Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 913: Thanks, brother

An Zheng felt a trance in his mind, and it seemed that he had seen someone in this costume somewhere. The long black robe and the hat on the clothes covered the head and face. When I raised my head, I realized that there was no face at all, only green eyes, like a ghost fire.

When the man saw An Zheng, the green fire symbolizing his eyes flickered, as if there were some emotional fluctuations.

"Welcome to you, this is the world of **** bliss."

He waved his hand back and made a please gesture: "Welcome."

An Zheng shook his head: "Don't be so hypocritical, if you know me, tell me who you are."

"Hahahaha ..."

There was a sad indignation in the man's laughter: "Sure enough, you can't remember me. It's no wonder that I can't even recognize myself like this now. In the world, you are an arrogant son of heaven. I haven't seen it in just a few years. You have been able to freely enter and leave **** and the world. You have got a lot of treasures. "

An Zheng shrugged his shoulders: "Although I felt your grief, I still don't know who you are? How did you come in, was I killed?"

The man roared up in the sky: "I look like I am now, thanks to you!"

An Zheng: "Don't make a fuss, it would be nice if you were killed by me, because there is no psychological burden to kill you again, and all the people I killed are still dead. As for who you are, I killed too many people. , Remember where. "

The man's smile almost broke apart: "You are a big man, how can you remember me? You are the destructor of the Kingdom of Gods, my death, you did it."

An Zheng said lightly: "Then you have wronged me, and God will perish. I will account for up to 30%, and 70% will return to my confidant."

The man collapsed a step forward: "I would like to see if you are not as domineering as you are when you are in hell. This is not your site, even if you carry a treasure, but your cultivation strength is in Hell will be greatly discounted. I died in your hands, and now I will leave you as my slave, and I will suffer every day. "

An Zheng: "You thought so much in the short moment you just thought. It's a person with a lot of thought."

He looked at the largest building in the distance: "Is the monk here?"

"Yes, your relatives and friends will be here in the future and be my slaves!"

The black robe raised his hands, and the black light flashed on the staff in his hand: "Representing the power of hell, this man ..."

Before his words were finished, An Zheng strode over to pick him up and fell heavily on the ground, then stepped on his head with one foot. The two clusters of green light in the head immediately dispersed, and the clothes collapsed. From the black robe, there was a gray-black airflow that seemed to want to escape. The dark purple star point in An Zheng's left eye turned slightly, and the airflow was instantly fixed in mid-air. Then a purple electricity appeared, and the airflow was directly scattered.

An Zheng shook his head: "Still don't know who you are."

He looked at the few men who had been scared, and pointed to the side of the biggest building: "Is there a monk here?"


The few people shook their heads together: "Since the death of King Zang Ming, there is no monk in hell. Who the **** are you, if you come in, you will kill and make no sense."

An Zheng said seriously: "I am not here to make sense."

He strode forward: "Whether it is or not, you can rest assured that you have seen it."

He took out the monk's hair and looked at it. Indeed, there was no reaction at all. But he was also worried that the monk's simple temperament had been tricked into prison, or had already been hit by a poisonous hand, at least to take his body back.


A lot of people rushed over in the distance, almost forming a wall of people to stop An Zheng. Those in the front are wearing simple armor, obviously the guardians of this bliss. The magical instruments in their hands are strangely shaped, and everyone looks extremely fierce. After stopping An Zheng, the headed person walked out and looked at An Zheng: "I am the first to see a living person can come in, and he is so arrogant. Do you know where this is? This is Elysium Even if the prince of the eighteen prefectures arrived here, they would not be as public as you. "

An Zheng: "I am not the lord of the prefecture."

The man laughed: "Of course I know that you are not an emperor of the prefecture. You **** is an idiot. I mean, you are better to be here. We didn't move you, but you do it first."

An Zheng: "You talk so much."

He asked again: "Is there a monk here?"

"How do I know!"

The man broke down a step forward: "I warn you, now give the treasures from you, I might be kind enough to send you back to the human world. But if you refuse to hand it over, then I can only give you a big deal Unloaded eight pieces and found it myself. "

"I give it to you."

An Zheng stretched out his hand, and then a gang of nine thunders thundered out. The iron-clad leader had no reaction and was directly bombarded into debris. An Zheng looked at the debris of that place lightly, shook his head and said, "My treasure is my strength for self-cultivation. If anyone wants you, even if you take it."

He walked forward: "I just look at whether there are monks here, and by the way destroy some evil spirits."

I don't know who was calling Jiugang Tianlei inside, it was Jiugang Tianlei, and then turned around and ran. Apparently the man had seen Ann fight when he was alive, and was frightened by his courage. It's already **** and not human here, but seeing Jiugang Tianlei still has no courage to fight.

It is not surprising that An argues, and there are a lot of people who sent him to **** by hand.

"Fang fight!"

Someone stood in the distance and shouted: "You are just Daxi in the world, you control the order, you kill countless people. But here is no longer Daxi, but hell. Why do you go to **** to kill, you Why? "

"I like it."

