At this moment, what Uchiha Shinichi did had spread throughout Konoha.

The name Shinichi Uchiha spread quickly!

Of course, it also includes the people of the Uchiha family who deliberately inquired.

"Uchiha Shinichi, want to kill Danzo in front of Hokage?"

"What? The new big man actually has shadow-level strength??

"Oh, God has eyes, my Uchiha clan has finally appeared another shadow-level powerhouse!"

"The root of the Danzo has actually been detained!!"

All the Uchiha people who received information about Shinichi Uchiha felt shocked!!

Especially those radicals in the Uchiha family.

They had already trusted Uchiha Shinichi very much, and at this moment, knowing that Uchiha Shinichi was already a shadow-level powerhouse, everyone cheered!

On this day, Shinichi Uchiha reached the peak of unprecedented prestige in the Uchiha family.

Far overshadowed the contemporary patriarch Uchiha Fugaku.

There are even supporters who call for Uchiha Fugaku to step down, making Uchiha Shinichi the patriarch of Uchiha's new generation.

In the Uchiha family, Uchiha was full of red light at this moment.

Many clansmen gathered around him, and he was proud of his son Shinichi Uchiha.

"Great Elder, I didn't expect Shinichi to have grown to this point?"

"You're hiding from us so ruthlessly! Shinichi has such strength, I think we Uchiha clan can covet that position.

Uchiha Yan smiled indifferently, but he muttered in his heart.

Don't say it's you, even my old father still feels like he's dreaming.

He once thought that although his son Uchiha Shinichi was also a genius, he opened the Sangou Jade Writing Wheel Eye at a young age.

But if nothing else, this should be his peak.

Just like the Uchiha Yan used to be.

Unexpectedly, Uchiha Shinichi has unknowingly grown into a shadow-level powerhouse.

"Great Elder, when Uchiha Fugaku defeated you and became the patriarch, many of us feel sorry for you."

"But now, Patriarch Fugaku seems to be a little powerless, I think we should elect Shinichi to become the new patriarch!"

At this moment, someone whispered advice beside Uchiha Yan.

What happened in front of the Hokage Building today, Uchiha Fugaku's performance was not outstanding.

In addition to the matter of defending Uchiha Shinichi, it seems that Uchiha's patriarch is extremely compromising with the Hokage lineage.

This aroused the resentment of all the Uchiha people even more.

They thought that Uchiha Fugaku was too weak.

"Hmph! If he was willing to join forces with Shinichi at that time, maybe he could directly end the Hokage Vein.

"That Tuan Zang may die directly!"

"We, the Uchiha family, can stand on the clouds today."

"Yes, yes, what a missed opportunity."

Uchiha Yan glanced at these clansmen and smiled in his heart.

Do you really dare to think?

And at this moment, Uchiha Shinichimi returned to the Uchiha family.

The eyes of all the clansmen looking at him were filled with awe and adoration!

"Detected Uchiha Field's recognition of the host's ability, reward 20 reputation points!"

"Detected by Izumi Uchiha's recognition of the host's ability, reward 20 reputation points!"


"Detected by Sasuke Uchiha's recognition of the host's ability, reward 20 reputation points!"

Uchiha Shinichi swept his eyes and saw Sasuke Uchiha extremely excited in the crowd.

The current Uchiha Sasuke is only five years old, and he is completely a cute little Shota.

And he ran directly to Shinichi Uchiha.

"New brother, I also want to become so strong as you, can you teach me?"

Uchiha Sasuke pulled the corner of Uchiha Shinichi's clothes, looking longing.

No one would have thought that this little Shota would become one of the strongest in the Hokage world in the future!

Uchiha Shinichi smiled, then bent down and touched Uchiha Sasuke's head.

"Of course you can, as long as Patriarch Fuyue agrees!"

And Uchiha Sasuke bounced home and told his family about it.

Of course, Uchiha Fugaku had no opinion.

Therefore, in the past few days, Uchiha Sasuke ran to the new family of Uchiha from time to time, and the two got along extremely happily.

And in just two days, the news of Uchiha Shinichi and Danzo not only spread throughout Konoha Village, but even other ninja villages knew that a new super genius had appeared in the Uchiha family.

At a young age, he already had the strength of the shadow level, and even sent Konoha's high-level Danzo to prison.

Many of the high-ranking officials of the Shinobi Village thoroughly memorized Shinichi Uchiha and constantly collected information about Shinichi Uchiha through their respective spies.

Hearing that this newly emerged powerhouse was the Uchiha clan, the other Shinobi Villages were relieved.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see the contradiction between the Uchiha clan and Konoha, and the appearance of Uchiha Shinichi is likely to aggravate the contradiction between the two.

