Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 962: Break

It looks like a potted plant on the surface, and inside it is an ornamental pine that is more than one foot tall. Originally this kind of thing is the most common, but the pebbles underneath are also ordinary things. But An Zheng's left eye was not the same as the ordinary person, and when he looked closely, he felt a sudden shock.

Ya Kuo's eyes had no special abilities, and he could not see any mystery.

"what happened?"

"It's okay, go and call Du Shoushen and Chen Shaobai."

An Zheng said aloud, and when he looked again, the potted plant returned to its original state, and nothing seemed to change. It's as if everything that appeared just now is an illusion, there is no small world at all, everything is conceived in his mind.

Anzheng took a potted plant in his hand and sat down on the chair to take a closer look. After watching it for a while, nothing happened. He first used the power of Taoism's seal to try to uncover the ban on this potted plant, but he failed. Using the power of Tianmu again, I wanted to see what was wrong in the pot, but it was still unsuccessful. Finally, using the power of reincarnation, there is still no improvement.

At this time, Chen Shaobai came over, and Chen Shaobai could n’t help laughing when he saw An Zheng holding a potted plant: “The treasure you ’re talking about is that you found a one-foot tall ornamental pine? This thing ... Ah, what ’s in there? ! "

Chen Shaobai was scared to take a step back: "How to see so many villains vaguely."

An Zheng shook his head slightly: "It seems right, I have seen it before, but it's just a flash. You also saw ..."

An Zheng's eyes lit up: "I think I know what this is."

He pulled Chen Shaobai over, and could not help biting Chen Shaobai's finger, dripping Chen Shaobai's blood on the potted plant. Chen Shaobai shouted in pain: "What are you doing ... Your uncle is biting hard."

But before the words were finished, the red light flashed in the pot, followed by a huge suction, which directly sucked all four of them. An Zheng only felt a trance around him and could not see anything. Countless streamers flew in front of their eyes, as if in a meteor shower. It's just too illusory, it feels like the light has hit his own head.

After a few seconds, four people fell to the ground at the same time.

This is actually a large-scale castle, crowded and bustling. There is no gate in this city, there is only a doorway, and everyone is allowed to enter and leave without anyone interrogating. The clothes worn by the people here are still a long, long time ago. Anzheng searched his stomach and thought about it. This clothes is exactly the same as the description of the clothes of the people in the ancient books about the war of 10,000 years ago.

"Where are we?"

Du Shoushou rubbed his buttocks and found that it didn't hurt, and it felt differently: "I fucking! Everyone be careful, here is too **** evil door. Just came in, I got enchanted, and my **** actually grew a Nose and mouth! "

Chen Shaobai: "I **** your uncle, you **** up quickly, sitting to death."

Du Shoushou got up quickly and found himself sitting on the ground with Chen Shaobai. Du Shoushou slapped his chest: "Fortunately, damn, you said if I really have a mouth on my butt, will I be able to chat with the **** in the future.

Chen Shaobai rubbed his squeezed almost deformed face: "Let's see if my face is thinner."

An Zheng glanced: "Yes, it has grown a lot."

Chen Shaobai rubbed suddenly and jumped on Du's skinny back for a while. Du Shoushou also reached out to hold Chen Shaobai's **** behind, lest he fall and fall. Ya Kuo glanced and said, "I think my Highness may be unhappy, and the relationship between these two people seems extraordinary."

An Zheng: "It's okay, they still take a bath together, rubbing each other."

Ya Kuo took a deep breath: "Really?"


An Zheng responded with a sentence and looked around. He recalled that there was only one foot tall ornamental pine among the potted plants, and there were many small stones spreading underneath. Could it be said ... Each small stone is actually a city, and it is indeed a small world. There are not less than a hundred small stones in the potted plants, that is to say, there are one hundred huge castles here? But where did these people come from, and why are they here?

Judging from the clothes of these people, they should all be ancestors, who have lived here for thousands of years?

An Zheng stopped an old man who had just left the city and asked with a fist: "Old man, what is this place?"

"This is Yecheng."

The old man narrowed his eyes and saw that the clothes on the four of them hadn't seen them before, and he couldn't help but take a step back: "But are you a spy from Shu?"

An Zheng quickly explained: "We are just passing by the businessmen here, not here, and get lost when we get here, so we will ask you. If you are a spy, dare to appear so blatantly outside the city?"

The old man thought for a while and said, "I said, the Kingdom of Shu has been shattered by my great Wei. Even if you are the spy of the Kingdom of Shu, it is not like a refugee. This is Yecheng, but it is my old Wei Capital. More than ten years ago, the capital city of our great Wei moved from here to Luoyang, the eastern capital, and it is no longer prosperous. "

An Zheng thanked, and then asked Chen Shaobai and Du Shoushen: "This place should be a small world condensed by virtue of his cultivation before Violet leaves. Without his bloodline inheritance, there is no way to enter here, but also Thanks to Chen Shaobai for bleeding. "

Chen Shaobai: "The place of my ancestor?"