An Zheng continued to move forward: "Kill you once in the world, kill you once in hell, and all the people I killed should never go into reincarnation. Since I couldn't do it now, make up now. I will kill all in the world Anyone who comes up to get hatred, I do n’t remember much. If you are interested, just report your name, I ’ll kill it first. "

When those people couldn't keep going back, a Jiugang Tianlei shattered everyone's courage. Of course, most of them don't know who Fang Zheng is. A group of people feel that many people will not lose, and come towards An Zheng. All of a sudden, various forces of **** bombarded Anzong's body. A layer of purple light appeared outside Anzheng's body, which was the outer defensive layer of the anti-scale **** armor. The **** power of these people seems to be tickling, and they can't even break the outer defense layer.


Anzheng pressed his hands down, and the thunderstorm immediately fell in the sky. The **** practitioners he killed around him were directly shattered without even holding on for a second. Hundreds of people besieged him alone, but they couldn't move at all. Not to mention hurting Anzheng, even the outer defense layer of Inverse Scale Divine Armor cannot be broken. An Zheng kept walking forward, and one of the **** cultivators who rushed up counted, and those who approached died.

Walking straight down the street, there are already countless inferno practitioners killed by An.

At this moment, a man in a golden robe suddenly appeared on the tallest building in the distance. He was holding the railing with both hands, looking at the arrogant and overbearing arrogance below, and he couldn't help smiling. I don't know why. When he smiled, he was actually satisfied, expecting, and regretting.

He beckoned, and someone brought a glass of wine. He was holding a wine glass and leaning on the railing to watch Ann fight for murder. As if those people were not his men, Anzheng seemed to be a blaze of fire, and those **** cultivators who rushed past seemed to be snow flakes, let alone put out the fire, they melted when they approached.

The man in the golden robe put the glass down and stood applauding, "How do you feel?"

He asked aloud.

An Zheng raised his head and looked, his face slightly changed, and then he smiled: "There is no blood flying out, it feels good."

The man shouted from above: "You are not his opponents when they are added together. The people who could have killed him in Elysium were killed by the king of Tibet. So don't waste your energy, I can't beat him, so please He came in for a glass of wine. "

An Zheng: "Is there any wine here?"

The man replied: "It's not only wine, but wine."

An Zheng flashed, and a teleport to the highest building. This is a palace with a Western style, a dome, snow-white walls, and golden and golden glazed tiles.

The man beckoned, and a maid came up with a glass of wine. He handed over a cup to Ann and handed it over: "Why, this is killing me without killing the dog. Once at Northwest Phoenix Station, once again at this Bliss World?"

An Zheng: "Why don't you die more thoroughly, let me look worried."

That man was actually Chen Zhongqi.

To be precise, it was the one that killed himself in Fenghuangtai, not the one that Anzhen had killed in the northwestern palace.

"Will you worry about me?"

Chen Zhongqi pouted, and carefully looked at An Zheng: "You are all people who have died once, so it should be dim, but looking at you, the light is shining, and even in hell, he will not converge. I feel you have half the breath of hell, did you die again, or did you get the power of hell? "

An Zheng: "Which one do you think is better?"

Chen Zhongqi: "It's better to die again."

An Zheng: "You're talking about this, isn't my foreshadowing in vain."

Chen Zhongqi laughed, took a step back, looked at Anzheng again, and then suddenly took a big step, a bear hug hugged Anzheng: "If I knew I was dead, I would see you so comfortably in hell. Once, I died long time ago. Suffering from torment in the world every day, two kinds of thoughts in my body have not stopped fighting every day, and I have a headache. "

An Zheng: "You are so bad and misunderstood."

Chen Zhongqi let go of An Zheng, leaning against the railing and laughing out loud: "It's so **** cool!"

An Zheng: "How come your taste is getting worse and worse, this local gold suit really flashes. It should be lighted for you and you can detonate the audience."

Chen Zhongqi: "Don't you think the tone here is too dark? I have to make myself glorious."

He looked at Anzheng: "Why are you so arrogant, can you go to **** and kill the one you killed again? Someone came in and told me that there was a stranger outside. Thinking, won't it be you. What the **** are you going to do, go to **** and ask me to kill again? "

An Zheng said with a smile: "I won't kill you if I find you. I don't mind killing another one if you find another one."

Chen Zhongqi's face darkened: "I don't know if he is still there, but the feeling of being bound and left and right before **** disappeared. Very cool, really cool. Anyway, I'm a fake Prince Xi, so of course he ca n’t live a casual life in hell, I have to enjoy it, right? "

He looked to Anzheng: "Why don't you stay here often?"

An Zheng: "Are you serious?"

Chen Zhongqi laughed. He smiled enough and looked at An Zheng: "Do you know what I think of?"


"When you rushed to the Cangman Mountain in Yan Kingdom to rescue me, did you say ... If you dare to move him outside the national law, I will destroy it."

An Zheng: "Forgot."

Suddenly Chen Zhongqi hugged Anzheng: "Thanks, brother."

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