So on the border of the Land of Fire, the ninjas of Iwa Ninja Village and Yunnin Village are all about to move!

At the moment in the village of Yu Shinobu, in a dark cave.

Bai Jue Apa Balabala tells a masked man about what happened in Konoha.

"Hehe, isn't this Uchiha Shinichi your contemporary?"

"He was in the limelight the other day, I guess he opened the kaleidoscope chakra eye?"

"After all, it is difficult for your Uchiha family to produce a shadow-level powerhouse, unless his pupil power changes qualitatively."

Bai Jue's concealment ability is super strong, and of course it is also deployed in Konoha Village.

And the Mask Man can quickly learn a lot of things that happened in Konoha through them.

The mask man snorted coldly at this moment: "How is it possible?" Uchiha Shinichi's kind of instrument is not qualified to open the kaleidoscope chakra eye at all. "

The mask man is naturally Uchiha Obito, who was once the same time as Kakashi, Rin Harano, and Shinichi Uchiha.

Uchiha Obito thinks he knows Shinichi Uchiha well.

After all, this guy used to be his fierce rival.

In the Uchiha family, the two are the difference between genius and crane tail.

And Uchiha Shinichi has been bullying him since he was a child, so he is very impressed by Uchiha Shinichi.

However, after opening the kaleidoscope chakra eye, Uchiha Obito never put anyone in his eyes again.

Including Shinichi Uchiha, a former strong enemy.

At this moment, when he heard Bai Jue Ah Fei's words, he immediately scoffed.

But he suffered a devastating blow to open this damn kaleidoscopic chakra eye.

"But I witnessed Lynn's death to open the kaleidoscope!"

How can a guy like Shinichi Uchiha who doesn't know how to understand feelings turn on that kind of pupil power?

If this cursed eye was so easy to open, then what was his affection for Rin?

This is an insult to him, and even more so to Lynn's death.

Although Uchiha Obito didn't believe that the other party could open the kaleidoscope chakra eye, he did need to go to Konoha Village.

In any case, the current Uchiha Shinichi has become a shadow-level powerhouse.

There may be an impact on his plans.

And his next plan is to destroy the entire Uchiha family!!

It further weakens Konoha, and even achieves the purpose of destroying Konoha.

After all, the Nine-Tails Rebellion a few years ago was planned by him!

And he has already selected a suitable target for use, the true genius of the Uchiha family, Uchiha Itachi!

In fact, the death of Uchiha Itachi's friend before was a good show led by Uchiha Obito.

Sure enough, Uchiha Weasel lived up to his expectations and also opened the kaleidoscope chakra eye!

Just out of caution, Uchiha Obito didn't have much contact with Uchiha Itachi.

Because he doesn't know what kind of ability Uchiha has after opening his eyes.

Any strong person who opens the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye should not be underestimated!

Of course, Uchiha is actually more optimistic about Uchiha stopping water.

But through indirect contact, it was found that this guy who was known as an instant stop seemed to be simply a little terrifying.

And the will of fire is deeply rooted, and he really can't use such a guy.

And now, it seems that there is another Uchiha Shinichi.

"Shinichi Uchiha, it's time for us to meet!"

Uchiha clenched his fists with soil, and then his body slowly faded and disappeared.

Bai Jue Ah Fei smiled: "I thought that this guy with Obito had become very mature, but I didn't expect that a Uchiha Shinichi would make him so emotional!"

"It seems that there is a good show to watch!"


Uchiha clan land.

Uchiha Itachi, who had ended a few days of retreat, frowned deeply.

Because he had just opened the kaleidoscope chakra eye, his control of pupil power was very unstable.

So these days are spent in retreat.

To this day, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye has begun to stabilize.

Then he got incredible news.

"Shadow-level powerhouse Shinichi Uchiha?"

He looked incredulous.

After all, in his mind, it would be difficult for the Uchiha people who could not open the kaleidoscope chakra eye to break through to this realm.

And when he opened the kaleidoscope chakra eye, he obviously did not feel a strong yin in Shinichi Uchiha.

So in his opinion, Uchiha Shinichi should break through to this level through other methods.

However, for Uchiha Itachi, even a shadow-level powerhouse could not arouse his interest.

Shadow level, under the power of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, is just a little troublesome!

It's just that what Uchiha Shinichi did a few days ago completely brought the Uchiha family into the abyss.

Uchiha pushed open the door, only to see his younger brother Uchiha Sasuke bouncing out the door.