An Zheng gave Chen Shaobai the notes they had read, and Chen Shaobai suddenly became interested: "Look, I will say that I am a descendant of Ziluo. No one has believed me before. Now I have finally proved that, Ha ha ha ha, so good. "

An Zheng: "How do I think you breathed out?"

Du Shoushen: "It feels like a lie was almost exposed and suddenly returned, I think there is a problem."

Chen Shaobai quickly defended: "Do you think I'm okay to make up a noble identity for myself? Daxi belongs to my Chen family. Rather than compile the identity of a descendant of Ziluo, I might as well announce that I am the Chen family About your identity. "

Du Shoushou: "You come less ... I only know now that you are really talking nonsense."

Chen Shaobai: "You control me, isn't it a proof now ..."

An Zheng shook his head: "Don't waste time, do you two have any special feelings? If this is the place where Violet collects its own cultivation ability, then if Chen Shaobai gets this strength, it will greatly improve cultivation cultivation. This place is big Chi guard, Du Shouyou also perceive carefully. "

Chen Shaobai closed his eyes and gazed intently: "I have some strange feeling ... dare to ask, which hero has just put a fart?"

Du Shoushou: "It's me ..."

Ya Kuo covered his face and suddenly felt that he did not want to know them.

"Advanced City."

Anzheng led the advanced city and stopped a passer-by to ask: "This big brother, we are out-of-town merchants. Why hasn't Yecheng defended the army? Has anything changed in these years?"

"Ye Cheng's defenders have mostly transferred to the Southern Expedition, and the governor Zhong Qi has set off a 500,000 southern expedition. Now the pioneer general Deng E has led his soldiers directly to the capital of the Shu Kingdom. Besides, if the Shu Kingdom is ruined, foreign troubles Nothing, what more guards are needed in this city. "

An Zheng said thanks, the more he wondered.

"Will it be like this."

Anzheng They found a tea house and sat down to study it. Anzheng guessed: "At the beginning of the Xianfan War, the battlefield was not only in the Xiangong, but also in the human world. The first battle was started in the human world, Xiangong. The army wants to end the war outside the Xian Palace. So the destruction of the human world is not much worse than the Xian Palace. During the Xianfan War, the two demon emperors and Ziluo were sorry for each other. In order to put out the human world, put it in a secret realm, and save the human world. "

Chen Shaobai's mind lit up: "It's a bit interesting to say this ... In order to preserve the integrity of the human realm, the demon emperor Daji and my ancestor created a realm together, and moved the realm almost entirely into this realm, Protected from the outside world ... Therefore, people here live as usual, and should fight between countries. It ’s just that there is no Zhuge Qilu, so the trend of war has changed, almost unified, the war is about to end. The time in the world is completely different from the world we are in, so we have been outside for 10,000 years, and how many decades have passed here? "

"Without Zhuge Dome, the Kingdom of Shu is invincible, and the State of Wei is about to be unified. That's why, we don't know much about the history of that period. Because the entire human world is almost sealed off, people who stay in the outside world may be even ten. There is no one-quarter. So, this is equivalent to a generation. "

Chen Shaobai said: "We are now equivalent to more than 10,000 years ago."

An Zheng said: "If this is the case, the time in this mysterious environment will pass very slowly. That is to say, it is only a few decades since Zi Luo sealed his cultivation skills in this mysterious environment. Time, such a big move, people in this place ca n’t possibly have n’t heard of it. Everyone split up and asked to see who knows, and come back to this meeting later. ”

The four men acted separately to find out. Anzheng encountered a walker with a sword and told Anzheng that there was a Jianling Mountain, which was 1,800 miles away from here. The ten thousand trees bloom in the mountains. Since then, the fruits and fruits in Jianling Mountain have been cooked much earlier than elsewhere. If it weren't for the aura surge, how could there be such a change.

An Zheng just had to go back and wait for Du Skinny to see them, and he saw Du Skinny run by the street chased by a few people in black.

"Why are you chasing me? I'm not doing bad things!"

"You are sneaking inquiries, it must be a spy, Ting Weifu takes people, do you dare to run?"

"No matter what house you are, what **** you did, why did the fat master's cultivation ability fail."

An Zheng was shocked, and quickly tried to find that his cultivation ground had fallen to a terrible state. He suddenly realized that this barrier was fragile and could not support the risks of the great practitioners. Therefore, when Daji and Ziluo established a boundary, they also imposed a ban on it. All people who enter here will be suppressed to the maximum extent. Anzheng feels the current state, even the strength of Xiaomanjing.

"Anzhan quickly save me, I can't even **** these people."

Du Shoushen scolded while running: "This is too evil."

An Zheng struggling to stop the few people in Tingwei Mansion and apologize. But where did the person willing to listen, only said that he wanted to arrest the person for questioning, not even letting the contention go. An Zheng was angry, took out a silver ticket and handed it over. The people in Tingwei Man looked at it, and then tore it off: "What's broken!"

An Zheng suddenly realized that the silver ticket could not be used here. He immediately took out a large amount of gold and handed it over: "It's not really a spy, we're just lost."

As he said, suddenly a woman came up and lashed down towards Anzheng: "When the street bribes the official of Tingwei Mansion, you are looking for death!"

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