotions of 24 and 25 affected her easily.


She asked.

An Zheng shook his head: "Perhaps, it was just a coincidence."

Yuwen Wushuang's eyes had crystal tears sliding down his cheeks: "Just a coincidence?"

An Zheng uttered: "Yeah, just a coincidence."

"Then why do we meet in the real world, and why do they love each other in this mysterious environment!"

Yuwen Wushuang almost screamed out, at this moment she completely lost the noble and proud temperament. She was like an ordinary little girl, venting her anger.

"I do not know."

Ann sighed slowly: "There is no time to think about these things now, we must leave."

Yuwen Wushuang let go of her hand and ran across twenty-four with a horrified look toward twenty-four. He and Twenty-five stood between Anzheng and Yuwen Wushuang, as if separating the world of Anzheng and Yuwen Wushuang.

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