"Sasuke, where are you going?"

Uchiha Sasuke looked at Uchiha Itachi with some joy.

"Brother, you're finally out!"

"I'm going to go to my new brother's house, he taught me a lot of things!"

"Brother, how about we try it?"

Uchiha Itachi only felt a wave of fire rushing towards his Heavenly Spirit Cover!!

He endured his anger and tried to calm down.

"Don't go, Sasuke, what do you want to learn that my brother will teach you!"

The corners of Uchiha Sasuke's mouth twitched: "When my brother has spoken and counted, I don't need you to teach it, I will learn the same with my new brother!" "

Childlike and unscrupulous, but Uchiha Itachi is like a thorn in his heart.

Is this Shinichi Uchiha looking for death? Dare to provoke Sasuke?

Does he want to pass on his arrogance, ignorance to my brother?

Absolutely unforgivable!!

Uchiha Sasuke is definitely the anti-scale of Uchiha Itachi, he wants to train his younger brother to be useful to Konoha, definitely not a rebel like Uchiha Shinichi!

Although Uchiha Itachi loves Uchiha Sasuke very much, even if he kills everyone in the clan, he also leaves Uchiha Sasuke's life.

But in fact, he has always put Konoha first!!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have put other gods on Naruto ten years later.

If it wasn't for the accident, it would have caused the other heavenly gods to cover the filthy soil reincarnation of the medicine master's pocket!

The ultimate Betenjin will definitely be used on Sasuke!!

That is, the so-called guardian of Konoha, will forever make Sasuke a puppet of Konoha!

But now at this point in time, the figure of Shinichi Uchiha appeared by mistake!

At this moment, Uchiha Itachi wanted to slash, and Uchiha Shinichi's heart was there.

But young Uchiha Sasuke didn't want this, and ran away with a puff of smoke.

And Uchiha Weasel soon learned more information.

The Konoha and Uchiha families are no longer reconcilable.

In the past few days, the Uchiha family has frequently held family meetings, and it is obvious that Uchiha Shinichi has become the leader.

In addition to Uchiha Fugaku, he and important figures such as Uchiha Shisui, other high-ranking members of the Uchiha family basically participated in these meetings.

And all this comes from the name of the shadow-level powerhouse Shinichi Uchiha.

After Uchiha's new rise, the Uchiha family became more and more bold.

"This Uchiha Shinichi, really out of his own strength, does he think that he can defeat Konoha with his shadow-level strength?"

Uchiha Itachi's eyes were cold, and actions against Uchiha Shinichi had already begun to be brewed in his heart.

In his heart, Konoha and the Uchiha family must not go to war.

If necessary, it is up to him to solve those unstable factors in the Uchiha family.

For example, people like Shinichi Uchiha.

At this moment, of course, Uchiha Shinichi did not know Uchiha's intentions.

In the past few days, Shinichi Uchiha's home has been crowded endlessly.

Many Uchiha people came to visit him.

This made Uchiha Shinichi's father, Uchiha Yan, very happy, and he was proud to have such a son.

Of course, Shinichi Uchiha will not miss this opportunity.

In front of the clansmen, he made impassioned speeches and spurned the Hokage lineage.

It immediately resonated with the clansmen, so Shinichi Uchiha once again gained some prestige points.

And all this is what Shinichi Uchiha wants.

Not only to gain the prestige of the Uchiha clan, but also to prepare himself for ascending to the position of the patriarch of the Uchiha clan.

Shinichi Uchiha, who was at home at this time, suddenly had some information in his mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for triggering the instant mission: defeat Uchiha to stop the water!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for triggering the Instant Mission: Defeat Uchiha Itachi!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for triggering the instant mission: defeat the masked man Uchiha Obito! "

Trigger an instant mission?? And still three?

The two missions of defeating Uchiha Shui and Uchiha Itachi are still well understood.

After all, his own approach and those two two and five are in a state of opposition.

Maybe maybe even Uchiha has begun to sharpen his knife and prepare to end this heresy of his own.

It's just a pity that he is not those innocent Uchiha people under the night of extinction.

And defeating the masked man Uchiha with soil, this task is a little difficult to understand.

"Could it be that Obito has already arrived in Konoha? Ready to do something again?

Uchiha was wary at first.

Although the current Uchiha Obito is not strong, the special nature of Kamui Sharingan makes him invincible.

"However, this guy doesn't know my details!"

He possesses the god-level skill of the Dark Contract, so it is not easy for Uchiha Obito to capture him into the Kamui space.

"If you really meet him, you may be able to use the information gap to catch him off guard."

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